/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

February 2012
17951578Elf Slave QuestWe are building a forest for orcs. Collective Game, Elf Slave Quest2012-02-15 15 
17967413Elf Slave Quest IIwe approach a goblin camp. dum dum dum. Collective Game, Elf Slave Quest2012-02-16 12 
17981130Elf Slave Quest IIIWe manage to improve our status in the goblin tribe as it heads northeast.Collective Game, Elf Slave Quest2012-02-17 11 
18033403Elf Slave Quest VAnother grekl comes to Web with a mysterious offer. Her life may depend on it.Collective Game, Elf Slave Quest2012-02-21 9 
18060950Elf Slave Quest VIA misunderstanding results in Web falling out with her goblin tribe. Shit gets real.Collective Game, Elf Slave Quest2012-02-23 7 
18128288Elf Slave Quest VI.5A short installment, in which we make our defection to Grekl Mogla official.Collective Game, Elf Slave Quest2012-02-28 5 
January 2014
29301897Wage Slave QuestFrank the Troll Social Adept WageMage goes to a meeting. Goes to work, things happen.Collective Game, Wage Slave Quest, Shadowrun2014-01-06 17 
29350298Shadowrun Quest #2Go Barhopping, get into a barfight, win, and get picked up by the police and meet some ShadowrunnersCollective Game, Wage Slave Quest, Shadowrun2014-01-08 13 
29417305Wage Slave Quest #3We go to work. Do some work, make buddies with the boss.Wage Slave Quest, Shadowrun, Collective Game2014-01-11 8 
29468871Wage Slave Quest #4We get back from lunch, go try to convince a racist to buy water guns, and are late to a meetingWage Slave Quest, Shadowrun, Collective Game2014-01-13 7 
29561809Wage Slave Quest #5We call the cops on those creeps, play shadowrunner, stop the creeps, almost get burned in the process, and finally talk to the police.Collective Game, Wage Slave Quest, Shadowrun2014-01-17 8 
29631300Wage Slave Quest #6Frank goes to the doctors, has a talk with a nurse and then a security guard. Meet with the doctor. Have a talk about memories and needles, then get back to work the next day.Collective Game, Wage Slave Quest, Shadowrun2014-01-20 7 
February 2016
45708138Song of Spite #1A day in the life of a slaveSlave Quest, New, First Thread 2016-02-29 4 
March 2016
46117816Song of Spite #2In which we make a deal with Old Scratch and kill our master.Slave Quest, Scratch, God of War, Revenge2016-03-20 2 
March 2018
2355201Elf Slave Quest #1A poor alchemist buys an elf slave assistantElf Slave Quest, Watdo, Alchemy2018-03-04 32 
2372935Elf Slave Quest #2We process the phoenix ash and lay down some ground rules with our slaveElf Slave Quest, Watdo, Alchemy 2018-03-11 20 
2394975Elf Slave Quest #3We are become Toad, destroyer of thievesWatdo, Elf Slave Quest, Fantasy2018-03-18 15 
2413757Elf Slave Quest #4We go shopping for shoes and supplies and accept a job from ToadElf Slave Quest, Watdo, Alchemy2018-03-26 16 
April 2018
2433680Elf Slave Quest #5We do our job for Toad, get loadsamoney, and get accused of being a heart breaker by Franklin.Elf Slave Quest, Watdo, Alchemy2018-04-01 13 
2455383Elf Slave Quest #6We buy a home security system and some booksElf Slave Quest, Watdo, Alchemy2018-04-08 11 
2473488Elf Slave #7We read some books and visit the templeElf Slave Quest, Watdo, Alchemy2018-04-15 12 
2492465Elf Slave Quest #8We finish up at the orphanage and finally make the analgesicsElf Slave Quest, Watdo, Alchemy2018-04-22 13 
2510485Elf Slave Quest #9We make some anabolics and become strongElf Slave Quest, Watdo, Alchemy2018-04-29 10 
May 2018
2531507Elf Slave Quest #10We accept a job from RocheElf Slave Quest, Watdo, Alchemy2018-05-06 14 
July 2018
2747399Elf Slave Quest #11We start pulling our hair out trying to save the lizardman. Elf Slave Quest, Watdo, Alchemy2018-07-22 13 
2765150Elf Slave Quest #12We alchemy with Elf bloodElf Slave Quest, Watdo, Alchemy2018-07-30 11 
August 2018
2781797Elf Slave Quest #13We punch Franklin in the face and play as Toad for a bit.Elf Slave Quest, Watdo, Alchemy.2018-08-05 10 
2798354Elf Slave Quest #14We meet with AntipaterElf Slave Quest, Watdo, Alchemy.2018-08-13 10 
2815310Elf Slave Quest #15We have dinner with NinaElf Slave Quest, Watdo, Alchemy.2018-08-25 10 
September 2018
2834343Elf Slave Quest #16We chat with a mageknight then go shoppingElf Slave Quest, Watdo, Alchemy.2018-09-03 12 
2888622Elf Slave Quest #17We punch Toad in the face and discover a full blown conspiracy.Elf Slave Quest, Watdo, Alchemy.2018-09-16 13 
May 2019
3514945Young Justice: Meta Human Slave QuestWe create our character, fight for our life, meet a princess, and go to villain school.The Monitor of E-16, Young Justice, Meta Human Slave quest, Cape shit, not!prototype/pillarman protag, Fuck HIVE, Collective Game2019-05-25 17 
June 2019
3529455Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest # 2We learn how to become a Big Guy, expand our (literal?)gang, learn about the conspiracy to brainwash us, and butt heads with Snowball. The Monitor of E-16, Meta Human Slave Quest, Body Horror?, Cape Shit, Collective Game, Fuck Psychics, Shape Shifting, 2019-06-03 7 
3553097Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest # 3Where we visit Caitlin in the hospital and OP flakes.The Monitor of E-16, Young Justice, Meta Human Slave quest, Cape shit, not!prototype/pillarman protag, Fuck HIVE, Collective Game, RIP2019-06-22 6 
October 2019
3848369Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest # 4 Qm comes back, we make some sweet gains, and we get Cait to open up about her traumaThe Monitor of E-16, Young Justice, Meta human slave quest, Cape Shit, collective game2019-10-20 2 
November 2019
3874844Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest #5We spar with Caitlin. That's about it since OP was too "busy" to update much. The Monitor of E-16, Young Justice, Meta Human Slave Quest, Cape Shit, Collective Game, 2019-11-04 2 
September 2021
4980802Stand Quest Sagas: Okinawan Slave Quest #1Our protagonist begins his trials and tribulations on the shores of Nanjing.Stand Quest Sagas, Okinawan Slave Quest, Collective Game2021-09-15 0 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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