/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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May 2010
9740662Bloodquest 3Subject 82 encounters a few other Arkham escapees, with fucking disastrous resultsBlood quest, Collaborative Storytelling, Quest Thread.2010-05-11 23 
9746933Bloodquest 4Subject 82 isn't in Kansas anymore, or rather, she is in Kansas now.Blood quest, Collaborative Storytelling, Quest Thread.2010-05-11 20 
June 2019
3556272Military Mage AcademyMarcus, our character, begins his second year at Fort Ticonderoga Military Academy.Military School, Magic, Collaborative Storytelling, Marcus2019-06-22 1 
July 2019
3592918Military Mage Academy #2The second year starts off with a bang, as Marcus investigates an assassination attempt.Military School, Magic, Collaborative Storytelling, Marcus2019-07-06 1 
September 2021
81073619The Village of BrinRead the tales of Brin, cursed farming hamlet, and their struggles. Inspired by a single-card RPG.Collaborative Storytelling2021-09-03 17 
June 2024
93122130/tg/ argues about a game that doesn't existOP gives a QRD about edition changes for a game nobody's ever played. Antics ensue.Trismagistus, worldbuilding, wargame, homebrew, collaborative storytelling2024-06-25 9 
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