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!T4VTNxSe0k 09/18/11(Sun)06:50 No.16338443 File1316343002.jpg-(22 KB, 400x400, wrong you fucking retard.jpg)
Whoah, man. You're getting ahead of yourself a little.
See, on my first turn? That land I dropped? You seem to have forgotten that fact that particular land was a mountain and I had tapped it to put a mother-fucking Aether Vial down.
Oh, you got out Jintaxias on your second turn? Cool, my second turn will see me ticking that Aether Vial to one and dropping down a second mountain, tapping them both and watching your face fall apart as I put down a Stingscourger and that little awesome goblin bitch-slaps your gay little Core Auger back to your hand.
Man, I hope you got a creature to throw down on your next turn, because I got a nice Goblin Lackey in my hand and that beautiful, beautiful little Vial is at one.
Best believe I'm gonna throw down that Lackey on the end of your turn. God, I really, really hope you got a creature because that Lackey? Yeah, he's got a friend called Siege-Gang Commander. |