/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

November 2011
16919381Hellspawn's NationbuilderA nationbuilder game, based off Skargan's nation builder ruleset.Collective Game, Benevolent Hellspawn, Nationbuilder, nation builder, civilization, civilization game 2011-11-12 2 
November 2012
21743915Nation Game RP - Skype GameHomebrew nation building/diplomacy game played on Skype, with regular weekly updates on /tg/ with the games progress and interaction with other members of /tg/nation, nation builder, roleplay, writefaggotry, game design2012-11-25 3 
December 2012
21951711Nation Game RP - Part TwoHomebrew Nation Building Game played every week on Skype as I writefag weekly updates for /tg/. This week our Professor takes us through the second turbulent year of the Proto-Age, where the thunder of war increases and violence accelerates with the rapid expansion of the new city-states.nation, nation builder, roleplay, writefaggotry, writefag, homebrew, worldbuilding, storytime 2012-12-08 8 
February 2013
23000401Cossack Nation BuilderNations are formed, research goes down, cossacks are fought. The dawn of a glorious new era.Collective Game, Cossack, Nation Builder, Civilization Quest, Civilization2013-02-06 8 
March 2013
23528903Cossack's Nation Builder Session #4War breaks out between the Storm Confederation and Mon'Grayr, gunpowder is developed, and the world gears for war.nation builder, collective game, Cossack's Nation Builder,2013-03-06 4 
23791419Cossack Nation Builder 5(I think)Nation building continues with war and industrycossack, nation builder, nation, builder2013-03-21 5 
23897076Cossack Nation Builder 6A regional conflict escalates into total war as the world divides into two factions; the Western Alliance and Eastern Star Coalition. Ironclads, riflemen and mythical Titans clash during a surprise invasion of the island nation of Mon’Grayr.cossack, nation builder, nation, builder2013-03-27 5 
April 2013
24019559cossack Nation Builder #7With the big players AFK things mellow, then get worsecossack, Collective Game, Nation Builder,2013-04-03 4 
24284234cossack Nation Builder #7Oh the humanity, the world is dyingcossack, Collective Game, Nation Builder,2013-04-17 3 
24423563cossack Nation Builder #9 (end)The world ends.cossack, Collective Game, Nation Builder,2013-04-24 9 
December 2013
29145000Nimble's Nation builderNimble GM's a nation builder with a bunch of wannabe piratesNation builder, Nimble2013-12-29 0 
January 2014
29726362Stellar Object 568-IISpace mining NBRP, Nation builder, Space, Horror2014-01-23 7 
April 2016
46566768LANA nation builder gameThe start of the LANA nation builder game, set in the early antiquityNation, Builder, Nation Builder, LANA, Myrea2016-04-13 1 
46648071LANA nation builder game part 2The game is starting to become something, as more and more anons join.Nation, Builder, Nation Builder, LANA, Myrea2016-04-13 1 
July 2016
48059415Colonies of Nibiru; First ThreadOrganizations and the nations of Earth colonize a mysterious 10th planet as people turn into fantasy creatures, unit said world is stranded!Collective Game, Civilization, Multiplayer Civ, Collective Civ, Civ, Nibiru, Nation Builder, Builder, Science Fantasy2016-07-09 5 
48126727Colonies of Nibiru; Second ThreadThe Anglosphere meets and converses, while dirty savages do dirty savage things! Also Newts somehow out-science actual research stations.Collective Game, Civilization, Multiplayer Civ, Collective Civ, Civ, Nibiru, Nation Builder, Builder, Science Fantasy2016-07-12 4 
48193779Colonies of Nibiru; Third ThreadThe current progress of each and every civilization are shown to the masses: needless to say, the results are most displeasing.Collective Game, Civilization, Multiplayer Civ, Collective Civ, Civ, Nibiru, Nation Builder, Builder, Science Fantasy2016-07-15 1 
48259204Colonies of Nibiru; Fourth ThreadTensions rise as the Free Army and New Albion throw eggs at each other, while the local natives outmaneuver Afairika in the global landgrab.Collective Game, Civilization, Multiplayer Civ, Collective Civ, Civ, Nibiru, Nation Builder, Builder, Science Fantasy2016-07-19 4 
August 2016
48708373The Lost Colonies: First ThreadA lush fantasy world laden with the mystical leyline grid: not all is as it appears, and dark forces maraud the world's civilized nations!Collective Game, Civilization, Multiplayer Civ, Collective Civ, Civ, Lost Colonies, Nation Builder, Builder, Science Fantasy2016-08-14 2 
48759006The Lost Colonies: Second ThreadThe orcs of the War Wizard and Troll King clash while nations drop like flies in the face of the scourge of the Huh!Collective Game, Civilization, Multiplayer Civ, Collective Civ, Civ, Lost Colonies, Nation Builder, Builder, Science Fantasy2016-08-18 1 
48831379Forgotten Colonies: Third ThreadThe end of the Huh! Four nations band together to defeat this barbarian threat as the Western Tribes lose their independence!Collective Game, Civilization, Multiplayer Civ, Collective Civ, Civ, Lost Colonies, Nation Builder, Builder, Science Fantasy2016-08-22 1 
March 2017
1217724Hexion Nation Builder #1 (Rounds 1 - 3)A group of nations coexist with one another in the fantasy world of Hexion.Hexion Nation Builder, Nation Builder, Collective Game2017-03-05 1 
1226125Great War Era Nation GameAbandoned by the eternal faggot known as OP. The thread was saved, because there were some interesting nations that were created.Collective Game, Nation Builder, WW1, Great War2017-03-14 1 
October 2017
1922764Fantasy Nation Builder In a world that no one has bothered to name yet, tribes of freaks and weirdos crawl out of the woodwork.Fantasy Nation Builder, Mudkip Overgod, May God help these poor fools, Ninja Monkeys2017-10-09 10 
1949287 Fantasy Nation Builder 2In a world that no one has bothered to name yet, the tribes of freaks and weirdos have build some shit and kill each other.Fantasy Nation Builder, Mudkip Overgod, May God help these poor fools, Ninja Monkeys2017-10-17 5 
1974552Fantasy Nation Builder 3In a world that still no one has bothered to name, the players wait patiently for OP while Merpires team up with orcs for the first war.Fantasy Nation Builder, Mudkip Overgod, May God help these poor fools, Ninja Monkeys2017-10-26 1 
November 2017
2014920Fantasy Nation Builder 4In a world that still no one has bothered to name, the cold war arms race is in full effect and hostilities start bubbling up...Fantasy Nation Builder, Mudkip Overgod, May God help these poor fools, Ninja Monkeys, Builder, Builders2017-11-08 2 
2052973Fantasy Nation Builder 5In a world that still no one has bothered to name, WW1 is about to start and OP mysteriously vanishes...Fantasy Nation Builder, Mudkip Overgod, May God help these poor fools, Ninja Monkeys, Builder, Builders2017-11-15 1 
2078151The Gnome's Olive Branch BuilderA convoluted alt-history nation builder hosted by an 8chan member for qstNation Builder, Builder, 8chan, Alt-history2017-11-18 3 
December 2017
2075257Aku's Fantasy Nation Builder #1Another fantasy nationbuilder, another world no one bothers to name. Following mudkips rulesetqm aku, fantasy nation builder, mudkip2017-12-02 1 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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