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05/01/11(Sun)00:39 No.14771442 File1304224746.png-(956 KB, 1200x533, made:saw:played jorzan.png)
 pics/mentions of deadpool (I used the same pic, lol) remind me of one of the characters in a game I DM (god, I'm in a lot games) played by one of my friends.
his first time playing the game, understandably, it takes a while for him to gel, there's a bit of a learning curve for everyone the first game. he starts out bad.
setting is light medieval fantasy. think pretty much like the beginning of "enchanted" nothing too heavy historical-wise, nothing grimdark. it's the first game, just sorta a little cartoony tutorial until I can introduce them to the important NPCs and show how skillchecks and stuff works.
he starts rping jack bauer.
now, this is bad enough on its own, especially since he keeps saying shit about dvd players and stuff and there's only so many times a DM can have an npc be all "what is this television you're talking about?" but I don't know anything about 24, so Im rendered wholly incapable of playing along.
game is a party of 2, jack bauer here and a fan-fucking-tastic dread necromancer (that I will tell about immediately afterwards) and me and the DN are getting a little pissed off. he doesn't seem to be trying to do it on purpose, so I give him the benefit of the doubt.
I give the two of them a "rescue the princess" fetch quest just to see how party unity's going. in order to get the favor of the man giving out the bounty after grossly alienating him as jack bauer, he borrows the DN's hat of disguise and turns himself into "jorzan: paladin of pelor" yes, that was the DN wrongly remembering jozan, cleric of pelor from the PHB, yes, it was awesome.
the second he shifted into jorzan... the player literally transformed. he began speaking in a different vernacular, fit in with people, gelled with NPCs, formed a bond with the dude giving out the bounty "us working stiffs" kinda thing. I didn't have to steer him at all. it was glorious |