/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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October 2014
35639906straya-questa young boy cant be bothered to go to school so he wags for the day good time ensuestraya quest, collective game, bogan, sex, slang,2014-10-20 14 
35645513Straya Quest pt 2: The BottlingGet some grog and have a get together in the parkstraya quest, collective game, bogan, sex, slang,2014-10-20 9 
35661246Straya Quest 3: Bogan LifeWe take the girls home for a night of lewd fun.straya quest, collective game, bogan, sex, slang,2014-10-21 6 
November 2014
36110397Straya Quest 4: The StrayaningPretty much just lots of smut with Mel, also we're at school brieflystraya quest, collective game, bogan, sex, slang,2014-11-12 6 
July 2015
41397235Spacer SlangWhat types of slang would Spacers develop to describe the day to day duties and dangers of living and working way out there in the deep dark? The posters in this thread comes up with more than a few choice words and phrases as /tg/ does some sci fi linguistic brainstorming.Spacer, slang, brainstorming, world building, sci fi2015-07-23 21 
December 2015
44274298STRAYA QUEST 6 (MONTHS SINCE LAST THREAD)Apparently we've been a stick in the mud ever since we started going out with known stick in the mud, Melissa. Who would've thought?straya quest, collective game, bogan, sex, slang, 2015-12-20 3 
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