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11/18/11(Fri)18:39 No.16958516 File1321659548.jpg-(51 KB, 545x325, Bayeuxkillit..jpg)
 >>16958507 Foyahtrukk Composition: 1-3 Foyahtrukkz --- 45 Points per Model Unit Type: Dedicated Transports Vehicle Type: Fast, Enclosed
BS: 3 Armor: Front: 10, Side: 10, Rear: 10
Special Rules: Ramshackle, Put 'Er Out!
Wargear: Skorcha, Red Paint Job
Transport Capacity: 12 models (Mega Armor counts for 2) Option: -Replace Skorcha with Big Shoota: Free -Can take following: --Armour Plates: +10 Points --Reinforced Ram: +5 Points --Boarding Plank: +5 Points --Wreckin' Ball: +10 Points --Grot Riggers: +5 Points
Got Da' Whole Krew: Foyahfoytahz in particular know just how to pile in, where to hold on, and how not to fall off Foyahtrukkz in order to get the most out of their ride. --If Foyahfoytahz are loaded into a Foyahtrukk, the transport capacity is raised to 18 models. However, the additional six models hang on the outside of the vehicle and are not protected by the vehicle's armor. Represent this by placing them alongside the Foyahtrukk and moving them at the same speed of the vehicle. If the transport is assaulted, the models on the outside of the transport automatically become the target of the assault. If they are all destroyed, the attackers make another assault against the Foyahtrukk immediately.
Put 'Er Out!: The Foyahboyz krewing the Foyahtrukks know more than enough about fire and heat to know that vehicles shouldn't have them coming out of the engines or guns or whatnot. They know just how to change gears, smack plates, and stomp on embers in order to mitigate the flames and get back to driving. They might even get lucky and slap a wheel back on enough to keep moving... --If the Foyahtrukk suffers an Immobilised hit, roll a d6. If the result is 5+, the vehicle can still move, but at half speed for the rest of the game. --If the FOyahtrukk suffers a Crew Stunned hit, roll a d6. If the result is 5+, the vehicle may move on its next turn, but at half speed. The Foyahtrukk cannot shoot.
There we go. Hope that isn't too bad. |