/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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November 2013
28051559World of LenoreThe tale of Lenore continues, as 4channers settle a new world.collective game; lenore quest2013-11-03 13 
28084685Lenore thread 2, in which trade begins and we find /b/ turning to chaos. Lenore , Collectivegame2013-11-05 10 
28385752World of Lenore 8The Confederacy of /tg/ meets aliens!Collective Game, lenore quest2013-11-23 5 
28502103World of Lenore 9A new visitor brings an Ultralight and the story of Lenore continues!Collective Game, lenore quest2013-11-28 5 
December 2013
28582835World of Lenore 10Twins are born, a massive writedump by writefag Expat, the expedition west starts an influx of /sci/entists and debates rage in Kog.Collective Game, lenore quest2013-12-03 6 
28635570World of Lenore 11Fedorans appear and attack River City and Kog, while Catan is raided by YkingsCollective Game, lenore quest2013-12-08 6 
28724936World of Lenore AgainThe /y/kings raid in hopes of plundering booty, /tg/'s confederacy prepares for war with the Fedorans.Collective Game, lenore quest2013-12-11 6 
28826038World of Lenore 13Discussion on /a/ and /cgl/, research of Lenorean Flor and Fauna and Etherial Tech, a settlement founded on the production of Mead and Rangers strike out on two different expeditions.Collective Game, lenore quest2013-12-18 8 
28943773World of Lenore 14in which many things happen and we gain a few new writers. Gearing up for a counter attack on Fedoran lands and kickstarting industry in our towns, mars gun pattern highly debatedcollective game, lenore, lenore quest, writefag, alien world, stranded, irc2013-12-24 6 
January 2014
29201755World of Lenore 16Fedorans shoot babies off towers and strike back against the 6th Column, while Ms Fortune deals with the Whizzard in Kitycity. New Babel Founded and more fluff on the world of Lenore. Thread 15 included in archivefoolz link.Collective Game, lenore, lenore quest, writefag, alien world, stranded, irc2014-01-06 7 
29322950World of Lenore 17Manx and Ms.Fortune finally meet, Lewis Carrol gets some love, the Expat returns, Population figures are discussed and New Babel in /int/ gets new fluff.Collective Game, lenore, lenore quest, writefag, alien world, stranded, irc2014-01-10 6 
29435172World of Lenore 18In which Matthew and ButterRoot Mayor have some words, Commander Manx and Ms. Fortune set plans for the fate of Kitty City, A convoy sets out from Honeypot and Various new creatures are fleshed out. Oh and the 8th wave is starting to appear.collective game, lenore, lenore quest, writefag, alien world, stranded, irc2014-01-15 7 
29538459World of Lenore 19The 8th wave begins! The Confed Counsel debates gun control and the new thread rising from Fedoran Lands. A cease fire is brokered with /y/ and /b/. Lucky takes over running Camp Abaddon and the Confed counsel starts the Department of Wave Affairs. The EMC spreads it's network and mounts a rescue operation to /sci/ lands. The rise of Bloke's 8th waver city starts as does the appearance of a strange Bearded with a unlikely ally.collective game, lenore, lenore quest, writefag, alien world, stranded, irc2014-01-20 8 
February 2014
29874335World of Lenore 21/tg/ makes peace with the /y/kings and /b/ and assembles its army to invade the Fedoran Empire.Collective Game, lenore quest2014-02-02 6 
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