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Ultimate Equipment Vol 2
07/24/11(Sun)23:52 No.15694261 File1311565955.jpg-(104 KB, 540x745, slaad.jpg)
 Want to troll your party, DM?
Get them a serving of this somehow.
Slaadsalad This unknowable dish is made from the flesh of slaadi, the unruly denizens of chaotic-aligned planes. Slaadsalad looks like a dizzyingly colourful mix of meat strips of all sizes and consistencies; it is usually served in a plain white bowl, with no dressing or spices, which it absolutely does not need. Nobody wants to ask how does Faella procure slaad flesh for this dish, however the likeliest possibility is that she has some kind of deal with Kay (from the Treasures from Beyond store) or with some extraplanar hunter such as a mercenary devil. In any event, slaadsalad is always available in the menu for any patron brave enough to order it. The main attractive of slaadsalad – and its main danger – is the fact that its taste, consistency, texture and smell are, as the matter of the plane it comes from, constantly changing; no one has ever eaten the same slaadsalad twice. Therefore, a diner can come out of a slaadsalad meal having experienced literally anything. Besides its changing flavour and consistency, slaadsalad produces a special, randomly generated effect on the consumer. This effect has a duration of 1d20 minutes, unless it poisons, diseases or kills the subject, in which case it follows the specific rules for poison, disease or death (which is usually permanent). The Games Master should roll or choose from the Slaadsalad Effects table, or devise a different random effect based on the ones featured below. The ingredients of slaadsalad (that is, slaadi) are too rare in the Prime Material plane; a character must look for them in chaotic-aligned planes and they are so common there no survival check is necessary to find them. The dish itself has a cooking DC of 25. Failure means the dish is destroyed and the cook suffers a random effect from table: slaadsalad effects for 1d10 minutes. Slaadsalad (1 serving): 305 gp; variable |