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The Sisters of Cleaning
04/29/12(Sun)03:07 No.18904546 File: 1335683244.jpg-(299 KB, 891x1082, 1335418340085.jpg)
 *on an Ecclesiarchy chapel on some ship somewhere in the Imperial Navy*
Priest: "That will be all for today, my children. Go in the peace and love of our most blessed Emperor." *The congregation shuffles out, save for one Sister of Cleaning in fervent prayer in the front pew.* Priest: *sits next to the Sister quietly, a mischievous look in his eyes* "Good evening, Sister." Sister: *awakes from prayerful trance* "G-good evening, father. Is there something you need?" Priest: "...Well, as a matter of fact, Sister, there *is* something I desire from you. Something... special." Sister: *blushes curiously* F-father? Priest: *inches closer, passionately* "Because, at the end of the day, all Emperor-fearing men of the Imperium -- be they a humble Guardsman, a cleric, or a perfectly average layperson -- needs a little something to keep them fighting the good fight. Something only a very special woman can provide. One... such as you! Your reputation preceding you!" Sister: *excited* "Oh, Father! How could you *ever* talk of such things... a man of the cloth, in his very chapel! Well, I suppose there's no use fighting it, you've got me cornered..." *begins unbuttoning blouse* Priest: "Splendid! The priest's home needs a cook to fill in this week, our food servitor broke down last Tuesday and the replacement hasn't arrived yet." Sister: *sighs* "Yes, Father." *begins exiting* Priest: "Also, on your way out, could you send for my Altar Boy, please? Remind him to bring my 'special kit.' He'll know what I'm talking about." Sister: "..." |