/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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October 2015
43348446Spook QuestOur protagonist starts his training to stop monsters, gets nearly killed in a tunnel cave in and stops an allegedly innocent girls murder.Spook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2015-10-29 13 
November 2015
43424620Spook Quest 2Leon deals with a giant vermin, drops spaghetti, names a cat and carves his own weaponSpook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2015-11-03 11 
43527501Spook Quest 3Leon educates on the wonders of human life, nearly drowns, meets some river folk and fills a bathtub with spaghettiSpook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2015-11-08 11 
43769715Spook Quest 4Learning how to swim from a 'pirate', rabbit season and bath tub politicsSpook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2015-11-22 8 
December 2015
43926470Spook Quest 5Dealing with a vermin menace, tunnel diving, thinking with portals and relationship adviceSpook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2015-12-02 8 
44056354Spook Quest 6 Sparring practice, thugs get mauled and stones falling from the sky! Spook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2015-12-08 7 
44217557Spook Quest 7A boggart gets trapped, Leon gets SWOLE as fuck then goes into a coma, then it's the fullmoon again.Spook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2015-12-17 8 
January 2016
44541149Spook Quest 8Leon almost joins La Revolution, goes fishing with his bud, protects the bun and takes some notesSpook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-01-03 8 
44770264Spook Quest 9Leon studies lapine physiology, among other thingsSpook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-01-14 23 
44926492Spook Quest 10The search for Mr Johnson begins, Leon fights a river beast, and heads to TarlickSpook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-01-22 10 
February 2016
45276060Spook Quest 11Leon acquires a dog, before fighting a bunch of turtles, and finally moves on the bunSpook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-02-08 7 
45565727Spook Quest 12Leon and friends arrive in Oendal, freeing his master, and a group of prisoners in the process, while burning down a churchSpook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-02-22 6 
March 2016
45789894Spook Quest 13Leon works his ass off, then goes to find a killerSpook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-03-04 5 
46149130Spook Quest 14Leon, Kara and Springheel team up to catch the mysterious serial killer and paid, son $$$Spook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-03-21 3 
April 2016
46646835Spook Quest 15Leon and co fight Yoging the UnboundSpook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-04-14 5 
June 2016
47549299Spook Quest 16Returning to Arling, strange sights on cold nightsSpook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-06-01 5 
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