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!!J5X1luOwrrm 10/24/11(Mon)16:29 No.16727171 File1319488183.png-(63 KB, 640x400, CIVMap.png)
 Magic, Celebrate, Make contact(x2)
Our mages reopen the portal. The portal, however, is different this time. In fact it seems entirely different. Upon briefly investigating, they find that the portal has changed into a rather lush land. A mountain can be seen in the difference, with a snowy peak, and a forrest is within walking distance, as is a desert. It's an odd land. It is obviously extremely magical. Hagan still can't survive very long in this realm, however Keig seem to have no problems.
We send some of our troops and councilors to the capital lf the lizards. They don't particularly seem to wild about the idea of us being in their capital, however, once they start drinking a strange liquid they call 'whiskey' no one particularly seems to care anymore. They give the Hagan some of it and the Hagan find they have no tolerance. Most of the party goers find themselves waking up next to strange lizardwomen, and for a few strange lizardmen. They return home with horrible headaches and carrying samples of the whiskey.
We send envoys to the Elven court and the Dragonling capital. The Elves are a highly regimented society, almost every hour of every day is dictated. They are highly magical, and all of them are at least partially insane. They summon demons at an early age to serve as their familiars. The demons are hellish beast, and it seems the more grotesque they are the more powerful. Their capital is a massive tower, constructed of a strange material. Court etiquite is highly complex and a guide is required to prevent us from making fools of ourselves.
The Dragonlings, by contrast, are a extremely laid back race. They spend the vast majority of the day either sunning themselves next to the river, or hunting in the area around the river. They don't seem to get much down however they have very good weapons, and are naturally gifted. They have decent technology and magic. |