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  • File : 1302911133.jpg-(488 KB, 1267x887, 128469553945.jpg)
    488 KB The saga of 008 and company continues. Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)19:45 No.14606431  
    We follow the struggles of those who live upon the unamed planet. Men and women stolen from the world of their birth to a place harsh, alien and seeming intent to kill them. they eek out a living amongst the remains of a dead city and recently have found possible brothers in arms.

    You are the third wave. What sort of gear(200 pounds max) have come with you as you awake in an alein world to meet humanity changed into something more primal?


    we are the third planet.

    The wiki

    the previous thread
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)19:49 No.14606469
    Every single one of my textbooks. Lots of biology and anatomy, and some chemistry, along with a few theological texts. Knowledge preservation is of the utmost importance now that it seems the basics of survival have been taken care of.

    No electronics. Aside from a few components like wires or maybe LEDs, there's not much use for them.

    Other than that, basics. A good knife, hiking boots, a change of clothes in a waterproof bag, firestarter, lengths of rope, sturdy canteen or Nalgene water bottle. Also a sewing kit and some medical supplies.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)19:57 No.14606532
    good idea if we have another healthy base to work from what we have lost might be more readily replaced
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)20:09 No.14606638
    >unnamed planet
    It's called Lenore
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)20:10 No.14606656

    my apologies anon
    >> 008 04/15/11(Fri)20:10 No.14606657
    It occurs to me that I never thought up a name for the journal writer.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)20:11 No.14606664
    personally, I like the fact the journal writer has no name. Lends well to the style
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)20:14 No.14606692
    I'd show up up heavily armed with my nugget.My bug out kit weighs about 60 pounds.Then ammo I have to say the anon who brought text books had a great idea. I think I'd bring some of the books I have on metal working and agriculture. Guess I'm gonna be a ranger
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)20:14 No.14606694

    I agree.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)20:16 No.14606719
    Oh outrider, don't bring your guns to town. bring your guns to town...
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)20:16 No.14606725
    i agree anon i think its better that the journal writer has no name

    method indsno
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)20:16 No.14606726
    I suppose with my semi-working knowledge of anatomy and biology I'd end up being a medic.

    I'd love to do some dissections of the various alien fauna though. Sketch them out and catalog different species, research their behaviors.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)20:18 No.14606738
    medic/xeno biologist?

    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)20:19 No.14606756
    I'm trying to get a feel for the /tg/area. Its suppose to be a jungle right? Like florida or closer to southeast asia?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)20:19 No.14606757
    Well, I'll bring my hiking backpack with my mess kit, tent, ground cloth, etc, some clothes, my toolbox, plus additional tools that don't fit in it, my knives and swords.

    What else should I bring?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)20:20 No.14606765
    We're in an area with hills, high rainfall, a coastal area and a nearby mountain range. REally I guess we're a bit like a tropical china?
    >> Day 23 Loner 04/15/11(Fri)20:20 No.14606771
    Second waver, days are in 008time-186

    Day 23
    At least, I think it's day 23... Last few days are something of a blur. Found, or rather scavenged, this book from a death site. Fire was still warm, tent was ripped open and a trail of blood lead of into the forest, probably got hit by a loud-death during the night. Rest of the treasures from the camp: one fishing rod, complete with reel, probably fibreglass, a dozen or so books, five of which are in english, handcrank battery pack and assorted electronics, one laptop, two tarps. Then there were some general shite, "survival" knifes, clothing, empty tin cans, some pills, label in foregin language so fuck if I know what they are, a few bags, various toiletries, canteen, fire starter. Same things everyone brings I suppose, still, that fishing reel will help me with the modifications I'm considering for my bow, so RIP, dead guy, hope you're in a better place than here.

    Rest of the day was uneventful, killed two of those giant squirrel things for dinner, found a nice stream to replenish my water and wash up a bit, I'll have to remember to bring a soap on these treks, I'd almost forgotten how good it feels to be clean. Thanks again, dead guy.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)20:21 No.14606783
    In that case rice farming could solve a bit of out food issues. Fertilizer is easy enough to get and setting up a few paddies will solve some issues
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)20:21 No.14606784

    Like John James Audubon but with horrible, parasitic aliens instead of birds, yes.
    >> Days 24-33 Loner 04/15/11(Fri)20:23 No.14606797
    Day 24
    A boring day, better than the alternative but still... dull. I think I've made camp in cultist territory, though. I've been seeing fetishes and idols hanging from trees or seated on rock piles for a few hours. No sign of humans though, so I'm probably far from their main camp. I hope.

    Day 25
    Another good day. made good distance from last campsite. Came across some weird monolithic obelisk in the middle of a dead field, I thought I heard a weird hum coming from it but thinking back, that was probably just my imagination.

    Day 26
    Barely made any distance today. Came across a loud-death, climbed a tree an waited for it to get bored, that took most of the day... Got some reading done at least, Hemmingway rocks! Maybe I should see what life is like on the coast? Nah, I hate fish.

    Day 33
    More good days since last time, found a good place to set up camp and have been doing light recon treks. Found a really dark forest yesterday. REALLY dark, seems like a great place to disappear to if any roaving bandits or cultists hit my area. Bow modification is done, connected the fishing reel to the frame and the wire to a hook for the arrows, makes wounding shots easier run down and I probably won't lose any more arrows. Great success!
    >> Day 36 Loner 04/15/11(Fri)20:25 No.14606828
    Day 36
    Seems like the days are getting to be very monotone... Wake up, eat a little of yesterdays dinner, go hunt, run from certain death, get fresh water, eat dinner, clean gear, hone knifes, read, sleep... I caught myself talking to myself today. Maybe I should reconsider joining a group, they can't ALL be savages. But then, not having any responibility for others' saftey and wellbeing is quite liberating. Also, I seem to have picked up a stalker, little ratty thing following me at a good distance. Never gotten a good look at it, quick bugger, but it seems to be a lizard-rat. It's probably realized that I always throw away the old meat after breakfast, must be easier than whatever it's usually scavenging.
    >> 008 04/15/11(Fri)20:27 No.14606836
    For anyone interested, Journal writer brought with him 2 changes of clothes, his camp gear, 3 knives and a pack of bottled water, his phone, headphones and a notebook with paper and pen. He didn't think it was real until the countdown started, and he grabbed what was available.
    >> Loner 04/15/11(Fri)20:30 No.14606864
    Day 39
    I've moved my camp into the dark, or everblack, (as a pun on evergreen) forest. Savages were getting too close for comfort. Though not sure if it might have been safer to just walk into a cultist meet-and-greet, the predators here make loud-deaths seem tame. Horrible climbers though and with the thick psuedo-canopy it's pretty easy to stay off the ground.

    Hunting's not as hard as you'd imagine for a forest that never gets brighter than twilight either. There are rodents that live in the canopy but forage on the ground. A bright spotlight makes them freeze and large reflecting eyes make them easy to spot.

    Day 41
    My stalker has gotten bolder, or maybe it just hates the dark. I can hear it moving around above me and it sat watching me during dinner, even got it to snatch a scrap of meat from my hand. It's not a lizard-rat but some sort of monkey-like thing. I've taken to calling it Macaque.
    >> Loner 04/15/11(Fri)20:31 No.14606876
    ay 44
    Been having a dull ache all day, might be comming down with something. Time to hoard water and food. Still have some emergency rations from earth, good thing I was beeing cheap with those...

    Day 46
    Nose's shot and my eyes are acting up, I've set up a 'fishing' line to catch those tree-runners, padding out my emergency rations without having to leave camp. Macaque fetches me fruit every now and then, too. Cute litte scamp.

    Day 47
    Eyesight is almost gone, hands are really shaky. Can barely see even under the spotlight. Might be the last entry until I get better. Hope I do get better...
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)20:34 No.14606905
    I'd like to do some writing tonight, but I didn't follow the other threads at all and I'm kind of clueless on the setting as it's been built so far.

    Can someone give me the highlights?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)20:34 No.14606907
    well that sounds like a good healthy case of black eye
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)20:40 No.14606964
    4channers that have visited the site, have been taken to a planet that is VERY hostile. We've built a town, in a dead city and are currently dealing with the fact that new people keep showing up fresh as a daisy. Also, there's the whole doom cultist thing we're dealing with..
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)20:45 No.14607018
    Jungle, right. Marsh to the south, mountain to the north. The sea is maybe a week's walk to the east of us.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)20:46 No.14607026
    Christ, some people never learn.

    Found a guy hanging out of a tree an imp sitting over his head guarding the poor fucker. We drove it off. he was suffering from black eye...really bad. not sure if we can save him but we've dragged him back to town for now. See if the medical miracle worker can pull off some mojo
    >> 008 04/15/11(Fri)21:08 No.14607235
    Journal Log: Day 257
    So Leadership is going over the results of the wargames. Not sure what they're going to do with that. I haven't talked with the Colonel yet, and I probably won't. Got cleaned up and hung around town. Word is that engineering gave up building a massive brick wall for the farm and switched to horizontal trees stacked 3 high in a brace. Some kind of barrier wall. It's still going to take a lot of resources. Spent time learning how to skin a few of the wild animals. That's something I haven't fully learned yet, then hit the bar until night fall. The actors were off duty, but we had a live band and that was nice. Pretty slow day around town. In other news, the murder trial finished, he was found guilty and was executed. They haven't said how, but it was done in private and done quickly. I think I'm going to turn in early.
    >> Spoonman 04/15/11(Fri)21:11 No.14607258
         File1302916269.jpg-(144 KB, 1041x755, pensketch2.jpg)
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    Here's some background stuff I came up with that I think will be made canon. It fits in pretty well I think and lets people figure out what the last moments on earth were like. Also deals with population influx. Just skimming it or reading the first couple of posts will probably do to to get started. Though you may want to look for some of the flora and Fauna. I might repost some of it if the other thread goes down or I need to edit stuff to peoples whims, wants or needs. Pic is some animals I found on the other board.

    >> 008 04/15/11(Fri)21:13 No.14607274
    Those links aren't going to last as long as the thread. The old thread is already archived at suptg though.
    >> drizzt61614 04/15/11(Fri)21:34 No.14607442
    List of names is now open for signing for tg. /D/had one we didn't. Fixed that.

    >> 008 04/15/11(Fri)22:37 No.14608003
    Journal Log: Day 258
    It's raining. Raining like a bitch, but that's normal here. We may need new works to describe the different rain we get. There's drizzling, pouring and then this, and what comes after this. I'm on a hunting patrol. Not leading it but navigating for them like the old days. Funny that the old days are less then a year ago. We're chasing down a herd of tortolo we heard are in the southern hills and whatever else we can get for the food stores. This is mostly a novice and low rank team. I'm kind of babysitting them and teaching them to navigate. They're really starting to shape up. We've got a light load out and a wheelbarrow to carry the meat we get and the salt supply to keep it preserved for the trip back. We should be out here for two days, no less. The weather's been pretty warn, even the rain is warm. I guess it's summer.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)01:29 No.14609261
    MFW night thief
    >> 008 04/16/11(Sat)01:42 No.14609355
    Journal Log: Day 259
    So I figure we're in the tropics or subtropics considering our winter didn't even get cold enough for slush and now summer is here, or past, or something. Anyways, arrived in town around afternoon, we had a big load. We picked off 4 tortolo, the big ones. One of the scouts had a medical problem and lost the tip of one of his fingers when he tried riding one, fell off and was bitten. He'll be fine once it heals. Gooped some of that smelly yowler juice all over it and wrapped it up. He'll be in medical for awhile. Had a talk with Scout and Ranger Leadership. They seem to think I should be moved to the Rangers, but aren't willing to move me until they get a replacement, plus they're considering of just merging both groups into one. Until they decide if that's happening or not, nothing is going to change. Fun. Scouts and Rangers have something like a 90% skill overlap but do different jobs. I could see merging us into one class. I'm not sure it will sit well with some people. The problem is that the current command is all bureaucrats. Neither of them have been out on an expedition or even beyond the city walls since they were appointed. They keep track of the paperwork, try to assign tasks efficiently and keep the numbers balanced, but they don't know what it's like out there. Sure the work they do needs to be done but they're glorified secretaries. We need a good tactical leader and I bet some of the others feel the same. The problem is that nothing is going to get them out of their chair short of a declaration from City Leadership or a revolution. One is not likely to happen and the other is unthinkable.
    >> 008 04/16/11(Sat)02:14 No.14609599
    Journal Log: Day 260
    So apparently some of the cats had kittens. There's little ones wandering around in packs now. Cutest thing ever. So leadership has set me up for a mission. They're sending me out to escort a salt run. No particular reason, no mission to map out further up and down the coast. Well whatever. I'm taking 3 scouts who haven't been to the coast yet, 2 rangers and a medic. Standard loadout. Odd thing, Leadership didn't give a return date. When I asked them, they shrugged and said whenever seemed appropriate. It's like they want me out of the city for awhile. Maybe they found the phantom Mazda and are hiding it from me! But seriously, looks like I get some vacation time. I packed up anything I didn't want to leave behind. The coast is still a rich hunting ground, I'm not too worried about running out of food. We leave tomorrow and should arrive in 3-4 days.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)02:16 No.14609612
    >Mountain bull image
    >I am drawing a monster that will run through the mountains and kill a bunch of our dudes
    >I will draw its dick.

    Also it looks more like a boar than a bull.
    >> 008 04/16/11(Sat)02:38 No.14609781
    Journal Log: Day 263
    Made it to the coast a few hours after nightfall. Turns out the salt team here is packing it up and leaving tomorrow. Looks like we're going to be here alone for a week until the next group arrives. I'm going to take last watch so I can watch the sun rise. I have yet to see the sun rise on the beach here.
    >> 008 04/16/11(Sat)02:50 No.14609867
    Journal Log: Day 264
    The sunrise was spectacular. It wasn't as colorful as an Earth sunrise though, the pollution here is minimal. Did a short patrol to clear out the area of any undesirables and then had the rest of the day to dick around. Can't swim in the ocean, which sucks. So we just dicked around the beach. Played some volleyballl, went over my map for a bit and tried my hand at fishing. Caught a Kelpie. Well, the Kelpie tried to catch me. I'm sitting on this rock over the water and It popped out and made a grab for me. Next thing it knows, it's got a sword swinging through it's head. Then something bigger came out of the depths and ran off with the corpse. So yeah, that's my fish story on this fucking hellhole. The Kelpie that got away.
    >> 008 04/16/11(Sat)04:09 No.14610256
    Journal Log: Day 265
    So I got up today and decided that fuck it all, we're going on an expedition. We left an hour later. We're heading north towards the mountains. Left a note at the salt shack in case something goes terribly wrong. I figure we'll travel as long as we dare and I'm sure HQ will love to have the updated map. We hauled ass across the sand and made it to the builder shack at nightfall. I've described it before, but it's basically a Builder proportioned wooden shack. It doesn't really fit with what we've seen of their construction style and there's not even any wood carving. Maybe it's an old survivors shack. The last house of one of the last few builders. We still don't know what happened to them. Anyways, the shack is just big enough for all of us to cram in for the night. Kept getting an odd feeling I was being watched. I stepped outside for a bit in the cool night beach air for awhile. There's a steady wind coming in from the sea. Made me think of home. I could almost close my eyes and think I was there. I guess this world is home now, but I'm not ready to admit it.
    >> 008 04/16/11(Sat)04:19 No.14610318
    Journal Log: Day 266
    Saw a boat out on the ocean today. It was less then a mile away, close enough that I could see them with my binoculars. Tried flagging them down but they only waved and kept going. Whoever they are, they're damn secretive. It's a good sign though, it's more evidence that we're not alone. We have that other town to the south of us, one far to the west we had on radio briefly and this ocean going group. I wonder who else is out there. I imagine b or v would of all killed each other by now or starved or died from disease. K is probably surviving. Can't say for sure for the other boards. I wonder who the ocean goers are from. Anyways, they were gone after an hour, heading east. In other news, we found a decent sized tidal pool about three feet deep that didn't seem to have any oceanic nightmares flitting about in it. We poked around with sticks to make sure, but it was empty. Set up camp here for the night and we all took a dip. It felt great.
    >> 008 04/16/11(Sat)04:30 No.14610388
    Journal Log: Day 267
    Well, I've got a sunburn. I never do tan properly, I just get sunburned. Sucks. Passed by a herd of racing deer prancing around off the coast. They seemed to want nothing to do with us. They have an odd size range, from dog sized to horse sized. I wonder if the Builders used them for riding mounts. I've never seen a picture of a builder riding one so probably not. Maybe as beasts of burden if they didn't have any dwarves available. So the mountains are in sight and so is that pass heading north. Odd thing, found a disposed off water bottle in a bush earlier. We're not the first to of been here. We're taking things at a more cautious pace now and camping up in some cover. This is too far for a newbie to of wandered on their own, chances are there's another town nearby unless it's from one of those boaters.
    >> 008 04/16/11(Sat)04:49 No.14610480
    Alright, I'm out for the night.
    >> Spoonman 04/16/11(Sat)08:50 No.14611521
    Revamped intro, going to sleep now.
    At 12:00pm GMT, frequenters of 4chan living in that time zone, heard an ominous message in an unnatural and inhuman seeming voice; and no one else could hear it. That message said simply, "one hour". Some instinctively gathered supplies and equipment, not knowing exactly to expect. Despite the warnings, and the vague sense that they would be leaving earth as the hour passed, others panicked and refused to accept the message. At 1:00pm GMT, everyone that had used the website in the last three months was removed from the planet earth in bright flashes of light. In each time zone, as clocks struck 12:00pm, identical events took place. Once those on the eastern United States disappeared, the rest of the world began to believe.

    No matter what particular time they left earth, the members began to reappear in waves upon an alien world. The members were organized by the board they were most attached to, if they cared for none of them, they simply were clumped with whatever board they most visited. Each board had a unique starting area of roughly 150 to 250 square miles and grew with each wave. Only 5% of a board's total population was in the first. These were mostly in large bands placed far apart from one another, though there were always stragglers. The next waves started small, adding 1.25% of the board's total population to the area in smaller bands then before. The next was 1.6%, after that, 1.9%, and so on spreading further and further out. This resulted in frequent power struggles as fresh technology, people and resources clashed with establish power structures forming in the wastes of alien ruins. The capabilities of the people in each wave varied wildly as people from all walks of life found themselves in both unknown and dangerous territory as the world was cultivated by humankind.
    >> Spoonman 04/16/11(Sat)08:51 No.14611523
    The land populated by the denizens of the Traditional Gaming board known as /tg/, is a harsh, wooded, jungled and mountainous region filled alien ruins, dangerous beasts, deadly diseases and drenching weather. To the west lies a vast wooded area, dark and foreboding. To the east, the ocean, and perhaps other humans. To the north, a foreboding mountain range. And finally, to the south, plains and marshland. The largest settlement formed in ruins near a river high in the hills where the winds are fierce and strong. This settlement would form the basis of a great nation on the planet that would come to be know simply, as Lenore.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)09:01 No.14611562
    Btw, why is /o/ so far to the West? Is there a special reason, like vast oil reservoires/metal/etc. to get advanced mobility easier or something?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)11:02 No.14612150
    most likely it was placed there for the sake of placement. Some places do need to be moved around like /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)11:08 No.14612187
    So, do we have a census running? Or a group in charge of it? Does central supply do that along with gear?
    >> Medguy 04/16/11(Sat)11:08 No.14612194

    Jesus Christ. Someone brought a newcomer today and by the looks of it, he has been suffering from a severe case of blackeye. What's interesting though is that subject has apparently been wandering alone in the wild and has survived for months in those harsh conditions. Befriended an imp too.

    Patient has been telling me about his little adventures. It seems he knows more about the surrounding area than the ranger themselves.

    He also knows where the cultists' hideout might be and has been surviving out on his own by catching fish and ambushing prey by himself. His knowledge could prove useful and he might be a great asset for our community. His knowledge could prove useful. Leadership will love to hear this.

    But before that, administering treatment now. I don't know if this'll work considering he's been infected severely and the disease is in its advanced stages. Frankly, I didn't even think he'd survive this long. Hardy little fucker.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)11:10 No.14612207
    fuck yeah! med guy to the rescue/alcoholism!
    >> Medguy 04/16/11(Sat)11:16 No.14612244

    It's been days now and disease still shows no signs of stopping. Patient "says" he can hardly breathe at all. Heck, he didn't really say it, I can tell from the look on his face of a defeated man who's breathing heavily and ready to die.

    Fucker! Don't die on me now! I will have failed my mission. I don't want to see my first death, not like this. This is unfair. Shit!
    >> Medguy assistant 04/16/11(Sat)11:27 No.14612329

    It's been 48 hours now and disease still shows no sign of stopping. Doc is adamant and tells me he'll keep on fighting. He's throwing everything he's got. I don't know how this'll last though, he's all stressed out. He apparently hasn't slept too in those 48 hours. This will be the first time he'll witness death and failure if he fails treatment. I wonder how he'll cope, he's too proud of his work.

    I'm worried that he might become depressed out of this. He takes his work so seriously that it gives me both awe and sadness to see a young man waste sacrifice his sanity just so others can live. He's a living example that men, no matter how dire the situation is, will always find hope. He's an inspiration - no, a hero to this community and I'll be damned if I fail him too.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)12:35 No.14612866
    The issue is:
    It's somewhere where no one else is. All boards are closely packed - except for /o/.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)14:06 No.14613552

    That's more of a double-edged sword though. /o/ would be fine from external political threats that might be ambitious enough to form an empire which bring relative peace and harmony at the price of stagnation due to isolationism as has been seen in countries that have closed their doors.

    Either way, it has its pros and cons. It's not necessarily purely beneficial as well detrimental to /o/.
    >> Medguy Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)14:11 No.14613588

    Patient seems stabilizing now, though his disease isn't getting better nor is it getting worse. It seems to be in some kind of an equilibrium where his body is fighting off the disease as well as the disease fighting back to spread more infection. Interesting.

    It's been more than 60 hours now and I still haven't gotten some sleep. Hell, I've been more awake than asleep to be honest ever since the blackeye plague has started. The fact that I haven't lost my sanity in this damn place is nothing short of a miracle. I wouldn't have done it without my assistant though. I'm lucky to be surrounded by caring, loving people in this hostile and destructive world.
    >> 008 04/16/11(Sat)14:21 No.14613664
    Journal Log: Day 268
    We continued farther north. We're now in some kind of mountain pass. Mountain to one side, ocean to the other. We'll move in one more day, then cut back down south and move west to eventually meet up at the mining camp and then head south to town. We'll still be moving through unknown territory for a few days yet. No other signs of habitation so far, or ruins. I'm a bit weary of those mountains. Rapedactyls and other shit's just waiting to come charging out at us. The night is a bit creepy with the inbound sea breeze hitting the mountain's cliffs and crags, creating all manor of echos and sounds. Sometimes it almost sounds like singing.
    >> 008 04/16/11(Sat)14:28 No.14613729
    Journal Log: Day 269
    Found a corpse. It wasn't near the water, so it wasn't washed in. It had no possessions outside of the gradated clothes on it's back. He appears to of been traveling south and must of traveled for quite some time. From his condition, We figure he died of starvation about a week ago. Was he simply some second waver that wandered in the wrong direction? Well, it doesn't matter. We gave him a pyre and set camp for the night further away. Come sunrise, we're turning back. The singing winds are starting to creep me out. Now I feel like I'm being watched.
    >> cultist 04/16/11(Sat)14:34 No.14613773
    Screams. Voices. Chaos.

    Humanity, what a pity. Such weak flesh ready to die. What use is such flesh of the weak if not to provide me nourishment and entertainment. I was once in my cell awaiting death for the murder of 15 children. Ah, such beautiful playtoys. Their sacrifice was not in vain. I had pulled out their guts and ate them raw. A pity, I could've had more. Fools. Then a voice called out from the heavens.

    "One Hour."

    It was beautiful, I was ecstatic. A higher voice called out to me; I was chosen for a purpose.

    "30 minutes"

    Make-shift knife out of my pocket, I struck the guard's throat as I made my way out for escape. Nowhere to go, nowhere to hide and nothing to lose, I took as many lives with me as I can. The voice called me out again.

    "15 minutes"

    To hear its voice calling out to me was orgasmic. I was to sacrifice these pitiful weak flesh for my ascension. It had to be, the voices of the gods had called me out!

    "Five minutes"

    The fools with their guns. Bullets flying. Death. Destruction. Lo, a sight to behold. They shall bathe in their own blood. The blood gods have will it, the chosen one shall not be denied! Ha! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

    "One minute"

    Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. Blood, its scent orgasmic. I watch as I am being surrounded by these weaklings in blue uniform. The chosen one shall have his ascension, I will not be denied. The gods will bathe in their blood.

    Then a flash of light. I see nothing but before me but forest. I have ascended. And I shall wreak havoc on this world!

    >> 008 04/16/11(Sat)14:37 No.14613799
    Journal Log: Day 271
    So we made it out of the 'singing cliffs' today and are starting our westward travel. By my calculations, we should reach known territory in a few days. Some bull like creature came charging out of a valley today as we were passing by. We put it down with a few arrows and ultimately, a gunshot. It's a big ugly thing, four legs on the ground and two little dangly legs. We're eating it for dinner to save rations, and adding a salt pack to the leftovers for later. One of the rangers picked a few plants and used them as seasoning. It was amazing. We stripped the corpse of some trophy horns. Refilled our water supply at a small river. My skin is starting to peel from my sunburn. Itches like a bitch too. Shit sucks.
    >> 008 04/16/11(Sat)14:40 No.14613827
    Journal Log: Day 272
    So. I found something today. It's a gas cap from a car. It says Mazda. FFFUCK YOU WORLD! FUCK YOU TO HELL! I'LL FIND IT, I'LL FIND IT IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO! YOU CAN'T HIDE IT FROM ME FOREVER!
    >> cultist 04/16/11(Sat)14:44 No.14613869

    Yes, like a moth in a flame. Come before me pitiful flesh. My warriors shall have their fill with your blood. The gods have chosen me. I shall ascend to godhood!
    >> 008 04/16/11(Sat)14:54 No.14613948
    Journal Log:Day 273
    Okay, I'm feeling better now. We continued west and have set camp near another river. Ate more of that mountain boar thing for dinner. Our chef flavored it with citrus. It was even better then the last two nights. He's on cook duty now, which he seems to approve of. Wish I knew about his skills a week ago. It's a cloudless night. I wonder which of those stars is Sol, or if Sol is even close enough to see? For all I know we're in another galaxy. Wish I could find out who brought us here and why. So many unanswered questions. I doubt the builders brought us here. They seemed primitive at best from what they left behind. I'm pretty sure they didn't build the dwarves or the mechs. There's no infrastructure around to of designed anything like that. So there is a third party involved somewhere. Hell, maybe the builders weren't native to this world either and we're just one in along line of abductees brought here, but for what purpose? Perhaps entertainment. Perhaps they're studying humans before making contact with Earth (or attacking it) and this is just their observation lab. Questions I'll never have answers to.
    >> 008 04/16/11(Sat)16:37 No.14614940
    Journal Log: Day 274
    I was woken up by our ranger on watch. Someone came wandering out of the mountains just before sunrise. At first I thought it was a river town scout that went too far north but something was wrong. Looked a little too prim and proper, his smile a bit too big. His eyes, it's like they were seeing something else. He gave his little greeting and said he had been lost, wandering the wilderness and needed help. Asked for some water. One of my scouts offered him his canteen and got a knife in the throat for it. Three more came out of the bushes armed with various blades, wearing what looked like human skin. Masks made of other people's faces and covered in familiar markings. Chaos cult. It was bad. You don't have enough time to draw a gun when a lunatic is charging you with a knife. You do what you have to, namely get out of the way and put up your best defense. There was a whirlwind of action, I don't even remember how it exactly went down. I came out of it with a good gash in my side. The cultists are dead except their leader, who slipped further into madness once we disarmed him, literally. Of my team, we all came out with some injury, and I lost two men. One scout and one of my rangers. The chef. Fuck. We burned him alive at the stake. Knifed him to a tree and lit him up with his followers as kindling. He didn't scream, he sang. He sang until he throat burned away. The medic patched us up, a few stitches, nothing life threatening. I have to oversee a funeral now for two damn good men now.
    >> 008 04/16/11(Sat)16:43 No.14614990
    Journal Log: Day 276
    Made it to the mining camp today. We got to rest comfortably for the day while our injuries were rechecked and cleaned out again. Told the rangers on duty what had transpired, but left out most of the detail. Things they don't want to know. Things no one wants to know. We're going back to town come sunrise and see what Leadership has to say about my expedition.
    >> outrider 04/16/11(Sat)17:22 No.14615315
    you shall be found and summarily excuted my friend
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)17:36 No.14615431
    Ya know, I'm curious, what other flying monsters are out there besides the rapedactyl? I mean it cant be the only one running around
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)17:37 No.14615449
    It's the only big thing. There's flying bugs, and presumably some sort of songbird analogue, but nothing else huge. Besides wyverns, which are a subspecies of rapedactyl anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)17:39 No.14615460
    ah alright, so rapedactyls are akin to eagles while wyverns are more like smaller raptors such as falcons and harks?
    >> 008 04/16/11(Sat)17:44 No.14615499
    Journal Log: Day 278
    We made it back to town earlier. Updated maps with HQ and debriefed. Leadership is sending out a patrol to the area we found the cultists to ensure there are no more. Aside from the loss of two men, Leadership actually seemed pleased that I ran off on my own exploration expedition. Initiative I guess. Had the doc check up on my injuries. They're healing fine. News around town is that the farm wall is completed and they are growing both potato and carrots. No word from the tortolo ranch. I understand they're having a lot of problems. Tortolo have a tendency to just go where they want, even if there is a wall in the way. They're having a big pit dug and seeing if that will help keep them contained. Anyways, turned in the gas cap to Central Supply. The counter girl is convinced I'm going to find an entire car, one piece at a time. So entertainment around town tonight is the Entertainment guild's rendition of Icewind Dale. This should be interesting.
    >> 008 04/16/11(Sat)18:06 No.14615655
    Journal Log: Day 279
    Had a Builder dream, kind of. I was chasing one through the woods. It was running in a panic. Suddenly I leaped forward and brought him down, and proceeded to tear him apart with claws and teeth. I'm pretty sure I was a yowler. This can't be good. Anyways, got some archery practice in. An expedition from the river town (that's what I'm calling it anyways.) arrived and is in deliberation with Leadership over something or other. Funny that they have a flag but haven't named their town. Weird priorities. In other news, more cats. They're really taking to this place. Many have been adopted as pets. I probably would too if I was always in town, which I'm not. No pet to comfort. Except my gun. If I was crazy maybe.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)18:13 No.14615704
    What intel do we have on the cults? I'd say one of our first major offensive ops should be taking them out. If they ever get united...things could go from bad to fuck real quick
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)18:16 No.14615724
    not much I was thinking of doing a write up for them
    >> 008 04/16/11(Sat)18:21 No.14615768
    Journal Log: Day 280
    So apparently river town has set up some trade relations. The road building team jumped at the chance to get out and is already constructing the road south. Basically they're trading some of their tech expertise and fish for our salt and coal. Further, they are providing people to get trained under the Scout and Ranger Organization, and we're to provide protection until their people are trained. Interesting. I'm one of the ones being assigned to river town. I'm going to be the chief explorer and check out that swamp south of them. I was hoping to avoid the swamp, but Leadership thinks there might be something out there and river town is the perfect base to kick off on adventure. Great. We're bringing over 10 rangers, 10 scouts, 5 science guys and 3 medics. They're sending over about 40 people to be trained and geared up. Hope they like swinging around a fucking wooden sword for a few months.
    >> 008 04/16/11(Sat)18:23 No.14615782
    From what I gather, the cults aren't united. They're just small pockets of people driven to insanity that need to be hunted down before they sacrifice more people to their imaginary psychotic superstitions.
    >> A study of the Cults mcarthur, reginald 04/16/11(Sat)18:24 No.14615795
    'lenore' as the planet has since been dubbed by several fans of Poe has its share of cultists. These can be lumped into a general broad set of criteria that give us an idea of just what to expect, what to look for and possibly, how to help them regain their sanity.

    to this end, my allies in the outriders have helped me gather data, fetishes and even members of local cults that we're able to divulge information...With some encouragement
    >> the 'chaos' cults mcarthur, reginald 04/16/11(Sat)18:31 No.14615845

    when humanity inexplicably came here. Some of us took it to be the work of divine, or infernal forces. Amongst thoe that did small pockets developed a belief for the Chaos gods of 40K revering them as real gods and practicing what they believe is the rites and rituals that will appease their masters.

    The most dangerous of course are those that revere Khorne, these bloodied savages are head hunters and cannibals more often than not. Killing what ever they can find, ripping them to shreds and bathing in their blood. They are typically loners or semi organized into loose packs.

    Next to these are perhaps the Nurglites, those which praise nurgle few they may be they are something of a walking danger. Willing infected with parasites, fungus (including blackeye) They are often alone and are to be burned after euthanization.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)18:34 No.14615883
    I know there's at least one major pleasure cult. I can't remember the url for the wiki though so I can't look it up.
    >> con'd mcarthur, reginald 04/16/11(Sat)18:35 No.14615895
    The last two, slanesh and tzentch cults are rarely if ever seen. The former are often are small pockets of individuals which pose little to no threat and simply wish to be left alone. The latter are even stranger and have been known to willingly mutilate themselves. But, as we have seen are rather civilized in their own way. Outriders have been able to trade, and negotiate with them(Clark pg.6) should there be a mutual benefit.

    These two have been earmarked for study, and possible reintegration into society at a latter date. Though of course, should they turn violent termination orders are still in place.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)18:46 No.14615960
    The mods are debating if they should erase it.

    >> drizzt61614 04/16/11(Sat)18:47 No.14615970
    Those sick bastards, they took Ben, they took him and, they were like Reavers from Firefly, they didn't even wait till they got back to whatever hell they use as a base before they started to... before they cut him up and started to stitch his skin into theirs, one of the larger ones, he tore into Zach with the razors he hadembedded in his hand, Zach being... well Zach gave as good as he got, and broke the fucker who killed Ben's neck, total 180, too bad he bled out shortly after that. Then Mike, gods what they did too Mike... ever seen what a stick with nails sticking out of it can do to a human throat... because thats what they did to him, they... they raped him with it then shoved it down his throat. I only got away because of luck, the one that charged me ran right into the pike I sleep with, still took a chunk out of my face, I hope that never heals. Scars tell who we are here, I wasn't releaved when the first wavers found me and the remaining two facing off, if they can't be here, then why am I? I screamed so loud when they saved me. I don't deserve life, they did. Why me? But I know that I can never be a civilian, not after that. Perhaps they'll let me join the Outriders, maybe I can take all of those sick fucks with me before I die. Maybe I'm no better then them for wanting to kill every single one of those sick fuckers and send them to whatever hell this planet has.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)18:49 No.14615980
    I'd say leave it. The scale of it stretches belief a bit, but pleasure really is a major thing people would focus on.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)18:50 No.14615985
    true, maybe cut back on its general size?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)18:52 No.14615996

    >>what the hell?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)18:53 No.14616001
    Yeah, modify it in general. It should be far less grand. Spending all your time on pleasure isn't conducive to getting shit done, and it's even less conducive to keeping shit clean. The place should be squalid and nasty.
    Also I notice it focusses a lot on the one high priest dude, I'd say deemphasize that.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)18:54 No.14616012
    the guy who wrote it basically set it up that way. personally I'd say cut it up into something thats spread about here and there in /tg/-land
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)18:55 No.14616015
    problem anon?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)18:58 No.14616044

    no, just never seen something like that before. it was win
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)19:06 No.14616087
    ah alright
    >> drizzt61614 04/16/11(Sat)19:11 No.14616120
    So I seem to have passed what passes as a psyche waiver for the Outriders, which means I hate the cultists too much to be a danger to these innocents. All though if anyone here is an innocent I'll let just one Reaver live. Just one. They seem to be surprised that we were able to hold our own, much less take all but two out. I guess their making long pointy sticks part of the required gear list, some of the vets complimented me on that. I told them all to fuck off and focus on finding more Reavers as I call them. The name is starting to stick in my unit, we found some bloody paintings on trees, everyone got quiet after that, weapons drawn, and ready, we find them, we kill them, no mercy, no quarter given, Orders be damned, they don't know what these things can do.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)19:11 No.14616128
    you know I wouldn't mind being one of the soldier stationed there
    >> 008 04/16/11(Sat)19:26 No.14616257
    Journal Log: Day 281
    So I was dispatched with the transfer team today. Heavy loadout with personal belongings. On the road. Met up with the road construction team around nightfall. We're going to escort them the rest of the way. Looks like they're building another pressed dirt road. The architect says they'll need to do maintenance on it every two years to keep it from turning into a muddy river. Anyways, from their travel speed, we should make river town in a day and a half. Between the noises the road team makes during construction and the size of our group, I don't see anything coming to prey on us. The animals tend to avoid large groups like this. Had a talk with one of the science guys during my night watch. Apparently a few people in the science guild have already set and named a few constellations. They're waiting for completion before announcing them though. Neat.
    >> drizzt61614 04/16/11(Sat)19:29 No.14616284
    We found the sick fucks... and some kids who went through mommy and daddies history, or something, point is they were fucking kids, literally, they were using the spike dildos on them, the screams will always stick with me. there were body parts everywhere some looked like baby parts. How fucked up do you have to be to do something like that to a baby, I fucking hate this place, one of them had a zippo and from what we could see he used it too cook. Thats right the sick fucker was using a zippo to cook babies, I never knew that kicking someone into a bonfire could feel so just. Is this place making me like them? Is the only difference between us who we kill just because they are there. I'm trying not to think about what a person like this was like back on Earth, were they normal well adjusted people who broke under the constant threat of death, or did they already think like this? What makes a person think that eating a baby is ever the right thing to do? I killed three men today, and I don't think I'll lose any sleep because of them. The kids all had to be put down, mercy killings, I couldn't do it. The others seem to respect that, and I got an extra ration of booze for the night. Don't think I'll be able to sleep even with a liter of home brewed vodka in me. But damn the flames I can spit with it are awesome.
    >> Leadership 04/16/11(Sat)19:39 No.14616380
    Town was attacked today by a group of cultists carrying out their blood ritual sacrifice. Damn this group. Intel has told us that they have gathered information and it seems they are led by one person who is a deranged lunatic and a known murderer back on Earth. Killed 15 children and ate their entrails. Shit's pretty nasty. It's been heard that he was about to be sent to the chair but somehow escaped the grasp of authorities by knifing the guard on the throat then escaped his prison cell, even causing more havoc on the facility by killing the guards and sacrificing their bodies in their own blood. Claims he has heard voices from the gods and is the chosen one for ascension among his people. Preaches too that his followers can also ascend if they please the gods by sacrificing "weaklings of the flesh". Damn it, not only do we have a serial killer on our midst, we have a deranged serial killer who's a lunatic. The council has deemed this information important though and has decided to keep this a secret. We don't want any panic happening in our community now that we have established our power base and made things work that has a semblance of a working society.

    On the good side though, we've had a loner who's been surviving on his own out in the wild brought into camp suffering an advanced form of blackeye. The town doctor apparently has neutralized the infection from spreading and is about to be patched up. His information and skills could prove useful for our rangers. How he survived out there on his own still staggers belief to no end. Seeing what's been happening around, we have to be careful though. No way telling if he's another member of one of those damn cults.
    >> Loner 04/16/11(Sat)19:41 No.14616404
    Day 274, apparently
    Doc tells me I've been here for about a month, so unless I'm a survivor GOD whilst being blind and delirious, I doubt that scale is compatible with my old one. Sort of hurts to breath and my body feels like a giant used it for a drum solo, but I'm alive... so that's good. I dreamt of Emily and Doug, so I figured I was dead too, guess it's just my subconscious trying to cheer me up. Eyes are still bad, the spotlight seems about as effective as a flickering candle. Colours are all off, too, doc tells me it's supposed to look like a disney film, I'm somewhat reminded of that pink elephant scene from Dumbo so I guess it's not too far off.
    >> *CLASSIFIED* Leadership 04/16/11(Sat)19:49 No.14616494
    Personnel somehow has managed to infiltrate one of the cults by pretending to be cultists themselves weeks after the attack on the outriders happened. From what we can tell, they're led by a known serial murderer in the United States who killed 15 children and ate their entrails. He apparently has escaped the grasp of authorities by being one of the few who was transported out of Earth into this planet and prides himself as the "chosen" of the gods for "ascension". He urges his followers to kill for the gods and sacrifice the blood of their victims to attain "godhood". Though they're led by one leader, the various cults operate like cells very much like the terrorist organizations of the Earth. Ironic to think that we'd have our own "war on terror" here when I was against Bush's policies back on Earth.

    As for the agents, I've also heard some very nasty details about the cultists' lives. From what I can tell, these are nothing more than deranged maniacs who have already been suffering from mental issues back on Earth. I just hope they won't lose their sanity. They're apparently men living among monsters.
    >> 008 04/16/11(Sat)20:00 No.14616590
    Journal Log: Day 283
    We arrived in river town around afternoon. No problems on the way here. I think the residents were surprised and possibly a bit panicked to see such a large force materialize out of the woods. We met up with their leader who set us up with housing and their rules. More or less the same as ours. The road team is suggesting an outer wall be built, but their leader wants the place open. Wandered around town, oversaw their fishing operation. It's really weird being in a strange town surrounded by strange people on this world. They're friendly if a little distrusting. So apparently the river town population is about 150 second wavers. They haven't split into guilds or organizations yet. They have one unelected charismatic leader who asks people to perform various tasks and a handful of dedicated hunters for protection and to supplement their food stores. They've done little scouting of their boarders so far. They have an extremely talented doctor and a chemist that together, came up with their own Blackeye cure. Their cure apparently does not use yowler ichor nor does it result in the Disney Filter. Unfortunately it causes a long term condition known as Twitch, some kind of muscular issue. Aside from that, they have no salt for food preservation, which is preventing them from building long term food storage. They have no coal for metal working, no ores, no dwarves. They're just barely surviving out here, but they are surviving. We have taken over one of the larger unused buildings and are cleaning it up. It will become the new Rivertown (still an unofficial name) Scouts and Rangers branch office.
    >> drizzt61614 04/16/11(Sat)20:03 No.14616613
    Command seems happy with the reports we gave, they didn't seem happy with the fact that there are kids roaming around and none of the Ranger or Scout teams have found them. Seems someone dropped the ball on that one, also the entertainers want me to do my fire spitting thing. One of the tat-artists agreed to give me one with Zach, Ben and Mikes name on it subheading "Never forget". Gods i miss them.
    >> Loner 04/16/11(Sat)20:04 No.14616621
    Day 275
    Tried to stand today, could barely even lift my ass from the bed and got winded moving my legs over the edge. Fucking muscle dystrophy. Most of my gear got 'repurposed' by 'Central Supply', still, I've been here for a long time and they saved my ass, so I guess recompensation on my my part is fair. Seems I've been talking with the doc while I was out, can't say I remember it but he seems like a good guy. Seems tired though, guess there's too much work for medics in this hellhole.

    Day 276
    Physical therapy fucking sucks.
    That is all

    Day 285
    Walked around in the hospital today. It was slow, wobbly and hurt like hell but I'm walking. Well, double cane walking. Controlled forwards falling?
    >> 008 04/16/11(Sat)20:22 No.14616776
    Journal Log: Day 284
    A representative from Central Supply arrived today. They had a nice long talk with the local leader and now there is a Central Supply opening here, right next door to our branch office. They even got a fancy carved wooden sign. I wonder what was said to make the local leader cave in so easy? Anyways, the local trainees are on their way to Koganusan with the construction crew. In several months they'll return as novices and continue their training under us. So this place has a completely different feel to it. It's smaller, more open and of course the river. The area just downstream of the nets is apparently safe to swim in. That sounds really good. The town seems to shut down around nightfall, little to no dark activities, even with their lighting system. Since we have no outer wall, we have to keep a constant patrol. They used to use 4 men. We're using 8 on a rotating shift. The locals seem pretty impressed with us so far, seeing us as some kind of defense force right out of a fantasy setting that have come out of the deadly wilds to protect them. Kind of amusing.
    >> Cultist 04/16/11(Sat)20:25 No.14616810

    Death. Freedom from the flesh. How utterly weak these pitiful fools are. I sent one of my newest warriors for the blood initiation and apparently they were successful. Knifed the weaklings and killed two weak men just by using a knife. The gods will be proud. We have demonstrated once again to these pitiful weaklings that we can strike terror into their hearts anytime at our whim. Their sacrifice has not been in vain. Tonight, we celebrate by killing off the traitors in our ranks. We shall drink the blood of these weaklings who dare spy on us and spread their corruption on our midst.

    >> Loner 04/16/11(Sat)20:37 No.14616907
    Day 287
    Got a visit from a scout today, wanted to know if there was anything I could tell them about the areas I had passed through. He had a landmark map, very well done, too, and I showed some of the campsites I had used, caves, good trees for elevated camps, a few of what they called OOPARTs, 'weird shit' I call it. Think there were a couple in there that they didn't know about but the guy had a good poker face. Walking is getting easier, down to one cane and up to an average of 10 metres without falling over. PROGRESS

    Day 290
    Took a walk outside. Direct sunlight helps my vision but it's still murky. Lots of people around, makes me slightly on edge after all that time alone. Town seems to be thriving, though, steady supply of meat and "bread", salted meat makes a bad hunt less of an issue. They've done very well for themselves, considering the deathtrap we live in now. Observed an archery practice, gave a few pointers, instructor didn't seem to mind too much. Realized that, consider my eyes, I'll likely never go hunting again. That made me feel like having a lie down.
    >> drizzt61614 04/16/11(Sat)20:39 No.14616923
    While in the middle of my fire spitting performance, some maniac who infiltrated the village started attacking people with one of those nail-dildos, he only killed three people before he got a face full of firey vodka and a gut full of broken glass, don't know why Central wanted him alive, don't care either, the only useful Reaver is a dead one.

    Need to see the medic, the Reaver got in a lucky swing, might need stitches, damn bastard. Won't let it happen again.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)20:52 No.14617039
    Benign cults though rarely mentioned do exist. We've discovered a large number in all honesty. We simply choose to ignore them. It makes no sense to kill innocents when they have done nothing wrong.

    For example living within the canopy of the nightmare is a collection of people that believe that someday they will turn into Elves, we've done nothing to discourage them and have given them some trade goods in exchange for several things, including paper notebooks and even a few odd plants.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)21:01 No.14617110
    The figure hunched closer to the campfire, which provided little warmth in its sputtering glow as the flames licked around damp dead wood.

    "I tell you, I've been working as a Scout for a while now, and I've seen some crazy shit on this godforsaken planet, but those cultist take the cake."

    He seemed visibly unnerved by simply mentioning them, as if talking about them would cause robed figures to burst from the darkness that encroached on the makeshift camp.

    "A few days I was taking a group of rookies out, just doing a perimeter sweep of the area, nothing important."

    He stopped again, looking over his shoulder into the gloomy woods. Satisfied that we were alone again, he continued.

    "Well, we came across these rocks. Whole bunch'a them, just laying around in these weird concentric circle patterns. Dozens of them. And on each one was scratched tiny little words, 'In Death there is transcendence', written over and over again, covering the entire surface of the rocks. I swear some of 'em had blood stains on them too, made the words stand out even more..."

    He trailed off again, and didn't start back up. We sat in silence around the tiny little fire trying to put the awful stories we've all heard about the cult's atrocities as far away from our thoughts as possible.

    It's harder than it sounds. That was a long fucking night, jumping at every snap of the fire, ever imagined shadow. It used to be we just worried about getting eaten by giant parasitic monsters or catching black eye or getting caught in a flash flood. Now? Now there's something even darker in this world. And we brought it here.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)21:06 No.14617149

    This is the first bit of writefaggotry I've done on this board. How is it?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)21:11 No.14617171
    I approve anon
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)22:16 No.14617675
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    >> drizzt61614 04/16/11(Sat)23:09 No.14618073
    Didn't need any stitches, but am getting dispatched to try and find where our Reaver came from, Command thought he wasn't a Reaver, but then they took off his shirts, the sick bastard had stitched tats onto his chest. I got a stripe for it. they reward me for killing, hypocrites, better them, then Reavers I guess. I think I'm turning into what I hate, I think I'm okay with this...
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)23:30 No.14618255
    Alright, so does anyone have a name for 'rivertown'
    >> Anonymous 04/16/11(Sat)23:51 No.14618440
    so whats up with these builders? I mean they build these grand cities, bugger off and we hardly know anything about them...any word on their culture?>
    >> Meanwhile on Earth Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)00:18 No.14618672
    With the advent of millions disparaging...the world changed. not just on that aspect but on the fact we finally found out we were not alone. They came from on high, landing in every city. Well, they being simply extensions of a greater whole.

    they called themselves Judges, being which deemed what races would be allowed to travel the stars...

    we were found worthy. We didn't realize the price however. now, humanity is changing those that are on earth are unwilling to accept transendence of their mortal form to join with Judge C'thhhe'k and as such are allowed to live out their lives till they are willing to travel the stars alongside us in the glorious pursuit of peace.
    >> 008 04/17/11(Sun)00:44 No.14618835
    Journal Log: Day 285
    Our branch office is now cleaned out and fully operational. We even got some electric LED lights off the city's solar panels. Fancy. I'm setting up an expedition south into the swamp. It's going to have to be a small expedition, so I'll be leading 1 other scouts, 2 rangers and a medic. Too bad we don't have a biologist. It's a small group and thus may run into a problem with wildlife. We'll see. In the meantime, we have introduced some locals to our wonderful green potato thingy vodka. A grand time was had by all and no laws were broken that anyone is aware of. I also took a dip in the safe portion of the river. Very refreshing. No night activities in this town, no entertainment guild. These people are probably ready to explode. Apparently the only gaming gear anyone brought was one Savage Worlds guide, an Ultramarines army and a game of Monopoly. Monopoly is apparently banned after a series of violent incidents.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)00:48 No.14618862
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    >Monopoly is apparently banned after a series of violent incidents
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)00:56 No.14618924
    Im not suprised. people get worked up over that stupid game.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)00:58 No.14618939
    true, though Im fairly certain this will be a national law. Or a way for you to play for your freedom if you've committed a petty crime
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)01:09 No.14619012
    Ever stared a yowler down?

    If you haven't try it. I've faced one by myself. Looked the beast straight in its bone shielded eyes. I tell you this much. I've never seen something so full of hate in my life. They despise us. hate us to the point they go out their way to kill us.

    Yes an animal can feel hate. Don't you hate the cultists after all?
    >> 008 04/17/11(Sun)01:16 No.14619056
    Journal Log: Day 286
    First day of the expedition. We quickly passed into unknown territory, as the locals haven't done much scouting. So far it's mostly grass plains. The swamps are a day from here and already the air smells funny. If the swamp is like anything on Earth, we are to expect endless dampness and muck and terrible creatures stalking the shadows. Knowing this world, probably lots of fungus as well. Should be interesting assuming we don't all catch some horror plague and die out here, but that's life on this hellhole.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)01:22 No.14619094
    since you're on the short grass

    Scissor Gull Turkey sized flightless 'birds' are frequently seen across the plains. These creatures seem to follow heard of animals waiting for the sick and dying to finally fall. When one does they move in with shocking speed, consuming the poor thing as its dying. Long serrated beaks are used like scissors to tear apart durable skin and break bones. Hexapods like the rest of the world they have developed Fore and mid-limbs oddly enough suited to periods of gliding. Often Darkly colored they are completely covered green and blue feathers. males during mating season have prominent Orange crests and long tail plumage that looks like trailing streamers as they glide
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)01:28 No.14619137
    ...yep this planet just gets better and better
    >> swampin' sphagettiman 04/17/11(Sun)01:35 No.14619187
    Uni Swimming in small lakes and streams around the mesa are a variety of small 'fish' these creatures are being lumped into a general grouping for the sake of sanity though they do have a variety of roles in any ecosystem they are found in. Ranging from a few inches to as much as three feet in length these 'fish' all seem to be either insectivores or bottom feeders that consume local aquatic plants. There are several common indicators that these fish are members of the genus. The primary being their three fins, these fins radiate equally around the creatures and seem to provide a form of defense and way to attract mates. Their mouth parts, which, like the harpoon fish have a unique tongue structure though in this case, its prehensile with a number of finger like bits at the end of it allowing them to grab food and prey items to awaiting teeth plates. Propulsion wise this group of 'fish' uses either a rapid wiggling motion or, an undulation of two of their body length fins. For sight these creatures use a variety of eye shapes. The most common being small patches of photo-sensitive tissue dotting the body that act as simple eyes.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)01:37 No.14619200

    Striding through the swamps and marshes of the Western Continent are large Birds, the males garishly colored they move amongst the great trees and dangerous waters with hardly a care.

    Long legs, lead up to a compact body that is topped by a graceful neck with a three section beak that allows it to spear fish out of the water. Covered in small tightly packed black feathers they are almost entirely water proof. their wings are almost non-functional and seem to be used for little more than mating ritual.

    Their diet consists of primarily fish, and large insects, with smaller lizard like creatures as a supplement to the diet. This diet seems to fill a similar niche to the cranes and herons of our world.

    Much of the year these creatures are a shiny black coloration with a red patch of color under their oddly shaped wings. But, during the early rainy season males will develop very colorful plumage, long glossy tail feathers in a range of colors, a large obvious crest and tints of purple on their beaks are often found on males.

    Mating rituals are often complex dances where males, dance in complex circles and songs that echo through the swamps for weeks on end. By the end a male will have gathered a harem about itself and will construct a submerged rook that will hold the gathered eggs, suspended within a gelantinous goo that is aerated by the steady flow of water and allowing for a long period of growth.
    >> Drew & Gary. 04/17/11(Sun)01:59 No.14619382
    Gary and Drew's study on Alien Fauna 000 (mostly Gary since Drew doesn't want to write. bastard.)

    Drew is still very much alive, although he did suffer a stinging burning sensation in his hands,legs and any spot on his body where he got scratched by that grass. pain lasted for about half a day but it did no permanent physical damage to my unfortunate partner, I hope he learned something from it(he didn't), need to remember to observe how the Rambush eat it.
    we will have to get permission to form another group in order to catalogue more wildlife in hopes to find a species we could use/eat in the coming time. Drew wanted to have a better look at the Rambush herd we found a few days ago, we know from close observation that they are very timid creatures, they might have evolved a defence against the predators and have nothing to fear from anything or they just dont see humans as a threat(yet), the Herd leader might pose a problem but since it only charged out after provocation(won't say a thing.) we're not sure what to expect. Drew did say he felt something sticking out from under the coarse hairs, we want to investigate that if possible.
    >> Drew & Gary. 04/17/11(Sun)02:06 No.14619428
    after our initial report on the creatures during the debriefing, HQ seemed quite interrested in our discovery and has granted us access to some better gear and conserved food to study them further(they liked the name Drew gave them so we'll stick with that).
    The next day we went out with 2 Scouts, 2 Rangers, Drew and me. we will be packing enough supplies to last us a about 4 days(might stay longer if we get lucky and find something edible).
    Drew tried to talk to one of the female quartermasters, seems like he didn't mess that up and has had this stupid grin on his face most of the way(seemed to keep him out of trouble too).

    we had nearly reached our destination when we ran into a Yowler, the rangers quickly trained their weapons on it but it was just sitting there looking at us. When we got a better look at it i noticed its left limbs were more or less hanging motionlessly besides its body, Drew noted that it had some sort of deep puncture wounds on that same side, right around its ribcage. Attempting to get closer resulted in a series of loud grunts and we decided to leave it to nature. The wounds did not look like any we could inflict with the weapons we have back in town, i really want to have a close examination but the captain says we can't waste ammunition on it. After some arguments he promised to take it along with us if it was still there when we are on the return trip.
    >> Drew & Gary. 04/17/11(Sun)02:07 No.14619439
    we have arrived at the edge of the woods, the trees here have grown into a less dense formation and some appear to have sprouted large pods on the ends of the branches. Untill we can get our hands on one of those pods i will assume that they are a kind of fruit(perhaps even edible!) but for some reason we couldn't find any on the ground. It is starting to get dark now so we have set up camp at the forest edge within a rocky outcrop, we should be safe from Yowlers tonight.

    ps: saw movement further in the tree field, almost certain that it is a group of Rambush, lets hope i'm right.
    >> 008 04/17/11(Sun)02:38 No.14619668
    Journal Log: Day 287
    Made it to the swamp. Unlike Terran swamps, these ones are bright and colorful except the water, which is brown as expected. Many insect species buzzing about, fish flapping about in the water. There's probably some kind of horrible alligator analog. Probably a dino-gator with squid like water jet propulsion and wings to fly. I hate this place. Speaking of which, upon arrival to the Swamp edge, a black sharp beaked bird came running out of the bush and attacked my pants leg as though it had somehow offended the bird. It didn't manage to injure me. It tasted cold steel. We had some problems finding stable non soggy ground to set up camp, and more problems getting a fire going. The wood here is wet on the inside. One of my rangers de-feathered the bird and we had it for dinner. It tasted like pork. I'm sure there's something fundamentally wrong with this. He's keeping the feathers for some kind of project. Craft skills, good for him. Anyways, we're going to spend three days out here moving up and down the swamp coast and inland as far as we dare to scout out the location. If it's not too dangerous, like say, the Nightmare forest, then we'll return with a biologist and let him science this place up. In the meantime, I get to show off my underwear to everyone while I sew up my pants from the fucking bird attack. Whatever, I don't care.
    >> 008 04/17/11(Sun)02:56 No.14619841
    Journal Log: Day 288
    Made our way southwards today while looking for a way further in; no luck so far short of hopping in and seeing how long the flesh stays on our leg bones. The insects are annoying as insects are, at least that seems universal. We observed some fish in the clear water, detritus and insect eaters apparently. We observed several those black birds stalking through the water and coast, picking at bugs and fish that got too close. There were also smaller ones that seemed to run around snapping limbs off little animals that weren't paying attention. Nasty. Almost wandered into a bee hive, but we managed to avoid it and just took the long way around. I certainly wouldn't want to live around here. If I had a choice, I'd probably choose the coast. Speaking of that, I'm tempted to head east until we hit the coast and then north to the salt camp and then back across. Unfortunately, we lack enough food and the team is too small.
    >> 008 04/17/11(Sun)03:10 No.14619957
    Journal Log: Day 289
    It's raining, but a whole new level of rain I have yet to see. It's like a heavy mist but extra damp, like the drizzle decided to just hang in the air. Our rain gear is doing it's best. We pushed further along the coast until we found a spot we could move further into the swamp. I almost got lost, with all the thick brush. Did quite a bit of slashing our way through in some areas. A sword isn't meant for this kind of work, I wish I had a machete. Eventually we found a small round island with a dwarf in the center hiding under a tree. We made a log bridge and I went over to check on it. It was just sitting under the tree with it's little robot arms crossed looking all grumpy. It was the damnedest thing. I went through the dwarf wrangling introduction script and a few other things trying to motivated it. It ended up costing me my private Vodka stash. So now we have a dwarf in the party. After about 3 hours, we stumbled onto a mech mostly buried in the mud. Only the two three feet were sticking out. From the looks of it, it was pushed here. I'm guessing the dwarf was moving it and it got stuck which pissed off the dwarf. The dwarf's reaction when we arrived seems to point to that. We've set up camp here for the night. Come morning, I'm going to try and climb over and see if that thing still has it's power cell in it and hopefully not get eaten.
    >> 008 04/17/11(Sun)03:32 No.14620140
    Journal Log: Day 290
    Well that was fun and a waste of time. Managed to climb onto the mech and dug around for it's power slot. No motes. Tried tieing some rope to the mech to pull it out, but it's firmly stuck. We'd need a crane of some kind. I'll leave that to another expedition team. Last thing I want to do is drag that thing around for three days. We are on our way back now. We took some plant samples, got some animal trophies and managed to come out alive and unscathed. So far. We're taking an alternate path I mapped out to get back to river town. We should arrive in 3 days and pass through more unmapped territory. Maybe we'll find something interesting.
    >> 008 04/17/11(Sun)04:25 No.14620646
    Journal Log: Day 291
    We're away from the swamp now and into the plains. I can still smell the swamp though. The plains are low grasslands with a variety of grasses ranging from the mostly harmless to might be poisonous. There are grazing beasts about, and of course predators in hiding. Saw a rapedactyl flitting about on the horizon, but it never made it's way towards us. Our dwarf seems to be much happier now that it's out of the swamp and has been following orders. We've set camp up in a small wood in case the rapedactyl shows back up in the night. I'm sure we've displaced some plains predator, so we're on the look out for that. Also I'm pretty sure I've missed both my Birthday and Christmas. I think we'll need to invent all new holidays here. Merry Yowler Day. Tortolo Sunday. Something like that.
    >> 008 04/17/11(Sun)04:37 No.14620712
    Journal Log: Day 292
    So we found another builder compass monolith. It's about ten feet tall, it's edges point in the compass directions. We dug around looking for tunnels but found nothing. No sign of any trails either, or anything nearby. It's just kind of in the middle of nowhere. Maybe it's a territory marker? We marked our initials on it along with the scout symbol and kept going. Saw more plains animals doing what plains animals do. We witnessed a yowler taking down a racing deer. It leaped out of the tall grass and nearly split in two with it's teeth and claws. It decided to ignore us since it had food. We moved on quickly before it changed it's mind. I got the whole thing on my smartphone camera. Anyways, It started raining just before nightfall, so we're all huddled in our tents except the ranger on guard duty. You'd think he'd be huddled in his rain gear but no, he's stripped naked and scrubbing down like it's a big shower. His ass is the last thing I wanted to see today. I'm just going to get some sleep now.
    >> 008 04/17/11(Sun)04:47 No.14620771
    Journal Log: Day 293
    So, found a skeleton today, looks to be a second waver that got eaten. His gear was laying nearby. He had what was once a nice rifle. Now all the furniture is water damaged and the rest needs some TLC. I'm sure someone in town could work on it. He had no bullets that we could find, all his clothing was damaged beyond use including his shoes. A water logged cellphone, a hand crank battery charger of some kind that was also waterlogged, a Curta pepper mill style calculator which is an amazing find, and a photo of a man and a woman holding hands. Kinda sad. I wonder of the woman made it, is she here somewhere? Did she die at his side and was dragged off? Is she on Earth? It makes me ache when I find stuff like this. We continued back to town, traveling by night. Updated the branch office maps before going to bed and will debrief for everyone come sunrise. I dropped off the salvage and dwarf to Central Supply.
    >> 008 04/17/11(Sun)04:48 No.14620779
    And here is where I end for the night.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)06:50 No.14621510
    I just read through threads 3 and 4 on suptg, read the first 2 while they were still alive. Since the population of 4chan is being ported in at a percentage at a time in 6 month increments, shouldn't the latter populations be significantly more prepared? They should have been alerted by the mass disappearances plaguing the rest of the world, since we're talking about millions of people disappearing.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)08:13 No.14621945
    Everyone disappears at 12:00 in their local time.
    But they reappear at different times.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)08:49 No.14622101
    Ah, so there's some kind of time displacement to explain it?

    Also, how many crazy cult dudes are there? It feels like there are just tons of them from the narration. I personally feel we should tone down the amount of these guys, as even /b/ probably has a very small percentage of truly crazy dudes that would turn out like this in the given environment. I'm assuming its being done for dramatic effect, and I'm hoping it doesn't turn into something like an army of cultists attacking and battles and whatnot.

    One more thing. It feels like all the townspeople are in their 20s. Shouldn't there be people 16 years of age or below? I'd assume the general /tg/ population doesn't have as many underage or women as most other boards, but there should be a couple given how many of us there are.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)11:31 No.14622984
    all valid points I think from a narritive standpoint we've sorta skimmed over them sadly. Also, yeah really I'm reasonably certain by this point we are sorta lacking violent cults save maybe the smartest/meanest.

    Also, time displacement is effectively what is taking place people all vanished at once but, they are not appearing at the same time and seem to be fresh as a daisy on arrival unawares of what's been going on.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)11:42 No.14623070
    You'd never think it but, damn are there a lot of younger teens here. Most of them unprepared but, we've managed to grab a couple before they could picked off. Trying to explain what's going on is even harder of course. This isn't some fantasy land, we're not going to return home.

    These are things we need to remember I've been told. So, we've taken it on us to do what we must, survive. We're farming, taming and proving to this hellhole of a world we are worthy of living on it. We're reclaiming the builders cities, making them ours and gathering together the mysteries they left behind. Its our way, humanity is a survivor, so we're just doing what comes natural
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)11:49 No.14623128
    >One more thing. It feels like all the townspeople are in their 20s. Shouldn't there be people 16 years of age or below? I'd assume the general /tg/ population doesn't have as many underage or women as most other boards, but there should be a couple given how many of us there are.

    Even more important:
    How do you prevent them from literally fucking around? It's probably kinda hard to understand the younger ones who are still in puberty that making children is really dangerous at the moment.
    Even if they do understand, their sexuality is new and hard to control for them.

    Maybe that should be taken into account - There should be multiple pregnant girls by now.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)11:50 No.14623132
    Rift climber

    Rift Climbers are numerous beasts found amongst the Rifts and High places of the Western Continent. These Creatures are cousins of the Dragon rats that are found through out the world and seem to be easily within the same genus if not a full blown Sub-species. Larger than their Cat like cousins these creatures easily can reach a hundred pounds in weight if not more in rare cases.

    A rift climber looks much like its smaller cousins, Large hind legs and fore legs allow them to claw up sheer faces and their midlimbs serve to support a long body-length 'wing' gives them an arrow shaped body profile from above or below. A strong jaw holds the teeth of an omnivore suited to consuming whatever comes across their way. The neck, is short and thick supplying anchor points for the powerful muscles in the jaws. A serpentine body hold numerous long lateral muscle and broad shoulders supply the needed structure to enable to creature to fly for short periods but, its primary means of travel is gliding from high areas such as cliff-faces or trees.

    guess these may be around our parts or at least one species of them
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)11:51 No.14623138
    personally I figured by now there has to be. Whihc explains why the mysterious md is always so wrung out really. he's trying to make sure all these mothers to be carry their kids to term
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)12:15 No.14623317
    the odd part is, we're going to have a steady supply of genetic variability coming to us, each wave adds to the gene pool preventing us at least for a little while from having to deal with inbreeding.

    Hell it might circumvent it. Also I dub river town, river city if just for the fact I can pull a river city ransom story on my players if I ever use the setting
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)12:17 No.14623327
    >hard to understand *for* the younger ones
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)12:28 No.14623391
    The Smeerp

    A burrowing, harmless and often considered adorable animal the smeerp is a rabbit like critter that is found nearly wherever there is a shrubby under story and some form of field. Smeerps look to be little more than six legged balls of puffy feathers when frightened. The coloration usually being a somewhat pinkish or purple color. When non-threatened these feathers lay down revealing an animal that is somewhat like a large mole, its forelimbs are adapted to clawing away dirt and their narrow faces have a pair of large liquidly eyes, a small nose is constantly twitching.

    the animals breed rapidly, producing a litter of six kits every three to four weeks. This is due to the high rate of predation by other animals. Live bearers they are believed to be related to the night thief and other semi-mammaloids.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)12:36 No.14623446
    well, at least we know what the hell the cats have been living off of now
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)13:04 No.14623659

    A brother to the city of /r9k/. At one time this city was a veritable stronghold of the Northern Reaches. The original diameter would have measured around two miles though, much of that has been lost to the large forest that has encroached back upon its old home.

    Several walls and paved roadways now lay buried beneath the forest floor. Old farms have devolved into thickets of young trees and shrubs that are kept down by the Rinder.

    The city is fairly intact and even defensible. The last standing wall is still standing with several guard towers in need of only minor repairs. Residential structures look much like pitched roofs stuck into the ground, partially buried to moderate temperature during the summer and winter. Narrow streets wind through the city often leading to dead ends or back to where they started.

    Dominating the center of the city is what remains of the Central Tower No buildings sit within fifty feet of the great monument and it seems to be almost entirely intact.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)13:07 No.14623686
    What happens for people who feel connected to /new/, /r9k/, /i/ and the like?
    Do they get forced into other boards? Or is there room for dead boards?
    I would love a special-ops culture with /i/. A culture of assassins and the like.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)13:10 No.14623709
    given they still have their cities I think there's nothing to worry about. Also, Im fairly certain /r9k/ has a very important(read one of a kind) artifact
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)13:16 No.14623769
    The Giant

    A mythical figure mentioned in the History of the Builders(this being a collection of several scrolls). The Giant was described as a great bipedal born of the blood of the Sky God. The Giant was a proud warrior said to have fought many beasts that once terrorized the world. Then, bloated with pride and ego it struck out against the Sky God, its creator. The battle that ensued was said to create the Great Rift valley the place where the Giant was cast down into a pit of Fire and light its final resting place. Now it lies battered upon a throne of broken bones. Waiting for the day to strike out once more. Once benevolent it now silently curses the world around it, warping the character of men and beast alike with its ill will and shaping them into willing tools.

    oh..this will end peachy
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)13:30 No.14623865
         File1303061453.jpg-(23 KB, 300x533, 1294642626043.jpg)
    23 KB
    ...crap where the fuck is this thing? We may need to crusade to destroy the fucker
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)13:44 No.14623971
         File1303062240.jpg-(218 KB, 650x436, 1272910460304.jpg)
    218 KB
    wait...is this thing sitting somewhere in /r9k/...

    Oh fuck. Fuck. FUCK
    >> 008 04/17/11(Sun)13:49 No.14624018
    Journal Log: Day 294
    So today was interesting. A pack of racing deer pranced into town and while they didn't injure anyone, they ran off with several articles of clothing that were hanging out to dry including pretty much the Leader's entire wardrobe. So now he's decided it's time to build a wall. At first he wanted a moat but the local architect dissuaded him, the soil is all wrong and it would turn into a giant swamp and possibly sink the town. I think he made that last part up. So they're going over different wall types. I suggested having the Koganusan construction team called in, but he wants to do it as a river town only project and use their one dwarf that we picked up on the expedition for construction. I'm glad I didn't tell him about the mech in the swamp. He really wants to keep the city as self sufficient as much as possible, and bringing in "foreign help" is a weakness to him. Our presence here is apparently enough to drive him to distraction sometimes. I think he might be paranoid. Anyways, most of us scouts and rangers spent the day chasing down the deer trying to get the stolen articles of clothing back if possible. Most of them had big holes in them from chewing. Won't that be fun to fix. I'm glad I didn't have anything out. The stolen clothing was returned at the end of the day and everyone went about their business.
    >> 008 04/17/11(Sun)13:51 No.14624037
    Speaking of clothing, we need a source of wool, cotton or some other analog, or in a few years everyone's going to be naked, wearing animal leather or wearing feathers. It's going to look very gay.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)13:52 No.14624047
    Damn racing deer. Seriously only way we can dry our clothes is to hang them out. and the fuckers love cotton fiber. We don't knopw why they just DO. SO, we've gotta hang it all up as high as we can and hope the bastards can't jump...
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)14:00 No.14624123
    not quite what you want
    Dotting the northern and middle reaches of the continent are thickets of a shrub like plant. With a single large straight trunk. Topped with a mass of large veiny leaves these plants can vary from a few feet in height to as large as fifteen feet in height. During the dry season these leaves will shake and rattle as the plant tries to save moisture. As the rains rehydrate it however they will become soft and succulent as well as a brilliant scarlet color. During the night, bio-luminescent fungus cause the plant to glow a faint blue and attract local flying insects. These fungi and insects are a vital part to the plants life cycle as they aid In pollination. Once pollinated the plant will develop several oblong masses of tissue on its trunk. These masses are fully edible except for a large pit which contains lethal of a compound that acts as a stimulant to life from earth. The pulp itself is tart yet sugary and has a texture similar to an avocado
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)14:01 No.14624135
    These seem to be rather good for fiber..maybe a coarse linen?

    A 'short grass' these mats of fibrous plants are a common sight out in the foothills of the mountains of the continent. Brilliant purple these mats rarely reach taller than a few feet in height, their curling stalks topped with a cluster of bubble shaped leaves that collect sunlight. During the dry season they will lose their color, becoming tough and fibrous like many species of the planet. Several nesting animals will eagerly use these to weave complex nests during this time. Preparing for the coming rains. When the waters finally do come the main bodies of the plants are often submerged, at this point the mats will release pollen both in the water in the form of semi motile spores and into the air often by accidental pollinators. If pollinated the plants will produce a large buoyant fruit riddled with seeds. The pulp of the fruit is rich with vitamins, minerals and starches. Its texture is not unlike that marshmallow.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)14:06 No.14624179
    Clawing its way up cliff faces is a cousin to the mesa forb. A brilliant scarlet plant it makes it living upon cliff sides and and the remains of buildings. The tiny bubble leaves that cover its mass are filled with a mild irritant that can drive away would be consumers. During the summer these compounds can be concentrated enough to cause sever chemical burns to a predator. Come the rains these leaves return to a mild irritating level of heat however.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)14:07 No.14624191
    Dotting the jungles are trees that seem to defy common logic. With their bright orange leaves turned skyward and their ripple like trunks they stand tens of meters tall holding their branches skyward to gather light and water. Within the cup like central portion of the trunk water will collect feeding the tree and denying other plants their needed drink. During its fruiting season large bunches of oblong 'berries' these berries are rich in calcium and iron oddly enough and have a tart taste and soft texture.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)14:09 No.14624215

    An opportunistic family of trees these species have made a career of eking out a life where others cannot. Often tall and pole like these 'trees' have a scaly bark the color of cinnamon, this bark doubles as protective layer and photosynthetic cells. To allow for transpiration these plants have developed a unique form of leaves, long strands of orange 'leaves' if treated with the correct solutions of chemicals they might make useful natural fibers. The internal wood of the tree is not unlike a Terran softwood in that it lacks high amounts of cellulose and might useful in similar areas of construction as they were.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)14:21 No.14624342
    I can see these being very useful. I wonder if they have a resin analogue. If that's the case we may need to do some clear cut and get these growing near us
    >> ag report. Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)14:26 No.14624390
    Well, the good news first I guess. The root crops are excelling in this soil, Ive never seen anything like it. The peanuts also seem to be doing quite well and we're likely to have a surplus of them.

    Now, for hte bad news. Our soft mast plants aren't doing so hot tomatoes are dying from some weird fungal bloom that basically eats the plant whole. We've also had trouble with the tortolo project. The damn things are a hard animal to work with it doesn't help they are so damn big either. Right now we are working on keeping the runty ones that are reasonably well behaved and seeing how it goes from there.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)14:44 No.14624540
    I had a thought, If the builders are still around, we may be able to beat them. Not becuase we are stronger or faster. But because we fight dirty. The builders seem to think of a fight as something honorable and ritualized..It makes me wonder if cheating is something that has never occured to them
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)14:52 No.14624619
    The Mists

    Once held in Builder-culture to be the resting place of the dead. This region Starts on the far side of the Rift Valley from /x/ far into the interior of the continent.

    The mists are a volcanically active area littered with thermal springs and geysers. Vast lakes of multicolored bacteria and algae blooms steam and bubble in places and Geysers fill the air with a humid acidic haze. This haze plays home to a complex and rather strange ecosystem.

    Tough water conserving plants dot the landscape but, when the mist rolls into an area, Vast forests of Fungal growth explode forth from the ground along with slumbering creatures of a myriad shapes and sizes. The largest being a distant cousin to the tortollo. The fungi and tough water saving plants serve as the base to a rather tangled web of eat and be in turn eaten.

    Everything in the area is laced with spores from the ubiquitous fungi. Animals and plants and even other fungi at the slightest slip up can play host to devastating infections as rampant growth over takes their bodies and turns them into a source of nutrients. species that are not native have often been reported to simple roll over and die from allergic reactions and the overwhelming their bodies immune systems.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)14:53 No.14624628
    The Mists

    Everything in the area is laced with spores from the ubiquitous fungi. Animals and plants and even other fungi at the slightest slip up can play host to devastating infections as rampant growth over takes their bodies and turns them into a source of nutrients. species that are not native have often been reported to simple roll over and die from allergic reactions and the overwhelming their bodies immune systems.

    The soil of the land is rich and organic and relatively thick. Beneath this rich loamy soil(about six feet thick) is a layer of hard igneous gravel which Slowly becomes a dense bedrock of Gneiss and basalt. If the soil could be purified and rendered safe to use would be a valuable trade commodity and likely able to grow nearly anything given the proper conditions.

    As a religious site the builders have of course left their mark. Numerous small tower like structure dot the landscape, most date back to far before the Last cities were built and most lead down into small crypt like chambers filled with ancient artifacts as well as sarcophagus' of various ancient warrior kings. One in particular stands out however, the most recent structure added to the city of the dead it rises taller than all others and seems to be a labyrinth of small underground chambers filled with artifacts depicting a single ruler.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)14:55 No.14624655
    The Highplains

    The result of a massive uplift of crustal sandstone. The high plaies are a plateau rich with life even if it is a tad arid. There are few ways onto the top of the mesa like land form. One of the few major routes is a roadway carved by the builders along a river that rushes from deep springs in the Plains to plummet down a collapsed area that creates vast rapids.

    Dotting the Highplains are the remains of the last settlements of the builders these mostly are in reasonable shape as the rains have had a lesser effect upon them.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)14:56 No.14624664
    The soils here are covered by a thick sod layers formed of both plant and fungi. The plants dominate in the dry season, creating a low lying groundcover of bristly plants that are low moisture and feel much like pine needles. In the rainy season Large fungal stalks dominate the landscape feeding off the dead plant and animal matter below. These stalks culminate in massive bursts of puffy spores that reseed the area.

    The soils here are often very sandy though the thick root systems prevent erosion and render the land that is freed from the sod layer into a nice fertile and neutral medium for growing crops.

    Winds are fast and fierce upon the plains. They lack of much definition in the terrain allows for howling gales and fierce windstorms at times. Shelter should be taken if such an event occurs
    >> ready. Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)15:20 No.14624937
    I was told be ready to run like hell. I didn't understand what the fuck that meant. Picked up by guys wearing barely any clothes carrying bows and swords. I felt like I'd stumbled on some sort crazed fantasy land.

    I wasn't wholly wrong. They had dragged me under cover as something overhead let out a sound that to this day makes me quake. They called it a dragon...I call it a living nightmare. The fucker circled us for hours, waiting on us to move...

    When we got the chance I was told to run. We stormed out of the brush into an open field, charging for a toppled over tower like building that offered some shelter..
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)15:22 No.14624955
    I didn't realize how fast it was, one guy fell behind me and I just heard him scream as that thing grabbed him mid step and powered back up into the air. A little ways off it just dropped him. Guy hit the ground like a water balloon. I could hear the impact from where I was even as I dove under the shelter of some alien ruin
    >> 008 04/17/11(Sun)16:23 No.14625496
    Journal Log: Day 295
    So they started construction of the river town wall. It's a wood pillar covered in mud. They're trying for some kind of adobe like structure with 4 gates. The gates will be wood. They only have one dwarf and a few guys who know what they're doing and little to no tools, so this could take awhile and/or be a complete catastrophe. Only time will tell. In the mean time, Home Base sent out a crew with 3 dwarves, some engineers and a load of tools to see about recovering that swamp mech. I sent one of my scouts to navigate them there and I wish them the best of luck, but that's one project I want nothing to do with. Hell, the mechanisms are probably all shot from being under filthy water. In other news, one of the river town science guys accidentally discovered a material fiber he thinks we can use to make clothes. It takes several chemicals, and she's not sure which ones yet. They're still experimenting. So, humanity has invented synthetic fiber before we've even finished mapping the world or inventing the ship. Won't history here be fun? Speaking of science, another couple of residents are working on some kind of radio as a hobby. Would be nice if they could communicate with Koganusan without running for two days. I think I'll plan an expedition for tomorrow. Something out west.
    >> 008 04/17/11(Sun)16:32 No.14625575
    Journal Log: Day 296
    So it's raining like a bitch, but fuck you sky, we went anyways. Medium load out. I'm taking 2 scouts, 2 rangers, a medic and a biologist with me. The biologist is a local and isn't used to traipsing off into the wilds. We have enough food for a week and a half. The town leader thinks it's kind of weird that we keep running off into the murderbeast filled wilds on whims, but that's what I'm out here to do. Improve the master map and make the wilds my bitch. We're camped on the plains and should make it to the Nightmare woods by mid afternoon. After that we're going to trail south and see how far the woods go and what's south of the woods if we can make it that far. There's all kinds of spooky shit in those woods. I'm sure our biologist will shake his fear of everything to check out something new and exciting. You know, unless he's a tremendous coward which is always possible. I've found most of the big time science guys completely throw their fear aside when they come to something new and exciting.
    >> 008 04/17/11(Sun)16:37 No.14625608
    Journal Log: Day 297
    So we arrived at the edge of the Nightmare forest. Looked as gloomy and foreboding as ever. Poked around a bit but didn't go in more then a few meters. We started moving south until nightfall and are now camped about a feet from the edge of the woods. We keep seeing glowing shit moving around, but it's too far to make out. Probably some kind of bioluminescent creature feeding off the fungus in there. It's freaking out the night watch. I'm going to have a talk with him.
    >> 008 04/17/11(Sun)17:11 No.14625826
    Journal Log: Day 298
    We were followed by the glow most of the day. It never approached camp last night, so I don't think it's hostile, just curious. Never can tell on this world. We had no idea what it was until night came. Right in the middle of dinner, it walked out of the tree line. It wasn't an animal, it was people. Four of them, wearing some kind of glow moss and nearly naked. We immediately thought cultists and pulled into a defensive position. Turned out they weren't hostile. They were some kind of weird group that ended up wandering into the woods and formed some kind of crazy society in there. They seem to be under the impression we're in a fantasy world and believe that if they stay in the woods, they'll become the first elves and gain all sorts of magic. I think maybe the mold in those woods is causing all sorts of brain damage. They had simple demands. Stay out of the woods and they would stay out of our lands. If we declined, they would use their great and powerful magics against us. Probably some kind of fungal bio-weapon, or maybe their imaginations, who knows. Since I had no intention of wandering in there, I agreed. They looked all pale and sickly, thin as though they were suffering malnutrition. Our medic wanted to give one of them a full physical but they declined. Said it was part of the transformation. I'm under the impression these guys are actually first wavers. They did provide us with some information on the wildlife in the woods, but I'm taking it with a grain of salt. With their insanity, they could be imagining half this stuff. They're clearly some kind of insane cult, but they don't seem of the murderous variety. I'll leave them be for now and let Leadership decide what to do with them. In the meantime we're continuing our expedition southwards. We did manage to bag a sample of their bio-luminescent fungus that fell off as they were leaving.
    >> 008 04/17/11(Sun)21:42 No.14628263
    Journal Log: Day 299
    We reached the southern edge of the woods today, slipped past and moved west, we'll follow the south side of the forest for a day, then move south to the swamp and from there, head back to river town. No sign of the glow from the crazy cult, I think they've left us, but I doubt that. They're probably keeping an eye on us. The grass here is spikey, the kind I'd find Mountain Bulls hanging around in, but no mountains and no bulls either. We're moving through it carefully. While it's not poisonous, it can tear your leg or clothes up. We're eating the last of the salted meat, and now we only have breadmold. They final product of many months experimenting. It's still tasteless and still has a small chance of making you hallucinate. Fun times ahead. So while eating dinner, we told stories. I regaled the men of the story of the Phantom Mazda. Truly frightening indeed.
    >> The Rambush, our friendly...thing Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)22:48 No.14628806
    The rambush is a stout beast related to the yowler, as such they share many traits including the secondary bone plate on the skull and the bone tipped tail. Traits which seem to carry though most of the family.

    True herbivores, rambush live off of a diet of succulent plants, growth points, and tender shoots. As such they tend to favor areas such as old fields, and forest edges where shrubs, and forboids are plentiful. The animal erives its name from the distinct set of curling horns that sit upon both the males and females as well as their rather unique stiff primitive hairs. These hairs when washed with a mild acid become incredibly supple and readily can be woven together however.
    >> The Rambush, our friendly...thing pt 2 Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)22:54 No.14628857
    Rambush will differentiate into male and female during rut, what causes one rambush to become a female and another to turn male is currently unknown. But, a male can be determined by the unique color flushes it develops on its horns as well as the patterning of its guard hairs.

    during rut a male will gather a harem of several females and breed freely with them, protecting them from other males and predators until they birth litters of 2-6 snake like rambush larva. each creature being little more than a foot long. these will crawl onto their mothers or be left behind, from here on they will feed upon the parasites and fungal growths that occur during the rainy season. As the dry season arrives, the larva will pair off and weave themselves together into a cocoon where they will remain until the first rains. These cocoons are carried by their mothers using grasping midlimbs that hold them against the body. by the time the next rains settle in the cocoons will birth two young rambush that are identical to their parents.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)23:10 No.14629009
    So, what are some major factions? I mean obviously the scout/rangers but who else beyond that? I mean in a sense Central Supply, the various guilds...hell River town?
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)23:30 No.14629183
    First off technically the whole of kog is a big player within them though
    HQ- the guys who order most of them around.
    Central Supply- they take care, reclaim, redistribute and hand out anything that isn't bolted to the floor it seems. In other words don't mess with central supply
    Rangers/scouts/outriders- the military bunch, out there killing cultists running people around and keeping the peace.
    River town- I guess they're a bunch of people who are rather isolationist
    Cultists- varying degrees of crazy ranging from mad men to the elf cult which is simply depressing.
    Loners- men and women who are making it on their own?
    Builders?- are they even alive?
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)23:55 No.14629419
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    I think I've got a general lay out of our city guys.
    >> 008 04/18/11(Mon)00:15 No.14629588
    Journal Log: Day 300
    Happy 300 days surviving!
    So we continued west today until nightfall. We attained the attention of some sort of weird birds that followed us for most of the day before they got bored. They seemed to be almost transparent, like they were some kind of slime or jelly. Damnedest thing I've seen. The biologist seems to think it might be some kind of crazy flying jellyfish in a bird shape. I want nothing to do with that. Not a damn thing. So it occurred to me. With the 300th day here and going, I believe we're going to see a third wave of arrivals in two months or so. Koganasu has already planned for this and started up the big farm, the Tortolo ranch and has been building a store of salted and smoked meats. Rivertown on the other hand has no preparations. They're all second wavers. Maybe it has never occurred to their leader that more people are coming. It might be too late to start building a stock up. This may put Rivertown in a position of weakness in negotiations with Koganasu. I'm sure HQ has already figured this out and is doing something about it. Speaking of new arrivals, the second wavers thought we looked feral after 6 months, what are the third wavers going to think of us after our first year?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)00:16 No.14629598

    that last part raises so many questions
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)00:24 No.14629653
    I'm curious what they taste like.
    >> 008 04/18/11(Mon)00:31 No.14629735
    Journal Log: Day 301
    We moved south today. From the looks of it, the Nightmare woods continue for possibly a hundred miles. We're in a soft grass plains at the moment, some hills here and there. Kept running into little groups of these small feathery rodent creatures. They made cute noises and kept their distance. Most likely a harmless prey species but we're not taking our chances. We found some ruins. Nothing as big as a city, a small outpost from the looks of it. Two buildings, one of which looked like it was a guard tower before it collapsed. We poked around looking for artifacts or tunnels and found nothing. We're camped up here for the night. Our scientist seems to be handling himself well. He's gotten past the terror of the wilds he started with, and seems to be enjoying himself a bit more. Hopefully this won't lead to him being devoured by something. He's still having trouble keeping up, but that's to be expected. Our medic on the other hand has been on so many expeditions he may as well be a scout. He's even picked up sword wielding and he's proficient enough in firearms, I'd feel safe with him at my back.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)00:35 No.14629776
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    Battle medic! He is a credit to team!
    >> 008 04/18/11(Mon)00:48 No.14629890
    Journal Log: Day 302
    Bad day, very bad day. We were in the open fields with the swamps in sight, about 5 miles away when one of my rangers suddenly flew off. He got grabbed by a rapedactly that showed up out of fucking nowhere. We managed to get a few shots off which discouraged it and made it drop it's prey and bug out. Unfortunately it was quite a ways up in the air when it did so. The ranger survived but both his legs snapped like twigs. We managed to set the bones as best we could and make splints and now we're dragging him around on a home made stretcher of sorts. It's slowed us down dramatically. We turned immediately and are on our way back to Rivertown. The poor guy's in all kinds of pain, and we have nothing to give him for it. I let him borrow my smartphone and he's listening to music to try and keep his mind off it. It'll be a three or four day journey. The battery won't last that long.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)01:11 No.14630056
    You'd think that by now one of us would start a "pokedex" of sorts on these things.Also those "elves" are going to be trouble
    >> 008 04/18/11(Mon)01:44 No.14630324
    Journal Log: Day 305
    We've got another day of travel, the territory is starting to look familiar so I know we're closing in. My injured ranger has taken a fever. He's got some kind of infection that the medic is worrying over. We have nothing left to do for him except get him to town and hope his condition doesn't turn fatal. I think the animals can sense his condition, they've been coming closer to us then usual. I hope we don't attract a yowler. We're in no condition for a hunt.
    >> 008 04/18/11(Mon)01:54 No.14630410
    Journal Log: Day 306
    The patient is now under the care of the town doctor. He says he'll be fine, but he'll have to be under the doctor's care for awhile until his legs heal. No wheelchairs here. Updated the main map and informed the leader of their elf cult problem. I also dispatched a scout to Koganasu to update HQ's master map, debrief and pass around some messages. Wall construction is underway around town. There's been some mud runoff which occasionally turns the river brown from the muck and slows down their fishing and messes up their water source. They should probably do something about that. Some bad news though, I think I lost my smartphone. Last I saw it was in camp last night. I'm going to take another scout out and go looking for it. I'll be so fucking pissed off if It gets lost. Luckily it's in a "water resistant" case, so it might survive any rains. Probably not. Fuck.
    >> 008 04/18/11(Mon)02:07 No.14630521
    Journal Log: Day 307, maybe 308?
    I'm kind of fucked up and may be lost. I did find my phone, it was in the grass just sitting there for all to see. How did that fucking happen? I took one scout out with me, we were going to get out and be back before nightfall, or around nightfall. After I found it, we stopped for a quick lunch before moving back. Breadmold leftover from the expedition and a shot of Vodka. That's about all I remember at this point. I woke up somewhere in the plains with half my armor missing. I'm covered in blood and I think I was chewing on a Night-thief I may of caught and killed by hand. Fucking breadmold. This shit is inexcusable. I don't seem to be injured. I'm pretty sure that I'm south east of Rivertown which means I was running my ass off through the night. I had no idea what happened to my scout partner until I stumbled on to him a few hours later, passed out up a tree and stark naked. How the hell did he get up there? Managed to wake him up and get him down without injury. Lent him my rain cloak until we get something for him to wear. We found most of his gear scattered in a big pile around a dead imp a few miles away along with the rest of my armor. His wristwatch suggests we may of been out here a day and a half. What the fuck did they mix the breadmold with? Meth? how are we even still alive with all the yowlers around? Fuck. We should be back in town in an hour or two, stopping to catch our breaths. Got this hangover feeling.
    >> 008 04/18/11(Mon)02:15 No.14630584
    Journal Log: Day 308
    Okay, so we were only out a day and a half. Got cleaned up, spent some time washing my bloody clothes and getting some non hallucinogenic food in me. Took the rest of the day off and dicked around town until nightfall. Came across something odd while I was out. A group of locals huddled together in one of the unused buildings. When I came across them, they all hushed up and stared until I left. Somethings funny. I have the night watch keeping an eye out for weirdness.
    >> 008 04/18/11(Mon)03:16 No.14631190
    Journal Log: Day 309
    So the Rivertown outer wall project failed. It collapsed into a big mud mound. I don't know what they were doing but the muck and clay mixture really stinks under the hot sun. The wall architect is working on recovering it, but I don't think he's as good as he thinks he is. So far his plans involve staring at the diagram and flopping around the mud. They really should give up and call in the Kog build crew, at least for planning assistance. Broke out the practice swords today and did some exercises with the others. It's still a pain in the ass but practice makes perfect. Had a few of the locals imitating us with sticks or those weird builder staffs. Around noon, a scout arrived from HQ with some messages and map updates. The farm is apparently doing well and there are rumors of more pregnant women around. Some of the younger girls who don't realize this may kill them. HQ is also sending a full on heavy loudout squad to pay a visit to the elf cultists in the Nightmare woods. Find out what they're all about.
    >> 008 04/18/11(Mon)03:26 No.14631284
    Journal Log: Day 310
    Welcome to Floodtown, where the ground is covered in two inches of water everywhere. So it rained last night and that big mud mound slid into the river and clogged it up. The water rose up around it and has flooded damn near the entire town. The Central Supply branch office people are pissed. Apparently their slab got wet and washed off their inventory list, and some other water damaged irreplaceable goods. Half the town is out trying to break up the blockage. It's a damn mess. Everyone is muddy and miserable. Well except us. We're all hanging out on the rooftops watching. They don't want us getting involved in town affairs that don't involve defense, hunting and exploring. So let them wallow in mud without our help. Maybe they'll learn a lesson from this. There's some talk that Central Supply is going to seize control of the town and get this shit under control. I'd be lying if I said I thought it was a bad idea. Central Supply has always supported us, and we've always supported Central Supply.
    >> 008 04/18/11(Mon)04:02 No.14631576
    Journal Log: Day 311
    They got the river flowing again around midnight last night. They pretty much worked all day and night to get it going. Come morning, they started sweeping the pooled water out of town before insects could start laying eggs. They do that here right? Anyways, everything is still a mess. Amusingly, they did not discover the tunnel system yet. You'd think someone would of noticed the tiny whirlpools coming from the corner of this unusually placed ground slab. The Central Supply people have calmed down a bit and possibly put off their plans for a coup. The town leader is still trying to decide what to do about the whole wall mess. I think that maybe he needs to realize that he doesn't have all the answers and it's time to ask for help.
    >> 008 04/18/11(Mon)04:04 No.14631595
    And that's all for tonight.
    >> Spoonman 04/18/11(Mon)05:35 No.14632151
    I wonder if a parasitic fungi or something could form a symbiotic thing with these guys. Heighten their senses a little, give them some protection against disease but also make them thin, frail paranoid and obsessive.

    You know, elf like. What do you think, to weird? Not much worse then dwarves I think.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)05:39 No.14632171
    I think that would be awesome.
    It's just ideal. They get called crazy and suddenly actually evolve into something like elves.
    They could become part of the forest via symbiotic relationships. Though you could also make an argument for that making them half-Orks...
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)05:55 No.14632268
    Journal Entry One.
    This.. is new. I don't know why I write a diary, I suppose it's simply cathartic. I have 'landed' on the other side, albeit there is no one to be seen yet. I was expecting an infastructure to be here and therefore have packed accordingly. I took a piece of white cloth and tied it to a nearby branch and have placed it upon my backpack, so that any humans can't mistake me for a danger. Quick take of stock.
    Hand Cranked Generators.
    A laptop full of new music, entertainment, news and tech.
    Wireless chargers.
    Standard Adventurer's Kit, just modernised.
    Stacks of Cloth and a sewing kit.
    Bottles of Spices and a kit fit for a Chef.

    Nothing seems to be missing. I've decided to start walking whilst writing, since seeing another human face before night would be great. I.. I wonder what everyone back on earth is doing and what has happened here. Maybe this can answer any philosophical question we have about humanity.

    More likely not, but then, that's life.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)07:19 No.14632737
    If everyone was ported at the same time, there's no reason to assume there would be anything close to an infrastructure so early on. At best, there would be other people with supplies.

    On that general note, I feel like realistically speaking there would only be 3 basic types of people:
    1. The survivalist types that are well prepared.
    2. The people that grabbed whatever was around them.
    3. People that didn't really bring anything at all in disbelief.

    There would only be a very minor group thinking along the lines of bringing nothing but guns and fuck yeah etc or the pure support types as you made an example of. This would generally be due to not everyone having tons of guns and ammo lying around (gonna go ahead and ignore /k/) and the pure support types I would imagine are assuming that everyone will appear in the same area in the new world or that it isn't dangerous at all. Bringing nothing but supportive gear seems akin to suicide otherwise.

    Having just read what I typed, I'm sorry if my post sounds patronizing in any way. I'm just worried that other writefags might follow the trend and this ends up very metagame-y, with survivors conveniently appearing with just what's needed. Hope you continue writing as I enjoy reading most of what's posted.

    I based my assumptions on anons from >>14611521 post, and also noticed something. Everyone disappears at 12:00 noon in their timezone. That means people on the west coast have a much higher chance of surviving as they'll have around 3 hours warning that shit just got real. Even those on the east coast might be informed by mass disappearances in Europe if they keep up with news.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)07:24 No.14632763
    >I based my assumptions on anons from >>14611521 post, and also noticed something. Everyone disappears at 12:00 noon in their timezone. That means people on the west coast have a much higher chance of surviving as they'll have around 3 hours warning that shit just got real. Even those on the east coast might be informed by mass disappearances in Europe if they keep up with news.
    The Japanese are fucked.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)07:53 No.14632894
    Its highly possible most likely it may just be that they develop innate bio-lighting and maybe inedible flesh or something as a trade off for a slightly shorter life span.

    In all fairness the dwarves are just really poorly programmed robots though so who knows.

    also, there is something akin to a pokedex their wiki has an animal section it just needs to get updated. which is hard when there's two people that are able to really go in and use those templates
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)08:01 No.14632936
    or possibly the most prepared at least when it comes to dangers, hell; Id bet you they'd take most of this in stride
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)10:08 No.14633631
    the 'elf' cult may not end up looking like elves maybe something like those weird guys from final fantasy ten? all long arms and weird veiny growthes beneath their skin as the fungus slowly works through their bodies allowing them to live off a wider variety of alien flora and fauna as well as giving them some sort of bio-lighting to communicate in the dark?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)10:21 No.14633696
    I like this idea, maybe they are turning more and more inhuman over time. Becoming steadily little more than piles of fungal growth that sit around and barely move once the infection reaches a certain point. Should this 'cult' survive I can see them being something of a bogeyman to people.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)10:59 No.14633984
    mix in some classic elf nature, have them steal away children and people, expose them to these elder 'sidhe' and turn them into more elves. Maybe this is a very real threat for a place like Redhaven which lives in the canopy and acts as a trade hub for north /tg/
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)11:21 No.14634137
    I approve of this idea. Seriously it makes you wonder just what we could end up like.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)11:26 No.14634174
    ...Like Ents from LOTR?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)11:33 No.14634222
    think more like an immobile mass of living fungal growth, with a chewy elf cultist in the center. They are utterly mad and only vaguely coherent but, the cult looks at them like a holy man. Bringing them food and water so that they may hear its prophecies.

    Its also how they indoctrinate new people who join them. Take them before their shaman fungus man and have them breath the spores which made him that way. spreading the infection and slowly begin changing him as it alters their biology
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)11:37 No.14634247
    thats..more than a little fucked up.

    Also, on that basis it makes child stealing a hell of a big pass time for these guys. They probably would be a threat after awhile especially if they have trouble having children or something
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)11:39 No.14634269
    Well, I'm more of a happy end kind of guy, so I'd actually like for them to become a separate species (With the ability to move and stay coherent!) instead of some kind of insane cult.
    >> 008 04/18/11(Mon)14:11 No.14635438
    Journal Log: Day 312
    Well, they're back at the wall project and still going with adobe. This time they fenced up the sides of the river near construction to prevent blockage and runoff. We're starting to take bets in our branch office on how long it will last before the next catastrophe. I'm betting on three days. So I'm planning another expedition. I was going to plan an expedition to clear up a big area between here and the coast, but we're out of preserved meats from Koganasu. No one here has bothered to preserve their fish because they lack salt and are too stubborn to ask. So now we're stuck in town, dicking around. We could of gone with breadmold, but the current batch has been recalled due to technical defects. Those fuckers. Might schedule a miniature wargame to keep us all from being too lazy. Maybe a game of some sort. I think our Central Supply has a football on stock. Might be fun.
    >> 008 04/18/11(Mon)14:20 No.14635526
    Journal Log: Day 313
    So today was the first Scouts vs Rangers football game. We played a mile from town in the plains field, a relatively flat area and marked the field with some poles. I had to play ref to keep the teams balanced, as the rangers have a guy with two broken legs in the clinic. 9 vs 9. They all wore their armor for protection and had a hell of a time. No one was seriously injured. Scouts won by one point in an overtime tie breaker with one hell of a kick. Around the time we wrapped up, the sky opened up and said hello, so everyone got soaked. A grand time was had by all. I think we drank half the town's alcohol supply. We had quite a few towns people watching and cheering on the game. Some of them got really in to it. Enough to start a few fistfights at some points. I guess they needed something to get behind. Unfortunately, the leader promptly banned football because of the violence. So currently, the laws of Rivertown consist of No Monopoly and No Football. Both because of the violence. This place is turning into a shit hole.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)15:05 No.14635962
    don't forget this is early on, so over time most likely they will become a tad more well normal and that'd be the late stages of things for some people probably. really I dont even know if the mods would like this
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)15:24 No.14636134
    I have a feeling that the leader of rivertown is gonna get deposed soon.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)15:29 No.14636193
    I can't say I'd argue against it. hell, sounds like they need to be shown how to fucking survive
    >> 008 04/18/11(Mon)17:38 No.14637511
    Journal Log: Day 314
    Did I ever mention how much that muck they're using for the wall smells when it's drying in the sun? It's like someone took a shit outside my window, except it smells like that everywhere. I participated in a short hunt today just to get out of town. We brought down a tortolo and processed it. The leather is currently curing, and the scutes drying out. Spent more time hanging out at central supply. Apparently some local keeps harassing one of the counter girls and that shit's not going to stand. Nothing happened while I was there, but we had a long chat about this place. Rivertown's got potential but it's missing some key resources and it's being mismanaged. It's closer to the plains and could easily have several massive farm projects up and running, but no. Fish for everyone. And that fucking wall.
    >> HQ Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)18:04 No.14637736
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    We've been assessing the 'rivertown' issue an though we had intended to act in peace. They currently are nothing more than a waste of resources and a drain on OUR manpower. I understand that we are trying to be good, peaceful people but, This can't keep up. Rivertown needs a new manager.

    Alright, look I'm not saying I want the job. We'll relay this idea to the scouts there, leave them to decide. We may be missing pieces of intel that could be vital in choosing which way this coin toss falls. Figure this out before we decide the wage our first war over territory. This may very well set the way we handle future encounters.

    In other words lady and gentlemen. We must tread these waters wisely.
    >> 008 04/18/11(Mon)18:40 No.14638056
    Journal Log: Day 315
    So, the wall collapsed today. 4rth day. Winnings go to the Ranger with the two broken legs. He gets a free Vodka bottle from Central Supply. Apparently the wood substructure collapsed from the weight. They were using the wrong kind of wood supposedly. Flexible soggy trees don't care for the extra weight. The architect is now sitting in the clinic with a gash on his head and a twisted ankle. I don't know if it was his fault or lack of assistance or what. I figure it's only a matter of time before the mud breaks down the fence and clogs the river again. This is turning into a damn tragedy and I can't stop laughing. So I called in a salt shipment from HQ. We're going to have to start fucking processing our own food if we're going to have any preserved meat for expeditions. Of course I did this over the head of the Rivertown leader. Fuck him. I'm having my guys keep a close watch on him for anything. The Central Supply branch seems to be of similar mind and have started restricting access to their resources. He's been a pox on this community through mismanagement, banning the only entertainment this place has and the fucking wall catastrophe. All he needs is a god complex and I'd of had his ass deposed already, but no, he's a nice guy on a personal level. So we sit and wait for him to fuck up. I'm sure he can feel our eyes on his back. It'd sure be nice if he stepped down so we can get someone competent from Koganasu.
    >> HQ Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)18:46 No.14638123
    christ, this is turning into a fucking FUBAR. Alright, look we'll send Roy out there with them. At least he fucking knows to manage this sort of thing. It'll do him good anyways, he hasn't been the same since he saw Pete bite it hard running from that yowler.

    Anyways, this doesn't get out. As far as people are concerned, there's nothing wrong in River town.
    >> 008 04/18/11(Mon)19:44 No.14638652
    Journal Log: Day 316
    Well, the river hasn't clogged, but it almost did. Most of the locals went out with shovels to reinforce the mud mound. Pretty much everyone's clothing is now permanently stained mud brown and moral is pitiful. It's always been low here, but any worse and people are going to start shooting themselves. Mister Leader gave a rousing speech in the town square podium but even that didn't help. Quite frankly, I would of left this place by now if I lived here. So what did us foreigners do while all this was happening? I split everyone in two teams and did some urban wargames. Each team had equal scouts and rangers split amongst them. Apparently we've got some real crazy parkour enthusiasts who were doing rooftop sniping. Urban warfare is very different from the wilds. The game lasted about 8 hours. No injuries. We had some fun, learned some stuff, got some practice in. Afterwards we broke out the whiskey and painted the town red. Well not really but we did make some noise.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)19:51 No.14638717
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    >> 008 04/18/11(Mon)19:52 No.14638725
    Journal Log: Day 317
    The son of a bitch banned alcohol. His guys raided branch HQ, Central Supply and most of the locals. No alcohol because it's a depressant and will just make things worse. He didn't keep it for himself either. He poured it into the river. Central Supply is screaming for blood and my guys are ready to abandon this place to the wilds. I think the Ranger Captain is planning an assassination. He had a huge stockpile, even some leftover from Earth. I agree that it's time for a change but I don't think murder is the way. This is not what we're supposed to be standing for and not how I want to be remembered. I'm going to have a talk with him, see if we can do this quietly, a bloodless coup.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)20:51 No.14639258
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    Moar, this shit is teh awesum.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)20:53 No.14639276
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    Also neReactionimage.jpeg
    >> 008 04/18/11(Mon)21:17 No.14639510
    Journal Log: Day 318
    We're a close to a full armed conflict right now. The Great and Wise leader of Rivertown has figured out that maybe we're not to happy with him and want him gone. In response, he's sent his loyalists to seize control of Central Supply. We caught wind of this early and are blockading the building from locals with a full loadout. We've also seized the power grid. I sent a scout through the tunnels as fast as he could to warn main HQ about how bad shit's gotten here. We had a long standoff, casting glares and dares back and forth until the salt caravan I ordered a few days ago arrived with an escort team of 2 rangers and a scout. They were quickly updated and have been co-opted into the defense. The majority of the locals do not want a conflict; some have been trying to work things out between us and the rest have been taking cover in their housing. The problem is that they won't back down. They want all that Central Supply has and want us out. That's not going to happen. So we're at an impasse. A standoff. We'll see who is willing to pull the trigger.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)21:34 No.14639662
    ooooooh shit...this cannot end well.
    >> 008 04/18/11(Mon)22:09 No.14639981
    Journal Log: Day 319
    The situation has been resolved. Great Leader has ran away leaving a signed note behind apologizing for his failure and saying he was leaving to join the crazy Elf cult. We are not going to pursue this further, the matter has been dropped. The city is now in control of Central Supply until we get a new leader from Koganasu. I've sent the Salt escort team back and requested the Kog build team along with some support people to get this place running again at request of the Central Supply office. The loyalists are sure it's a conspiracy and have been looking for his grave as proof. They aren't going to find one. We have certainly not killed him and he left a signed note, so there is no mystery. It's pretty quiet around town right now. I'm sure things are going to start looking up soon.
    >> Central supply Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)22:13 No.14640020
    You ever had to carry and pull hundreds of pounds irreplaceable equipment?

    I have it fucking sucks.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)22:32 No.14640204
    The best cutlery in my house, the two airsoft pistols and box of pellets from the closet, the entrenching tool, the hand axe, and the craftsman's hammer, the tent, sleeping bag and a small kit of toiletries/matches and stuff. Oh, and to start a faction I have a bunch of lightweight but sturdy paperback reproductions of classic anarchist literature. Nestor Makho, Piotry Kropotkin, Mikhail Bakunin, and G.P. Maximov might have some opinion and how we should form our new society.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)22:38 No.14640252
    damn it are you the bar burglar
    >> 008 04/18/11(Mon)22:40 No.14640267
    Journal Log: Day 320
    So the new leadership arrived today, some guy named Roy. Pretty damn quick. Seems nice. The build team is apparently a day behind him. In his first act of leadership, he repealed all the previous leader's laws. Monopoly, Football and Booze are back on. He's also setting up food storage to create a surplus and going to look into a farm project and other natural resources this place has to offer. To celebrate the new leadership, the Entertainment guild also sent some actors over and they're going to hold a series of shows and skits all night to get everyone's spirits up. All of us at scouts and rangers branch are relieved this is over and that this town can now have a future.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)22:50 No.14640351
    have not been reading all of thread, don't know what you mean
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)22:59 No.14640410
    it was a bit of writing that details two guys trying to rob /tg/-towns bar
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)00:51 No.14641344
    If there is anything to be said about this experience it is that David Hume was right; custom really is the great guide of human life. I see the sun has risen on every day thus far, so I assume it will continue to rise in the same manner forever more. I read some shit on the internet about going to another world, I don’t believe it because that has never happened to me before and look where I am now. This is actually my 7th day here, a whole fucking week gone by since I arrived holding a mug of tea with a stupid look on my face. I was willed into this world atop a very tall hill, something along the same size as the Malvern hills. At the foot of the hill, from whatever direction I was looking in at the time, I could see a sprawling red forest that stretched out for a while before breaking off into open plains. In the distance I could make out the markings of civilisation, some large circular town built of up low buildings, nothing really stood out from the town, it was like a disk of wood in the distance.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)00:51 No.14641352
    I began my descent with trepidation, I should have felt fear, I should have trembled at the thought that I was in another world, the full gravity of the situation, even now, is distant. I still only feel wonder in this place, its strange fauna and flora both interesting and worrying to behold. I first came across the monkey-like things within a couple of minutes of beginning my journey, a pack of five of them were evidently bickering over forage rights of a nearby berry bush. There were three of them with bright blue patterns that stretched down their backs, they seemed to be the instigators; they shrieked and leapt up and down as the other two tried approaching the berry bush. I watched these strange critters for a while before their attention abruptly turned to myself. Suddenly I found myself the subject of their guttural howls and taunts, one snatched up a nearby stone and pelted me with it. As I tried to retreat one charged forth, howling and raising its claws. I stepped back a few paces, lowered myself and as it got within distance I flicked my mug at it, flinging the freshly brewed tea all over the critter. Reeling back in agony it thrashed about on the floor, its companions fled and I ran too.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)00:52 No.14641358
    A little further down the hill I came across a faint man-made path of crushed grass and decided to take it down the hill. I am quite glad I found that path and made the choice I did. A short way down this path I saw up ahead what looked like a banner with a few chests under it. After calling out a greeting and hearing no reply I tentatively approached it. The weather-worn banner itself was a simple diagonal cross design, red and blue, with the image of a rook at centre. After checking over the metal boxes for any obvious signs of ownership or traps daresay I summoned the courage to flip open the lid of one. Inside were more metal boxes, green elongated ones, I knew what those were so I set about opening up the other boxes. In total three of the four boxes were full of ammunition and the last contained some surveying kit; binoculars, a compass, a map of the immediate area and finally some paper and pencils. I snatched everything from the box, hanging the compass and binoculars around my neck and stuffed my pockets with the pencils and papers. I left the site with a parting gift of my mug I still had at the time.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)00:52 No.14641363
    The map already had some markings over it, rings with directional arrows pointing around the hill I was on as well as some crosses marked about the hill. The journey down to the foot of the hill was largely uneventful, I spotted a large quadruped animal far up the hill but it disappeared over the crest. As I approached the final stretch I spotted, for the first time, people. There were four of them gathered around a small unlit camp, sleeping bags laid out around it. Their camp placed beside a natural stone wall where a section of the hill must have fallen away at some point. They were dressed in a mixture of dark red and green, on top of these rags was some very rudimentary armour made from hide. Three of the men wore green cloaks and one wore a rusty red colour. Each were armed with blades and at arms reach were bows and a bundle of arrows.
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)01:15 No.14641541
    Journal Log: Day 321
    The build team arrived and is surveying the area for the wall and talking it up with the local architect who has since recovered from his injuries. We also got a pack of new orders from main HQ. There's some round robin reorganization. Our Ranger captain is being recalled to Koganusan, I've been given a horizontal promotion to the Rangers to take over the slot and a new Scout captain is taking my place. So I'm a Ranger now. What does this mean? Well I get a better gun and I'll be going on more hunting and combat related jobs then just exploration and mapping. Unless I get pulled in to a Scout mission, at which I'll be support rather then lead. I have no trouble with that. All these new people in town are setting off some of the locals, but the Entertainment guild reps have kept everyone distracted. They were pulling people in to impromptu reenactments. It was pretty funny. I imagine guild reps will start showing up and dividing the population by their skills and give them something to do other then tenuously grasp at their miserable lives.
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)01:29 No.14641637
    Journal Log: Day 322
    The wall has begun construction anew. They're going for triple stacked horizontal wood logs with mud brick pillars at each end. Agriculture people arrived today and have begun surveying the nearby plains for farmability. I sent some scouts and rangers to escort them. Along with the agriculture people came my replacement, the first second wave Scout captain. I've seen her in action and she can definitely hold her own in the field. She will be leading a scouting expedition around the general area to learn the lay of the land, then move towards the sea and back to fill in gaps in the map. Central supply has set up a Lant gathering initiative for both saltpeter for gunpowder, clothes cleaning and leather tanning. Kind of gross but we do what we must.
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)01:44 No.14641741
    Journal Log: Day 323
    The agriculture packed up and left, but had the fields marked up. They're sending out a different group to actually handle the farm construction, and they should be in within 3 days along with a crap load of supplies and dwarves. The wall project continues on schedule. After they're done with the wall, they're supposedly going in to the swamps to retrieve the mech out there. I hope they know how to build a crane. So I will be leading a hunting trip out, my first as a ranger. I'm taking 3 others out with me. I picked up my new weapon from Central Supply. I was given a Remington 7600. That's what it says on the side. Got a handfull of test ammo and a box of the good stuff for field use. I got some practice in with it using the test ammo to get used to it. It uses .30-06. Holy Shit. This thing doesn't fuck around. Well, we leave just before nightfall.
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)01:53 No.14641828
    Journal Log: Day 324
    Hunting Expedition! So we hit the plains and eventually found a pack of Rambush. Looked like a bunch of females with one lead male. We took down the male and dragged it back to town for butchering and preserving. Overall, an easy hunt. So guild reps showed up and have set up a job fair for the locals. Roy's made it clear that no job, no food, so they've had no shortage of new recruits. Looks like I'm heading out on another expedition, this time at night. Yowler sighting in the agri-fields. I'm taking the same two guys and we're going to see about putting down a monster.
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)02:09 No.14641947
    Journal Log: Day 325
    Well the hunt was successful if not unnerving. Around midnight, the beast came around, and I'm pretty sure it came looking for us. Tried saving ammo, so we pincushion it with arrows and bolts, but that just pissed it off and gave it a more violent gait. Just as it entered rifle sights, a second fucker came out of nowhere and tackled me. I'd be dead if not for this armor. It's claws got stuck on the scutes and started thrashing around wildly while I pinned the bastard and my backup slit him open down the back with his sword. The other had stopped when the other showed up and was hanging back. I got a good look at it. the hatred in it's eyes, the hunger on it's boney face. You can get lost in eyes as intense as those. I got this odd sensation of deja-vu before my third blew it away with a good shot. I got some good scratches but nothing too bad. Not like I've seen before. We dragged the bodies back to town to be broken down into useful materials. God they stink. Weird thing. While they were stripping the corpse, they noticed several bite marks across one of their hides. Human bite marks. What the fuck?
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)03:39 No.14642600
    Journal Log: Day 326
    So I was recalled back to Koganasu today. I decided to do the trek solo and hauled ass down road on foot with a medium loadout plus personal belongings. I passed a supply group heading to Rivertown on the way, they were starting to move freshly made farm implements over and had alcohol. I made it to town around midnight, had no problems during the trip. I actually miss this place. The city was still running full tilt, the town square actors guild were reenacting MacBeth as seen from Faerun. Shit was cash. Stopped by the bar and got a drink before reporting in at main HQ. Made sure maps were updated and provided a full debrief to the leadership on duty. They said they'd have something for me tomorrow, but my old place was still reserved for me. I moved back in and am going to sleep the night off. I can't believe it, I actually miss this place. Fucking Rivertown, making me miss Koganasu.
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)04:05 No.14642739
    Journal Log: Day 327
    Had a builder dream. Two great builder armies crashing into each other. Sun shining off polished and ornate armor and weapons. It was stunning, but also terrifying as they crashed into each other with such ferocity. I was sitting on a hill watching this. A miniature yowler the size of a house cat sat next to me and started speaking. It said that this needed to end. A bright light came down from the sky and all turned to dust. I woke up with a cat sitting on my chest trying to see what was in my mouth. Damn cats. Anyways, HQ decided to assign me to an expedition to the mountains to oversee that fort out there and explore out from there. It's a scout mission and I'm support to a Scout captain. Apparently when Leadership thinks crazy ass missions out into the middle of nowhere, they think of me. Sounds like fun. We leave tomorrow with a heavy loadout. I dicked around town for awhile, getting updated. The farm wall is completed and the farm is producing full tilt. Huge plants, it's amazing. They're already working on a second one to try and produce either corn or wheat. That means bread and that means beer. The mines meanwhile have started to produce gold and gems. Not a lot of use yet, but if we build an economy, we'll be on top of that. A few people have tried their hands at jewelry making with mixed results. Paid a visit to the training grounds and told the Rivertown recruits "exactly" what happened over the last few weeks and the disappearance of their now ex-leader. That should be all they should need to know. Got in a minor duel with my old sword instructor. She still kicked my ass but she said I had improved a lot. Taught me a bit about mordehau. God damn. Heading off in a few minutes to join a one shot Shadowrun game. Stupid Rivertown and it's lack of gaming.
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)04:19 No.14642822
    Journal Log: Day 328
    We're camped out at the north mines. The expedition leader does enjoy his full tilt runs across the gravel roads. More power to him. I think we're all in the best shape we've ever been in our entire lives. We run like track and field experts. We move like cats. Anyways, we're going to get to the fort in a day or two depending on the terrain and weather. We've got the team lead, a Scout captain, 3 novice scouts, myself as a Ranger captain, one experienced and one novice, a medic, a geologist and a biologist. We've got a heavy supply and support loadout. From what I understand, we're one of the last expeditions going out. Leadership wants as many people back within 30 days, which is the next predicted wave. I suppose I'll be out on an outrider team, collecting those that wandered in the wrong direction and preventing new chaos cults from popping up. So the mine team has been working their asses off. A few of them are volunteers and most are criminals working off their penance, plus one unnamed political prisoner who is pretty much here forever. I almost feel sorry for him. Contrary to popular believe, they are not being worked to death. They have fair work hours, food and rest time.
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)04:27 No.14642863
    Journal Log: Day 329
    We're in the mountains. Camped on the other side of the broken bridge. We set up a kind of monkey bridge across using rope and the statues as anchors. It's a harrowing experience. The skies are clear so far, but we know those flying fuckers like hanging out here. It's dead quiet. Only the sound of the wind blowing against the rocks, and even that isn't steady. It's like the rest of the world doesn't exist. It's unnerving almost, more so if not for my smartphone mp3 player.
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)04:35 No.14642899
    Journal Log: Day 330
    Made it to the fort and set up camp around mid day. The scout leader took most of the team and left on a 3 hour patrol. He took 1 scout, 1 ranger, the medic and the geologist. The rest of us are securing camp. That didn't take long at all, and after some boredom, started flirting with the scout girl. Eventually took her down to show her the basement and nothing more needs to be said other then god damn does she have a pair of legs. Anyways, scout patrol arrived around nightfall. They think they found a path heading farther north that we're going to check out in the morning. This place is empty. No signs of animal tracks, no sounds. Just echoing stone. Desolation.
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)04:35 No.14642903
    Alright, that's all for tonight. Thread is archived at suptg.
    >> <E!_Mance> !PmqM6b1Vqg 04/19/11(Tue)06:46 No.14643384
    >Tomahawk\hatchet\hand axe analogue
    >Original design Victrinox swiss army knife
    >my 5 Machetes and Chef knives + sharpeners
    >+1 Cold Iron Bastard sword (I shit you not)
    >Oilskin coat
    >Rope (though I know not how to use it 'properly' I can figure it out)
    >Laptop and artistic utensils + books in waterproof bag.

    Laden down as I am, when I hear ONE HOUR as I read this thread, I get myself packed. I also grab a copy of Reaper man (bible) and my Grey Knights Codex (Toilet paper).
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)09:45 No.14644501
    WE, as some of the more stable colonists of the world have ended up on a pretty diverse landscape. In the distance mountains rise to challenge us and dare us to ascend. We sit upon the nestled spines of its feet and even then below us lay swamps filled with things that cat-call an tempt us. This terrain is the terrain of adventure. forested slopes, grassy hilltops. here life flourishes and we are to dare it to attack us
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)10:01 No.14644606
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    new thread

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