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  • File : 1311186020.jpg-(119 KB, 472x600, 1258695446478.jpg)
    119 KB megaman legends tabletop? Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:20 No.15646799  
    Gentlemen. In the light of legends three being cancelled. I say we bring the universe to the tabletop. WHO'S WITH ME?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:22 No.15646834
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:23 No.15646846

    Faggot Detected.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:24 No.15646854
    you pass on everything. It honestly isn't a terribad idea. there's a lot to the setting, its basic, pure dugeon crawling at its core as well. Which is something that's always awesome
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:26 No.15646886
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    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:27 No.15646890
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    >> Fabricator-General Scriptarius 07/20/11(Wed)14:28 No.15646906
    Megaman Legends?
    Count me in!
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:29 No.15646921
    As long as there are rules for realizing that a hero is just a man who knows he is free.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:30 No.15646933
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    scripty Im shocked you haven't made reaverbot minis to be honest. Also, As the admin you may use my site freely to store data and such things.

    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:31 No.15646951
    So, I guess the first thing that comes to it.

    What system do we use?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:32 No.15646956
    Well considering the dungeons are based on squares and it has the potential for something along the lines of a point buy swap for different attributes related to weapons or items, this has some potential
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:32 No.15646962
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    Something that bothered me about the Megaman universe were Tron Bonne's servbots. They liked eating curry and spaghetti and pizza.

    Did they have human organs under that plastic shell?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:34 No.15646982
    all the things you listed are high in complex sugars. I bet if anything, they have alcohol powered systems and synthetic taste buds.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:36 No.15647003
    Alright, one thing that is a major compnent of the games was the weapons, mostly the fact you could customize the things. So it needs to have the ability to adjust weapons in various ways as well as the specials
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:36 No.15647009
    Wasn't legends canonically in the far future from all the other megaman games? If so we could bring in the 'classic' megaman baddies or at least items and fluff as artifacts and such.
    >> Fabricator-General Scriptarius 07/20/11(Wed)14:37 No.15647014
    Seeing how MML1 was one of my fav games for the PS1, I'm a bit amazed myself.
    I really should build Juno's 2nd stage or something.
    Also, thanks. I'll delve into the possibilities fo your generous offer very soon.

    Now as for the game itself - we are obviously looking at relic hunting and shit. Probably piracy too.
    How exactly do we want this to work?
    Closer to how the Caskets did it (bolt huge guns onto arms, call it a day) or how the Bonnes rolled (Solve problem with mechs. If fail, build more mechs).
    I'd assume the players in general would assume the roles of various treasure hunters, right?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:37 No.15647020
    Something that bothered me, was the metal thing on Tron's crotch. The fuck is that thing?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:38 No.15647027
    Chasity plate.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:38 No.15647032
    why not both, though relic hunting should be the main focus at first. Mechs big and small play a huge role in the game, so maybe have aspects dedicated to it?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:39 No.15647047
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    /v/irgin /m/an here. I like your jib /tg/ I think when I use my rage to become Godlike at UMvC3 and kick the asses of those ungrateful fat neckbeards who would suck a pig nipple for Capcom's shit I'll fund this idea legitimately
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:40 No.15647056
    now I have the image of a Gutsman reaver bot stuck in my head WHY /TG/ why?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:40 No.15647060
    Humans have died out in Megaman Ledgends time, what is left is some partially organic self replicating cyborgs named "Carbons". Most Carbons have cybernetic parts, some more than others.

    Tron's got a cybernetic vagina.
    >> Fabricator-General Scriptarius 07/20/11(Wed)14:40 No.15647067
    It was probably there to make piloting some of the craft more comfortable.
    Most of the shit the rode it didn't look like it was designed to be comfy, save for the Gesselschaft itself. A metal groinplate might be just what you need to make taking hits from rapid missile fire bearable.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:45 No.15647118
    8-bit dystopia tried and failed with this.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:46 No.15647121
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    >> Fabricator-General Scriptarius 07/20/11(Wed)14:46 No.15647125
    Perhaps it could be integrated into some form of class/multiclass sytem, say you can pour all your points into being a great Pilot or Gunner, but then you'll need a Mechanic to build you your mechs and guns, or you can take a bit of both to be more self-sufficcient if a bit weaker in all aspects.

    Ex. Megaman is what you end up with if you go all the way to offence. You will tear shit up but you can't even reload your own guns, let alone build them.
    Roll is the opposite end - full mechanic. She can build some great shit but in a fight she's a bit meh, and even her piloting is questionable at times.
    Tron is a balanced mix. She can build stuff, drive stuff and shoot stuff. However Megaman is still far more deadly and Roll's stuff is more reliable.

    Obviosuly it should have more than these three points, but this is just a general idea example.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:46 No.15647128
    if we can make a workable Legend of Zelda rpg, we can make a megaman legends rpg
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:46 No.15647131
    it was too broad, it didn't fail really it just was too broad, we're bringing the focus to bear on one aspect
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:48 No.15647144
    makes sense, Also, most diggers seem either great in a fight or terrible. Also, the hard ass ones tend to go heavy body mods or wear some sort of power armor. Cant forget that
    >> LawfulNice 07/20/11(Wed)14:51 No.15647170
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    I've actually been toying around with a megaman style game. It's too early if you want to see more than some text files (I've been putting more effort into DtD book 2) but it's looking good.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:51 No.15647177
    Perhaps we could borrow a page from LoZRPG and use a roll and keep system.

    or just cannibalize something like d20 modern or whatever.

    Personally, I believe the system should be classless.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)14:54 No.15647204
    possible but it wouldn't be hard to yank and tear a good class system apart and rebuild it. There really are some obvious differences in how people act,

    Tron/roll are not really combat but they can get away with fighting if they can cobble together large nasty machines.

    megaman/rock is a true blue fighter type. hell he was designed for it. A lot of diggers seem to be this but god help them, they suck with tech.

    The old man/gramps was something of a knowledge base as well as faceman
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)15:00 No.15647263
    well during digs into large dungeons the less combat savvy characters (techs and so forth) need to have some way to help the megaman analogue character in his front line fighting, do they all go as a party? or does the tech build a mech suit or send in little helper drone bots that act as eyes and ears to help them?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)15:00 No.15647265
    Point taken.

    So, what kind of classes should there be?

    I'm thinking something like:

    Close combat specialist (Bon or Teisel)
    Ranged combat specialist (Megaman)
    Weaponsmith (Roll, builds guns and ships and ships in guns)
    Mechanist (Tron, build robot lackeys)
    Archivist/Loremaster (Barrel, all the data)
    Diplomancer (Glyde, blather and stuff)

    and maybe a ship combat-class or should that be integrated into Machinist/Smith?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)15:00 No.15647272
    going with that you have three basic skill groups



    social/book learnan'
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)15:03 No.15647296
    maybe pilot is its own class? Or a sub group of specialties that a character can take?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)15:04 No.15647305
    is it bad I look at this and think right off the bat using DH as a core?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)15:06 No.15647330
    AdEva did it before, and it sorta worked.

    We -could- use DH, as long as we took out Insanity and Corruption.

    MML is too noblebright to have that.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)15:11 No.15647385
    agreed, we have rules for giant robots in the basic core of Ad eva even...my god...
    >> Fabricator-General Scriptarius 07/20/11(Wed)15:12 No.15647392
    Inb4 we call it Mega Heresy

    On the Classes, I'd say 4 core, with branching and possibility to multiclass at leas tto an extent


    The break down from there, to something like
    Ranged / Melee
    Guns & Mods / Vehicles
    Lore & Wisdon / Influence & Cunning
    Mech Pilot / Airship Pilot

    A party, in an optimal situation, would work together to build a home base, mobile or stationary, and the means to launch bigger and bigger digs either the classic MML style of sending one really decked out guy to drill some walls, or the MAoTB / Marlwolf style of pulling dynamic entries with large vehicles, possibly filled with decked out combat specialists.

    Together, they fight crime. Or, well, reaverbots and cops and other diggers and shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)15:13 No.15647408
    that sounds like a good set and limits the classes as well as creating diversity.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)15:17 No.15647451
    Scripty, with that base set you can have sliding scales of how much a character is one or the other. I like it.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)15:24 No.15647532
    Again. Ad eva set the ground work for this with the whole base building concept. lord its sorta creepy.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)15:26 No.15647553
    This thread is why I love you /tg/.
    >> sphagettiman 07/20/11(Wed)15:27 No.15647563
    Refractors are going to play a big part as well. Anyone have any info on the damn things? Also I have work soon. gnetlemen keep the thread goings
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)15:31 No.15647601
    As far as I'm concerned, they're simply an energy source/plot coupon.

    We could use it as either something for the machinists to tinker with, or just plain dosh.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)15:32 No.15647616
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)15:33 No.15647621
    well refracters are a currency and a power source, so having little ones be used as pocket cash while larger one's are refined and used to create power sources for weapons and tech seems like a way to go. Might make for some pissibility over if the power they provide is limited or if it recharges over time. Could explain for how those special weapons from MML have a limited ammo to that extent.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)15:34 No.15647639
    It could be used as one currency and power source rolled into one. The crew would have to choose wisely how much to spend on money and how much to use powering their weapons.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)15:34 No.15647640
    While not MML, I did once play in a game based on a re imagining of the X universe.

    Interesting party, two reploids, two humans and an old prototype robot.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)15:40 No.15647682
    hmm. that could be a very interesting way to do things...

    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)15:40 No.15647687
    I can see it now: The digging company (party) is beset by pirates and things are getting desperate, the combat character calls for everyone to put as many refracters as they can into the defensive cannons while the money grubbing social character is bawwing over how he'd rather be dead then live through the encounter and be penniless.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)15:41 No.15647705
    that...would be amusing.
    >> Fabricator-General Scriptarius 07/20/11(Wed)15:45 No.15647740
    On refractors: All of them count as solid hard cash. Small ones have little other use, but big ones are important power sources needed for more impressive machines / weapons.
    This allows for one form of pacing the progress of the party, as they need to mount digs to gain access to large refracts, which in turn they need to power stronger gear needed for even bigger digs.

    On other mechanics: We now have an idea for classes. What about stats? Do we want them? Do we need them?
    If yes, what would they be? Strength (Attack power, carrying capacity, overpowering enemies in grapples, etc) / Agility (Climbing, swimming, acrobatics, reaction time, etc) / Endurance (HP, damage resistance, negative effect resistance) / Perception (spotting enemies and trasure, being able to read people and situations) / Willpower (Diplomacy checks, resistance to being threatened or coerced, etc) / Skill (Bonuses to your chosen class' specialities)

    Again, examples
    Megaman has high Strength and Skill (he can carry huge guns like the Cannon Arm and Shining Laser, as well as lug around Refractors. He is also a very good shot with his weapons), mediocre Agility and Endurance (He can jump well enough, but needs Mods to do it well and still can't swim. He can take hits but still gets knocked around quite a lot) and poor Perception and Willpower (He fails to see huge robots in the same room without a radar and isn't very good at intimidating people with words)
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)16:12 No.15648061

    Power (close combat stat, how much can you carry)
    Agility (how fast can you move)
    Accuracy (how pro with a gun are you)
    Intelligence (speaks for itself)
    Endurance (how much can you take before exploding into a shower of sparks)
    Wits (how fast you react under pressure)
    Skill (how dextrous are you, mechanist mainstat)
    Charisma (diplomancer)
    Willpower (resist fear and coercion, opposes Charisma)

    that's my take on the stats

    too crowded?
    >> Fabricator-General Scriptarius 07/20/11(Wed)16:29 No.15648257
    9 skills feels like a lot to me. It adds a lot of detail to a character, yes, but I'm not sure if we need that many uindividual stats to represent these aspects.
    For instance I think we could fuse Charisma with Willpower, and Skill with Accuracy to drop down to 7.
    Perhaps if we took in some form of wider Feat/Perk system we could live with even less stats, and instead use the Feats/Perks to represent certain archetypes like highly agile or very intelligent characters.

    With this method creating a character would consist of
    1) Picking your class mix
    2) Picking/rolling your stats
    3) Picking your Perks
    Say we have 5 points you can burn into Classes, each working on a 5 start system. You can spread out to a 1/1/1/1/2 jack of all trades, or go all out into a 5/0/0/0/0
    Then you have a total of X points to spend on Stats, which go from 0 to 10. X is defined by the amount of stats we have. In general spreading your points evenly should make you about a 3 or 4/10 in each stat.
    And finally you can further tweak your character with a few Perks, say two or three, perhaps more if you take a flaw lke Arrogance, Overconfidence, Cowardice, Greed or Stupidity to balance it out.
    >> Fabricator-General Scriptarius 07/20/11(Wed)16:30 No.15648281
    And now I really need to get some sleep or I will be a total zombie at work tomorrow.
    I'll check the thread in the mornign incase it lives that long.
    Hope my ideas helped.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)20:53 No.15650794
    Bump to keep the thread from falling off the board.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)23:20 No.15652531
    Working from scripty's stuff, What I can piece together from it. Let's say, that classes are based around the perks you take. forcing you certain ways once you pick an archetype class lets say Ranged attacker.

    now the ranged attacker has a decent perk list for shooty and not so much for choppy. his ability perks favor being accurate, being able to move pretty well and take a hit. this means his Endurance, strength and Agility are the ones he will take.

    From there he can augment his 'class' with whatever general perks there are laying around.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)23:27 No.15652626
    Working on the prior idea,

    You get four base 'classes'





    These act as a general 'grouping' for skills and perks that are open and limit you from others. They also decide how your attributes look. From here you are given a smattering of focus perks and skills that lean to one side or the other so lets say for the fighter they have the Choppy/shooty paradigm. Though its best to go one way its possible to have a guy who's middle of the road and use both melee and shooting in a fight.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)23:36 No.15652696
    not bad, but, what about non combat junk?

    Is some of that going to be general? Will we have a trivia skill?
    >> greenmarine !!ynR8ly17cbg 07/20/11(Wed)23:40 No.15652744
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)23:42 No.15652765
    This could work REALLY well in Mutants and Masterminds. Shit is practically made for customized powers.

    The only problem is getting people to play with it still feeling like a Megaman game (i.e.; one player).
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)23:42 No.15652767

    Again, dude has a forum set up. This is rather a nice change of things. Anyways,

    On refractors, maybe we have a sort of Refractor level up, where you need to get so many to get access to 'bigger' refractors, the ones that are plot cupon style types
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)23:44 No.15652793
    Its been attempted.

    However a MML RPG standalone would be amazing.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)23:45 No.15652801
    really, this is the setting that lends itself to teamwork. imagine having a party setting up to go on a dig, having to find legends of what lies in the ruins, what treasures work the gear head pounding together your gear, the faceman getting the town to NOT run you out
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)23:48 No.15652831

    See my post @ the alternate site.

    M&M. We don't need to reinvent the wheel here.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)23:51 No.15652873

    The humans are actually organic robots called Carbons, so I imagine the Servbots might have some sort of hybrid system.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)23:52 No.15652889
    ...its still incredibly disturbing. Also, Reaverbots..oh god the reaverbots
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)00:00 No.15652956
    Working back, I like this archetype concept. If we have that base layer from there we really don't need all that much.

    the fighter,
    face guy
    pilot guy

    seems to be a really good combo, maybe have it that they are readily mixed and matched in certain areas like how Roll pilots the Flutter and Tron uses the Gustaff? I think
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)00:15 No.15653073
    So, should base/ship building be a major aspect of the game? It seemed to be in the second and msadventures and in which case why not gank some rogue trader rules?
    >> Cerebrate Anon 07/21/11(Thu)00:24 No.15653161
    >Megaman Legends?
    >Oh, they mean Megaman 64. I fucking loved that game.

    I swear to God, I played that game LAST NIGHT.

    I would play the hell out of this setting.

    Also, I believe Data's little disco dance is an important aspect of the game, and should have rules surrounding it.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)00:31 No.15653201
    I'm all for the base building idea.
    >> Fabricator-General Scriptarius 07/21/11(Thu)00:34 No.15653222
    Morning bump.

    I sadly don't have time for an in-depth analysis and highly detailed post, but after reading the newer posts, I thought I'd just drop one more example of the system I was suggesting.
    Can't really say anything about M&M though since I am not familliar with it.

    If we go back to the 5/10/3 point buy idea, here's my thoughts after sleeping on it
    First, you pick the core class you play as (Fighter/Tech/Face/Pilot).
    This gives you 2 points out of 5 for that class.
    You can then spend 3 more points on any class you want, but you their points value cannot be greater than your starting class'.
    -Let's say the empty table is: Fight0/5 Tech0/5 Social0/5 Pilot0/5
    -You pick Fighter, making your table Fight2/5 Tech0/5 Social0/5 Pilot0/5
    -You want to multiclass into Tech and Pilot, ending up with Fight2/5 Tech2/5 Social0/5 Pilot1/5
    -However, you cannot go Fight2/5 Tech3/5 Social0/5 Pilot0/5. To do that, you need to have Tech as your main class.

    Let's say the stats are
    Str / Agi / End / Skill / Wits / Cha
    and they all go from 0 to 10
    You get 25 points to spend on Stats, allowing for 4s across the board, or a couple of 10s and a 5.

    Finally, you pick 3 Perks
    You can either pick 3 perks related to your main class, or one from your main and one from some other class. Say our example fighter wants to take the Fighter Perk that helps you aim better, but still take the Trick Piloting perk from Pilot.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)00:41 No.15653257
    that sounds rather good.So you start with three points have to pick one class as your focus, and then can either specialize in that or, multiclass into another
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)01:11 No.15653465
    how would advancement work then?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)01:33 No.15653622
    point based award or maybe investing refractors into stuff?
    >> Dysphoria 07/21/11(Thu)01:48 No.15653712

    This. Make refractors that one step more valuable to the players
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)01:50 No.15653724
    maybe have it so you don't really advance per say unless you locate stuff that you need or make the gear for it.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)01:52 No.15653741
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    I am sorry, but while things sounded good, I strongly vouch against classes.

    Should there really be classes in a futuristic, sci-fi megaman world with a relatively huge focus on modification and craft etc, or even trade and research?

    I say your initial design is limiting enough.
    Say, if you are human or not, and what kind of robot if you are one.
    To begin with, the "capability" of these things vary to such a degree, that I believe you should have something other than a calss system if you want all of them to be available.
    Like Yuna for instance, not exactly your "standard class".

    If anything, I argue that classes makes little sense, but even more so in a world like this where people change and modify stuff ont he fly.
    "Hmm, let's go stealth ops part on this one."
    "Shit, I forgot I am a fighter! Can't use these parts!"

    Well, I might exxagerate a bit, but I think there is alot to what I said.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)02:00 No.15653789
    Would we want them playing as ancient, super computers though? By the sounds of things lady yuna and her counterpart were something of an oddity. And Juno well...Juno wasn't exactly someone you'd want to ever have to deal with on a regular basis.

    A loose class system isn't a bad thing, most people are used to some sort of basic guide line and role. It happens to work well and also encourages a team dynamic, they may only open up things to certain groups but the ability to automatically take two classes from the get go makes it a fairly loose goose to start.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)02:10 No.15653857
    Usb Port
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)02:11 No.15653860
    >For instance I think we could fuse Charisma with Willpower, and Skill with Accuracy to drop down to 7.

    I think combining Wits and Skill will help as well to drop to 6. Anything less than that seems a bit much though.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)02:11 No.15653865
    >makes it a fairly loose goose to start
    I suppose, but isn't weird if you customize things as freely as the world itself makes things available?

    Now, for instance, I know this is far from Shadowrun, but it is still at least a sci-fi world.
    But imagine playing Shadowrun, only finding out that you can't use specific Cyberware because you happen to be a specific class(es).

    But yes, as I said, this isn't Shadowrun.
    But people mod and pimp their/them selves, gear, rides and other stuff all the time, they even do this stuff in game frequently.
    Yet the world itself have immense potential in regards to modifications and upgrades like that. In a few ways, the game have regards similair to Eclipse Phase.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)02:15 No.15653888
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    On the topic of Tron Bonne.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)02:15 No.15653893
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    The plate is a buckle.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)02:18 No.15653913

    But she's a robo-sexual
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)02:20 No.15653920
    It could be that certain parts just work better with certain classes. Just as an example, if there's a piece of equipment that's good for a stealth class, then any non-stealth class wouldn't get as much of a bonus from it. In some ways, classes really aren't that much different from day-to-day jobs. I mean, a fire fighter probably wouldn't know how to cook food like a chef, and a chef wouldn't know the proper procedures of how to save someone in a burning building. You're pretty much just adding a physical object that requires some skill to use in a role playing setting.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)02:22 No.15653943
    What about NPCs then? Will they use classes or something else?

    Imagine what happens if you rewrite the software of a Servbot or something then, then what? Would it have changed class or something?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)02:25 No.15653971
    She is basically a homunculus of sorts. But nothing says she can't get naked, even if her genitals might or might not have the same compatibility.
    If anything, not being able to get naked would be a design flaw.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)02:32 No.15654029
    Why do you assume class related equipment?
    there would be some to some degree probably, like the heaviest armor and the biggest guns only usable correctly by those who invested heavily in fighter, but i can't see "you can only use this if you have class X" being on any equipment. only the Super-heavy armor proficiency talent is only available with people who are Fighter 4 or higher.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)02:40 No.15654104
    These two have the right idea. Different classes specialize in certain equipment but generally all classes can use everything within reason. We wouldn't see Roll with something like the powered buster.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)02:47 No.15654167

    Not entirely too far off to think that. Who's to say that the software just turns the Servbot into a different kind of robot, or makes certain parts more compatible? It's really just like making your own computer; not every computer is going to run the same way even if it's similar and has similar parts. Certain restrictions could be put into place based on the character's race if that's even an option, like robotic characters would have arm cannons while non-robotic ones would have hand guns or something.

    As for NPCs, I don't see why they can't use classes. I mean, in cases like that the GM is the one who has the most power, so it's not like they'd have to make class specifications for EVERY NPC the group meets.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)02:53 No.15654238



    Situational stuff, learned, upgraded or inherent to whatever body/being/creature the character might have.

    The rank of the systems function as the core overlaying factors that determines how good everyone are in specific fields.
    The attributes determine how suitable they are for them.
    And the skills determine what they learned in various areas.
    Wheras perks/feats etc are additional stuff, exceptions, special circuimstances etc.

    Systems affects most of everything within wide categories to some extents. Doesn't grow as often as other stuff.
    Attributes are in a way bound to the physical to a large degree, but they also cover several categories, although not as wide as the systems, and they might be easier to increase than the systems.

    Skills, are skills, they grow relatively rapidly to everything else, but only affects the given field covered by each skill.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)02:57 No.15654295
    You can achieve that with stat requirements (that can be amended with upgrades).

    You really only need classes if you want to make haracters have wildly different roles.


    Thinking about it, the whole spotter/digger pairing kinda reminds me of runner/hacker/rigger thing in shadowrun.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)03:10 No.15654404
    I like this comparison.
    Because while these people had taken, in a way, very different roles, their skillset often overlap very much the same.
    Hacker/Rigger in particular, both actually being hackers, only with the Rigger having a slightly bigger focus on the physical, and the Hacker on the digital, and both having their gear adjusted accordingly of course.
    And runners in general, lots of them tend to mix in hacker related stuff into their arsenal.

    Classes would just make everyone less diverse.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)09:16 No.15656291
    Bump, attribute requirements might be a good way for things to keep fairly seperate
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)10:24 No.15656715
    We need to decide which way we're going on this. All in Favor of the class based system?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)10:35 No.15656817
    Aye. If we allow multiclassing as well, classes do not even restrict variety, but create it since everyone won't just pick everything because that carries the penalty of running out of points fast.
    Overall I like the idea that your stats don't really grow ,but rather you gain better gear and skills.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)10:46 No.15656904
    It fits better I think. The fact you need to cobble together get better, seems rather fitting given how many times I remember having to work like a sonofabtich to get better armor and buster parts for a fight.

    Also, by allowing multiclassing it forces roles to occur but doesn't overly limit how you play. Im all for the idea of it personally.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)11:05 No.15657059
    Bump fu, bitches
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)11:11 No.15657120
    Seconded, I like the idea of the a chance to mix and match what sort of class you have for new tricks. Imagine what a fighter face man would be like?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)11:17 No.15657172
    If we are to have restrective classes then I would argue against it for several reasons, but one being the customizability of the setting in question.

    But if we are going to have light and easily based classes with easy multi-classing etc, then I start to question why even to have classes.
    If they don't matter that much, then why not simply have an overbearing attribute/stat covering the same stuff in a semi-related sense, to get a similair feel to the thing but without restricting things in the same sense?

    Classes are in the end, highly abstract concepts enforced on a objective world were such things doesn't really exist. About the only game, almost, I can think of with classes that weren't simply abstract concepts, is Earthdawn with their dicipline system, in which case the diciplines were deeply tied into the setting (and weren't that similair to classes anyway.)

    Might just be me, and no offense, but I feel the attatchment to classes, in most part lingers from some kind of DnD "fixation", subtle or not.
    Classes are in no way the only way to easily promote given roles.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)11:21 No.15657204
    It probably is a holdover but, classes are something a lot of people are familiar with as well. Its something that a player can use to build an identity around in game.

    Intheory what we could do is something similar to M&M where you build it from given perks then buy equipment later.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)11:37 No.15657334
    I dislike classes as well.

    I'd kinda like a simple (possibly as low as tri-stat) system with a short skill list, if any. It'd also be nice to encourage "quirks" somehow.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)11:41 No.15657364
    I dunno I like the way its layed out. Call me old school but I like classes, and the set up feels right to me. Even if the class is really just a skill package and some stat boosts
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)11:43 No.15657385
    I guess having classes like that + maybe support to make your own classes (like making an "enforcer", or whatever the antagonist of the Tron Bonne game was who is collecting debts and shit).
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)11:45 No.15657400
    Can't you just build the game around this >>15654238 ?
    Or this >>15657334 ?
    Or even M&M-ish likein >>15657204 ?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)11:51 No.15657453
    The way I see it, what you are doing is basically taking types such as, Street Samurai, Spellslinger, Physical Adept, Hacker, Face, Rigger etc, and applying them as classes for whatever the reason.

    The differences in the megaman world are more akin to certain roles rather than different types of being. Instead, build characer related stuff to be able to promote each given type, and give examples of how to build them.
    And to throw "classes" left and right seems to me to be diminishing the point of them to begin with.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)11:53 No.15657472
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)15:36 No.15659018

    The class system can have a lot of customization as well. Certain perks can be obtained only if you're a particular class, and if you decide to multi-class, you get a broader selection of perks, but you don't get the better ones of a particular class unless you REALLY focus in it.

    I view a class based system as more of a skeletal structure; When you first kick up a game, you're probably going to think about what do you want your character to do or be good at, and if there's no class system, you're going to build your character based on how you wanted it in the first place. The class system really just says 'hey, here are some of the most basic types of jobs that people usually pick, and if you pick one of them, you get a bonus from it'. I will say that multi-classing IS a more difficult thing to achieve, because at some point, the player isn't going to care about the flavor as much as they are about how efficient their character is. Being part rogue and part sorcerer in D&D might sound cool, but how well would that sort of character work when you get right down to it? If we are going to go with a class-based system (which I vote yes on), one thing I think needs to be handled at some point is multi-classing. I don't mean like 'as soon as we're done with classes we need to move onto multi-classing', but rather we need to come up with ways of rewarding players who decide to multi-class so that they become something new themselves. You know, reward the idea of creativity. Difficult, yes, but I think it'd be more enjoyable if players can somehow make classes wholly unique to themselves at some point in the future.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)16:06 No.15659280
    perk selection, maybe have perks that are only open by taking one or two from certain classes say, Something like a stylish finisher for a faceman skirmisher type guy or custom build stuff for a tech/pilot sort of dude.
    >> Franky 07/21/11(Thu)16:10 No.15659327
    One thing I feel has not been presented in this thread is Roll's, erm, roll as Megamans spotter when he goes into the dig sites.

    How plausible would it be to have a class, or subset of skills/perks for all the classes to allow people access to the dig sites camera network, radar, communication across all members of the dig team etcetera. Potentially providing bonuses and a heads up to threats through out the mission.

    Alternatively the story teller could be called the Spotter as his working title. Instead of DM, GM, ST, etc we call them the spotter and they take on the roll of a guide for the diggers as they traverse the dangerous terrain of the dig site.

    Spotters a la Roll Casket for Megaman Volnutt

    >Silvanus wntstass
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)16:14 No.15659365
    Maybe its an aspect of the Diplomancers ability set. Something like how the Ops director works?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)16:15 No.15659370
    We didn't fail boy, we're still here.

    I, the original poster of 8-bit Dystopia, have been lovingly at work with it for 18 months now.

    I'm just in the middle of some IRL shit right now. But the rulebook is long as hell and most of the crunch is now done (just missing the new sanity system and the build/play as-your-own-robot rules).
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)16:17 No.15659388
    Somebody already did this and uploaded it the other day. Check out /rs/ and it'll probably be there (Megaman RPG revised).

    If it isn't there I'll gladly upload it. It seemed quite neat - HIGHLY customisable - but I haven't checked it indepth.
    >> grimdark writefag. 07/21/11(Thu)16:17 No.15659391
    Anon, I miss those halcyon days. shall you lend us your quill to forge this new work as well?
    >> Player 1 07/21/11(Thu)16:18 No.15659402
    Go back to namefagging? I dunno. It seems like if you just want a pure Megaman game the fluff is already there for you, and an anon has already done a Megaman RPG, although I haven't seen it.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)16:18 No.15659405
    simple, we're making it ours. Because, why not?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)16:19 No.15659411
    fair enough really just your ideas for mechanics, input on how to do this would be nice
    >> Player 1 07/21/11(Thu)16:21 No.15659444
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    Here is Megaman Revised, dropped by a kind gent on /tg/ the other day.

    You really want some fluff and crunch mods? Well, OK. It's been a damned long time but I'll do it if you want.
    >> Player 1 07/21/11(Thu)16:24 No.15659483
    OK, well.

    I haven't played much Legends. We're talking 15 minutes playing it on emulator last year tops. I'm more a Classic series fan.

    So... the first place I'd start is the people. The people in legends are the descendants of robo-humanity. They've long since merged with robots into a new species, kind of like what the sensible Singularitarians talk about except even less dramatic. How does that effect people? (I have not played nearly enough to tell, but I have played enough to realise that the rules for the Megaman RPG posted before will not suffice, because they are extremely humanlike and probably won't share the same Core/Structure damage system).
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)16:26 No.15659505
    Alright, lets keep with this class combo bucket system here. it seems to be the most discussed. how do we make it so that solo class or combo classes are viable options?

    I like the idea of perks that are only open to solo and combo groups. Working from there would the spotter be some sort of combo set list? working together tech things as well as face man things?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)16:29 No.15659535
    They act basically like normal people from what we've seen they eat, breathe, die, have kids, get sick and injured but, they seem to have a real ability to take on cybernetics which makes sense, things like robotic arms are nothing for them to live with really and Bon is basically a baby in a dreadnought chassis
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)16:29 No.15659538
    It seems like they don't have any problems with cybernetics. As in no shock, no nothing. They can just use cybernetics without any problems at all (the grade of such augmentation is another matter...).
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)16:31 No.15659560
    Good god I am far too drunk to draw attention to myself with a name tag.

    I actually really like Scriptarius' ideas though, although I agree with him in saying that his attributes seem too crowded.

    As well, my first thought was "start with the Zelda RPG and evolve from there" so its interesting to see other people suggest that too. It could be worth checking out if you fancy a bit of work OP.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)16:31 No.15659561
    I think the most you can do is like what the pirates tend to do, full body upgrades that leave them little more than a brain in a jar or something. Like Klaymoore who well, for all we know is a little old man in a suit
    >> sphagettiman 07/21/11(Thu)16:33 No.15659575
    works gonna be there no matter what, Its why I've devoted a portion of the forum I admin into a dev area for this.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)16:34 No.15659591
    Interesting. Thinking about what we need, I've also been wondering about how cinematic we should make this. I think Legends should be very cinematic, so any rules should avoid being dry and generic. So we should make sure we have an interesting Feat/Edge system and other innovative solutions.

    First question is what sort of Dice Resolution system shall we use?
    How about 2d6 + [something] as our conflict resolution? It's simple and good for cinematic games.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)16:35 No.15659603
    D6 always works, beats the idea of D10s I was thinking of
    >> sphagettiman 07/21/11(Thu)16:39 No.15659629
    alright, so, we've got a pick and choose class system. I like this idea.

    Attributes are messy though. We need to slim these down I get the feeling.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)16:44 No.15659661
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    Brilliant! I've had a great time playing with 2d6 systems lately, its been very unexpected.

    Combat will be very important. Hmm. We can think of how combat works later, right now we should work on the rest of the conflict resolution. SKILLS & ATTRIBUTES! Unlike Scriptarius, I would suggest just a few attributes and then skills for the combat stuff (instead of dark heresy style combat skills where ballistic skill is an attribute, for example).

    Here's a slightly modified (and simplified) attributes deal:
    Strength (strength & carry)
    Agility (speed/dexterity/hand-eye coordination)
    Intelligence (smarts)
    Endurance (toughness)
    Wits (perception/mental dexterity)
    Charisma (also affects willpower)
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)16:49 No.15659709
    Huh, I've basically used the same attributes I used for 8bit (switched Cool for Charisma). Oh well!

    Skills are one for more experienced MML players, but I would suggest basic combat rolls (ranged, dodged, with some melee/parry for people who'd rather be Zero-esque and beam sword it up) with civilian skills and then some cool robot building and computer hacking skills. You COULD work in a 'net hacking thing akin to VR hacking in a cyberpunk game, but that isn't necessarily true to the setting (it ain't Megaman Battle Network after all). The non-combat non-robot building Civilian skills can be decided later. Lets figure out how they should be handled.

    In the games I've been playing lately there has been a roll high mechanic where players must roll over a number set by the GM. You could use that. Alternatively you may refer a roll-low system where things are rated 4-12 if you don't like the 2d6 + modifer idea.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)16:50 No.15659721
    I like 3d6+whatever cause it reminds me of the d20 with an actual bell curve.

    2d6 works too though, and your average is actually round too...
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)16:52 No.15659732
    Both 3d6+ and 2d6+ modifier work for me. We can decide later really, it only makes for a slight difference of Attribute scale.

    Do you want a wider possible range of difference or a less dramatic range of difference between things?
    >> Player 1 07/21/11(Thu)16:53 No.15659752
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    This is awesome /tg/. I haven't properly gotten involved in a /tg/ rules building exercise since... well since I did Car Lesbians with you guys. But I'm really feeling the magic now.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)17:02 No.15659822
    Right, where was I? So, the system is roll Xd6 + modifiers. That means there should be degrees of success. There are already a bunch of systems that use similiar mechanisms so perusing the Doctor Who/Buffy/etc drama systems should provide some target numbers that can also be extrapolated into a 3d6 system if necessary using SCIENCE.

    We should determine how many modifiers we want to use though. The aforementioned drama system is 1-6, but you guys might want more. A 3d6 system has room for more stuff - 1-10 maybe?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)17:04 No.15659836
    I like the idea of the GM being the Spotter. Could take a note from MaidRPG and have the GM make a spotter character who's involved, but objectively the weakest and only there to help manage funds and Spot.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)17:06 No.15659844
    I feel like mission support would be better for a player, in the same way that cyberpunk games have hacker/decker characters.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)17:13 No.15659892
    There's a reason that got kindof removed from SR4e.

    Well, not removed but you know, real time hacking, wireless, etc.

    A kind of cartographer who finds actual routes and opens doors in the dungeon or can tell which walls are hollow would be awesome though. Maybe also have some nerd-knowledge of the reaverbots.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)17:23 No.15659960
    That seems cool, and lets be honest, players of a MML are going to want to be Tron and Roll types as well as Volnutt.
    >> sphagettiman 07/21/11(Thu)17:45 No.15660163
    for roll resolution, I say lets go with the roll over, it should be less hard for people to wrap their heads around, also I like the simplified attribute system.

    as for number O sixes 2-3 sounds best. Most people have at least a couple of them laying around. but, three would lead to having the option for bigger nastiness which would work well to represent things like bigger robots/reavers and vehicles well I would think
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)17:50 No.15660215
    hell there will be people who want to be Tiesel, which..what does tiesel really do anyways? Does anyone know?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)17:53 No.15660233
    It's easy to explain away too. Reaverbots have been mass activating and there's no reception underground. Maybe a new reaverbot type, or the reactivating machines themselves are jamming the signal.

    Roll's.... role is basically skillmonkey. So I'm guessing with just basic stats+skills point system we could easily get that down.

    There could also be a stealthy-ish option, as in the games it was often much faster to just ignore the bots and run/sneak (especially the shark-gators). In the end, you want the big catch deep down, the smallfry doesn't really matter.

    PS.: keep the topic bumped, I'm going to need some sleep. Damn timezones...
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)17:54 No.15660249
    agreed, that or maybe they had an atypical set up. Spotters normally go in with their Diggers and help them by cracking codes and such. Also, It may just be their personal ethics they have as well
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)17:55 No.15660256
    According to Misadventures of Tron Bonne, he sells his body for money.


    Seems to be the face, and also thue person who comes up with the plans. I don't think we ever actually get to fight him.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)17:56 No.15660260
    Or it could be they had the atypical set up.

    Also a sneak option for not shooty/smashy classes is a good idea. that way they at least won't be KOS by Reaver bots and might actually be able to help in fights by popping a few stragglers off or getting to things that can turn the fight.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)17:58 No.15660282
    this is one of the few times I hope you meant that literally.

    But yeah he probably is the faceguy which explains why he's always taunting you/making insane schemes for money
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)18:07 No.15660361
    Basically, what happens is he takes a loan after the Gesselschaft gets blown up AGAIN.

    He spots a good place and goes ahead for some treasure hunting while instrcting Tron to follow him. By the time Tron catches up, the loan sharks get him and take him away to ransom for cash from Tron.
    >> Zeta Zaku 07/21/11(Thu)18:08 No.15660369
    Tiesel pilots the Marlwolf in 1 and the Blitzkrieg in 2. Coincidentally, they're both digging machines.

    If you want to count the boss fights against all the Bonnes piloting the Gesselschaft/Fokkerwolf, Bruno, and whatever their submarine battleship thing was, that brings him up to five.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)18:16 No.15660423
    That's true. Totally forgot about the diggers. I think Tron piloted the aircrafts though (I'LL SHOW THEM!).
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)18:27 No.15660497
    Same here bro, its late where I am and I've got to be up early in the morning.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)18:33 No.15660546
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    Gentlemen... behold.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)19:10 No.15660878
    This actually has some pretty good points!

    I like how the weapons double as digger equipment.

    Shields could make platforms, the "sniper" could be a boltgun, explosive charges could be used to break down fake walls, swords could be used to cut wines and cables, etc...

    I've read that OD&D spells all served a double purpose in the dungeon, it could be kinda like that.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)19:15 No.15660937
    Well, one would assume the players would use them like that anyways, but having them be explicitly dual purpose is a very interesting Idea as well. it could also mean maybe you could upgrade your gear to be things that work better in certain function such as bigger explosions or a more penetrating charge for or even radio controlled detonators.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)19:28 No.15661112
    I whink we should have classes, but have them more like Dark Heresy classes than D&D classes.
    What i was thinking of, built off of the idea earlier in the thread, was a point buy system where you don't get levels in classes but have Ranks in the classes. at the start you can have, say 1 Rank in a class free, and then you earn additional Ranks by getting talents with that class as a pre-requisite. so, if you get, lets say 100, points worth of Sneaky talents/perks/feats/whatever you get Rank 1 in Sneaky and can take better Sneaky Talnets/perks/feats/whatever. There would of course be Talents that require Rank 0 in a class that allow you to "multiclass."
    What do you think of this system /tg/?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)19:37 No.15661207
    it doesn't sound bad but, maybe have talents that allow for cross classing early on, and advancement into other careers readily maybe?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)19:39 No.15661239
    why does it seem like megaman juno's class of 'bot were made to rape everything when it came time to throw down? Does anyone understand this?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)19:45 No.15661297

    I think the GM being the Spotter is only appropriate. I mean, the Spotter is the one who locates the enemies on the radar and tells the Digger what's going on and gives a general idea of what's going on, and can potentially help the players out as well. Seems like the perfect position a GM can have to help the players.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)19:47 No.15661319
    that is a really good idea actually, in most cases they would be lower ranked for one class than another, but still provide points to leveling up both. Like Light armor proficiency being Fighter Rank 0 and Sneaky Rank 2, but will still provide points towards Sneaky even if you have no other Sneaky Talents
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)19:47 No.15661323
    maybe set it up as an optional ability ala the Ops director, The Gm has the option to do so, but if a player wants they can be the spotter, for better or for worse
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)19:50 No.15661375
    I find your lack of Zero disturbing.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)19:53 No.15661392
    its in there. We are thinking of a melee fighter type of build anyways
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)19:54 No.15661400
    For stats, special abilities and such perhaps Rockman X: Command Mission could be a starting point. I mean, it WAS a Megaman RPG.
    >> sphagettiman 07/21/11(Thu)19:58 No.15661441
    gentlemen, have we reached a descision yet? Also guest posting is active in the Dev section of the forum

    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)20:07 No.15661516
    I'm curious as to how you'd get the points. You COULD change it so that you get points via combat or something, and then you can just buy the ranks and you could pretty much just buy your levels, with each new rank costing a few more points. That way, it's a bit different from just gaining exp since you can buy ranks of a different sort of 'class'.

    Probably not the EXACT way to go, but I think it's a nice sort of start.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)20:09 No.15661539
    refractor shards my friend, or maybe that was for powering gear/buying stuff
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)20:13 No.15661589
    I figure the classes though don't give major stat boosts if any. If they have them they are probably going to be hard. Its the gear that makes the man-mega and to get the gear you gotta get dosh for it.

    As for perks I say either zenny to the wall for this or have it that its a simple point buy system based on rank/class
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)20:16 No.15661624
    well, when i said points i was trying to be vague. Essentially they are the same vague advancement mechanic every RPG has in some form or another. As for how you get them, i would like to see the system fleshed out before we decide that, as how advancements are achieved can really alter the tone of the game, do you think D&D would have as much combat if the rules where "you level up every third session, regardless of what they contain."? at the moment it could be pretty much anything that earns you them, completing a dig, sacrificing money, conflicts, set amount per session, and so on. there are so many ways to do it that i felt it was better to leave it vague for now until we get a more fleshed out system so we can fit advancement to the game, rather than the other way around.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)20:19 No.15661663
    fair enough, then lets get back to the bones of this beast here.

    So, we have decided a loose class system of sorts that allows a mix and match of two of them. But, what would this entail? What aspects of these classes make them stick out on their own in the first place that define them as stand alone classes?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)20:25 No.15661730
    Fighting types-

    they stand out as the only pure combat class, they excell at hammering hard when it counts and knocking down the enemy. Fighters come in two major flavors. you're shooting types which like to take shots at the baddies from a distance and the close in your face melee types that will run you through with an energy saber.

    In these two varieties you'll see a number of different kinds though, from ninja like speed-swordsman and machine gunners to the heavy hammer types and mobile artillery users. These guys are the most common digger, they know how to take a hit, and give one back.

    However, they tend to be something of a rough bunch and are not overly open around anyone but other diggers and are more often than not horrible with machinery that requires a more 'delicate' touch.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)20:36 No.15661840
    well, the four that are floating around in the thread are Fighter, Face, Pilot, Mechanic. though i think there should probably be a Rogue like class that lets the non-fighters sneak through a ruin and use there skills in there. unless that should be rolled into fighter, or fighter is the only class designed for going on digs, the others help with support.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)20:39 No.15661872
    a thief wouldn't be a bad idea actually, figure in case say the players want to be pirates and need to get in somwhere and steal valuables without getting caught, or maybe into ruins to trigger some old tech even
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)20:52 No.15661961
    maybe make it an aspect of the pilot class? Though that seems silly in retrospect
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)21:11 No.15662103
    maybe its a skill set open to all classes?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)21:24 No.15662200
    If we are going with the class system I suggested it doesn't really work well to have it like that, otherwise there is no way to keep the better abilities out of the hands of weaker characters. Multiclassing is the norm in this system. You like a Thief talent? take a couple, It would be that simple. It's like SWSE if you've ever played it. Multiclassing is both expected and encouraged.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)21:27 No.15662224
    have not but, alright so we make it its own class, which works pretty well in the end probably.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)22:01 No.15662542
    The stealth guy is just that, the stealth guy, hes the sort that goes around picking pockets, locks and little old ladies purses, he can glide by a reaver without a fight but, should he get caught he's not all that good in the nitty gritty.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)22:25 No.15662741
    maybe base some of their powers off of bola there, the guy who would leap from spinny death machines around the room and would throw reaver bots at you? He seems like a melee steath guy
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)23:32 No.15663389
    well, we found one of the stealth guys better talents...dear god how many people you could troll with that alone.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)00:18 No.15663875
    Saving a lot of the info, this has promise.

    I think the next step is defining how items affect the different classes: stat/skill boosts, special skills, ect.
    And then perhaps basic categories for skills, though they should not be catch alls.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)00:21 No.15663911
    agreed, though we also will need a robust item creation system as well really given the fact that well there's not one, but, two classes dedicated to that very facet of the game
    >> greenmarine !!ynR8ly17cbg 07/22/11(Fri)00:22 No.15663916
    Give me material to frawdag and also more Tron!
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)00:24 No.15663932
    Will do Green marine How about a couple character's for the basic classes? Like a figheter type, a tech type, a faceman and a pilot also a stealth guy?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)00:38 No.15664060
    Yeah, maybe two or three defining things about items, but being able to be creative with how they look.
    >> greenmarine !!ynR8ly17cbg 07/22/11(Fri)00:42 No.15664090
    Will do. What are we aiming for? Mega man-esque robot characters? Humans?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)00:45 No.15664122
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    legends style which is pic related
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)00:47 No.15664140
    have it so they have a list of effects that based on what sort of item it is they can choose from, with a price and stuff they need for it listed with it.
    >> greenmarine !!ynR8ly17cbg 07/22/11(Fri)00:49 No.15664164
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    >>Implying i need a picture to be familiar with legends style

    I can't really describe how offended i am at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)00:49 No.15664168
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    Hey guys, i just got back from vacation, whats ne...

    >In the light of legends three being cancelled.

    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)00:50 No.15664177
    hey, you asked. But human/carbon like please. Also sorry batman
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)00:50 No.15664178
    Way to good, Bats! You could of stopped this from happening!
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)00:55 No.15664227
    Yeah, and maybe like the way the website >>15660546 brought up.

    Find item > reverse engineer/pay someone > blueprint > parts > new item

    That way, if they get really clever, they can sell the blueprints to a manufacturer and get royalties or something. Though at that point it could become more like Rogue Trader, for better or worse.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)00:58 No.15664264
    that could work as well maybe multiple ways to make the item? IBlueprints could be the easiest and maybe crafting checks to see what happens if you try from scratch?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)01:00 No.15664286
    To be a little more clear:

    Find artifact > reverse engineer/pay someone to do that for you > blueprint > parts > useful item

    Or, you could decide that something should go to a museum instead, perhaps digging to learn about the past, not for stuff to break down ( though the zenny always helps)

    With that I'm off to bed, hopefully this thread will be alive tomorrow, or a similar one.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)01:02 No.15664311
    that could work, dear god its like rogue trader, all of the players will be after profit...
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)01:13 No.15664418
    I like this idea, though I'm also all for certain stuff having to be cobbled together from various pieces of crap. Other stuff of course probably would just be for sale at the local junk vendor of course.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)01:14 No.15664429
    Bola and Klaymoor are the perfect examples of two specific high end class builds. Rogue and Fighter/Digger, to be specific.

    In regards to refractors, an idea: Larger refractors can both be sold, used for powering heavy machinery, or, if used right, used to enhance a weapon's power output, which would require perhaps the Mechanist class in order to use properly. Larger the refractor, the more boni possible, which could be spread to more than one piece of equipment, with enough skill.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)01:18 No.15664461
    true, also Tiesel actually is a sterling example of what a Faceman/pilot would be. Von bluecher is an out and out faceman though.

    as for refractors the larger ones probably act as power sources or, if the party wants can be sold off for a high price given the decent sized ones are used to power everything from towns to air ships
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)01:44 No.15664688
    I don't even know which page this is on. I woke up, turned on the browser and here it is.

    5-minutes-before-Goning-to-work bump
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)04:32 No.15665788

    That's actually a really good idea. The smallest ones are basically pocket change, slightly bigger ones could be like batteries and worth more, and each one that's bigger could generate more power and so on.

    I've got to ask two questions though; what's a 'faceman' and where is this info being stored at? Is this being archived or is it in that forum that someone posted that allowed guest posting?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)05:43 No.15666235
    First I'd like to say that I fucking love this idea. I've been wanting to make a Mega Man game for years.
    Second, I must say that I loathe and abhor classes.
    That being said, however, I think they make since for a MM game because robots are built with a purpose in mind. The Rockman himself was built as a combat robot. I think I can cope with classes as long as they're strictly used as a base model that can be freely modified during and after character creation. as for adding a rogue class, the classes could break down as follows:

    >Fabrication & Repair/Hacking
    >Data Storage & Analysis/Diplomacy
    >Vehicles & Drones/Mechs and Battlesuits
    >Stealth/Mobility (getting in and out of places others can't)

    riffing off of what other people have posted so far and giving it more of a "this is what I was built for" theme. an example of a recon bot could be built for checking construction sites for safety hazards or could be used as a rescue unit if someone is in danger and there's no one else who can safely get to them because of rubble or some such. one could always go rogue and become a cat burglar. a pilot bot could simply be a cab driver, etc.
    so are robots and carbons going to be two distinct races? if so, what sets them apart? I haven't played Legends since it first came out and am not that familiar with the setting.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)08:56 No.15667088
    I think instead of classes it should be "chassis", or "mainframe" or something of the like, if we really must.

    You'd pick one at the start, but with enough cash you could switch mid game (out of dungeons). This kindof makes sense and is less restrictive than classes.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)09:00 No.15667113
    I'm pretty sure everybody is "carbons" some just have more modifications than others. It seems like the more advanturous your life is, the more likely you get augmented (barrel's face, the whole Bonne family)
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)09:00 No.15667118
    Maybe to test this system we could set up a few characters as archtypes?

    Sniper Joe
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)09:31 No.15667235
    I like this idea. I also think "chassis" sounds good
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)10:43 No.15667583
    Don't forget this is, megaman legends the one where human/robot hybrids are running around, exploring ancient ruins filled with eldritch machines.

    The class names sound good also
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)11:02 No.15667703
    We could probably even balance Chassis..es (chassii?) by price, with civilian stuff being cheap and letting more cash for other equipment purchases.

    I'm guessing Rock had a pretty high grade one, as it was sturdy, mobile, and had pretty good built in firepower.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)11:04 No.15667718
    It seems we've got classes maybe chassis are an item? Literal body mods for players looking to specialize their characters
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)11:22 No.15667840
    These are supposed to be instead of classes. There's very little point for those in this game (and you can just present them AS classes).
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)13:52 No.15669062
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)14:41 No.15669458
    So guys, actually I had an idea involving character creation that may or may not be practical.

    If I recall this thread correctly from yesterday, we brought up the idea of a classless-classed. Someone else brought up the idea of a perk system to define character roles and abilities.

    My idea provides some of the benefits of a classed system with the free-form ideals of a classless system as well as allowing characters to combine roles or specialize in their favorite areas.

    Clearly nothing is in stone, but the idea is that at character gen a character selects three perks from a list, designating one of them as their primary perk or 'role'. This primary perk provides greater benefits than if it were selected as a secondary perk.

    For example, lets take our classic Megaman Volnutt and give him the example perks "Digger", "Guardian" and the primary perk "Buster". The Digger perk would provide him with general spelunking abilities, possibly including the Reaverbot Lantern to detect enemies (making up for a poor perception). The Guardian perk provides him with added defenses, possibly including the life shield. Finally, his primary role as a Buster gives an ammo-less, upgrade-able megabuster and related abilites, generally reflecting his abilities as a running-gunning reaverbot/pirate destroying badass.

    Of course, swapping the primary role to Guardian may result in a better defensive skill at the expense of the power/utility of the buster gun. Swapping to Digger would have similar benefits, including some utility abilites (radar-sweeps, proximity alerts, extended radio range, etc.)

    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)14:48 No.15669512
    So far as I'm able to understand, the difference between carbons and robots are about the same as the differences between robots and humans. Carbons are synthetic lifeforms created as a replacement (intended to be temporary) for humans. Physical differences are minimal, except they are 'fake'.

    There may be a few more differences, possibly disease resistance and durability, but they can be pretty much considered human from a crunch standpoint.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)16:27 No.15670396
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    Legends never die /tg/
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)17:04 No.15670729
    Just a bit of a bump before I go to sleep. I'll have more time to work on this come the weekend.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)17:40 No.15671043
    Alright we think we have the class basics put down. Here


    From here I think we should be able to start the real work of it all
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)17:55 No.15671163
    Alright so, attributes won't really budge once they're made up right? Its gear and the odd talent that will really effect them. So, how do we determine the attributes in the first place?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)18:00 No.15671194
    Any ideas for talents gentlemen?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)19:01 No.15671695
    Well, we've got 5 classes and 6-7 abilities, so maybe roll 2d6 and add the level in an class, having some abilities overlap, like Accuracy for Fighters and Pilots and so on?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)19:08 No.15671781
    souns like a good idea, or maybe have it that each class has bonuses to certain attributes which are determined by 2d6 rolled to get the baseline?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)19:11 No.15671811
    My bad, looked at >>15671043 and learned we have 6 abilities and 6 classes. Are we still doing the setup from >>15653222 or have we moved away from that?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)19:13 No.15671830
    We're using something along that line.

    the class discussion thread, its a modified version of scripty's stuff, though for all I know deku is the master fabricator
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)19:15 No.15671858
    Yeah, that would work better than what I thought, as classes would need multiple abilities to work.
    How high numbers are we gonna go here by the way? If we do use 2d6, that makes starting stats from 2 - 12, so maybe have 15 or so as a cap starting out, classes adding at max 3 to an ability.
    Also, we should make it so players can mulligan a bum score, replacing it with the average.
    >> sphagettiman 07/22/11(Fri)19:17 No.15671880
    doesn't sound like a bad idea, though for some sick reason, I keep wanting to make this a 3D6 game. Also, guest posting is still active, It will be for the Dev section till the end of time gentlemen
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)19:20 No.15671912
    Okay, sounds similar, though he doesn't explain how the points for classes are distributed. So basically what it looks like now is that class level and attributes would be pretty stable, barring item messing with them in one way or another and skills, talents and items would be the way to power up your character right?
    >> sphagettiman 07/22/11(Fri)19:22 No.15671933
    pretty much yeah, and for points, I don't know to be honest. I'm better with fluff myself
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)19:30 No.15672004
    Okay, then I'll stick with scripty's point distribution method then, making it 7 points for classes, your main choice starting off with two and the rest distributed as you please.
    I'm not sure I like his attribute generation though, as it might bring up some hairy issues (like, what happens if a char with a 0 in endurance takes a hit?).
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)19:32 No.15672031
    make it so the zero endurance doesn't happen set a min. value of lets say, two or three any lower and they can't do it?
    >> sphagettiman 07/22/11(Fri)20:44 No.15672750
    Gentlemen, I'm making a new thread partly due to the huge size of this beast and also partly to refine things and get us back on track.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/11(Fri)23:00 No.15673917

    This is basically M&M in a nutshell. You choose perks that fortify your role in the party (think powerful feats from 3.x), then you buy everything else with points.

    Points can buy,
    -Ability scores, even to superhuman levels

    -Skill points, for your tech heads, martial artists and socialites

    -Powers, for your buster cannon and other neat weaponry (which can be mimicked by equipment), or more passive powers like being bionic or made out of goop (I'm looking at you Yellow Devil)

    -Equipment, for your artifact users, mecha, robot dogs, home bases, traps, robot lairs, end-boss lairs, lightsabers, reflective capes, super vacuums, etc. Basically, if you can think it, it can become an equipment with a superpower(s).

    The best part is, you play the entire game with one die.

    The d20. That's it. Wounds, stunning, and maiming a la Warhammer.

    Someone read the first couple chapters of the Mutants and Masterminds SRD, and you won't want to look back.

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