/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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September 2013
26990741 /tg/ Text Adventure Quest: Chapter 10Now begins the story of the Rollin Bones, half-dryad mage and son of Mr. Bones.Collective Game, Mage, new beggings, succubi, slime girl2013-09-03 4 
September 2015
42630206Monster Girl Academy Quest 2Lucy's first day at Tartarus Academy. What adventures will she have? will she make friends? Enemies? Or even get used to being made out of slime?!. Early archiveCollective Game, Monster Girl Academy Quest, The Headmaster, Monster Girl, Monster Girls, Academy, Slime Girl2015-09-20 11 
42800847Monster Girl Academy Quest 3Another Day at Tartarus Academy. What sort of a day will it be for Lucy? Good or Bad? Early archiveCollective Game, Monster Girl Academy Quest, The Headmaster, Monster Girl, Monster Girls, Academy, Slime Girl2015-09-29 11 
October 2015
43039398Monster Girl Academy Quest 4The spirit of Halloween starts to seep into Tartarus Academy for Monster girls, and with it comes many strange happenings... if this is the lead up, I can't wait for the holiday itself. Early archiveCollective Game, Monster Girl Academy Quest, The Headmaster, Monster Girl, Monster Girls, Academy, Slime Girl2015-10-12 10 
43221263Monster Girl Academy Quest 5Another day at Tartarus academy, That starts off with an annoying PSA. Meanwhile the spirit of halloween gets closer and closer, and some students get a little wild. Early archiveCollective Game, Monster Girl Academy Quest, The Headmaster, Monster Girl, Monster Girls, Academy, Slime Girl2015-10-22 9 
43394465Monster Girl Academy Quest 6: HALLOWEEN SPECIALGhouls, ghosts and spooks roam the halls, it's that magical time of year, Oh what fun a slime can have today. Early archiveCollective Game, Monster Girl Academy Quest, The Headmaster, Monster Girl, Monster Girls, Academy, Slime Girl2015-10-31 8 
November 2015
43507590Monster Girl Academy Quest 7A witch? Wait witches aren't real, what's going on here?! and why is she so interested in Lucy? early archiveCollective Game, Monster Girl Academy Quest, The Headmaster, Monster Girl, Monster Girls, Academy, Slime Girl2015-11-06 9 
43693798Monster Girl Academy Quest 8Lucy Gate tries to handle the knowledge that she's the reincarnation of legion, and why hasn't Baba Yaga gotten her own room yet?! early archiveCollective Game, Monster Girl Academy Quest, The Headmaster, Monster Girl, Monster Girls, Academy, Slime Girl2015-11-17 7 
43875586Monster Girl Academy Quest 9A new legend arises and decides that Tartarus Academy would make a wonderful nest. Early archiveCollective Game, Monster Girl Academy Quest, The Headmaster, Monster Girl, Monster Girls, Academy, Slime Girl2015-11-28 8 
December 2015
44063401Monster Girl Academy Quest 10Legends are a real pain sometimes, Maybe it's just better to ignore them. Early archiveCollective Game, Monster Girl Academy Quest, The Headmaster, Monster Girl, Monster Girls, Academy, Slime Girl2015-12-08 9 
44231542Monster Girl Academy Quest 11Wait, why does a slime have to take a physical fitness test?! it makes no sense! Early archive Collective Game, Monster Girl Academy Quest, The Headmaster, Monster Girl, Monster Girls, Academy, Slime Girl2015-12-17 7 
44395032Monster Girl Academy Quest 12Twas the day after christmas, and very few monster girls were stirring, since a great cold fell over the school, ah well, staying inside is fun to? right? early archiveCollective Game, Monster Girl Academy Quest, The Headmaster, Monster Girl, Monster Girls, Academy, Slime Girl2015-12-26 8 
January 2016
44549040Monster Girl Academy Quest 13After having a pretty bad week, Lucy has to take Sex education again, fuming all the way. What kind of bad luck can find her today? Early archiveCollective Game, Monster Girl Academy Quest, The Headmaster, Monster Girl, Monster Girls, Academy, Slime Girl2016-01-03 6 
44756818Monster Girl Academy Quest 14Fenris Howls. Early archiveCollective Game, Monster Girl Academy Quest, The Headmaster, Monster Girl, Monster Girls, Academy, Slime Girl2016-01-14 20 
44944657Monster Girl Academy Quest 15Life in Tartarus academy continues as usual, despite the four legendary monsters living inside of it. What will today bring? early archiveCollective Game, Monster Girl Academy Quest, The Headmaster, Monster Girl, Monster Girls, Academy, Slime Girl2016-01-22 7 
45096059Monster Girl Academy Quest 16A bored Slime? Oh how horrible! Well you can always find something to do!. Early archiveCollective Game, Monster Girl Academy Quest, The Headmaster, Monster Girl, Monster Girls, Academy, Slime Girl2016-01-30 7 
February 2016
45401352Monster Girl Academy Quest 17Miranda wants to talk to Lucy about something? But what..it seems urgent. Early archiveCollective Game, Monster Girl Academy Quest, The Headmaster, Monster Girl, Monster Girls, Academy, Slime Girl2016-02-13 8 
45539187Monster Girl Academy Quest 18Two slimes in love, well this can only go well!Collective Game, Monster Girl Academy Quest, The Headmaster, Monster Girl, Monster Girls, Academy, Slime Girl2016-02-20 7 
March 2016
45967651Monster Girl Academy Quest 19Demon and Slime, Sisters reunited! early archive Collective Game, Monster Girl Academy Quest, The Headmaster, Monster Girl, Monster Girls, Academy, Slime Girl2016-03-13 6 
March 2018
2369023Slime Time #1We wake up from our death, eat some orcs and begin to remember our past.Slime Time, Collective Game, Slime, Slime Girl2018-03-16 11 
April 2018
2404257Slime Time #2We establish a place in the world, have slime problems, and have to contend with water.Slime Time, Collective Game, Slime, Slime Girl2018-04-01 3 
2453773Slime Time #3Ghosts are busted, wounds are healed, living quarters are re-arranged, and a pet appears.Slime Time, Collective Game, Slime, Slime Girl2018-04-15 4 
May 2018
2494480Slime Time #4Sadie Slime, temporal investigator.Slime Time, Collective Game, Slime, Slime Girl2018-05-01 4 
2548294Slime Time #5Monster hunters, Hunting monsters, and visitors from a higher plane.Slime Time, Collective Game, Slime, Slime Girl2018-05-18 3 
June 2018
2592669Slime Time #6Heists, unethical slime experiments, and farmland.Slime Time, Collective Game, Slime, Slime Girl2018-06-07 2 
2647303Slime time #7Meetings are had, positions are acquired, and constructions completed.Slime Time, Collective Game, Slime, Slime Girl2018-06-28 1 
August 2020
4409559Slime QuestYou're a ball of slime. You eat things and get bigger.Slime Quest, Slime, Slime Girl, Gelle, Tatsuo, SLimy2020-08-30 4 
September 2020
4429764Slime Quest #2You're now a girl of slime. You're a bit more discerning about what you choose to eat.Slime Quest, Slime, Slime Girl, Gelle, Tatsuo, SLimy2020-09-19 0 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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