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02/20/12(Mon)12:42 No.18027969 File: 1329759760.jpg-(738 KB, 1000x1000, 3d2a7f1fe4c8bce2fc64a9eb03c995(...).jpg)
 /a/ - Book of weeaboo fightan magic. Swordsage probably. /jp/ cannot be described as samurai, they are mostly touhou, visual novels, and autisim. Closer to a Hermit mage.
old /b/ - BBEG. Not a single entity, but a self replicating army of shapeshifters with a single hive mind. They are an army of thousands, and they could be the baker, the town guard, the mayor, your wife, anyone. The PCs discover this, and no matter how much they tell people no one believes them. They must seek out an ancient hammer of legend, said to be forged by the moot, oldest and greatest of the long forgotten gods. Only with this can they defeat The Legion.
/d/ - Shapeshifter. Or or sorcerer specialised in /d/ related spells
/e/ + /s/ - princesses.
/g/ - Artificer. /m/ is warforged. Together they fight crime.
/k/ - Could be many classes. I like ranger though. Grizzled war veteren by default. Complains and mumbles constantly.
/v/ - frenzied berseker. no question.
/r9k/ - warforged paladin. speech issues as above due to faulty programming / mechanisms.
/adv/ - sage. Gives bad advice constantly, especially when not asked.
/an/ - druid / beastmaster. /vp/ is summoner.
/co/ - paladin. Not fully accurate, but closest fitting.
/diy/ - artificier.
/fit/ - Monk. Perfection of the body etc.
/lit/ - Lorekeeper / sage is fine.
/mu/ - bard by default. Focuses on music. /tg/ is also bard, focusing on stories and legends ala skald.
/sci/ - wizard or alchemist
/sp/ - fighter.
/x/ - necro is fine. |