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10/07/11(Fri)01:44 No.16545912 File1317966261.png-(194 KB, 497x591, Flameskull.png)
Created, exceedingly rare, undead guardians. "Flameskulls do not reproduce, nor do they have any purpose in life beyond the guardianship for which they were created. Though they retain their intelligence, they often go insane from sheer boredom and may, if the DM wishes, exhibit erratic behavior. They always want to be entertained, and if freed from their guardianship by the destruction or pilferage of whatever they were set to guard, they do not hurl themselves to attack to achieve their own destruction. Instead, they try to accompany or follow the being(s) who freed them from guardianship. They typically float along, just out of reach, making smart comments and wanting to see everything interesting that is going on (including secret meetings, seductions, magical research, and other private matters). Flameskulls are utterly lonely and act accordingly."
Another "lol flaming undead" that is actually incredibly, amazingly awesome. AD&D had a lot of "monsters" that were like this. They weren't really there to be attacked, they were there for role playing. The talking bird is another good example, it comes up later.
This thing reminds me of the floating hand and eye that's my mage's tutor in our campaign. |