/qst/ Thread Archive

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January 2014
29404310Sexual Encounter QuestYou are Miranda Rook, math genius and 26 year old virgin. Your coworkers invite you to go bar hopping and maybe get laid. You decide to buy an army instead. Collective Game, Sexual Encounter Quest, Mercenaries2014-01-10 39 
29546162Sexual Encounter Quest 2You are Miranda Rook, math genius and 26 year old virgin. You contact a lawyer for his services, and get prettied up in preparation for a meeting.Collective Game, Sexual Encounter Quest, Mercenaries2014-01-16 37 
29671473Sexual Encounter Quest 3You are Miranda Rook, math genius and 26 year old virgin. You perform some identity theft on a colleague and get a fancy new suit.Collective Game, Sexual Encounter Quest, Mercenaries2014-01-21 24 
29913013Sexual Encounter Quest 4You are Miranda Rook, math genius and 26 year old virgin. You kick a mugger in the dick, pick up a sharp new suit (OOHHH BARACUDAAAA) and ask your boss for a raise.Collective Game, Sexual Encounter Quest, Mercenaries2014-01-31 26 
February 2014
29961570Sexual Encounter Quest 5You are Miranda Rook, math genius and 26 year old virgin. You finally get to meet Captain Koojimans and discuss the acquisition of Peregrine Immediate, get to know the good Captain a little bit more and pick up a tail.Collective Game, Sexual Encounter Quest, Mercenaries2014-02-02 25 
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