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11/29/11(Tue)05:09 No.17053449 File1322561348.jpg-(445 KB, 1623x1000, 1321742167241.jpg)
 >>17053434 cont'd
During the 10 years between the end of the war and the beginning of the game, the faction my PC's father worked for continues doing a bit of research in the field of psi-techs, and make some discoveries that implied my PC's father might've been onto something after all, and the only way to confirm would be to track my character down and bring her in for testing. Faction #2 catches wind of this and decide that they're interested too, so both factions begin trying to track down my character, since faction 1 had more important things to worry about during the final hours of the war than keeping track of a failed experiment whose memory had been erased of the whole thing.
Meanwhile in farmsville, my character's miserable childhood which has been spent having religion shoved down her throat, being used as free labor in the fields, and being treated like crap in general by the entire town comes to an abrupt end when soldiers show up looking for the orphan girl who lives at the church. Her psionic powers had been slowly developing throughout her childhood, but without any technology around, she's mostly oblivious as to what she really is until she accidently makes the laser weapon belonging to one of the soldiers explode out of fear, killing him and wounding several others. The soldiers don't know wtf happened, as they know nothing of the experiment, and think that the explosion was caused by an enemy sniper. My PC doesn't know how the hell she did it, but she knows she was responsible so she runs and hides, trying to comprehend wtf just happened.
The soldiers are pissed and begin sweeping the whole village, looking for enemy soldiers and taking everyone hostage. The last building they come to is the church, where I have just been found hiding in the rafters by the priest, who tells me a tiny bit about what i really am and why the soldiers are after me. |