/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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January 2012
17547932Kamen Rider WARP CORE BREACHIn what starts as another request for a nonexistent toku RPG, a fa/tg/uy gives a short storytiem about being sent into orbit and then Rule of Cooling back to earth. kamen, rider, warp core breach, henshin, justice, teleporting is for wimps and children2012-01-15 7 
January 2017
1029919Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 2TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! We send albino waifu off to war with her sons in hand while James becomes the leader he could be.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-14 2 
1043980Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 3TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! We send albino waifu off to war with her sons in hand while James becomes the leader he could be.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-17 4 
1057812Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 4We spend most of the time playing as Valentina and Hunter Squad, but the ritual is moving forward.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-19 2 
1067416Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 5I didn't fall asleep shut up. Oni gets him some whilst the bugs hunt people.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-24 3 
1085557Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 6The longest ritual ever continues, James begins to feel a little isolation while OP gets sick.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-26 2 
February 2017
1111121Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 7The Part where Star comes back only for life to take him away again.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-02-02 2 
March 2017
1223871Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 8We complete Ritual 3 amidst trying circumstances. The scope of this year's collateral damage is staggering.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513, 2017-03-05 2 
1236904Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 EpilogueWe complete Ritual 3 amidst trying circumstances. The scope of this year's collateral damage is staggering.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-03-09 2 
1263983Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Epilogue FINWe complete Ritual 3 amidst trying circumstances. The scope of this year's collateral damage is staggering.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C455132017-03-14 2 
April 2017
1348324Breachers: Burnout [Skirmish]A collection of contractors embark on a simple mission to investigate a cult, and surprisingly light very litle on fireSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, Breachers, Art?, Skirmish Sketch2017-04-16 5 
1369122Breachers: Hotel Holiday [Skirmish]Hunting for Father Meloch, The Company visits a down-town hotel. They can check in any time they like, but. . . Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, breaches, Art?, Skirmish Sketch2017-04-29 5 
May 2017
1452083Breachers: Hotel Holiday [Skirmish]After capturing father Meloch,the teams accepts a job from MerkalinSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, breaches, Art?, Skirmish Sketch2017-05-24 5 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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