/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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December 2009
7213899Potato QuestPotato becomes a Satanic vegetable overmind.Potato Quest, Collective Game2009-12-20 13 
7214709Angrycorp. CEO QuestANGRY CEO buys Games Workshop, complimentary to PotatoQuest.Potato Quest, Collective Game, Angry2009-12-20 5 
7222287Potato Quest Part 2Our horrible creation grows, and assimilates the CEO of Angrycorp.Potato Quest, Collective Game2009-12-21 3 
7222642AngryCorp CEO QuestIF WE SEE THAT FUCKING POTATO ONE MORE GODDAMN TIMEAngry, CEO, Potato Quest, Collective Game2009-12-21 2 
7236915Potato Quest Part 3The potato's influence spreads to two houses and the CEO is sent to hell again.Potato Quest, Collective Game, Weston2009-12-22 0 
7237329AngryCorp Quest 3Great, now we're in fucking TARTARUS. As if we didn't have to put up with enough shit, what with that goddamn potato.Angry, CEO, Potato Quest, Collective Game2009-12-22 0 
September 2016
638726Academy Tournament Organization QuestYour name is Keiichi Hirayama. You have guns. You and your sister have been forced to help organize a Japanese battle academy tournament.Academy Tournament Organization Quest, ATO Quest, Collective Game, Anime2016-09-30 14 
October 2016
673077Academy Tournament Organization Quest 2The Hirayama Siblings receive their next task. Time to investigate some delinquents!Academy Tournament Organization Quest, ATO Quest, Collective Game, Anime2016-10-08 12 
700640Academy Tournament Organization Quest 3Confronting two gangs and meeting one smug rich girl.Academy Tournament Organization Quest, ATO Quest, Collective Game, Anime2016-10-15 10 
November 2016
771652Academy Tournament Organization Quest 4When a heiress's underclasswoman starts acting strange, it's best to tail her and see what's going on. Also, there's a kidnapping.Academy Tournament Organization Quest, ATO Quest, Collective Game, Anime2016-11-01 11 
819527Academy Tournament Organization Quest 5The third task finally ends. Florence Rutherford has been sufficiently entertained.Academy Tournament Organization Quest, ATO Quest, Collective Game, Anime2016-11-13 10 
January 2017
983566Academy Tournament Organization Quest 6Task 4: Recollections, psychic girls, date games and angry chefs. Keiichi crashes a van with his sister.Academy Tournament Organization Quest, ATO Quest, Collective Game, Anime2017-01-01 11 
1092277Academy Tournament Organization Quest 7THe rain falls. A man gets stabbed. The spirit of firearms observes. Keiichi gets into yet another bloody fight with an enemy magus.Academy Tournament Organization Quest, ATO Quest, Collective Game, Anime2017-01-29 10 
February 2017
1152256Academy Tournament Organization Quest 8Makoto has a mental breakdown. The Hirayama Siblings get started on the next task. There's a Valentine's Day special too. Short thread.Academy Tournament Organization Quest, ATO Quest, Collective Game, Anime2017-02-12 10 
1199569Academy Tournament Organization Quest 9Keiichi gets vomited on. Airi panics. Florence offers a challenge. Michiko gets way too excited for an ordinary school diva.Academy Tournament Organization Quest, ATO Quest, Collective Game, Anime2017-02-26 11 
March 2017
1226169Academy Tournament Organization Quest 10Keiichi gets to know a spirit of a revolver...which should be impossible?Academy Tournament Organization Quest, ATO Quest, Collective Game, Anime2017-03-05 6 
1279250Academy Tournament Organization Quest 11Keiichi shows Avery around his school and talks about the people he knows.Academy Tournament Organization Quest, ATO Quest, Collective Game, Anime2017-03-19 7 
1302091Academy Tournament Organization Quest 12Hideki's magic art is finally revealed. But the conflicts just don't stop...Academy Tournament Organization Quest, ATO Quest, Collective Game, Anime2017-03-26 8 
April 2017
1325071Academy Tournament Organization Quest 13Things are starting to get serious for the Hirayama siblings...Academy Tournament Organization Quest, ATO Quest, Collective Game, Anime2017-04-02 5 
1369028Academy Tournament Organization Quest 14A day and a half passes.Academy Tournament Organization Quest, ATO Quest, Collective Game, Anime2017-04-17 7 
1390022Academy Tournament Organization Quest 15QM tries to flake out again, but helpful anons manage to convince him not to be such a defeatist pussy. Day 8 continues.Academy Tournament Organization Quest, ATO Quest, Collective Game, Anime2017-04-25 6 
July 2017
1651075Academy Tournament Organisation Quest 16Out of the ink-splattered gymnasium and into the domain of the spirit of firearms.Academy Tournament Organization Quest, ATO Quest, Collective Game, Anime2017-07-09 8 
1670617Academy Tournament Organisation Quest 17Stalking a girl is likely to get you arrested. Fortunately, Keiichi Hirayama doesn't care.Academy Tournament Organization Quest, ATO Quest, Collective Game, Anime2017-07-16 6 
August 2017
1744060Academy Tournament Organisation Quest 18Reality is a pain, especially when there's a cleaver made out of ink going straight for your neck.Academy Tournament Organization Quest, ATO Quest, Collective Game, Anime2017-08-06 3 
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