/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

November 2015
43813103Lost Island Quest 3The young soldier's journey finally ends. He goes to a bar with his friends to unwind. collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-11-25 11 
43857339Lost Island Quest 4The young soldier protects his new home. He then has a resurgence of fate.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-11-28 12 
43876003Lost Island Quest 5The young soldier embarks on his first excursion. He gains the ability to heal and overcomes some past trauma.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-11-29 12 
December 2015
43950724Lost Island Quest 6Alan continues his first excursion. He deals with a ruined temple and engages in diplomatic proceedings.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-03 10 
44002439Lost Island Quest 7Alan comes back to Seaside after accomplishing his objective. He then has a busy week at the local chapel.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-06 11 
44079718Lost Island Quest 8Alan handles the aftermath of the assassination attempt. He then joins the Circle of Mages.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-10 13 
44095318Lost Island Quest 9Alan gets acquainted with the Circle of Mages. He meets a roommate, buys a squirrel and receives some words of encouragement.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-11 10 
44113669Lost Island Quest 10Alan learns some wizardry from Quissonce. He then goes to a bar and fights Gabby multiple times.collective game, fantasy, Lost Island, Lost Island quest2015-12-12 12 
44134165Lost Island Quest 11Alan Rodain joins the Fighters Guild, learns some new stuff, accepts a new job and tries to shed the bonds of rest!collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-13 10 
44156212Lost Island Quest 12Alan and most of his companions head out on a rescue team. They sucessfully pull of an ambush.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-14 12 
44195995Lost Island Quest 13Alan finishes his rescue mission, buys a nice cloak and taps into his power.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-16 10 
44230931Lost Island Quest 14Alan wakes up and plans out his next mission. He learns how to run, deals with an angry woman stalking him and finally gets around to giving one of his teammates a good poke.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-18 11 
44251557Lost Island Quest 15Alan discovers more about his poking powers, makes a small gaff and then sets his sights on a rather lofty goal.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-19 12 
44287260Lost Island Quest 16Alan and Gabby get into an argument. He then teaches Rowe magic, tails a guy and ends up getting himself caught in a sticky situation. collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-21 11 
44328734Lost Island Quest 17A short thread where Alan handily defeats the shape shifting assailants.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-23 11 
44345612Lost Island Quest 18Alan plans out his next mission.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-24 12 
44395474Lost Island Quest 19Alan finally begins his mission to rescue Speaker.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-27 11 
44410226Lost Island Quest 20Alan fights The Forest Hunter tribe.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-28 12 
44449573Lost Island Quest 21Alan returns with refugees in tow.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-30 11 
44468903Lost Island Quest 22Alan enjoys New Years.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2015-12-31 11 
January 2016
44569096Lost Island Quest 23Rowelan is born!collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-01-05 17 
44649653Lost Island Quest 24Dream merger is unsuccessful. collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-01-09 11 
44670386Lost Island Quest 25Alan does diplomacy.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-01-10 12 
44754913Lost Island Quest 26Cave Shenanigans Ensuecollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-01-13 11 
44796583Lost Island Quest 27Alan probably kisses the girl. collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-01-15 15 
44943770Lost Island Quest 28Alan fights the demons.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-01-23 11 
44972273Lost Island Quest 29Alan questions Quissonce.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-01-24 10 
45112746Lost Island Quest 30Alan summons a devil.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-01-31 11 
February 2016
45236834Lost Island Quest 31Alan spends some time in a sewer.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-02-06 13 
45343367Lost Island Quest 32Alan encounters undead.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-02-11 10 
45402875Lost Island Quest 33Love, lust, sex, relationships. Valentine's Day thread. collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-02-14 13 
45519229Lost Island Quest 34Alan and crew finally enter the temple.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-02-20 10 
45661524Lost Island Quest 35Alan has some freaky dream.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-02-27 12 
March 2016
45802711Lost Island Quest 36Alan has an action packed half hour.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-03-05 13 
45946330Lost Island Quest 37Alan cleans out the Circlecollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-03-12 11 
45993481Lost Island Quest 38Alan tries his damnedest to defend his city.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-03-14 11 
46119033Lost Island Quest 39Alan finally ends the siege.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-03-20 12 
46249234Lost Island Quest 40Rebuilding and Recuperatingcollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-03-27 11 
April 2016
46416457Lost Island Quest 41Dart causes mischief.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-04-03 10 
46569230Lost Island Quest 42Mystery in the Circle!collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-04-10 11 
46714460Lost Island Quest 43Alan saves the Archmage and what the fuck?!collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-04-17 13 
46906637Lost Island Quest 44Alan interrogates a demon.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-04-26 12 
May 2016
47006902Lost Island Quest 45Conversations, talking, blah blah blahcollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-05-01 11 
86032Lost Island Quest 46Quissonce and Alan attempt to revive Paul.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-05-08 12 
129535Lost Island Quest 47A funeral and the Circle's rebirth.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-05-15 13 
168302Lost Island Quest 48Alan and his animal brigade.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-05-23 11 
196455Lost Island Quest 49Interrogating birds and elves.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-05-29 12 
June 2016
222073Lost Island Quest 50Blast from someone's Pastcollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-06-08 12 
251636Lost Island Quest 51Elemental? More like temperamentalcollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-06-16 10 
274365Lost Island Quest 52Alan fights the Etriarchycollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-06-22 12 
July 2016
306904Lost Island Quest 53Assimilation Investigationcollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-07-01 10 
327166Lost Island Quest 54Birthday Bashcollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-07-07 12 
352491Lost Island Quest 55NTRsome Threesomecollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-07-16 14 
384859The Lost Island Quest 56Somebody important dies!collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-07-25 11 
December 2016
873636Lost Island Quest 57Gang prepares to confront an Angelcollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-12-06 10 
907872Lost Island Quest 58Divine Resolution and a new Missioncollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2016-12-16 11 
January 2017
988039Lost Island Quest 59Alan looks for roscoli navigation charts and gets friendly and not so friendly firecollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2017-01-07 13 
1026755Lost Island Quest 60Alan returns home and argues.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2017-01-17 11 
1072649Lost Island Quest 61Alan meets a rat.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2017-01-30 12 
February 2017
1133537Lost Island Quest 62Succeeded in not shitting pants in front of a dragon. Alan still has to take down the head vampire, thoughcollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2017-02-17 11 
March 2017
1205056Lost Island Quest 63Vampire Fight concluded.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2017-03-07 10 
1278898Lost Island Quest 64Expedition to Khagh Moldircollective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2017-03-30 10 
May 2017
1440448Lost Island Quest 65Vrimkis does a few things. Quest is cancelled.collective game, Lost Island, fantasy, Lost Island Quest2017-05-20 5 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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