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  • File : 1305790507.jpg-(63 KB, 868x887, 942829e31e726d1b28d0344d075f58666a066fae.jpg)
    63 KB Fate/Stay Night Statting Help. Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)03:35 No.14977596  
    So, I'm the Derp who made the lame thread about making a Seikirei/ Fate Stay/Night Fusion type Setting.

    So now I come to you and ask for assistance with one thing... I don't know how in the hell to do the fate stay night Statting shit. So Epic Fa/tg/guys and Ca/tg/irls I leave it to you.

    Oh before I forget there are some new classes in this setting. Anyway onto the servants.

    Fighter: Hippolyta
    Saber:Joan of Arc
    Caster: Cleopatra
    Rider:Catherine of Aragon
    Lancer: Odin
    Archer: Sun Shang Xiang

    Figther = Martial Artsy/weaponry version of Saber but not as well rounded as the Saber class
    >> Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)03:39 No.14977621
    bump for the bump god, interest for the interest throne?

    Swordga from... Ohu Captcha
    >> Necrobrotent 05/19/11(Thu)03:45 No.14977661
    You can't pick the servants right away. The players have to have some input on the servant pool or it won't be as fun.

    I ran a fate game a long time ago it was fun but it took alot of rules tweaking in a d20 system and in the end while the players had a good time I had a fucking headache.
    >> Necrobrotent 05/19/11(Thu)03:50 No.14977704
    Sorry was still in another board posting mode.

    Anyway the idea is good the system is a problem.
    >> Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)04:00 No.14977770
    It's alright man but I was just giving those servants out as examples as well as pretty much How are we gonna stat if you don't give us anyone to stat!
    >> Friendly DMguy 05/19/11(Thu)04:04 No.14977802
    Hmm, I am gonna follow this thread. I dont have time to reply (working atm and my colleague is looking to my monitor behind my back) but I would like to see how to implement it to my game. Rather make some short story with it.
    >> Story TL;DR and what not. Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)04:13 No.14977866
    So for those who show interest and what not lemme recap the story that I've came up with so far.

    There's 2 worlds, the Mortal or Physical world and the Arcane world officially dubbed the Akashic world. The Akashic world is suffering from atrophy, instead of vast infinite magical powered landscapes, it's shrinking into a void of nothingness.

    The various higher powered beings of the Akashic world are at a loss of what to do.

    Though one wizard who is from the infamous bloodline of Merlin, has a plan that involves infusing human beings with magical shards straight from the roots of the Tree of Akasha/The Source of all Magic and Knowledge.

    Though this plan is risky due to the fact that intentionally altering the output of mana from the Akashic tree is grounds for a death so horrible that Horus from 40K's end by the emperor would seem tame.

    But wherever one goes, plans tend to go horribly awry. Instead of 128 shards as intentionally planned the tree of Akasha releases 240 shards into the mortal realm, as well as creating tears in the great barrier to allow a higher outflow of magic into the human world.

    So The wizard has to make an emergency modification to the Grail War System, which creates new classes legitimizes other classes (Avenger and Saver) and allows for Master's to have more than one servant.

    That's all I got so far.
    >> New Servant Classes Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)04:20 No.14977909
    Rogue/Scout Class: Not that high powered but can match if not outpace riders and Archers in speed. Specializes in ambush sneak attacks. Noticeable Scout's include Robin hood.

    Fighter Class: Already Gave the definition

    Adept Class: A more focused version of caster, but instead of all magic Adepts are attuned to offensive magic.

    Saver Class: Fate Stay Night Paladin Class

    Healer Class: This class of servant focuses more on Restoration and Enhancement Magic

    Alter Class: Pretty much Archer from FS/N But took a couple levels in power and efficency
    >> Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)04:26 No.14977944
    anotha bump another hopeful glance
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)04:33 No.14977968
    >Caster: Cleopatra
    When did she practice magic?
    >Lancer: Odin
    Not only is he a god (and thus impossible to summon) he also never really came to or existed in the mortal realm for more than a few hours (at most, although he might have stayed for longer a rare time or two). He is also a fictional person (or rather, no proof of his mortal existence exists) so he can't be summoned because of that as well.

    Why would he have made a pact with the world to be a part of the hall of heroes in the first place anyway? He was the leader of the Aesir, the gods of Norse mythology.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)04:38 No.14977995
    So basically the Assassin but better.
    So basically the Archer class
    So basically Lancer/Saber
    As you said, exactly the same as caster.
    Again the same as Saber (or lancer if its a paladin with a lance).
    So basically caster, except shit.
    You even state yourself that its "Archer but better".
    >> Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)04:40 No.14978015
    Cleopatra: She seems to fit best with the whole caster mold, I know she can be saber and or archer but it's just personal preference

    As for Odin, I was thinking of a warrior who takes up his name because let's face it. Inspiration for gods do come from epic men/women
    >> Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)04:42 No.14978028
    urg... I hate to leave this tread but I need to try and get some sleep. Feel free to tear apart, reconstruct and tweak this idea. And you guys would be fuckin bros if this get's archived.

    -checks the TG Archives during work training-

    Anyway's To those who show interest, Thank you and constructive criticism is always welcome.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)04:42 No.14978032
    Sasaki Kojiro and Robin Hood are both fictional in the Nasuverse, and both have been made Servants in canon. There's no proof Heracles existed, yet he was one of the original VN's servants. Heracles and Gilgamesh are both demigods, and they could be summoned. And you don't need to make a pact to get into the Throne, only Saber and Archer did (and probably others who were never named). You want to go for Odin, OP, make him based on a real person, wielding a lance and with talent in lightning-aligned Magecraft.
    >> Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)04:47 No.14978064
    I know I fail when it comes to the new classes but if you have any idea's for how to make them then by all means. This is a work in progress so I'm bound to make some mistakes somewhere.

    One last bump/hope for archivage for the bumpgods and >>14978032 I'll take that into account! Thanks man Anyway's Plot, Edit, Tweak and what not. Good Night TG, Stay gold and never change

    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)04:50 No.14978079
    >Cleopatra: She seems to fit best with the whole caster mold
    Unless you want to throw away the setting the character has to have known magic.
    This does not work. There is no recorded word of an Odin human therefore he cannot be summoned. Have you ever even read the visual novel?

    Wasn't summoned as a Heroic Spirit, he was an Epic Spirit. Besides that many believe he actually existed.
    >Robin Hood
    A person just like him is referred to in texts from the 12th century. He was very real but maybe no exactly "Robin Hood". So yes he can be summoned.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)04:51 No.14978083
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)04:55 No.14978100
    Historic Robin Hood was stated in Fate/Extra to have been a conglomeration of a bunch of people, just like historic Kojiro. Granted, Extra's rules are different from mainline Fate/Stay Night, but OP's rules are different as well. What's to stop him from taking liberties with the source material for the sake of fun?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)04:59 No.14978116

    Issue: Joan of Arc was a pacifist. So unless her entire power is empowering thier master into a warrior of skill, she kinda lacks much in the way of...combat ability. She had a sword, yes but she was primarily a banner bearer. I would actually, if I had to include her, make her an armoured Caster, with bardic style inspiration and some now supercharged healing and such. Not that good in a straight fight but there is no better leader and she's nigh unkillable hereself, as mythological/historical Joan took a few cannonballs point blank to the face without stopping.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)04:59 No.14978119
    Irrelevant. Robin Hood can be summoned regardless due to the fact his persona actually existed.

    Even though Extra is complete crap from an in-setting perspective.

    Maybe we should argue about all the other games in the franchise? Suddenly Gilgamesh can be beaten by everyone in the series even when he plays it completely serious. Please do get real.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)05:12 No.14978179
    Gilgamesh was beaten by an amateur magus without a crest, only good at two kinds of magic. His flaw is that he never fights seriously, which is literally why he loses in every route.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)05:14 No.14978186
    Protip: Every time Gilgamesh lost or was put out of commission in the VN was due to deus ex machina. Everyone acknowledges this.
    >> Friendly DMguy 05/19/11(Thu)06:18 No.14978447
    Wait, wait.
    I've only watched the anime, but I kind of liked the setting. Are there some sourcebooks to read or manga to get more than what was in the anime?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)06:35 No.14978511
    Koujiro in the Nasuverse wasn't Koujiro. That he was summoned was a fluke.
    In the Nasuverse, no such thing as Koujiro had ever existed, however, one time in history a peasant with an almost unhealthy obsession with sword techniques learned Koujiro's swordplay.
    Fake-Assassin in the nasuverse is still a hack though, summoned into a class that he shouldn't be able to be summoned into, summoned "as" a hero he really wasn't etc etc. Caster just happened to be from the so called age of gods, and one of the most powerful/gifted magicians of the nasuverse. Given a bit of time and resources she could most likely create her own grail war system, so it wasn't that farfetched that she could cheat in someone elses.

    But in general, characters who ever existed can't be summoned in the grail war.
    Say you wanted to summon superman. No one in the world would have grown to achieve his level of strength, and had the aility to shoot laser throught their eyes and be weak of the non-existent kryptonite. You wouldn't get the closest best thing, you should rather get squat or perhaps more likely, something else entirely with an alignment close to yours, as if you had never used a catalyst.

    As for Odin. Divine beings is out of the league for their so called heaven's feel system. As in, the power they possess, as well as the kind of power they posess is of a scale and type the system surely wasn't built for.
    The demi-gods thing is already stretching it. But ChuChulainn would be fine, his father Lugh however would not be.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)06:35 No.14978514
    But if you really were to want to have Odin in your game, I am not one to step on your fun. I would advice you to re-fluff the whole thing. Rather than there having been a person "similair" to Odin. Have the stories of Odin be based on man, and then exxagerated through history. Combine this with a hefty depowering, because well, Odin is another class compared to your other heroes. The omniscience being one thing, but that he probably is a better caster than your Caster, despite being Lancer is another. Oh and the stats wouldn't exactly be fair.
    So some balancing would be in place.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)06:41 No.14978535
    The anime is very bland. It leaves out the majority of stuff actually. Go find the visual novel to play through. Also,
    You might also wanna give the Tsukihime VN a try. It's set in the same universe. Don't bother with the anime, give the manga a try if you want.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)06:46 No.14978548
    I'm from /jp/.

    If anyone has any questions specific to the VN I'd be happy to help.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)06:47 No.14978553
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    >I've only watched the anime, but I kind of liked the setting. Are there some sourcebooks to read or manga to get more than what was in the anime?
    The anime was sort of a huge mess of the original plotlines/setting.
    What it did was basically to merge 3 independent storylines, not compatible with eachother initially, into one story of which they used in the anime. It became sort of a mess and lots of valuable characterization was lost in order for them to fit more redundant shit into the plotline. Such as, the climax of the route the anime was based the most on, was lost, and lots of ther small important scenes as well. One really doesn't get to know the protagonist in their version, because too many other stuff apparently had to pop up for about 1 minute, say hi, and leave.

    But go ahead and read the original. I would argue that it is somewhat unique and lots of people really liked it. Just don't expect it to be too much of heroes duking it out, there is some of that too, but the story is in truth how the characters of the story realizes how there was more to the was than heroes duking it out.
    crrl+f -> Fate/stay night
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)06:52 No.14978575
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    >only watched the anime
    You missed out so hard I don't even know where to begin.

    So have an image from a flashback scene explaining the relationship between Ilya and Berserker.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)06:59 No.14978602
    Man, you guys take this too seriously. Look, Fate/Stay Night is a massive conglomeration of crap and alternate, contradictory crap spread out through many sources, and like all tales of fiction, the writers will totally flat out contradict themselves or pull shit out of their ass to make things happen that they previously said could not/did not happen, or to just make an interesting story. Authentic emulation of fantasy settings is not only a bad idea, it's usually flat out impossible because there is no one true, clear canon.

    But on the Odin topic, words like 'god' and 'demigod' don't mean anything in the Fate Stay Night setting. They are fluff words that you can sometimes use to describe very badass people. They don't have any clear fit in a tier system of power. You can totally have Odin, you can call him a god, and you can still have Gilgamesh hand him his ass, because there is no point of reference for what a 'norse god' is in Fate/Stay Night and what one should expect a 'god' to be able to do. So we can just define them as a type of hero, and they don't even have to be a particularly exceptional hero. In the same way Heracles is a demigod, and calling him that literally means nothing - he's just a hero with some special abilities like the rest of them, and we call him a demigod as fluff because it's a backstory element for where his awesomeness comes from.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)07:02 No.14978614
    >I have no idea what I am talking about so I am just going to keep saying things until it makes sense
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)07:10 No.14978638

    This made me look up Fate/Strange Fake and it turns out that was an april fools joke. I wanted my Rider who was literally the black death, as in the disease.
    >> Dr. Baron von Evilsatan 05/19/11(Thu)07:12 No.14978643

    ...did the Wolves eat his feet or something? That's what it looks like.

    Maybe that's why he was so upset.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)07:14 No.14978648
    Dude, Hercules. Fate/Stay Night has canon demihuman summons. One of the summons isn't even a real person, it's a pretender of someone who in fact does not exist who was made heroic by the act of summoning (as opposed to being a pre-heroic summon).

    What I'm trying to say is that the rules for the summoning process are whatever the writers needed it to be at the time of that individual story segment to have dramatic impact. And wondering what that actually allows/doesn't allow is a waste of time.

    Being a norse god is not a distinction of any kind worth mentioning beyond Hercules being half-god - it's just fluff for why the 'hero' was capable of doing what he was doing. You can have Odin - he's a dude with a hammer who hurls lightning bolts or something, and we call him a norse god because it turns out being able to hurl lightning bolts from his hammer made him a badass dude at the time. He might also be immortal and rock out in valhalla, but norse god doesn't convey anything in the setting that says, "I should be more powerful than any hero in the setting." It's not a balance issue, and it's not a flavor issue.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)07:14 No.14978650
    They're standing in deep snow.

    Jack the Ripper as berserker would have been pretty glorious too.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)07:19 No.14978669

    >You can have Odin - he's a dude with a hammer who hurls lightning bolts or something, and we call him a norse god because it turns out being able to hurl lightning bolts from his hammer made him a badass dude at the time.

    Umm...That's Thor. Odin was his father, with the spear, the sole eye and a master of magic.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)07:34 No.14978719
    I don't really care. He's also been depicted with a sword or axe, depending on the time period and artist's rendition.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)07:36 No.14978730
    ...and whether or not the given artist actually ever read even a comic book about Thor or Odin, to say nothing of any number of collated works on the topic of Norse mythology.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)07:38 No.14978740
    I'm referring to artists of the historically relevant time period - I would not consider comic books a good source of authentic Odin/Thor information?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)07:38 No.14978744

    Yeah but it's a vastly different god. It's much like messing up Ares and Zeus.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)07:39 No.14978747
    Can you cite any, by chance, or is Madeupshitepeda.org down again?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)07:46 No.14978776
    Balmung, but I don't think Odin ever used it, it's a 'sword in the stone' type story, except in this case sword in the tree, and Odin put it there.

    Wikipedia reveals this gem:

    Again, I don't really care. I may have mistakenly thought Thor took after his father (for some reason, I thought Odin had something to do with thunder, Thor lightning, and they were both heavy-weapon wielding badasses). My bad in that regard, but it's not really relevant to what I'm discussing.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)07:53 No.14978814
    With each post you're just asserting the fact that you know nothing of what you are talking about and just how willfully ignorant you intend on continuing to be.

    Oh and yes, Odin didn't just only use spears. Gungnir was a special weapon HE HAD though. Which is why he is often remembered for it. In fact Odin had lots of stuff being LEADER OF THE AESIR, THE GODS OF ASGARD.

    One other thing he is also known for is (guess what, riding related) Sleipner. The 8 (yes, eight) legged horse birthed by Loki after Loki had transformed into a mare to lure a jætte's (no I cant remember the english word) horse away so the gods of Asgard didn't have to deal with their end of the bargain for the walls that surrounds Asgard.

    Thinking that Odin only had or used spears is a ridiculous thought.

    Anyway, back to my original point. The quoted poster is a troll or an idiot and should be best off ignored.
    >> Friendly DMguy 05/19/11(Thu)07:53 No.14978816
    Tbh I tried to play the novel. With no great success. I grew bored with it after some scene I knew from anime. I kind of didnt want to play through same story as I've already seen. And the beginning bored me.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)07:54 No.14978823
    Get a finished save data file from somewhere and start from the UBW route then.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)07:55 No.14978829
    Go for the Sakura route, belive me, you won't see ANYTHING from the anime in there...
    It is however near Saya levels of ick.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)07:57 No.14978841
    That's just as terrible an idea. How does UBW start? Oh right exactly the same because the story is one with branching paths and not 3 completely different stories. Taking UBW before Fate just leaves a lot of shit unexplained.

    Just give up. He's a retarded namefag anyway. He just wants your attention.
    >> Blackheart !!d+z47tvchVl 05/19/11(Thu)07:58 No.14978845
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    >Fighter: Hippolyta

    Could work. Still a better custom class then say Saver.

    >Saber:Joan of Arc

    Excellent. Poor Fate/Zero Caster really wanted to meet her again.

    >Caster: Cleopatra


    >Rider:Catherine of Aragon

    Well at least its not that russian Czarina who died under a horse.

    >Lancer: Odin

    Bold. Though if you can summon Hercules then potentially you can summon Odin with a good enough focus.

    >Archer: Sun Shang Xiang

    I should get around to finishing Romance of Three Kingdoms.

    Assassin where?

    Back in the day my list was:

    Saber: El Cid
    Lancer: Adolf Hitler
    Caster: King Solomon
    Rider: Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen
    Archer: Vasily Zaytsev
    Berserker: The Black Knight (its only a flesh wound)
    Assassin: Jack The Ripper
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)08:01 No.14978859
    Divine beings cannot be summoned, Odin is right against the rules. Neither Hercules (or Gilgamesh for that matter) are complete divine beings. At their base they are human and that is the only reason they can be summoned. Explained outside the anime.

    Hassan is the only assassin capable of being summoned. Also explained outside the anime.
    >> Blackheart !!d+z47tvchVl 05/19/11(Thu)08:04 No.14978873
    Yes, but this is a game based on F/SN not F/SN itself thread the last time I checked.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)08:05 No.14978878
    Yeah, and none of that shit you're babbling about has anything to do with the points I'm making. There is absolutely no 'balance' expectations with putting the tag 'norse god' on someone (whether that someone be Odin or Thor, and I literally could not care less if I'm mixing attributes), and it is completely consistent with the flavor of the Fate/Stay Night universe unless you think norse god implies the sort of omnipotence monotheistic religions attribute to their divinities (and there's no reason it has to).

    Fate/Stay Night has mythic non-human or demi-human figures already. Adding more is not at all a problem. And there is no in-universe reference for what it means to be a part of a pantheistic religion's pantheon, so there's no expectation that having Odin around means he is godly compared to the rest.

    Odin works just fine. And he can be statted up as the worst of the bunch, and it in no way violates anything established (consistently) in canon.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)08:07 No.14978884
    Ooh getting awfully insulted and defensive are we?

    If something is based on another thing then the same rules apply. Just because Dark Heresy is based on WH40K does not mean that Necrons and Tyranids have babies with each other.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)08:08 No.14978889
    You seriously expect people to listen to you?
    >> I apologised on 4chan !!857o4GkKJgy 05/19/11(Thu)08:09 No.14978894

    True, although you COULD get around that rule and summon Vishnu the Hindu god of Perfection IF you summoned his avatar Rama from the Ramayana since that was the whole point of Rama: A way around the whole "No divine being can harm me" rule that Ravana was abusing which he got from Brahma in return from saving Brahma's life.

    He'd make a fucking world-ending Archer.

    The hard part is of course, what the fuck would you use as a reagent to summon him?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)08:10 No.14978901
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    >> Blackheart !!d+z47tvchVl 05/19/11(Thu)08:10 No.14978903
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    Not really. But if you read the beginning of the thread you'll see that they're not playing in the Nasuverse and just basing a game off F/SN. You don't have to fit everything 100% to the original. Especially not if you're having fun.

    >Just because Dark Heresy is based on WH40K does not mean that Necrons and Tyranids have babies with each other.

    Of course not, since the necrons are busy having gay sex with giant muscle vampires.
    >> Blackheart !!d+z47tvchVl 05/19/11(Thu)08:11 No.14978908
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    >> Friendly DMguy 05/19/11(Thu)08:12 No.14978909
    Thank you for berating me. I feel much better now. And I want to know, your attention doesnt interest me, why should it?

    Could someone please explain to me how are those different storylines. And how do anime tie to all of it?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)08:12 No.14978912
    Reagents are not needed to summon. In fact the mages don't need to do anything at all to summon a servant as they are all chosen by the Holy Grail to compete in the war.

    Of course they supposedly help get the one you want. But if you don't do rituals and shit you just get one that is like yourself in personality.
    >> I apologised on 4chan !!857o4GkKJgy 05/19/11(Thu)08:14 No.14978915
    >Rider: Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen
    >Archer: Vasily Zaytsev
    >Lancer: Adolf Hitler

    Uh, you can't summon anybody who hasn't been dead less than a century. Archer got around that due to being a counter guardian, and other bullshit.
    It's right there in the first chapter of Fate/Stay Zero.

    Mine was:

    Saber: Samson
    Lancer: Dracula
    Caster: Faust
    Rider: Atilla the Hun
    Archer: Atlanta
    Berserker: Siegfried
    Assassin: Assassin
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)08:14 No.14978918
    >your attention doesnt interest me, why should it?
    >> I apologised on 4chan !!857o4GkKJgy 05/19/11(Thu)08:15 No.14978928
    >Of course they supposedly help get the one you want. But if you don't do rituals and shit you just get one that is like yourself in personality.

    Given that your trying to summon the God of Perfection itself, it seems unlikely that there would ever be a mage of a similar mindset. That pretty much mandates the use of some kind of reagent.
    >> I apologised on 4chan !!857o4GkKJgy 05/19/11(Thu)08:18 No.14978938
    >Saber: Samson

    Ah no wait! I remember now. It was actually Saint George.
    Yeah that was right, there was this whole Dragonslayers Vs Dracula motif I had running wasn't there. I also had an idea that the Church would try to deliberately tweak the assassin summoning so that they were able to ressurect Van Helsing as a servant as well.

    It was also before I was made aware of the possible Tatari - Dracula connection.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)08:19 No.14978943
    Don't really care, but the op wanted Odin, and there's really no reason you can't except some writer felt the need to say, "no divine beings," when divine is a vague, undefined term, and on the other hand Hercules the half-god is right over there punching everyone in the face.

    Certainly, that rule is defensible, but seriously. Why bother? You can have norse gods just by saying, "gods in pantheistic religions are about as powerful as heroic human figures, the god bit is just fluff." Open the book to any pantheons you want. It's not a balance issue, since the series doesn't at all make clear how powerful such a being would be comparatively, and it's not a canon-issue, because the canon is, in that sense, pretty damn poorly thought out and only barely consistent.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)08:20 No.14978945
    There are three routes. The anime mostly covers the "Fate" route, which is Saber's route, but the end of the anime turns into a horrible mishmash of all of the routes that fans of the VN tend to hate.

    There is also "Unlimited Blade Works", the Rin route, and "Heaven's Feel", the Sakura route.

    You can get onto UBW by choosing "Don't stop her" when Saber attacks Archer shortly after being summoned, but you have to have finished Fate already for the option to even appear. This is why I recommend getting a finished save data folder.

    I don't remember the exact choices necessary for HF, but they involve being nice to Sakura.

    If your game folder came with a file called flowchart.pdf then that's all you need, it shows all the choices and all of the possible results.
    >> Blackheart !!d+z47tvchVl 05/19/11(Thu)08:21 No.14978952
    You get servants either way but if you want a specific class of servant they help. Of course both Shirou and Rin fucked up. Rin wanted to use the extra mana from her necklace to force summon Saber. But that necklace is an item of Archer due to time hax.

    Shirou always had a reagent in his body which was aligned with Saber.

    >Uh, you can't summon anybody who hasn't been dead less than a century. Archer got around that due to being a counter guardian, and other bullshit.

    Exactly. Also, again, game=/=full canon faithfulness. In that case if we REALLY want to go all Nasuverse then you can only have the grail war in that city and only the 1st, 2nd and 3rd are the ones you can play in (So 1800s) since the fourth was F/Z and the fifth was F/SN and then there are no more afterwards since the whole thing got dismantled.
    >> I apologised on 4chan !!857o4GkKJgy 05/19/11(Thu)08:22 No.14978960

    I guess, but Odin's a tricky one because he never really had any sort of mortal avatar or anything. I mean, even Loki was known to pull that shit occaisionally, Zeus was forever taking various mortal forms and molesting women, the hindu gods have a list of incarnations as long as their multiple arms. But not Odin.

    Honestly, the best way for this to work? If one of the players, NOT A SERVANT was secretly Odin reincarnated.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)08:25 No.14978975
    >But that necklace is an item of Archer due to time hax.

    This is a pretty common misconception.

    Rin's necklace had no significance whatsoever until she saved Shirou with it, which didn't happen until after she summoned Archer.

    The reason why she summoned Archer was that he had his own version of her necklace.

    Summoners can use proxy items with a link to a specific heroic spirit to make summoning them easier, but that rule works in reverse too. Archer had an item connecting him to Rin, making it very easy for her to summon him without her even knowing about it.
    >> I apologised on 4chan !!857o4GkKJgy 05/19/11(Thu)08:26 No.14978980

    >Exactly. Also, again, game=/=full canon faithfulness. In that case if we REALLY want to go all Nasuverse then you can only have the grail war in that city and only the 1st, 2nd and 3rd are the ones you can play in (So 1800s) since the fourth was F/Z and the fifth was F/SN and then there are no more afterwards since the whole thing got dismantled.

    Technically yes, but the details of it's construction presumably endure, and if matou's grandfather isn't dead by the end of the route there's really nothing stopping him from trying to set up his own bootleg version somewhere else. Who knows how half-assed that's going to be.

    Or failing that: Zelretch decides that Grail Wars are hilarious and brings it back with HAX.
    >> Blackheart !!d+z47tvchVl 05/19/11(Thu)08:28 No.14978995
    And at that point we've already made up enough things that it should really not matter that much if we add a few things more. Especially if we're not even actually playing in the nasuverse.

    I'm not sure since I slept a bit too much and haven't woken up yet but that sounds really like Archer time hax.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)08:29 No.14979003
    Well the Sakura or Heaven's Feel path, it requires the other two play through, and it branches off early, and gives a look "behind the scenes", focusing on Sakura and pretty much all the "villains", since Rin is a selfish whiny aggressive bitch out to win at any cost.
    AN from there is just gets darker and darker, pretty much every horrible "what if x-happened" you though up in the main route will happen.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)08:33 No.14979023
    It is Time/Alternate Reality hax to the max.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)08:36 No.14979036
    and thus were born the necronids, three story high undead metal constructs that can repair themselves and shoot biological gauss-weapons. How those work? Well, lets just say there were some orks involved
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)08:38 No.14979054
    >Uh, you can't summon anybody who hasn't been dead less than a century. Archer got around that due to being a counter guardian, and other bullshit.

    This is kind of the point of why the canon is shitty - the canon make rules, and then makes loopholes as appropriate. This is just how storytelling happens (when you're bad at it, and let's face it: the Japanese are horrible at this shit - fun ideas, shitty writing).

    The rules are made or broken on whims of plot devices.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)08:42 No.14979075
    which Napoleon fits better Archer or Rider?

    Samson would fit as a Berserker
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)08:49 No.14979110
    >Lancer: Odin

    Can't summon gods bro. Ask the Einzberns what happens when you try shit like that.

    But if your setting is anything goes then meh.

    Also Cleopatra was a witch? Wouldn't she be a Rider?
    >> I apologised on 4chan !!857o4GkKJgy 05/19/11(Thu)08:51 No.14979123

    >which Napoleon fits better Archer or Rider?

    Either. Make it random if you cant decide. They mention in the game that Herc could be summon into every different guise other than caster.
    But probably archer since that one painting aside, he wasn't really all that good a rider. Archer is the more tactical class.
    >> I apologised on 4chan !!857o4GkKJgy 05/19/11(Thu)08:53 No.14979131

    HF is probably the worst of the routes overall. The pacing is really inconsistant and there's like an 8 hour holding pattern in the middle before things pick up again.

    At which point it becomes fucking manly tears everywhere awesome.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)08:57 No.14979154
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    Best route you mean.

    Pacing issues are true. UBW is the most consistent and overall entertaining, but HF is constant, gritty buildup to one hell of a pay-off.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)09:05 No.14979189
    I always ranked them as:
    Fate: Let the "gotta finish must play list then brag" have their fun
    UBW: The real story
    HF: Mappo tofu-bro, mah Illya sister, and "So you think latino girlfrinds are messed up?"
    >> I apologised on 4chan !!857o4GkKJgy 05/19/11(Thu)09:10 No.14979202
    >constant, gritty buildup

    I wouldn't call needless porn and cookery scenes gritty. I swear that route is probably a lot better with the no-porn patch activated.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)09:22 No.14979239
    The porn, as in all of TM's works, is tacked on.

    The cooking is about showcasing and contrasting what Shirou ('s daily life) is and how it matters to him. Fate is all about Saber and UBW is all about blindly pursuing his superhero goal. In fact, Fate shows you how selfless he is and UBW hammers in that he's a broken non-person.

    Then HF comes around that shows you that he was just being a blind fool and that the people around him not only matter a lot, but are the reason why he hadn't gone off the deep end yet, and him realizing that.

    That said, yeah, watching a fool cooking and a traumatized girl playing housewife is a lot duller than watching a fool just barely avoiding dying while struggling to do the impossible, but it's a different kind of story.

    In any case this discussion belongs to /jp/ not /tg/.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)09:25 No.14979252
    Yea I was less unhappy with the FSN movies' "magic circuit trasfer/linking" that i thought, because the series "2 SEC OOM, BRB GETTING IT ON" really was quite lame.

    Really it seemed like they got too much into making a story and then 2 days before launch thinking "o shit we forgot to add porn"
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)09:27 No.14979261
    The canon part at least, the system would make for a interesting game, though at heart, it's PvP not a team-game.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)09:34 No.14979288
    I could see it as an Exalted game where the Servants are Exalted and Masters are Heroic Mortals, and the way for the former to recharge essence (who die if they run out).

    Team PvP, though if your group is small (4ish players), then you could have a paired servant/master teams going against NPC participants.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)09:40 No.14979310
    Yea that might work, in a "global great grail" hunt.
    Competing player groups might be interesting too.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)09:42 No.14979316
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    I never thought I'd get to use this image macro!
    As strange as it is a nasuverse debate is one of the few things /tg/ seems able to have a rational measured conversation on.

    I am surprised nobody has mentioned Fate/Zero in more detail though. They got the entire book translated online now. Kitsurigi Emiya is a hardcore motherfucker who is so lawful good he goes through lawful evil and comes back to lawful good.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)09:53 No.14979345

    Except this is contradicting what it means to be a heroic spirit in the Nasuverse, friend.

    Odin can't be a servant. What sets him apart from Hercules and Gilgamesh is that the latter two are mortal creatures born into the world - as in they play by the rules the world sets and is constantly correcting through its will to purge all inconsistencies - but end up performing a miracle or true feat of magic. That feat is something that would have to be recognized by the people around him and afterward, as that is what gives the act the power to be classed as magic in its ultimate form.

    And they die. And their spirit which becomes praised and worshiped for its deeds ascends into a new plane of existence outside of the normal cycle of souls and approach true divinity.

    As such, Odin as a heroic spirit is working backwards and doesn't make any sense with the concept of heroic spirit. To start off, divine beings aren't spirits in the first place. They are already beyond both the mortal world of spirits and the void heroic spirits linger in timeless suspension.

    To forcefully materialize a Divine spirit like an actual god, one would require a miracle far beyond the ability of the Grail War to provide.
    >> Blackheart !!d+z47tvchVl 05/19/11(Thu)09:58 No.14979356
    Medusa says hi.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)10:01 No.14979367

    Not true, though. It's hard to summon anyone in the past century because of the reason that heroic spirits are born in the first place.

    To become a heroic spirit requires an act that is considered miraculous by people around them, and afterward in the time they live in. It depends on how humanity views the act, and true magic is when an act defies all logic and limits of imagination people normally believe during the time a hero appears and performs a miracle.

    Modern times makes this difficult simply because all the reasons that made heroes in the past can be easily replicated or marginalized by technology and science, and that even crazy-awesome feats by people like Simo the White Finn Sniper can be explained by superb skill - nothing miraculous or impossible.

    Counter Guardians play by different rules. They don't negate the reason we don't see heroic spirits from the 19th century onwards.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)10:06 No.14979384

    Also handled. Medusa in F/SN was mortal unlike her immortal sisters. She was created from the wish for perfect goddesses of beauty, yes, but she was incomplete compared to her ageless siblings.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)10:12 No.14979413
    >>Exactly. Also, again, game=/=full canon faithfulness. In that case if we REALLY want to go all Nasuverse then you can only have the grail war in that city and only the 1st, 2nd and 3rd are the ones you can play in (So 1800s) since the fourth was F/Z and the fifth was F/SN and then there are no more afterwards since the whole thing got dismantled.

    There were other Grail Wars. The ones in F/Z and F/SN are ones specially made and designed by some renegade mage families for their own use, and set in Japan so as to be as far away from the Church as they could manage.

    It's completely possible to make one's own Grail War, with variations, anywhere else.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)10:15 No.14979428
    >But on the Odin topic, words like 'god' and 'demigod' don't mean anything in the Fate Stay Night setting.
    But they do. They messure the divinity ranking if any, of the heroes. Their faux grail can't summon characters with 100% divinity. Its as simple as that. Why question it?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)10:24 No.14979480
    >>Protip: Every time Gilgamesh lost or was put out of commission in the VN was due to deus ex machina. Everyone acknowledges this.

    Only in his fight with Shirou, maybe. Against Saber he was overtaken by Excalibur and Avalon, which is perfectly plausible considering one was a superb weapon already while the other proves capable of absorbing the power of his Ea sword. Against Sakura, well, DARKNESS.

    Against Shirou it's less plausible, but only concerning how Shirou manages to match Gilgamesh in speed and strength in their sword fight. He probably couldn't, but Gilgamesh was humoring him at first before sliding into a pool of insanity about mongrels.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)10:42 No.14979568

    Shirou can use all the weapons in his arsenal at an approximation of the owner's speed and skill. It's part of his analysis magic. That's how he keeps up with Heroic Spirits.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)10:46 No.14979586
    If you are still here man, I'd like to pitch in my opinion. I know that it can be pretty boring at first, but every route has something that the animu didn't have. Fate is the one most similar to the anime, but there are a lot of differences even there. UBW and HF are completely different than the series(though they made an UBW movie fairly recently), after the first three days of course. Those are boring as fuck for the most part, I'll give you that. Overall, I'd say the VN is superior in almost every way, with the exception of the crowbarred in sex scenes.Those are hilariously bad.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)10:48 No.14979598
    Well, since the setting isn't going to be one of the canon Grail Wars, why need more classes? The ones already existing are fine, and you can just say there can be more than one servant in each class.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)10:52 No.14979616
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    OOOOH, Jean D'arc as berserker!
    >> Blackheart !!d+z47tvchVl 05/19/11(Thu)10:53 No.14979628
    Didn't stop me from enjoying them.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)10:57 No.14979644

    Ah fuck, you're right. I completely forgot about how UBW and Shirou's tracing works at full power like that.

    I believe he was also tracing and shooting faster than Gilgamesh then since UBW lets him get away with far less prana consumption than Gil having to summon his noble phantasms over and over again.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)11:01 No.14979655
    Well like Gil stated he is "cheating", only making the copies just strong enough to work, only giving them the attributes needed for that exact fight.
    And to keep up he was working at above human capacity, and tearing himself apart in the process.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)11:04 No.14979664
    Yeah, Shirou's pretty much on meltdown in every major fight, it's the only way he can hope to do anything, as outclassed he is.
    >> Blackheart !!d+z47tvchVl 05/19/11(Thu)11:07 No.14979684
    Canon-wise no. There were other HOLY Grails. Which is a designation the Church gives to any extremely powerful artifact, there were like 726 Holy Grails by then. The Great Grail which lets you summon ancient heroes and whatnot is completely unique and singular. It cannot be ever recreated because its built on the use of the Third Magic, Heaven's Feel and by the resources of three bloodlines of greater magi working together out of which one is mostly annihilated, one corrupt and one degenerated.

    Heaven's Feel itself is technically lost since only Illya has it and she either dies or dies a year later depending on which ending/route we're going. And the Great Grail is destroyed either by Shirou or Lord El-Melloi II after F/HA.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)11:12 No.14979717

    Bizarrely enough, I once ran a F/SN game, too, for three players. I've found, however, that the major problem with the games go like this:

    Unless someone's willing to play a Servant, it's troublesome if all the players are Masters. That means you have 3 GMPCS you have to manage, and powerful GMPCs, too. Unless you let the players give the orders in combat, and you handle their conversations.

    There's also not much that should be able to stand up to three Servants and three Masters. Players also tend to be more lethal than the canonical characters- And smarter, too- which makes for an overall shorter game.

    Also, if you allow backstabbing, they'd turn on each other quickly. If not, it doesn't really fit the genre, and they'd win handily.

    So, it's a condurumn.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)11:21 No.14979759

    Unless you have two or fewer players, it's impossible to run F/SN with the interpersonal drama that makes the game good. I'm not joking- With too many players, it becomes a fight-fest.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)11:21 No.14979766
    Yes, several functonal Masters and Servants (not gimped in mana flow and the like) will curbstomp the others. I like some of the things in the Nasuverse, and it might be interesting to play a lower powerlevel game. Though it's hard to find proper examples, as allmost all of the characters are completely mundane, or massively powerful. Rin and Shirou are fucking monsters compared to the avarage mage, and the same applies to the Tsukihime and Kara no Kyoukai characters as well.(Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, I'm looking at you.)
    >> User K. Kästner 05/19/11(Thu)11:23 No.14979772
    But.. the series IS a fight fest.
    It's like playing warhammer RP without mud, corruption and hideous deaths everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)11:24 No.14979778

    Certainly, which neatly wraps up the Grail War story in Japan. But for the sake of a more open-ended fluff I think it would be more improbably than impossible to recreate another Grail War elsewhere involving different players. All it would take is working knowledge of Third Magic by some probable power or group, like the Church. For the sake of a /tg/-related setting that isn't F/SN part 2: Electric Boogaloo I think some liberty could be taken with Lizleihi von Einzbern's knowledge leaking out somehow.

    The Great Grail system wouldn't need to be perfectly copied perhaps. What's needed is to form a gate to Akasha facilitated by Third Magic. The rest, including what form the new Holy Grail takes and what would be the point of summoning servants through the gate, could be fleshed out according to a DM's whims based on the setting and scenario he chooses.

    How about a Grail War around the year 1000, when Third Magic wasn't yet lost and the Einzburn's had perhaps full working knowledge of it?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)11:27 No.14979787


    If it's a straight-up fight to the finish, that's boring, and too easy. (I'm not joking- A decent party would win without breaking a sweat.) In the show, until Shirou gains his absolutely broken powers, he's constantly the underdog.

    No, the series is all about drama. So you'd need to have one guy grappling with his loyalties, his father issues, murky guilt over te past, and possibly a love triangle with that cute magus girl who keeps trying to kill him, and his Servant- Or possibly someone else's! Then there's the whole "I don't want to fight her- BUT I MUST!"

    So yeah, melodrama. It wouldn't work if you have too many players- Too many things to keep track of. But you see what I mean.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)11:28 No.14979796
    The only problem I can see with that is that will make the whole "Secret War" angle dissapear, possibly turning itinto all out war between powerful mage-lords instead. Not that there's anything wrong with that, just changes the feel of the game.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)11:32 No.14979819
    That's why there are forum rpg's of it. Melodrama is kind of the point of freeform RP stuff.
    >if it doesn't turn into a circle-jerk, Mary Sue riddled fuckfest, of course
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)11:32 No.14979821

    I think the problem here is the need to follow the game's battle royale set-up. It's what made the game interesting but makes a tabletop roleplay difficult with a medium sized group. The Holy Grail in the VN was supposed to feed off and materialize from the prana it absorbed from the fighting servants, so a battle royale was the logical way to go about it.

    Maybe this can be changed, like have a different goal other than 'summon cool historical icons and kill each other.' In a Holy Grail War set up outside Fuyuki city perhaps the Holy Grail can be created for a different purpose in mind.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)11:32 No.14979823

    Interestingly enough, I've DM'ed what was effectively Kara no Kyoukai- A group of low-powered supernaturals (All sorcerers) investigating cases and mysterious murders in a decaying city.

    It was all kinds of fun- They ended up battling a lot of serial killers, however. Also, one guy fell in love with the Fujino-analogue, and was appalled at all her MURDERS.
    >> User K. Kästner 05/19/11(Thu)11:33 No.14979827
    That's just it, the powerless are not meant for party-play, it is more or less duels, assassination, Pyrrhic victories, backstabbing and intrigue.
    Everybody looses.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)11:35 No.14979836

    It will. It *definently* will. That's not to dump on forum RPGs, but it just can't help but degenerate into a constant stalemate.

    What might work; The 'setup', of magicians battling. If you remove the Servants, and have the players compete as a single 'team'- The other competitors have their own entourages- it's much more fair. Here, while the guy with the sigils would be important, he's not necessarily more powerful than the others. (It's just that they have to protect him, as he's their meal ticket.)
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)11:36 No.14979840
    >All it would take is working knowledge of Third Magic by some probable power or group

    You can't recreate Magic, or learn it or anything. You gain it through your bloodline and is lost when you give your crest over. There is only 5 Magic left out of which one is Illya's who dies in game or after it, one is Zelrecth, one is Aoko and two is all mysterious
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)11:38 No.14979845

    ...Oh God.

    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)11:39 No.14979851
    Hmmmm. How receptive would /tg/ be to an F/SN (or F/SN inspired) quest? Because that format should work, I believe.
    >> Blackheart !!d+z47tvchVl 05/19/11(Thu)11:40 No.14979862
    I recall one being made actually. Don't remember much else, aside from stealing a focus from a museum.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)11:41 No.14979871

    That would be fantastic. I think /jp/ has done this before, in broad strokes, too.

    I'd suggest, though, that you adhere to the format- Don't make things *too* silly. It's more fun if you play it straight, without having our protagonist summon Kamen Rider as his Servant or something.

    Bizarrely, I remember reading a story where the lead summoned the protagonist of a Nitro+ game as his servant. Funny part- Fate/Zero was written by Nitro+. Recursive canon?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)11:45 No.14979900
    Of course, making it silly would be, well, silly. Also, I was just throwing this out there, I don't know if I will have the time/energy for a proper quest, maybe after all my exams are done and I get some rest.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)11:46 No.14979907

    I actually read that one. 'Phantoms'. Liked the main character, but he was a bastard. Maybe I liked him because he was a bastard.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)11:47 No.14979914

    Sekirei is the fetish version, and it kind of sucks. I never thought I'd say this, but SAMEFACE, ridiculously large boobs, and so on, do not a good show make.

    However, Tsukimi is incredibly hot.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)11:47 No.14979918
    Don't suppose you'd be able to supply us with a source?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)11:47 No.14979925

    Why, what did he do?
    >> I apologised on 4chan !!857o4GkKJgy 05/19/11(Thu)11:48 No.14979931

    I remember that one. It was pretty fucking cool. You had Zangief and Dracula bro-ing it up whilst you had one kid summon Kamen Rider (which made all of us go lolwut) whilst a slightly mind-control spell punchy NotRin went about summoning Roland the paladin.

    Frankly the parts with NotRin were the worst, the parts with Zangief and MainCharDood were the best.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)11:49 No.14979937

    It's on BakaTsuki. All four volumes are translated.


    [spoiler]Cannibalized his fiancee for her Crest and circuits, after she tried to kill him. [/spoiler]
    >> User K. Kästner 05/19/11(Thu)11:51 No.14979956
    /tg/ needs to have spoiler tags, seriously, we spend so much time talking about book and shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)11:51 No.14979959
    I liked Kara no Kyoukai(never saw the last episode for some reason, probably should go download it sometime), though a lot of it is inherently weird for a westerner like me, obviously because it's written by someone from a very different cultural background (mostly concerning the supernatural and whatnot). For example, I for some reason got seriously pumped watching the very first OVA, but was kind of dissapointed when it turned out that the girls were ghost. Was kind of expecting a coven of witches or something(man, that would've been cool).
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)11:52 No.14979962

    Yep, Nitro+ all right. (Rape, murder, cannibalization and reanimation of the dead is just another day for 'em.) Out of curiosity- Has anyone run a Nasuverse-esque RPG without it being too weeaboo? If so, BRING ME YOUR TALES.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)11:55 No.14979984
    Well, I'd think it wouldn't be too hard if you cut out the very explicitly jap parts(as there isn't all that many of them). Though, after reading the wiki, some of the settings parts, demons spring to mind as example, are just fucking weird.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)11:56 No.14979991

    I actually felt the ghosts were more appropriate. Japanese horror is like a natural disaster- There's no agency, and sometimes not even any intent to it. The supernatural happens, and

    > drowningpool.jpg


    But yeah. It's easier if you think of it as 'this shit just *happens*' than 'they're out to get us'. The ghost girl herself wasn't really evil- She didn't even know what she was doing.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:04 No.14980054
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    We're played a Mage: The Ascension game, set in Japan- Pretty much the Nasuverse with the serial numbers filed off. My character, as part of his background, is engaged to be married off to the daughter of a family of Sorcerers. He's never actually met her- It's a running gag that his 'work' allows him to keep dodging actually meeting her.

    Anyway, during the investigation of a Mage who's gone Nephandus, we're given a local observer- Pic very much related. I mean, this girl is the teasing, but ever-so-slightly aloof type that pushes my buttons. To skip ahead, we eventually took the Nephandus down, and my character saw her off at the train station- Where the sexual tension boils over in a farewell kiss. Both of them are in arranged marriages, so it's one of the things that shouldn't be...Right?

    Anyway, my character eventually can't duck the engagement meetings- And finally concedes to meet the girl at last. It turns out he's *already* met her- She's the observer that was dispatched on the last case.

    The DM's TROLLFACE could be felt through IRC. Let's just say that the engagement went *very* smoothly after that.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:08 No.14980074
    Well, yeah, that's kind of the point I was trying to make. Cultural differences and all that. It felt static, while I was expecting threat and adversity. More like an event than a struggle. "Welp, we're done here, shit is solved" instead of "Holy shit, we made it through, let's get proper drunk." that I generally prefer.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:10 No.14980088

    That made me D'AWWWWW.

    Good job on your DM. Did you take that as a Flaw?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:14 No.14980123

    Yomi was ridiculously classy and hot. Probably one of the few anime girls who managed both at once. It was a shame about how things went straight to hell.

    Also, Ga-Rei Zero would make a good setting for a NWoD Mage game. If you toned down some of the supernatural effects, of course.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:16 No.14980138
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    One thing I love about nasu shit is how fucking wacky it is. Specifically the Dead Apostle Ancestors, and various magecrafts.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:17 No.14980147

    I thought that the third and fifth movies were the best. (The fifth one actually has an expy of Emiya Shirou. Sort of. Except more crazy.)

    The third one, however, is raeg-inducing. Are the japanese really such bastards to each other? Something about fujino just triggers every neckbeard's white knight instincts.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:19 No.14980163

    This is how you buy off a Flaw.

    I wish my grou pdid something like this. It seems all my World of Darkness games have one-note combat monsters.
    >> Blackheart !!d+z47tvchVl 05/19/11(Thu)12:20 No.14980171
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    And Merem tried to create a dog, but he sucked at art so it became a whale horror.

    Also, someone similar yet so different~
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:21 No.14980189
    One of the problems with allowing divinities in the game, is that it sort of devolves the point of the entire idea behind the "war".
    The grail of the grail war is a faux grail. If they had the actual real grail, they wouldn't need a war because they would essentially have unlimited mana and capabilities to do anything (unless god/jesus would have anything to say about it, which they very well already could have had, which might be why no such artifact have been found in the nasuverse, despite the events very well being plausible canon).

    To power the faux grail they summon a bunch of the highest class spirits capable of being summoned. Spirits of which magical force are supposed to be used to breach a gateway back to the origin, of which they would be able to tap endless magical power to fuel the "grail". The very first attempt, or "grail war" if you may, was a failure before its very conception because they didn't summon enough spirits and thus couldn't breach the path in order to reach the magical energies needed.
    So in the next war, in order to summon even more spirits, they needed to invite third parties, like a representative of the mage association, another mage family and a random other. But to have these people be interested, in helping the makers of the grail system obtain their wishes without really gaining anything in return, they came up with the guise of a war, and basically lied to them how the grail system worked. In practice it would be the same, but they left out all the loop holes and how the fighting wasn't strictly necessary, only one path one could take, but as the spirits summoned needed to "die", if one refused one could still force a fight.

    But to get back to the point about the divinities. The divinities essentially have enough power on their own for the faux grail to become redundant.
    If you were to summon Odin or another being of his class, they would be able to breach this hole by themself.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:22 No.14980195

    Is...is that guy? Is that the guy from Junk The Eater, the spin-off about demons?

    Some of this shit be crazy, yo.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:23 No.14980204
    Unless one greatily were to re-fluff the myths, these beings really have no place in a game such as this. One might think that Thor or Odin, or Zeus and the like would be comparable to say Sigurd, Herakles, Achilles and all the others, but really, that isn't the case.
    One would need to really read up on what the characters that are Thor, Odin or Zeus really imply. The other heroes are mighty cool and everything, but these ones can wreck havoc with entire worlds, or create them at a whim. They are on another level.
    Why have a faux grail that can be powered when you have summoned a god with timeless magic and power uncomparable to anything within the realm?

    But yes. If you really want them. I would advice to refluff them as humans, and greatily debuff them. But otherwise? The one with any of them would win, Odin in particular would know how from the start, and have power unstopable by the competition.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:24 No.14980216

    > fiancee
    > everythingworkedoutbetterthanexpected.jpg

    That bastard doesn't know how lucky he is. He should TAP THAT, and keep tapping it.

    If it's not a three-point Merit, something's wrong with the DM.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:24 No.14980217
    Wait, how was it again? First is the suicide one, second is the flashback, third is counter/clockwise, fourth is the hospital flashback, fifth is An apartment is you, sixth is the crack fairies, and seven is Flashback 2: Electric Boogaloo, right?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:26 No.14980236

    Yeah, pretty much that. Third is the Asagami case. Fifth is the actual 'final battle'. Sixth is creepy brocon fetish. Seventh is mopping up.
    >> Blackheart !!d+z47tvchVl 05/19/11(Thu)12:28 No.14980255
         File1305822515.jpg-(46 KB, 500x473, DDD.jpg)
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    Its Kaie from DDD~


    I wish it was translated more then the first chapter. It seems really good.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:31 No.14980278
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    >Forgets about the Einzberg still alive and happy
    So yeah, you forgot that part, but otherwise correct.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:33 No.14980296

    I believe only Acht, the Einzbern progenitor, is still alive. He's also insane. They really didn't have any way to make homunculi after Ilya.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:34 No.14980302
    Maybe I should rewatch number 6, I kind of went "Duh?" all the way through, and went laughingpointingwhores.gif at the whole reveal. Maybe I was just tired. Fight was cool though. And yeah, creepy brocon.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:35 No.14980309
    How does one "lend" arms and legs? Sounds painful for both parties involved.
    >> Blackheart !!d+z47tvchVl 05/19/11(Thu)12:36 No.14980316
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    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:37 No.14980322

    I felt 6 was pretty much just fanservice. It was also changed from the original novels, which had more rape and murder. (It doesn't mean the original story was better, in this case. I felt it was kind of weak.)

    Really, there's a lot of weird stuff in Episode 6: The titular 'Oblivion Recorder' is the magician Shiki kills- He has functional amnesia, and writes religiously in a book to match things up with his memories. Or something.

    It's pretty much a side-story; Not really relevant to the overall plot.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:40 No.14980346

    There is no way this was not written on crack.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:43 No.14980370
    Actually, it felt more weak, as >>14980322 pointed out, than "Oh fuck, WTF am I watching". Oh, fairies, cool. Some dude with a weird power, cool. Soooo, it's not half as mysterious as it seemed. And there's rape/drugs. Again. And the dude's power was pretty cool, but came with a mountain of pretentious technobabble.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:44 No.14980378
    Alright. Made a hero for a game once. Judge it yourself.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:45 No.14980384
         File1305823530.jpg-(58 KB, 353x449, _The_Dragonslayer_copy.jpg)
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    Class: Saber
    Sigurd, the dragon slayer.

    Gram the sword of the chosen: B
    A legendary sword able to cleanly cut all earthly materials and most others with ease.

    Dragon Blood - Immortality: A
    Immune against attacks ranked A or lower everywhere except his left shoulder.

    Dragon Blood - Language Winged Beasts: C
    Able to converse with with birds and other winged creatures.

    Dragon Heart - Prophecy: A
    By concentrating in a calm environment he can somewhat gaze upon the future, and or distant locations though fuzzy.

    Height: 197cm
    Weight: 102

    Strength: B
    Endurance: A+
    Agility: A
    Magical Energy: B
    Luck: D
    Noble Phantasm: A

    Mind's Eye (True): A
    Able to sense the flow of things, sensing movement and gives the ability to sense actions before they are executed.
    If there is a chance of victory, as long as it exist, be it 1% or less, this abillity greatily improves the chance of success.
    Bravery: A+
    Ability to ignore mental interfearance such as coercion. confusion or illusions.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:46 No.14980389

    What *is* it with the rape? I mean, Japan, crazy, but yeah, rape ALL THE TIME. I think rape, and implied rape, features in...What, four out of seven of the novels? Jesus.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:48 No.14980404

    I get worried when the word dragon is used repeatedly. However, this was actually pretty good. (I can't help but think that all the Servant stats were absolutely insane brain drool, though. It's impossible to make head or tail of it.)
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:50 No.14980417

    It's how you say hello in Japan.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:51 No.14980421
    To be honest, of all the games I've played, I prefer Nasuverse's ideas of magic. It's so out there that it seems totally random, but the more I read up on it the more it became coherent, even logical in a way. The hard part is pinning it down into numbers that are easy to follow.

    Also, the idea that Assassin's special 3-hit combo works on the principle of the second true magic because he practiced the fuck out of it to master what should be an impossible move just gets me.

    It's magic that tries to explain shit, but unlike other attempts actually keeps it magical and mysterious instead of shoehorning it into science for wizard classes.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:54 No.14980445
    >I can't help but think that all the Servant stats were absolutely insane brain drool, though. It's impossible to make head or tail of it
    Well yeah, that is kind of true. But isn't for nothing, you can still make something out of it.

    But I believe the biggest weakness of it is how skills aren't mentioned, and with that gone you can only take the other stuff so and so seriously.
    I mean, imagine playing a roleplaying game, and only have the stat/attributes of your opponents/characters, it wouldn't say all that much if you didn't have the other stuff.

    Especially with characters such as Archer, who was essentially a Rogue, that is, a skill based class. He wasn't the strongest in stats, or even overall, but rogues are seldomly bad, but it doesn't show in the stats.
    But yeah, you are kind of right. Also, most of all Sigurd's powers came from the dragon, didn't quite know how to name them, but I believe it turned out pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:56 No.14980461

    This is true. I liked the depiction of magicians- You get quiet, vaguely aristocratic people involved in esoteric battles for the soul of the world, and they're the good guys. Also, from any normal perspective, they might be socially dysfunctional or insane.

    I always felt that the Nasuverse is how a Mage game should look like, without the Technocracy. As for Assassin move, I like how the explanation is "Yes, sometimes humans can do these things. No, it defies what we know of magic and science, but IT'S NOT STOPPING HIM." Any more than a girl who can bend people with her mind, or a boy made entirely out of swords, of course.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)12:59 No.14980484
    From the Type-Moon wiki:
    >>Curses aren’t taught at the Mage’s Association and they are far behind the schools of the Middle East on that subject
    >>Each school engraves their system of Thaumaturgical Theory into the world and uses the rules of that system to operate their spells. The efficiency of a system depends on how disseminated it is (i.e. the more people believe and/or use it). It is not uncommon for a system to not work properly when used outside its place of origin. In that regard, the teachings and holy words of the Church is the Thaumaturgical Theory with greatest number of believers and effective area.

    What if Saudi fundamentalists aren't spreading hate-filled Wahhabism throughout the Middle East because they're dicks, but because they're led by a group of mages that want to spread the reach and power of their magic?

    This is screaming at me, demanding I make a campaign out of this, and it won't stop.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)13:00 No.14980488

    This actually made sense to me, and I am honestly terrified.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)13:01 No.14980492
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    True Assassin is Best Assassin.

    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)13:06 No.14980534
    I remember thinking that that's cool and all, very Mage-ish, but the whole location based part of it just rubs me the wrong way for some reason. Places of power and whatnot are fine, but completely powerless just feels wrong to me. Also, why is it geologically dependent? That would mean that proximity to others who operate on the same system would be the most important in magic.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)13:06 No.14980537

    >>that russian Czarina who died under a horse.

    Totally didn't happen, bro.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)13:07 No.14980548

    Different belief system = Different Consensus.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)13:08 No.14980553
    >>Middle Eastern curse schools
    >>True Assassin

    What if Hassan's crazy abilities are the kind of shit these magic curses are capable of?

    Hell, what if the Crusades were actually about the Latin Church vs. Orthodox Church vs. Sunni Islam vs. Shia Islam (and Jews, I guess) magecraft battles for domination of the holy land. The Holy Land being considered a huge religious relic, maybe it's a prime site for some serious prana.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)13:10 No.14980569
    In the Nasuverse I believe that is sort of canon.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)13:12 No.14980587
    Well, maybe I'm interpreting this backwards, but does that mean that the seperate schools/magical practices (which are secret, by the way) are capable of certain things only because the great unwashed thinks they should be?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)13:13 No.14980597

    Proximity to others is very important in the Nasuverse I believe.

    Like, having too many magicians of one school makes each individual mage of that certain school weaker than if he were alone since they'd be sharing a 'fount of belief' that makes their magic work. Like conservation of ninjitsu or something.

    But the belief in doctrine or philosophy that a school follows within the general population adds more believers, and thus more sources to make that school's magic more potent. Magic is defying nature, and the belief in its foundations by the people of a region makes the defiance stronger. Not too different from how heroic spirits work regarding their popularity and strength.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)13:17 No.14980624
    That would make most of the western world a barren wasteland for anyone but the Church then, wouldn't it? Also, the whole system feels slightly schizoid to me now, the feel of it is too foreign for me to easily stomach.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)13:22 No.14980655

    I believe that's why the Fuyuki Grail War was created in the first place far away in Japan, to escape the Church's power and reach. Perhaps the Einzburns couldn't utilize their Third Magic in Europe because of the concepts of the soul that go against Church teachings, but are much more potent in the far East where the concept of souls returning back and forth from the void fits eastern Buddhist and Shinto tradition better.

    It could also be why the Church and other monotheistic faiths denounce magic as the evil it is - magic that isn't theirs of course. Which wipes a place clean of the power other schools might rely on in a region while promoting its own magic (as divine providence, will, miracles, etc.).
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)13:24 No.14980675

    Also, the Einzburns somehow lost their knowledge of the Third Magic about 1000 years ago.

    Around the same time the Church started becoming stronger and adopted by barbarians kingdoms all over Europe, I believe. It doesn't sound like a coincidence to me.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)13:33 No.14980726


    The West even during its medieval and early modern eras would likely be filled with enough pockets of non-Church approved beliefs that it can accommodate other schools just fine - just not to the same extent as the Church, but perhaps this can be balanced to how there are way more Church mages in these areas than other school followers, and thus the potential magic could be equal in a one vs. one battle. The true fight is won not on out-wizarding the other school but out-promoting the others.

    Personally, as off-the-wall as it sounds, I'm loving this idea of magic. It's a lot more interesting to me than opening a book, reading off a spell, yelling Ortano Fordigyama, and shooting fireballs out of your fingers. It reminds me of the difference between Gandalf's magic in LotR and your average wizard's magic in D&D.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)13:34 No.14980731
    More like having too many magi together means they'll use up the local environment's mana in no time in the pursuit of their goals.

    This, among other things, is why territories are so important to them.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)13:36 No.14980744
    Interesting, but then why is the mage's association based in London? Wouldn't that be counterintuitive? Or is there some fuckhuge source of prana/whatever there? Oh, and another thing, doesn't the Churches dogma still supply a certain amount of power to magi, if they mention magic, even in a negative context?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)13:38 No.14980763
    And there was a ley line or something similar going through Fuyuki, allowing several magi to act without fear of exhausting the prana supply.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)13:38 No.14980765
    Well, that is so long the power has a realm in faith.
    The power could easly be a metaconcept, and a metaconcept itself does not need recognition.
    The thing is that the church has more prana if it needs it, and they can have more mages on that metaconcept.

    But what about Reality Marbles? Considering how they work, it must also mean that RL must be one, and the reason it is considered heresy is the possibility of hocking it up to the "Source" and then overwriting the rules of reality.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)13:40 No.14980784
    Because there was a king called Henrik the 8th.
    Among other things he separated away from the Catolic Church.
    And then there was this entire "Industrial revolution" and the filthy rich sithing around doing occult stuf....
    Makes sense
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)13:41 No.14980793
    I like to think of it as the result of the Protestant Reformation. The Church (of England) is now separate from and independent of the Church proper. The Mage's Association probably filled in comfortably with the new anti-papist ideals and took off from there.

    As for denouncing magic making it stronger, I don't believe it'd work like that. More likely the doctrine that magic doesn't exist/is evil would make most people uninterested in or unbelieving in the principles of a rival school.

    Hah, so that's why there's a Jewish diaspora!
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)13:42 No.14980794
    So, it could be that the protestant Church is pro-magi? Things getting Indexy if that's true.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)13:43 No.14980805
    The planet's ecosphere and natural laws are essentially a super reality marble. Magecraft as practiced during the concurrent nasuverse is dependent upon said rules, and will die out when the world does.

    Part of what makes the Aristotles absurdly powerful is that they carry a portion of their planets "super reality marble" with them, overlapping it with Earth's.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)13:47 No.14980849
    I doubt that in itself.
    Mages do not want to deal with normies, because the normies do not perceive the world.
    The protestant Church is most likely ignorant of magecraft
    However: Image it: The Reformation was only possible because the mages decided to secretly team up with the Protestants, except England, where a king sold his souls...
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)13:51 No.14980895
    >>The world is a reality marble

    Never before has such a complicated and far out fluff ever made so much sense, or be so coherent. This thread deserves an archive.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)13:56 No.14980933
    Hmmm. So that's why magic can only do the same things as science, those are the things people/Gaia believe work, therefore establishing rules of the all-encompassing reality marble. That's why sorcery is the real deal, it tells everything else to shut the fuck up and hop to it.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)14:23 No.14981119

    You should note that humans are not the ones maintaining this super reality marble.

    The Earth itself is doing it. Humans are a big portion though, so there's the stuff like the Counter Guardian system (maintained by the wishes of humanity) and the Beast of Alaya and the True Ancestors, maintained by Gaia itself.

    In the end they're both the same system, working to prevent Earth from dying out, but occasionally they come into conflict.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)14:48 No.14981351
    Mage: This is outrageous. I can't believe I lost the staff of Merlin to the likes of them. I doubt they even realize what they have in their possession. For all the church knows I bet all they think of the staff is that of a lost belonging of an old magus, infused with demons of beyond. If they had realized that it was no ordinary powerful magi staff, they would have gone out their ways trying to find a way to destroy it rather than merely seal it. But this is bad, really bad. The sign on arm is burning like never before, but it is still growing weaker. I am the last one, the war is starting and I have lost my catalyst. No, that isn't right, it is worse than that. I lost my way out of this alive. Merlin, the magus so powerful he have been rumored to be a myth, together we could have cut this game short, we could have seized control of the grail before this game had even ended. With Merlin's control of time and space, knowledge of other worlds and portals to the beyond, coupled with the heirloom of my lineage and the power it possess, we could have certainly have made a substitute of the grail.

    But the war will start after tonight, whether I want it to or not the grail demands my participation. I either follow its rules or I will be handed to me a spirit at random with no catalyst. Given the competition this won't do, it would mean certain death.

    It will have to do. In a sense I have already failed, but I am betting it all on this, I can't afford to lose like this!
    What use to me is the heirloom if neither me nor my ancestors could ever make use of it? Being that of which they were they only increased the power of the cube with the end of each and every generation, entrusting it to the next in hope of them finding a way to unlock and make use of its powers. And for what? Now they are all gone, and with this game at hand I might perish, ending the line and making our cube of a heirloom a true joke of the magi world.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)14:49 No.14981361
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    Infused the the mage crests and hearts of all our ancestors, but it is raw power and stored in way that it makes hard to make use of, a worthless relic is what it has grown to be, incredibly powerful, but near useless.

    You hear me! This will be my cartalyst! Accept it! Hear all the wishes of my ancestors' hearts, and grant me, the final end of this lineage! A Servant worthy of its power! From anywhere! Or any time! Just don't let it fall in shame in comparison of this catalyst's power!
    *rising surge of power and bright light*
    *blacking out* *loss of concioussness*
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)14:49 No.14981371
         File1305830994.png-(1.36 MB, 1920x1080, 12764604874.png)
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    *Tick-tock* *Tick-Tock*
    (I can hear the clock ticking.)
    ???: Wake up boy.
    Mage: ...
    Wait, what happened?.. Who are you?
    ???: Relax boy. Yes, I was a bit confused at first I give you that. I had since long left this world, and the idea was for it to be for good.
    Mage: Errh...
    ???: Yes boy. This is your work. And you will help me with this game of yours. And together, you will gain what you have yearned for.
    Mage: ... How do you.. know?
    ???: You can call me Caster, I am your Servant. In this world my powers are weak. The time from which I came is since long gone. As this world is now, not a single scrap, or even a hint of my time remains. But don't worry boy, I have my ways. Time have always been my enemy, this is nothing new to me.
    You should consider yourself lucky, in due time this game of yours will end in our favour, it must, it will, it already have.
    Mage: So Caster, you are my Servant. You know of and understand this war? And together we will take on the other masters in attempt of defeating the others' servants?
    Caster: Yes. Just do as I say, boy. I yearn for this price of yours more than you can imagine. I will restore what was lost, I will correct what should not have been!
    Listen to me, and you may gain what you have coming for you.
    *tick-tock* *tick-tock*
    (The clock keeps ticking. It seems I have summoned a Servant, and truly it is beyond anything of which I have seen)
    Mage: But, who are you, other than Caster that is?
    Caster: As said, my time is since long gone. Not a trace of my world remains. A name from a world long gone caries no meaning.
    But my world, once came to learn me as... Nox.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)14:51 No.14981398
    *Ding-Dong* *Ding-Dong* *Ding-Dong*

    At this moment the clock struck midnight. I still don't understand what I have summoned. The catalyst of my choice slipped through my hands, but even though I still cannot fathom this being of which stands before me, I do understand how I have summoned something far from the ordinary.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)14:53 No.14981426
    Actually, humanity is concerned only with its own survival - safeguarding the world is incidental to this goal. Gaia's own feelings, as far as the word can be applied, are those of a complex love-hate relationship that culminates on summoning the Types as a last fuck you while it dies.

    tl;dr humans are assholes.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)15:00 No.14981511
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    He is small time compared to the Fourth war Assassin.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)15:02 No.14981528
    The core-fluff regarding Reality Marbles are basically how Reality Marbles in every sense and way, are true worlds themselves.
    Their origin may be that of the inner world of another being, but when placed on the outside, it is in no way any less of a world than any other.

    The main reason as to why these are so mana/prana heavy to maintain is basically because the world itself tries to crush it. All the magical energy goes into combatting the world's attempt at doing this.
    Roughly put, when a Reality Marble is summoned, the world, being the world currently in power, instinctiely seeks out, and tags this Reality Marble as a threat, and proceeds to bring it down.
    The world being what it is, essentially always succeed. But in theory, the "stronger" world wins. How a stronger world than the world was to spawn within the world I don't know, but if a Reality Marble stronger than the world was to be summoned, the world would fail to take it down, instead the Reality Marble would take over, and essentially become self sustainable and take over as the new real world, practically erasing the old one.

    By its very nature, this kind of magic is a threat to the world.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)15:06 No.14981581
    >He is small time compared to the Fourth war Assassin.
    Quite. Assassin, while always being "Hassan", can be summoned as a group of servants, being some sort of special privelage. Berserker removing sanity, but increasing all parameters, Saber, Caster, Archer etc providing various stat modifiers and skills, such as Archer's Independent Action, and lower stats in general compared to the Saber class (of which comes with good stat modifiers, but also high stat requirments)

    But even if 4th Hassan was summoned as a group, it is still implied that the old man Zouken, somehow managed to bring forth the original Hassan, the old leader of which the assassination orginization of which the Hassans belong to, was founded.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)15:11 No.14981643
    I'm 400 pages into a story in a setting where the catalyst to all plot threads is essentially this: the man at the center of it all and the struggle that is his life by quite literally having the weight of the world on his shoulders.

    Doing my best to portray him as disturbingly alien and unfathomable as possible.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)15:30 No.14981893

    The Types have that kind of Marble.

    They just overwrite over a limited area. They can't take over the entire planet.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)15:39 No.14982000

    Even if he was the original did he not prove to be some what lackluster? Granted he had that one hit kill move but most everyone has a one hit kill move of some sort. The 4th war assassin provided a excellent means of deception by sacrificing one of their own to fool everyone else and their surveillance and intelligence capabilities made them far more useful then one super assassin.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)15:45 No.14982064
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    >>5 hours of TYPE-MOON wiki reading later
    Jesus Christ, this is definitely my new favorite fluff concerning magic and the supernatural.

    Unfortunately, I don't think I'll ever get my friends to play with it, though. I'm absolute shit with balancing any homebrew material, and most of the players can't stomach any setting where magic isn't 'read scroll and cast thunderbolts from my hands!'
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)15:56 No.14982171
    >>5 hours of TYPE-MOON wiki reading later
    >Jesus Christ, this is definitely my new favorite fluff concerning magic and the supernatural.
    I believe you could love this link, were you not to already have it.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)16:18 No.14982354
    rolled 58 = 58

    >Saint George
    >not Lancer
    seriously, Ascalon.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)16:42 No.14982548

    He wasn't the original.

    He was one of the number. He WANTED to become the original.
    >> HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)16:47 No.14982597
    Wow... From a lackluster and brain drain day to this... you guys are the reason I main TG
    >> A few things. Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)17:00 No.14982763
    On the whole Odin Issue, I'm going with the whole Man who pierced the heavens with his spear and deadly with thunder based Magecraft.
    >>14978845 Saver is a cannon class mang, Just changed the definition.

    Also, for Rider it was either her or LU FUCKING BU and my mind just pictured Lu bu on a red motorcycle pulling off Tron like curves and banks... Yeaah I'm not that bit of a dick to throw curb stomp battles out the wazoo... Or am i?

    Saber Fate Stay/Zero was the whole reason why I put her there... plus I kinda wanted to keep the whole tradition of Sabers being badass warrior women.

    Setting Wise, This takes place after the "Good" End of the FS/N Games and is in modern times allbeit with a Type Moon Tweest.
    >> Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)17:10 No.14982865
    Assassin: Brutus... Nuff fucking Said
    >> User K. Kästner 05/19/11(Thu)17:11 No.14982892
    Berzerker: Caligula
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)17:11 No.14982894
    Brutus? Really? I find that rather odd.
    >> Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)17:15 No.14982936
    >>14982894 He pretty much caused one of the greatest shockwaves in history, and to this day some of us go "Et tu brute?"

    also >>14982892 Get the bloody fuck out of my head man, get the fuck out now. So, can some brave writefag could pump up some stats for the servants? Also, more setting, servant suggestions and what not also questions... Ask dem I 'll try to answer to the best of my ability's.
    >> Grail War /TG/ Style? Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)17:30 No.14983084
    I am Caffeinated... Let's get to it.

    As for some other questions, I'm just going to run a small game as a test. What system I don't know maybe Besm, maybe possible freeforming. The Number of players 3 to 5.

    And just now The thought of a Table for rolling up Masters/Servants just popped in my head. Let's get shit done.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)17:39 No.14983186
    Not to kill others fun. I mean, go with what you like.

    But Odin specialized in thunder spells? Sure, go with that if you may, but why?
    Thor, yes, but Odin is no Thor. But what of Loki? Why wouldn't Odin be specialized in illusions like Loki? Many spells Loki even learned directly from Odin's.

    No matter the case though, Odin and Loki were the magical ones.
    Even though it has grown to become rather common, to give Thor thunder manipulating powers is already sort of a stretch. When he rode the skies with his chariot, the chariot created thunder, as would happen if he struck the side of his chariot with his hammer. But in this case, the thunder is more akin to the sound rather than the electricity that is lightning.
    In this way it was more of a result from him riding his chariot, rather than Thor having actual lightning manipulating powers.
    But I believe many go with the lightning manipulation approach to make him more interesting, as opposed to an incredibly powerful dude with magical artifacts (aka master crafts, magic was lots of the time seen as immasculine or as a form of cheating, or perhaps rather, not real skill.).

    But Odin with lightning magic, sure. Fluff him however you want. But what about the eye? All the knowledge? He could basically know all the masters and servants unless refluffed.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)17:44 No.14983256
    Don't know if you feel like reading up on it if you haven't already.
    But I usually feel that 4e Shadowrun is great for this kind of stuff.

    The rules regarding spirits and magic are already quite good and most of all elaborated, capable of covering lots of angles, but perhaps most importantly of all, while staying coherent.
    The servants could be something like rank 20-30 or something spirits, with additional spirit powers for noble phantasms and that kind of stuff, and the history lessons and the knowledge granted by the grail.

    It is also nice how relations between spirits and masters and links and that are already done.
    Also, if one wants even more elaborate magic/spirit rules/relations, one can always add in stuff from Earthdawn, which is essentially tied in with Shadowrun either way, and as such use many of the same concepts.
    >> Some Setting Writefaggatroy not the best though Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)17:45 No.14983259
    Funny how plans seem to go awry no matter how much time is invested into it.

    The magical shards were at least twice the intended amount, and even resorting to adhocking the foolish heaven's feel system which in turn caused epic spirits to appear on the earth out of the woodwork.

    The Mage groaned and rubbed his weary temples If his ancestor Merlin were here what would he say to this fine mess of a situation... So many variables to consider now...

    On the mage's desk was a map of Fyuuki City albeit it looked more like one of those tables used for those games involving aliens and towering behemoths of men and demons alike. Game pieces in the shapes of human beings were moving around like a living diorama while others suddenly appeared.

    More shards were awakening. For now observation, Extreme Caution and a handy spell or three would do.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)17:59 No.14983423
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    I should write a fic/cyoa with a Berserker Achilles some time.

    "His rage could defy destiny/the will of the gods." Fuck. Yeah.
    >> Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)18:02 No.14983444
    >>14983256 I might look into it, but I want this particular chart to have the whole Nasuverse feel of it and what not. As well as some random modifiers for the luls and to make things more... Interesting and full of tweeests.

    >>14983186 Ah, you bring up a good point. I'm trying to work my head around the eye. Or I might just play the cop out trap card, and modify it for "Combat" Intuition instead of wisdom.

    Anyway's Lets try and get that chart going folks! So, we need paramaters like, magic circuts, bloodline purity and what not right?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)18:03 No.14983453
    Oh, D'Arc.

    How I love thee as a Saber.

    Best part? Have Saber(Pendragon) still kicking around. They look identical, in canon.
    >> Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)18:03 No.14983455
    >> Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)18:06 No.14983472
    @ >>14983453

    oh god fucking damnit, do i need to petition /g/ to make neural firewalls. Saber and Rider are still kicking, despite the fact that they are also still in the grail. So the possibility's of Mirror Matches are going up.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)18:13 No.14983529
    Some Male/female servants suggestions.
    Saber: William Wallace, Agustina de Aragón
    Lancer: King Leonidas, Boudica.
    Caster: Razputin, Circe
    Rider: Genghis Khan, Camilla of the Volsci (roman expy of amazon heroines)
    Archer: Ulysses, Lyudmila Pavlichenko if the gm feels like allowing modern characters.
    Berserker: Orlando Furioso/Roland, Brunhild
    Assassin: FUCK YEAH BRUTUS >>14982865
    , Electra
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)18:14 No.14983536
    I've also tried to develop a system for Nasuverse. (You know, the whole Nasuverse is actually stemming from tabletop experiences of Nasu with western RPG's, he said it in an interwiew in KnK novels. I think he understood what the fuck is roleplay actually about better then a lot of westerners and then wrote Tsukihime which baits with fantasy and uses fantasy concepts, but is ultimately about something completely fucking different and very relevant to RL. For example, Arcueid is a "Vampire". The kind of woman who drains the shit out of you. Search your feelings, etc. )

    Classes were psychic, hybrid, TA(initially weak) and a magecraft user. The problem I had in creating a system is that Nasuverse is really numbers heavy. While I love the idea that a mage needs to spend time building up mana before he can for example energy discharge in his element, or use some "pattern" like a rune to shape the discharge somehow and give it properties, which by itself makes for amazing meta-magic traits system, the problem is that you need to keep track of how much you can produce in total every turn(number of circuits AND quality of circuits, normal magus has 10-15, Shirou has 27, I'd hate using multipliers on that), as well as maximum that you can store plus knowing just how much energy you put into the discharge... you get into three-digits really soon.
    I also like "you can overcast anytime if you need more mana, but roll for fucking yourself over".
    >> Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)18:19 No.14983568
    Modern characters maybe allowed on a case by case basis, video game characters are rare but a dime in a dozen will perfectly fit like Altair, Cervantes and Guts to name a few

    But yeah Fuck Year Brutus as an assassin.

    >>14983536 Erg... That's right, Naruverse is OGOD Numbers heavy... Gonna have to find a way to reduce that.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)18:20 No.14983586
    A few ideas:
    Rider: Middle Europan countries have a common myth about a bunch of knights appearing to save the country at it's worst.. Imagine a heroic spirit who is a bunch of multiplying fullplate knights.
    Caster: Rabi Low, gonna love that army of golems.
    Also, don't forget the possibilities for a very Rin-ish Morgana for more Arthurian spice.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)18:22 No.14983596

    Kicking, as in active, here and now.

    For example, using the Unlimited Blade Works Good End, you still have Saber in the world, while the ...um, Sakura's rout, good end, keeps Rider.

    Had a game of Fate/Stay, the servants were:

    Berserker: Achilles
    Saber: Jeanne D'Arc
    Assassin: Jack the Ripper
    Archer: Zhou Tong
    Caster: Morgan Le Fay
    Lancer: Hippolyta
    Rider: Perseus

    Caster had a meltdown when she went face to face with Saber. "YOU?! ALWAYS YOU INTERFEARING!"

    We also had Caster(False): Marisa Kirsimane

    Good times, good times.
    >> Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)18:22 No.14983602
    Saber/Berserker: Mordred

    And in my possible game, someone has a Caster Morganna Le Fay... Best believe shit will most definitive GET REAL
    >> Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)18:24 No.14983619
    Are you the same guy who had the game with GURREN LAGGAN Master James? Cus if so I was showing said threads to friends before I got slapped with this challenge!
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)18:25 No.14983627

    Don't forget Huginn and Muninn.

    Odin's a master of espionage even if you take away his omniscience.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)18:26 No.14983639

    Heh. Yes, autally. Player of that PC, atually.

    Good lord, didn't think anyone would remember that.

    Oh, the insanity of the war ending. Good times...
    >> Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)18:29 No.14983663
    Could you give more details on how the game you played in worked? Like did you have to roll up stats for your master and shit like that??

    -wants to make a table for people rolling up masters as well as getting servants but Do not know wat do do?-
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)18:29 No.14983668
    So is there actually a system for this game, or has /tg/ homebrewed one? Because personally I can see a form of exalted working for this game, at least for the servents.
    >> Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)18:31 No.14983684
    If i have to go with the route for homebrew There will be bits of Exalted put into this. Well in Irony my group was just playing Exalted before GM was going through shitty things. like Damn bro heres a drink shitty.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)18:31 No.14983687
    I meant DA, goddamnit.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)18:37 No.14983725
    Väinämöinen would be an awesome caster. A guy utilizing a huge ass harp like instrument to cast all kinds of spells. Mostly hypnotic. I guess he would be kind of like Zero caster with his beast control abilities. He's kind of like a really manly badass jesus. He killed an evil sorceress and led an army so I guess he qualifies for the role for the achievements at least. Can't think of any other noble phantasms for him to use other than his Kantele.

    He's also a skilled boatmaker so he could qualify for a rider too. He's a skilled swordsman but doesn't have a sword with a name I think. Guess he would be a shaman if there was a class like that in the war. What do you guys think?

    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)18:39 No.14983755
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    GODDAMMIT I'm late. but I've put some thought into this.

    Karna (1300 BC)
    Hero from the Indian epic, the Mahabharata. He is roughly the equal of the great Arjuna. He is perhaps the strongest fighter, fighting from a flaming chariot and with a bow forged by the gods. He even is allowed to use the ultimate weapon of the god Brahma, the Brahmastra, but only once. The weapon is said to be so powerful that it is is like several condensed nuclear explosions. However, his biggest problem is his strict code of conduct. This code restricts him from fighting after sunset, from fighting women, from fighting those who are unarmed or who surrender, from surprise attacks, from ganging-up on one person, and many other restrictions.

    Sun Wukong ( 200 AD ?)
    Half-human, half monkey demon, this heroes tales were exaggerated over time, but her (genderswapped) skill is still great. She is childish, carefree, and boastful, often claiming to be the strongest being in existence. She is naturally a mage, but fights using a shape-changing staff fueled by her magical energy. Although the staff is light to her, the more magical energy she puts into it, the heavier it gets, potentially feeling like tens of thousands of pounds to her enemies.

    Horatius Cocles ( ~500 BC )
    Accidentally summoned from a desperate mage using a massive collection of stolen Roman and Greek artifacts. No one knows his true identity at the start, not even his master. He is shockingly weak combat skills, but his noble phantasm "Pomerium" nullifies almost all attacks and redirects them at an enemy, thus making him an amazing bodyguard for his master.
    >> Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)18:44 No.14983794

    Monkey Queen = Muy Bueno.jpg

    Was tempted to put merlin into the summoning pot but that would be either WHAT A FUCKING TWEEST Or extremley OP Let's keep this coming and stat's stat's my kingdom for Stats!
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)18:46 No.14983806

    "Pharaoh" ( ~1500 - 1000 BC ? )
    A priest in ancient Egypt who mastered the mysterious magic of possession. This gave him a noble phantasm called "Eye of Horus", allowing him to reign as king for hundreds of years, by passing his soul from one body to another. He can jump into any physical human's body (no demons, heroic spirits, demi-gods, etc) whom he makes eye contact with. Once he does this, he gains all the strengths and weaknesses of that person.

    Mysterious Persian inventor who was recruited by the Hashashin later in life. He prefers to use techology infused with magic. These include traps, poisons, explosives, and even robotic automatons.

    Volundr / Weyland ( time period unknown, but contemporary with Gilgamesh ? )
    This Norse hero is crippled and incapable of even the most basic combat. However his astounding blacksmith skills forged such weapons as Caliburn and several of Gilgamesh's weapons. Using his magical strengthening skills, he equips his master with weapons and armor, and gives him brief, but powerful strengthening powers
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)18:49 No.14983827
    Merlin is a fucking insane incubbus in Nasuverse.
    Just saying.
    >> H+ 05/19/11(Thu)18:49 No.14983830
    A while ago for an online open RP game of F/SN I built versions of Yamato Takeru (Japanese King Arthur basically, weilded Kusanagi, the Japanese version of Exalibur) as Saber, and Saint George the Dragonslayer as Rider (He didn't kill ALL the dragons...)
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)18:50 No.14983840
    I like the caster idea, nice reversal of the regular servant/master roles. And the looks on the other servant's faces when a normal human is trouncing them would be priceless.

    Is there a campaign based on Angra Mainyu (the evil goo in HF) breaking free into the world through a corrupted grail? I imagine it'd be the entire world involved in a fighting retreat as All Evils of the World pours over everything and either consumes people or corrupts them if they're useful.

    Kinda like a zombie apocalypse, but with a lot less zombie and a lot more lethality.
    >> Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)18:53 No.14983862
    Hmmm If the experiment game goes far if it ever runs I might consider that plot point.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)18:54 No.14983872
    I think it would be Hollow Ataraxia, except worldwide, plus controled by whatever hatches from that black skinny embryo of Avenger.
    Ataraxia is awesome, btw.
    >> Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)19:02 No.14983958
    Nobunaga Oda: Saber,Archer,Lancer or Berserker... Moar servants for the throne of hero's
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)19:04 No.14983976

    Nah, it was a very simple homebrew system.

    You made your PC, used words...think like a Yozi's Exlancy, if you know Exalted.From there, we had a simple dice system. 1d100, roll over or under a target number, bamp, you did or didn't do what you were trying to do. The TN was modded both by how hard it was, and you might get a bonus to roll if you had skill at it.

    Magic was a bit more freeform, you had what you were good at, Magic Circuit amount, and Crest(If you had one). There are also other possible things, such as Mystic eyes, and the like.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)19:05 No.14983988
    If you want to go that far, make Uesugi Kenshin a Saber and gendebendhim.
    Also, needs to fall in love with the master on sight.
    >> Hmmm Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)19:08 No.14984015
    Interestiing. -Was thinking of something like that but- with some Rollan for some parts of characters like magical circut's crests and what not.

    When I was reading your rp logs I was picturing a setting not too similar but the main hero/Saber's master pretty much on the spot came up with a attack that would make him the fucking BANE of all family line based magicians.

    Long story short said hero has a bit of a Ash Crimson/Tenjou Tenge vibe, by that I mean stealing the Crest's of established mages and taking it into himself. In theory, his future children might be born with crest's and what not.

    Of course i know this isn't possible in the Naruverse. But anywho, More servants, possible ideas for table rollan and or setting suggestions!
    >> Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)19:17 No.14984095
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)19:20 No.14984130
    My characters ( >>14983755 & >>14983806 ) were originally intended to be in the 3rd Holy Grail War with Avenger. There are a few things in it to make it synch up with Fate/Hollow Ataraxia, although I never could come up with a good idea for twin Sabers.

    You see this was actually part of an elaborate back story for a planned new route in the game:

    [spoiler]At the end of the 3rd War, the surviving servants are doused in that black goo just like Gilgamesh was, making them mortal again. Volundr and Sun Wukong lived a peaceful, happy life together as a couple, until Volundr dies. He was later reincarnated as Shirou. This explains his innate projection and strengthening magic, his reality marble, his knowledge of Caliburn, etc etc. Sun Wukong, meanwhile was left without any place in the world, so she used her magical skills to willingly hid her own memories and power, so she could live a normal life, disguised as a typical girl. This leads directly into the... Taiga Route![/spoiler]

    Long way to go for a new path, I know.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)19:21 No.14984142
    Just a fellow reminder.
    Archer of F/SN, was more aligned to the Archer class first and foremost due to his many skills (being proficient in both magic, ranged, and close combat, as well as being able to copy the strength/skill of anyone having wielded a bladed weapon, be it arrows, spears, swords or halberds)
    his proficiency with the bow might have helped, but the Archer class is still more of a rogue, and the rogue of D&D was always more about versitality.

    That is, if a character isn't much other than a super sniper or something, the Archer class actually isn't the most fitting. Robin hood for instance, one of the more commonly thought of "Archers", was still a theif, among other things, as well as an archer, thus he still fits the Archer class very well.

    Gilgamesh on the other hand. He could still fling his weapons as projectiles. This was however less to do with how he was exceptionally well at doing this or anything, but more how he wasn't all that great at using them as they should be used. He however, also was one for versitality. A large arsenal of weapons capable of doing most of anything, a great hand to hand fighter (but what is hand to hand vs super powered weapons? Yeah, that's why one doesn't see it much even if one is good at it.).

    In essence, one doesn't even need a ranged weapon to be a good Archer.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)19:22 No.14984145
    I can see this happening with regards to Fate/Extra. Make the guy some kinda magical programmer, and you are one step short of a magical hacker.

    Don't forget though, many of the crests are going to be useless - Tohsaka's crest for example is 50% useless to anyone unable to use Fire element, and Rin relyed mainly on charged up gems and element-neutral spells, because she didn't need to use it, but with Tokiomi, it was really strong techniques. It might also be why Kiristugu didn't pass on his mark, since while Shirou wasn't completely untalented, he was a misfit and Kiritsugu found his abilities useless(though they ended up being used to do the same thing).

    Sakura's element is "imaginary number" and her magic cuts stuff and contamines it with goo. I don't know if it wasn't more the DIEDIEDIEDIEDIE of Avenger, but it seemed very much like hacking to me. Esp. the way Sakura controls Saber herself even though she was technically hacked into by Angra Manyu, who is sentient himself.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)19:24 No.14984176
    >This explains his innate projection and strengthening magic, his reality marble, his knowledge of Caliburn, etc etc
    Shirou's abilities come canonically from Avalon. The sheath missed a sword, so it made Shirou into a sword.
    There is also speculah that Shirou started as Fire, but was forced by Avalon into Metal, which ended up as "forging".
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)19:28 No.14984207
    I know, I know.

    But still, real archers always get gypped, it seems. I'd like to see more of them.
    >> Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)19:33 No.14984240
    In regards to haxor character his element is Supposedly Aether. Sorta like the the primordial soup for magecraft elements. And here's some spur of the moment write faggotry.

    Rin couldn't believe it... She didn't want to believe what she was seeing. it was asinine, impossible, outright a freak of nature. Four Family crests. engraved on his back like some elegant tattoo.

    "A...And you mean to tell me, you didn't know you did this?!" Rin stammered out as she watched Dale put his shirt back on.

    "As I said, I just focused on his energy picturing it as source code from a computer... The whole blowing him up with his own magic that was not planned one bit." Dale replied only to hear more angry yelling from Rin.

    "You DO know that obtaining a Crest without a contract or by marriage is one of the most if not a nigh unforgivable sin to us Magi. I'll be frank... You are an anathema! If you were born into the world of Magi you would be dead or hounded by every woman of a powerful magical line!"

    Dale's face went red as he palmed his face. "Bout that..." He muttered as he pointed towards the locked bathroom door only to watch it getting kicked open. A curly red haired woman was giggling as she held up a positive test result.

    "Dale you fucking idiot." Rin flatly muttered in fluent English.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)19:37 No.14984281
    You know, darling, I've gotta return to /jp/ before dawn so that I can get there before she comes home from the nightshift... but I sure love you, /tg/.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)19:44 No.14984330
    Nothing of this is canon, just speculations and fan discussion.
    It isn't any more certain than the idea that his powers manifested in the form as swords, as swords is one of the most commonly representations of ideals in old poetry.

    The sword is the tool needed to walk down the path to one's ideal. That of which reaches out to one's ideal. That of which some explained as very ideals themselves.

    You know, Excalibur, Hrunting, or even Gram etc, were all the epitome of that very trope. Swords capable of granting ideals, swords with wishes, swords who could not fail, sword's of which would guarantee its wielder's victory, though this victory is not limited to that of battle.
    You know, that kind of stuff.

    Shirou who hopelessly yearned for an ideal with all of his being. The one when beaten felt that when his struggle wasn't enough, if only he could reach out and grab it, the tool to help him, the tool who ended up as a sword. (Him summoning caliburn the first time was very much like that.)
    In the end, he gained an infinite number of swords, yet he never managed to achieve his ideal. Even Excalibur, the sword said to be able to realize any ideal, became one of few if not the one sword, he was incapable of properly reproducing even when compared to his other reproductions.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)19:50 No.14984425
    >Berserker: Achilles
    >Saber: Jeanne D'Arc
    Too bad you didn't have Siegfried. You know, a Siegfried and Achilles matchup in general would be pretty awesome.

    Hit the heel! Hit the shoulder! Nothing else works!
    Imagine if >>14980384 or something fought a berserked Achilles.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)19:53 No.14984460
    The original ones are from some finnish lore, search there if you wanted to have them there... Also, there was supposedly an insanely agile midget Assasin with Zabaniya, also a pupeteer. Your story is pretty set though, so just saying.

    Alternatively, use Arthur and Mordred for some FAAATHEEER.
    >> Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)19:57 No.14984512
    Best believe someone has mordred. In my little setting, but I want to hear moar ideas, suggestions and what not
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)19:59 No.14984529
    Ignoring the wall of text. I do wonder how Nox would react in terms of a grail war.
    The eliacube and its powers wasn't enough for him to achieve his goal. But the grail? Would it turn into obsession all over again?
    >> Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)20:04 No.14984599
    So Do I.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)20:05 No.14984606
    Brunhilde for a yet-another-blonde Saber.
    Imhotep for a caster.
    Icaros for a raider
    Trying to actually play the faggy mary sue version of Perseus that Nasuverse has would also be cool, play him as a Heroic Spirit Shinji, who turns out to be surprisngly Gilgamesh-like.
    >> Tenrosei 05/19/11(Thu)20:59 No.14985153
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)21:04 No.14985195
    Well, what Siegfriend has is straight up dragon-class defense all over him.

    The myth that Achilles was invulnerable is very vague and born out of the fact that he was so fucking skilled /he only got scratched once/ during the entire course of the Trojan war.

    Matchless skill, inhuman stamina and mean streaks that made the greek gods directly intervene just so that he wouldn't shitfuck everything. The other heroes, stuff of legends all, were terrified of him for good reason.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)22:07 No.14985736
    >The myth that Achilles was invulnerable is very vague
    What about the version where he was bathed in holy ambrosia as a baby, only that his heel was being held and thus it made no contact with the ambrosia?
    How is it any more vague than Sigurd bathing in dragon blood with a leaf on his shoulder?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)22:48 No.14986138
    You know, D&D 4e could make a decent FS/N game. The at-will/encounter/daily system could work for the various levels of attacks and abilities used, since some require large amounts of energy/preparation and some don't. Noble Phantasms would almost certainly be daily powers, possibly granting bonuses until the end of the encounter or whatnot. Healing surges could also work as a form of energy, especially when transferred via ritual.

    Only question is how you handle the master/servant dynamic, and figuring out how to handle some of the more broken attacks in the franchise. Maybe drawing more from Exalted or something might work there.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)23:20 No.14986450
    Siegfried bathing on (fake) dragon blood is part of the Volsung saga.

    Achilles being bathed in the river styx is a fanfic written over 8 centuries after the Iliad, which specifically mentions him being grazed by Asteropaios double spear throw, and it being the only injury he sustains at the hands of the enemy.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/11(Thu)23:34 No.14986618

    Insanity idea:

    Masters use OWoD Mage.

    Servants use EXALTED.

    >> Anonymous 05/20/11(Fri)01:48 No.14987912

    no he isn't

    he is just a womanizing asshole


    that one about avalon influencing his element is actually canon

    fate/complete material 3.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/11(Fri)01:59 No.14987995
    >> User K. Kästner 05/20/11(Fri)06:13 No.14989717
    Not a bad idea
    It'd have to be the low-end of exalts though, to allow Shirō type Buffmages and plain crazy shit like Sōichirō Kuzuki to compete.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/11(Fri)06:17 No.14989739
    Why not just use Shadowrun 4th edition and stat the servants as really powerful summons with unique powers?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/11(Fri)09:22 No.14990539
    Because people who play fantasy games usually don't know anything about Shadowrun as they tend to not think of it as a fantasy game, despite of all the extensive fantasy stuff in the games.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/11(Fri)10:02 No.14990755
    Did anyone ever translate the side/extra material in any other way than transcripts? And did they ever transcript/translate the complete thing? Last I remember there was stuff missing..
    >> Anonymous 05/20/11(Fri)16:19 No.14993407

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