/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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December 2013
29010325Quest for Arcadia Quest Part 1Ash hacks the game and gets into some PvP.Quest for Arcadia Quest, Arcadia Quest, Collective Game, Arcadia2013-12-22 29 
29032196Quest for Arcadia Quest Part 2Ash logs back in and starts building a bridge, meets another player and contemplates betrayal.Quest for Arcadia Quest, Arcadia Quest, Collective Game, Arcadia2013-12-23 13 
29136269Quest for Arcadia Quest Part 3Ash explores a city and acquires a new bow. In the real world, she gets lit on fire.Quest for Arcadia Quest, Arcadia Quest, Collective Game, Arcadia2013-12-29 11 
29177944Quest for Arcadia Quest Part 4Ash has an awkward conversation with Emily, and goes on an adventure in the city.Quest for Arcadia Quest, Arcadia Quest, Collective Game, Arcadia2013-12-31 11 
January 2014
29198918Quest for Arcadia Quest Part 5More adventures with Trish and Shrike.Quest for Arcadia Quest, Arcadia Quest, Collective Game, Arcadia2014-01-01 11 
29328793Quest for Arcadia Quest Part 6The slave is found, and loot is acquired. Shrike and Trish's true classes are revealed.Quest for Arcadia Quest, Arcadia Quest, Collective Game, Arcadia2014-01-07 12 
29442060Quest for Arcadia Quest Part 7Ash discovers Melissa is a gamer, and that Jess saw everything. Mason is introduced.Quest for Arcadia Quest, Arcadia Quest, Collective Game, Arcadia2014-01-12 10 
29496869Quest For Arcadia Quest 8Ash goes with Trish, Shrike, and Lily to farm EXP in a graveyard.Quest for Arcadia Quest, Arcadia Quest, Collective Game, Arcadia2014-01-14 10 
29633805Quest for Arcadia Quest Part 9Kicking arse with Lily, Trish and Shrike. A boss is defeated, and Ash earns her wings.Quest for Arcadia Quest, Arcadia Quest, Collective Game, Arcadia2014-01-20 10 
29711832Quest for Arcadia Quest Part 10Dinner with Emily and her friends. It goes better than expected. The party is ambushed.Quest for Arcadia Quest, Arcadia Quest, Collective Game, Arcadia2014-01-23 12 
29881562Quest for Arcadia Quest Part 11A bow is upgraded, a prisoner interrogated, and the trail leads Ash to...the beach?Quest for Arcadia Quest, Arcadia Quest, Collective Game, Arcadia2014-01-30 10 
February 2014
30152259Quest for Arcadia Quest Part 12The battle for the bridge is won and a duel declined. Ash asks Jess out for coffee.Quest for Arcadia Quest, Arcadia Quest, Collective Game, Arcadia2014-02-11 10 
30463138Quest for Arcadia Quest Part 13Dr Green explains the real life basis for the slaves. Ash fixes things.Quest for Arcadia Quest, Arcadia Quest, Collective Game, Arcadia2014-02-25 10 
March 2014
30715159Quest for Arcadia Quest Part 14Jess is recruited to the cause and tells Ash about her loopy parents. Ash finds Melissa in-game.Quest for Arcadia Quest, Arcadia Quest, Collective Game, Arcadia2014-03-09 10 
30897884Quest for Arcadia Quest Part 15Grinding with Trish, Shrike and Amadeus. Amadeus wakes up something that was best left asleep.Quest for Arcadia Quest, Arcadia Quest, Collective Game, Arcadia2014-03-18 10 
31044729Quest for Arcadia Quest Part 16A tough battle with a reanimated boar. Lots of loot. An expedition is planned.Quest for Arcadia Quest, Arcadia Quest, Collective Game, Arcadia2014-03-25 10 
April 2014
31327641Quest for Arcadia Quest Part 17Ash meets Jess's parents, and they overreact somewhat. A book is acquired.Quest for Arcadia Quest, Arcadia Quest, Collective Game, Arcadia2014-04-08 10 
31606188Quest for Arcadia Quest Part 18The world changes. Ash upgrades her gear, and a fire at the dorms prompts a rescue effort.Quest for Arcadia Quest, Arcadia Quest, Collective Game, Arcadia2014-04-21 10 
31787310Quest for Arcadia Quest Part 19Ash wakes up. Melissa doesn't. In game, a storm is coming.Quest for Arcadia Quest, Arcadia Quest, Collective Game, Arcadia2014-04-29 11 
May 2015
40257183Neo Arcadia Quest #1In which our hero gathers some supplies, plays laser tag with a Golem, and makes a new friend.Neo Arcadia Quest, Collective Game, Megaman2015-05-30 5 
June 2015
40406256Neo Arcadia Quest #2In which our hero gets a psych eval, a paintjob, and kills the last dinosaur/Greek.Neo Arcadia Quest, Collective Game, Megaman2015-06-06 5 
40758737Neo Arcadia Quest #3In which our hero gets fixed up, debriefed, new weapons, some training, and engage in some shenanigans!Neo Arcadia Quest, Collective Game, Megaman2015-06-23 4 
July 2015
40967849Neo Arcadia Quest #4In which our hero fails at poker and gets his Snake on.Neo Arcadia Quest, collective game, Megaman2015-07-02 1 
41390291Neo Arcadia Quest #5In which our hero mows down mooks and defuses via dice.Neo Arcadia Quest, collective game, Megaman2015-07-22 2 
September 2015
42436838Neo Arcadia Quest #6In which our hero returns to base and coughs dramatically.Neo Arcadia Quest, collective game, Megaman2015-09-13 1 
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