/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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October 2017
1955322Gamer Quest 1A stereotypical shut-in gamer is visited by a strange being and given a stranger power for the thing's amusement. Gamer Quest, The Smiling Man, Collective Game, Video Games2017-10-19 3 
1982444Gamer Quest 2Alex Davidson becomes a Wild Mage, gets kidnapped by the Mafia, and has a crazy breakout, not necessarily in that order.Gamer Quest, The Smiling Man, Collective Game, Video Games2017-10-25 2 
November 2017
2009890Gamer Quest 3You nuked a town and unleashed a death plague on the world. What else can I say?Gamer Quest, The Smiling Man, Collective Game, Video Games2017-11-03 0 
2034889Gamer Quest 4The protagonist tries to take down a gifted with movie-based powers. Even if you leave this thread you will never leave this thread.Gamer Quest, The Smiling Man, Collective Game, Video Games2017-11-13 2 
2065715Gamer Quest 5The truth behind the power you've been granted is revealed and a delicate truce established.Gamer Quest, The Smiling Man, Collective Game, Video Games2017-11-21 2 
December 2017
2087709Gamer Quest 6You accidentally summon Metatron, who directs you to kill the Watcher hiding out in Moscow. Then you create a "Slav elf what do" situationGamer Quest, Gamer, Quest, The Smiling Man, Collective Game2017-12-02 2 
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