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06/15/10(Tue)13:15 No.10511783An article taken from the local Barony of Tears gazetteer:
>Ravelor's Academy for Minions (RAM): Philanthropic Gesture, Gold-making scheme, or prelude to a dark army?
>This bard has taken the time to scope out the RAM campus and brings you information from within. Ravelor's Academy is a harsh world, where young would-be warlords and dominators are given the skills required to go out and make themselves into kings, dukes, and tyrants. Tears is always filled with riffraff from the Academy, and we see them in every town on every street. They derogatorily refer to us as 'townies,' but is there something else we should be worried about?
>Is Ravelor's Academy churning out low-grade tyranny, or something more? After inquiring about student death rates and expulsions, one campus luminary remarked, 'Oh, we never send anyone home.' The reason, as I've found out, is that people who are expelled from the Academy aren't released.
>Ravelor binds the expelled students with black magic; From what this bard has seen and heard, the transformation spells turn them into mindless slaves without a hint of life. That's right, Ravelor has an army of zombie servitors!
>When questioned, Ravelor had this to say: "We need janitors, don't we? And monitors for the dormitories. How else do you propose we get them?" When asked for further comments, this crumbling lich told yours truly to "Fuck off." |