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04/26/11(Tue)15:51 No.14728563 File1303847510.jpg-(230 KB, 1200x840, undead.jpg)
Full contact fighting is wonderful stuff, don't get me wrong. It's awesome in an open field or a straight-up line fight, and I've done my share of it with the kind of gear Belegarth uses.
But it really is straight up organized field battles with the occasional twist, and that's it. You get killed, you get up 5-10 minutes later, you do it again. Pretty much zero RP going on, it's a boffer fighting game vs. an actual live-action RPG.
But I can't stalk someone in a forest during the foggy morning as they're heading to breakfast, put two arrows in their back before they know I'm there, loot the body and get away before the rest of the town knows that goddamned bandit has gotten another poor bastard on the road again. Should have listened and traveled with a group...
Nor do you get to be walking along with your friends in the depths of night, hunting for a necromancer. Tripping over a small gravestone-covered field and then realizing when the moaning starts that he's found you, and he raised some friends...some of which lack flesh but are quite good at clawing through armor to drag the life from you with ghostly hands.
Nor is there any real story to go with any of it. Characters don't live, get stronger, go through all manner of adventures (or die trying), and there's nothing tying that sort of thing together. Only an endless series of light-weapon variants on what the SCA has been doing since our parents were barely old enough to stop wetting the bed. Cause that's what Amtgard and company are, in the end- when you go back to their founders. Folks who didn't want to have to deal with the safety dance of rattan and "historical accuracy" BS and just were having fun whomping each other with cushion-covered sticks. |