/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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November 2013
28084685Lenore thread 2, in which trade begins and we find /b/ turning to chaos. Lenore , Collectivegame2013-11-05 10 
28273175Lenore Thread 5Festivities are had, Shipbuilding commences, Camp Abaddon is established, the Elf War starts and many other things happen.Lenore, Collectivegame, alien world2013-11-17 6 
January 2014
29654557Deniable Assets QuestA nameless rookie mercenary gets his bearings on a personnel acquisition missionCollectivegame, Deniable Assets Quest2014-01-20 39 
May 2016
185820Alchemist QuestTheodore was just a normal alchemist trying to create something, but things start to get out of control.Quest,Priestess,CollectiveGame,Alchemist2016-05-30 3 
September 2024
6067385The Emperor's GameThe Emperor's health is failing but he is without an heir to take his place. A game will be played to find one.TheEmperor'sGame, ImperialJester, CollectiveGame, MarshallKabot, 2024-09-22 0 
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