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05/06/11(Fri)21:52 No.14839495Everyone goes quiet. That's when Gerald, big guy of our group, the guy who'd break your damn arm if ya arm wrestled him, he steps forward and pulls out his piece, the Three of Diamonds. It's a damn nice gun, faster than the fastest I ever seen. 'Course, that Injun had him beat.
The Injun's gun was LONG. The barrel musta been one and half, maybe two feet long. Thing was all prettied up, silver plating, ivory handle. That's when we noticed the mark: The Ace of Hearts.
Gerald, he's looking shocked, but he still stands there, and he looks the Injun right in the eye and says something you NEVER say to a man with an Ace: "Let's duel."
The two of them, they stand back to back, guns out. Gerald decides he wants to do this like his forefathers, so they start pacing forward. Ten, nine, eight, seven, they walk down to one, and Gerald turns around, but by then, he's already been shot through the head, blowing the whole top half of his head clean off. And there's the Injun: not even facing his direction! I swear to ya, that Injun's gun let him shoot the man dead without even turning around!
The rest of the boys and I, well, we got angry, so we started shooting. But, thing is, he just turns around all slow like, firing shots right up into the air where they were sure to miss, and somehow they hit all of my men. These bullets hit 'em HARD too: Mikey's whole top half got blasted off! By the time he faced me directly, I was the only one alive. He points that big gun of his right at my head and cocks back the hammer. At this point I know I can't beat him, so I throw my gun to the side, and I get down and pray to him like he's Jesus-fucking-Christ. |