/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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December 2021
5069403Broken Empire QuestFergus Proenza, an impulsive, rash and skilled commoner in the 32nd century dominated by nobility, tries to prove his worth.Broken Empire Quest, Broken Empire, Scifi, Sci-fi, sci fi, space battle, space battles2021-12-16 15 
February 2022
5090290Broken Empire 2Fergus Proenza moves up the social ladder and engages in some proper warfare, he also nearly dies.Broken Empire Quest, Broken Empire, Scifi, Sci-fi, sci fi, space battle, space battles2022-02-01 8 
March 2022
5147449Broken Empire 3Fergus Proenza fights against the Raisat Star League. Meets an interesting "person" and starts to hunt audacious pirates.Broken Empire Quest, Broken Empire, Scifi, Sci-fi, sci fi, space battle, space battles2022-03-19 5 
May 2022
5199923Broken Empire 4The hunt for the pirates continues. New friends are found, and new debilitating injuries are received.Broken Empire Quest, Broken Empire, Scifi, Sci-fi, sci fi, space battle, space battles2022-05-01 5 
June 2022
5250953Broken Empire 5The piracy campaign is concluded. The final battle is waged and losses are suffered.Broken Empire Quest, Broken Empire, Scifi, Sci-fi, sci fi, space battle, space battles, NewbQM2022-06-13 3 
July 2022
5303476Broken Empire 6The final battle is over and the aftermath has begun but it`s all cut short by NewbQM going on hiatus because of a work trip.Broken Empire Quest, Broken Empire, Scifi, Sci-fi, sci fi, space battle, space battles, NewbQM2022-07-16 4 
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