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08/18/11(Thu)15:56 No.15981738 File1313697380.jpg-(28 KB, 521x557, Londo-Mollari-babylon-5-109370(...).jpg)
 Imagine this comic, but with Alexander Jardin with the personality of Londo Mollari.
>Captain Stillstorm, we humans are violent, passionate, fecund, and greedy. All you need do is provide us with weapons, blueprints, and several gaian worlds, and I can guarantee victory within ten years.
>One last thing, do not think to betray us. We will know, you have attempted to lie or conceal the truth from me several times, and have done a terrible job of it. We would see any act of duplicity coming a mile away. If you do, you will find out our capacity for vindictiveness. We are stalwart allies and sensual lovers, but betray us and we will be your most vicious enemies. To the Loroi-Terran Alliance, may the stars be there to conquer.
>Now where were we my dear, miss... Beryl was it? Once negotiations have been finalized, you will have to do me the honor of allowing me to escort you to one of my people's concerts. Dvorak's New World Symphony, perhaps? As I was about to explain on the elevator, though we can go for extended periods without "mating" as you put it, we are a vital and fecund people nonetheless. |