/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

October 2022
5385188The Dogbusters' March/Kuroinu GirlfriendA troll OP turns into an Ogre named Mouse and his men trying to find a way to fix the corruption that fills the world of an erogeCollective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2022-10-08 25 
November 2022
5427123The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 2Mouse the Ogre and his motley crew make progress on their quest to uncorrupt their world, through research, violence and friendship.Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2022-11-25 22 
January 2023
5478252The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 3Mouse's party reaches the Cathedral Fortress and finds its majesty and safety to be deceptively fragileCollective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-01-01 23 
February 2023
5522225The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 4In which Mouse talks to some people, eats some sweets, makes a goddess cry and sets out to search for a missing courier.Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-02-11 23 
March 2023
5572533The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 5In which Mouse and his friends visit a basement and clear out some trash in search of something precious.Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-03-18 22 
May 2023
5616254The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 6In which Mouse goes to a party, meets some people and gets the gang together for a research sessionCollective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-05-04 22 
June 2023
5655500The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 7In which Mouse does some research and attends a ceremonyCollective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-06-15 21 
July 2023
5689343The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 8In which Mouse and his crew help thwart a mercenary coup and Mouse sets out to take control of his dreams...Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-07-27 21 
September 2023
5729935The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 9in which Mouse the ogre accrues some out of body experienceCollective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-09-14 21 
October 2023
5769154The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 10In which some consequences of Mouse's bold actions are revealed.Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-10-15 21 
November 2023
5796874The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 11In which Mouse the ogre and his team depart from the Cathedral City and embark on a journey to confront the heart of darkness...Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-11-24 21 
December 2023
5825145Slime City Adventure 1: Little Slime in the Big CityWe're a slime! Fight a racoon, get electrocuted, and eat anything in sight! Slime City, Slime, Monster Protagonist2023-12-02 9 
5850592The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 12In which Mouse and co.'s journey into the heart of darkness is punctuated with violence and enlightenment.Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-12-29 20 
February 2024
5895197The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 13In which Mouse and his companions conclude a brief violent detour on the road to their ultimate goalCollective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2024-02-28 20 
April 2024
5942488The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 14In which a judgment is passed and Mouse with his companions continue on their journey into the heart of darknessCollective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2024-04-05 15 
May 2024
5977562The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 15In which Mouse and his company draw nearer to the end of their journey. A bold step into the dark is taken...Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2024-05-16 15 
June 2024
6017725The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 16In which Mouse and his company finally reach the heart of darkness, the confrontation draws imminent.Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2024-06-29 15 
August 2024
6055159The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 17In which Mouse's confrontation enters into the finaleCollective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2024-08-21 13 
October 2024
6092283The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 18In which the story of Mouse and his friends and their struggle against the reign of darkness comes to a closeCollective Game,Kuroinu,Monster Protagonist,Usurper,ending2024-10-04 13 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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