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02/19/12(Sun)05:04 No.18011271 File: 1329645889.png-(197 KB, 427x467, 1328639426875.png)
OP is a man on a mission. A holy mission given to him by God, the Emprah, whatever entity you care to think of.
Here's what you do, OP. You stay, for as long as friend and Victim stay. In-game, you are a holy warrior of a God of purity and righteous wrath. You protect Victim, you purge those fucking alien-rape machines, and you fight against that shitty pregnancy space law until the minute you die. You are DOUK, you are Doomguy, you are Samus, you are a Space Marine. If it's a goddamn alien, you kill it.
If the DM kills you, you roll another goddamn character and do it again. Whatever the rape law says, whatever the players say, you keep getting those tablets of anti-toxin shit, and you keep killing the rape machines.
When the things come to a head, and they will, you make sure you point out exactly how sick and fucking twisted that entire house of filth is, and you walk out. |