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only faggots wouldn't use them
07/27/11(Wed)08:48 No.15720803 File1311770933.jpg-(124 KB, 468x300, coasters_ds.jpg)
 FUCKING HELL, this is fantastic! How the fuck does /tg/ manage to argue about coasters of all fucking things?
This is how it works, okay? You go to someone elses house, you follow their rules. It doesn't matter if you think they are stupid, unnecessary, over the top, autism mode, out of sheer laziness, WHATEVER. You follow their rules. If you don't like it, you leave. And 90% of people will see you as "that faggot who can't use a coaster, lol", as I'm sure /tg/ does now.
One more time, see if you can get this. Their house, their rules. You're living proof that "That Guy" isn't just an entertaining story made up by /tg/ |