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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File : 1303221620.jpg-(780 KB, 950x674, 31785.jpg)
    780 KB Year 2. sphagettiman 04/19/11(Tue)10:00 No.14644599  
    The third wave draws near. More of humanity stolen away, given the chance to grab a mere two hundred pounds in a mad dash will appear upon the world of Lenore once more. But, now they are readied. The population of kognasun(kog/boat murdered.) prepares for this event, securing resources and easing the new-comers transition to a lifestyle alien to many modern people.

    What have you brought with you? What shall you do as you find yourself upon a new world my friends?

    old thread
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)10:09 No.14644657
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    They seem to be adding the planets now which is quite nice. Also, I guess the main guy is asking for some help adding in stuff to it just because there is such a huge volume of data they are trying to compile.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)10:16 No.14644706
    So, what happens to people in the meantime. I mean they seem to show up exactly as if they had left ten minutes ago. no worse for wear. Have they been in stasis or something?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)10:35 No.14644850
    I think the largest thing that /tg/ has going for it right now is the whole 'guild' network of living. Everyone seems to belong to some sort of guild or group that effectively functions like that. Its resulted in a sort of compound network and borderline tau mentality.

    also, it feels like Central supply is something of a powerhouse. I get the feeling without them we'd be utterly fucked.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)10:43 No.14644914
    I'll say this much I really wish we could get some nice detailed maps the surrounding country side. Does anyone have a good mapping program?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)12:00 No.14645433
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    like this?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)12:03 No.14645460
    Something to think about is the fact we are getting new people who get to meet men and women that have adapted to this place. We would come off as very strange and alien to anyone from Earth really. I mean look at us when we run into tribes of indigs.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)12:08 No.14645498
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    Alright. Running this on FATE for some of my players later this week. They get two stress boxes in each trauma track, a trouble, a high concept and the typical skill pyramid. how does that sound so far?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)12:22 No.14645602
    my big issue is what skills to use. I mean there's a lot that I could do but I don't even lknow where to start
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)12:42 No.14645723
    Break survival down into a couple different things like

    maybe also more construction skills that help with things like building shelters, making food. I'd also say add in things like a hunger and dehydration stress bar.
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)12:47 No.14645751
    Journal Log: Day 331
    We followed what amounts to a goat path through the mountains today. Possibly made at some point by a pack of mountain bulls. A bull path? There is little to no plant life here. It's all rock, gravel and dirt. I wonder if the other side is a desert. The path seems to go on for quite a distance, even traveling a whole day, we haven't reached the end. Even at our height, the air is still warm. Of course we have no tools to know our altitude. We have to be careful with our food reserves here. If we run out, there may be no hunting or gathering. The team geologist has taken an interest in a few exposed strata, says the area may of been a jungle once, or at least very damp. He sees data, I see layers of rock and dirt. Geology is definitely not my field.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)12:49 No.14645762
    have a craft skill set things like
    -electronics for radios, gadgets
    -carpentry for stuff like well, woodworking
    -stone working

    also, do you have any ideas for the whole working through your background to build your character? You may also want to look at the city creation for helping with designing a place like kognasu
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)13:20 No.14645951
    Journal Log: Day 332
    Well, we reached the end of the trail. A large circular valley about 10 miles across with a large lake in the center, a river that feeds in to a tight canyon on either side. The area is also heavily forested. It took a few minutes for us to realize that this was an old meteor impact crater. We went down and explored, keeping on guard. We did spot a family of mountain bulls, but they ignored us and we kept our distance. The trees are similar to what you'd find on the edge of the Nightmare forest, though less fungus and they aren't as tightly packed. We eventually made our way to the lake. It wasn't all that deep and crystal clear, and the only fish we saw were of the small insect eating variety. I led a quick patrol around the lake looking for something hostile. Nothing big, a few imp families, some nightthief nests, a few of those feathery things they're calling smeerps. We set up camp and took a dip in the lake. It was refreshing. A water fight started and a grand time was had by all. Tomorrow, the team lead is taking us around the outer edge of the crater/valley and see if there's another path out of here, or if this is the end of that trail.
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)13:35 No.14646046
    Journal Log: Day 333
    Happy Lucky 3's Day!
    Speaking of that, weirdness came with the morning. 3 house cats had wandered in to camp. What the hell were they doing out here? We quickly scoured the area looking for signs of other people but found none. We then picked off on our planed expedition around the outer edge, half expecting to find some corpse somewhere. Nope, no sign of people. We got back to camp around nightfall. The cats were still in camp, hanging around like it was the most normal thing in the world. Two blacks and a calico. I think they're eating insects or even nightthieves, possibly fish too. Well, they were apex predators in their size category back on Earth. I guess they're managing to scratch out a living here too. My best guess is that they somehow decided to pass through the mountains and ended up here. Maybe they were brought here and left by their owner. Maybe their owner brought nothing and was eaten, bones and all. Either way, this place now has cats. Off the topic of cats, the geologist thinks he found some meteoric iron. It's vaguely egg shaped and weighs about 10lbs. If he wants it, he can carry it. He seems to think there is more around. Then he dropped a bombshell on us. There's a chance the area may be "slightly" radioactive. Fucking fantastic. That's his theory as to why there are only small animals around aside from the mountain bull pack, which is slightly migratory. It was only a theory and he said it was a small chance. Well it was enough to frighten the team leader. We packed up camp right then and there, in the middle of the night, and headed back out and into a south moving river cut canyon. We set up camp a mile in and that was that.
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)13:55 No.14646197
    Journal Log: Day 334
    Well, the cats have abandoned us. We're traveling down the bank of a canyon river. It's brownish from dirt, and not a drinkable quality at the moment. The terrain is rough, and slowing us down quite a bit and we only have a vague idea of where it leads. The river is mostly rapids. Reminds me of the Colorado river but smaller. Around noon we hit a 30ft rock wall that we had to scale. That was pretty much the entire day right there, getting everyone over that thing with freestyle climbing and what little rope we had left. We set camp up in a cave. Myself, the team lead and another scout started poking around the cave, seeing how far it goes and marking the wall in chalk so we don't get lost. We got an hour away before we turned back. It goes on quite a ways past that. We're not equipped for a spelunking expedition. The location was marked on the map for another time.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)13:58 No.14646228
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    whoo storytime!
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)14:02 No.14646260
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    The Smeerp

    A burrowing, harmless and often considered adorable animal the smeerp is a rabbit like critter that is found nearly wherever there is a shrubby under story and some form of field. Smeerps look to be little more than six legged balls of puffy feathers when frightened. The coloration usually being a somewhat pinkish or purple color. When non-threatened these feathers lay down revealing an animal that is somewhat like a large mole, its forelimbs are adapted to clawing away dirt and their narrow faces have a pair of large liquidly eyes, a small nose is constantly twitching.

    the animals breed rapidly, producing a litter of six kits every three to four weeks. This is due to the high rate of predation by other animals. Live bearers they are believed to be related to the night thief and other semi-mammaloids.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)14:06 No.14646278
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    alien rabbits...
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)14:09 No.14646294
    Journal Log: Day 335
    Found another builder compass monolith. Poked around, found nothing like the others. This one was mostly destroyed. It's top half was broken off and laying around it in pieces. We continued following the canyon and river until we ran into a rapedactyl. We managed to get under a rocky overhang. It kept us in place for a few hours while it circled and screamed out for us. It eventually came in for a landing and poked it's head under the overhang to see what's what and got a face full of arrows and high caliber rifle. We stripped it down for meat and trophy teeth/claws and continued on. I wonder if anyone's going to be crazy enough to put a saddle on one of those things and try to ride it. It probably won't end well. We're set up for the night by a mountain spring that feeds into the river. It's clean and clear. We took a dip to wash off the weariness and immediately got into another water splash fight. We're such a vicious bunch.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)14:17 No.14646348
    Quoth the raven nevermore.
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)14:18 No.14646357
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)14:31 No.14646429
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    The two legged things were a threat. They claimed the dead ones nests and now, they brought forth...Things. Terrible things with too few legs covered in something soft and strange. They smelled funny and had too many little wriggling things. The new comers were a threat. They had to go.

    At least the things on two legs tasted good, they gave a fight as well. They made fun prey, so active all the time. so much fun to chase and scare. Of course, there were too many. It didn't like these things. When they had first come, they were tasty, crunchy morsels now, they were like beetles. Covered in something like the big beasts that are so good to eat. Even worse, now they would bite and scratch with silver claws and teeth that could reach them from too far away...

    These things are a problem they had to go. Even as it cried out, a low mournful cry that echoed back across the forest by others like it. Newly born with their own legs and faces. It knew that they could not win this way against the two legged creatures. That was fine with it though..so long as it could eat them till its days were done
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)14:49 No.14646572
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    is...this from a yowlers perspective?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)15:15 No.14646796
    Does it have any perspective?
    The point of view seems to change throughout the text. It's like A Star Called Henry without proper spelling and punctuation, i.e. mindfuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)15:24 No.14646879
    given its coming from a large panther like creature that see us as something crunchy? I'd say mindfuckery works
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)15:25 No.14646891
    Journal Log: Day 338
    Several days of moving through mostly mountains now, it's been very tiring work. Uphill and down hill on unstable ground. We're running low on food. We've been heading south this whole time. I only have a vague idea of where we are. The air here smells different though. We did find a few examples of builder writing carved in to a rock face that had been smoothed out. There doesn't seem to be anything around here though, no sign of a path, covered or not. It may be a marker stone of some kind, maybe a point of remembrance. Maybe the last message of a dieing bird. I get an odd feeling around here, it puts me at unease. The geologist is still toting around his block of meteoric iron. I wonder what he's going to do with it? Haha, maybe he'll make a magical space sword.
    >> Not OP but someone else working on Planet 4chan 04/19/11(Tue)15:35 No.14647012
    Hey /tg/, we've got a solar system, so I'ma just lay it down here for you.

    Here's the basic layout of the Sol II star system:
    4 terrestrial planets (just like Sol) which are
    -Party Hard



    -and Han

    Then there's:

    -Roma (Jovian)

    -Jim Profit (Rock)

    -Macedon (Jovian)

    -Maurya (Jovian)

    -Xin (Sub-Jovian)

    -Xiongnu (Sub-Jovian)

    -Hunna (Ice)

    then finally Hapth (Rock)

    Sol II is virtually identical to Sol. Main Sequence, G Type etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)15:37 No.14647032
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    >-Jim Profit (Rock)

    between too jovians...

    I see what you did there
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)15:38 No.14647049
    Journal Log: Day 339
    The smell in the air was the salt. We hit the coast today, the northern pass. We started heading south and will meet up with the salt camp in a few days. We're set up at the mouth of the pass tonight. Finally some relatively flat lands, plus we'll be at the beach. Time to work on a new peeling sunburn. In other news, we should be seeing third wavers soon. Won't that be fun. Well, Central Supply is going to love their new supply stock.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)15:41 No.14647088
    I can't tell if Central supply are decent guys or, if they just really like to horde gear
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)15:46 No.14647135
    Journal Log: Day 340
    Running on a beach. We're barefoot, because sand and it's inexplicable tendency to get in the damnedest places. The sky has been clear so far. Saw a boat on the horizon again. Again they ignored my attempt at communication. Anyways, we're camped up in the builder shack. Looks like someone's been here since. There's names carved in to the wall, I recognize most of them as a scouts. We added ours. We are now officially out of food. With any luck, there will be a team at the salt shack. I took a short walk in the dark to clear my head. Thought I heard something but I saw nothing.
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)15:54 No.14647214
    Journal Log: Day 341
    So while taking a leak under a tree, I found something. It's a set of keys. One of them is to a car. It says Mazda on it. Mother fucker. I don't know anymore. I just don't know anymore. Someone is doing this to me. They're driving me insane slowly, one piece at a time. Maybe it's whoever brought us here. Maybe it's builders. Maybe it's the ghost of Nikola Tesla. One day I'll find out. That will be the day I die probably. It's fate. It's destiny. One day. The rest of the team is worried about my reaction and my random bursts of laughter. I don't think any of them are involved, they can't be, can they?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)15:58 No.14647269
    Didn't we agree that it would be hilarious for builder to just fuck around with people by poking them with sticks while they sleep and the like?
    Imagine a builder placing Mazda parts in the path of this guy...
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)16:20 No.14647485
    Journal Log: Day 342
    Okay, I've run the crazy out of my system, though I get a headache every time I look at those damn keys. We're moving at a great pace and should be at the salt camp some time tomorrow, most likely at night. I hunted down a racing deer for tonight's dinner. We're all pretty hungry. Our pace is tiring and we need to keep fed. Spiced it up with some salt water and citrus juice from an orange bush. Tasted great. One of my rangers skinned it and is keeping the skin for some project of his. I hope it doesn't start smelling.
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)16:28 No.14647574
    Journal Log: Day 343
    Made it to the salt camp. When we arrived, there was a boat parked on the beach and 3 guys poking around the salt camp. They were in tattered clothes and carrying a few firearms and modified builder spears, possibly modified for spearing fish as they were shortened and had ropes on them. When we approached, they held us at gunpoint until they could launch their boat and leave. They said nothing and refused to answer questions. Who the hell are these guys and what's with their xenophobia? I don't think they're tg'ers. Anyways, looks like the salt team have been gone awhile. They did leave some salt behind, so we can do some quick and dirty food preservation of our own. Sent my rangers out hunting and they came back with another racing deer. They taste pretty good with the right seasoning. Learned a few tips from a certain ranger that got murdered by a chaos cult. Those fuckers. They deserved everything we did to them. Anyways, we're going to have to come out here at some point with our own boats and find out where those oceangoing assholes live.
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)16:56 No.14647873
    Journal Log: Day 344
    Left a message at the salt camp should those ocean going assholes show up again. We're on our way back to Kog now and should arrive in 3-4 days depending. It's raining out. When I say raining, it's like standing under a waterfall. Rain gear is barely doing it's job. We still hauled ass, the road is holding together well and a lot of the more dangerous animals don't care for hunting in the rain. We have our tents set up under some trees, and even then, I put my rain gear over the top to help keep dry, as the material was starting to get damp. It would of sucked except while I was on watch duty, a certain Ms Legs came out and uh, well a grand time was had by all plus we're all clean from the rain. I'm pretty sure the medic saw, the creep.
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)17:03 No.14647924
    Journal Log: Day 345
    Well it's drizzling now. Not as bad as yesterday, but everything is already wet. We've got another day ahead of us before we reach Kog. So I've had a few niggling concerns and had a talk with Ms Legs during the trek. Apparently Ms Legs (who's name I'm not publishing should this fall into the wrong hands. I'm looking at you Franco!) got her tubes tied way back during her college days and had planned to eventually get the procedure reversed. Unfortunately that's now impossible and she may as well be barren. She kind of broke down halfway into the confession. She apparently wanted kids when she was older. Now it's never going to happen. Well, at least she's found a place in life here as a competent scout, it's a shallow consolation.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)18:24 No.14648706
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)18:54 No.14649007
    Journal Log: Day 346
    Stopped raining around noon. The woods on either side of the trail smell fresh and earthy. Speaking of that, what the hell are we going to name this world? Other then Hellhole I mean. Anything but Earth2. That's stupid. Anyway, ran into the salt team on their way to the beach. I warned them about those boat people. Their ranger captain mentioned being followed by something bit but harmless. We're keeping a look out for it. Probably a lonely yowler or a lost tortolo. So it's shaving time. I miss shaving cream. Some people are already stuck using knives or scissors. Sucks. We need to reinvent the safety razor.
    >> Not OP but someone else working on Project 4chan 04/19/11(Tue)19:39 No.14649431
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)20:04 No.14649654
    Journal Log: Day 347
    Made it to Koganasu today around noon. Got cleaned and rested up. HQ is preparing for third wave by sectioning off an unused portion of the city. Their plan is to dump the newbies in there until they can be instructed and are assigned to a guild and their gear sent to Central Supply. There is going to be violence, there is going to be death. Leadership is doing their best to prepare for it. In other news, the farm apparently can't grow wheat or corn. Sucks. So they're growing more potatoes trying broccoli. Great. Also the Rivertown wall is well underway and their farm is was recently completed. I have no idea what their third wave plan is. There were some problems earlier with our windfarm generators during the storm a few days ago, but they have since been fixed. It was nice getting my phone recharged again. Tonight I'm going to go watch the actors larp out a Pathfinder game. Something about salt trading.
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)20:15 No.14649771
    Journal Log: Day 348
    Stuck around HQ most of the day and assisted the Rivertown novices with their training. Weapon handling, hunting, skinning and navigation and so on. They'll do fine. Our master map is filling out nicely. We have yet to even reach another board city if they're out there, but we have ourselves a pretty nice chunk of land. We're just missing some resources. It'd be nice to get rubber, if this world has an analog, so we can create proper wheels. Hell, I could get to the beach a hell of a lot faster on a bike. Speaking of invention, Rivertown's HAM radio went online today, and they've been communicating. Leadership has assigned communications to the Scouts and Rangers organization for now, and we're picking a few individuals to handle this. We're also discussing if we need to use a code system should anyone hostile be listening. Those signals from out west during the early days come to mind. We have no idea who they were, what happened to them or even if they are still alive. Anyways, someone is running an exalted game, and it should be a blast seeing the larpers act out those scenes.
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)20:50 No.14650188
    Journal Log: Day 349
    It's raining like a bitch today. A lot of the town cats have taken refuge in whatever house is closest. I have two hanging around in mine. They're sleeping on my travel pack. I have named them Paws and Baron Vladamir Von Zeppelin because I'm bored. I'm sure this is a sign of my waning sanity. Ended up spending most of the day hanging around HQ. A bunch of us were around so we reminisced about Earth, our previous lives and what we left behind. A few told their first day stories. Talked about the future of humanity in this place. We have the potential to do well. We've already adapted in this short time. That doesn't mean we'll all be dead in a day due to some super plague, but we're holding our own against the wilds. So according to the radio, Rivertown got that mech out of the swamp and have it parked near town square. Good for them. Official news from Central Supply, the last tube of toothpaste has been used up. The chemists are going to have to come up with some kind of replacement. I'd rather know go the old Roman route. They brushed their teeth with urine. I'm not that desperate. No thanks. I think the Egyptians used some pumice and wine mix. Anyways, no entertainment due to the rains so the lot of us are going to meet up at the bar.
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)21:13 No.14650462
    Journal Log: Day 350
    Ended up leading a patrol between Kog and Rivertown. Everything is damp as expected. We're mainly looking for yowlers that have gotten a little too brave and anything else of interest. Medium loadout. It's myself, 2 rangers, a scout and a medic. Trudging through the foothills and woods. We're basically doing a big figure 8. It should take about 3 days. The weather man says it's looking to rain that whole time. Fantastic. What's worse is that I think I ended up with the rain nudist. Likes showering in the rain in the middle of camp with no clothes on. I don't need to see that. No one does.
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)22:23 No.14651354
    Journal Log: Day 351.
    We bagged a yowler today and helped our medic harvest it's ichor. It seemed already injured but still came limping at us as fast as it could. They really need to learn that this is our world now, not theirs. Anyways, more rain. We're all huddled in our big tent playing Uno and discussing the next year. I figure it's time to expand our expedition times from days to a month. Food is a problem, so they would have to be large expeditions, with carts and many people. With luck we'll bump into a friendly board town with resources to trade. If we're extremely lucky we'll find that we're far from everyone and don't have to worry about their problems. Some other concerns are food production. We're doing well for ourselves and once the farms swing into full production, we'll be doing even better. With good leadership, we won't worry about starvation. That leaves the far future. We're going to eventually need an education system for the kids born here. I don't want to be the founder of a civilization that treats education like a cancer. We need to advance. We need to get to the stars. We need to find Earth again, even if it's not in our lifetimes, and it won't be. I've come to accept this. It hurts to say this, but this world is home now. We'll live here and die here. This is our lives. I don't know the reason we were brought here but dammit, we are humans. We will adapt, we will expand, we will advance.
    >> 008 04/19/11(Tue)23:20 No.14652096
    Journal Log: Day 352
    Still raining. We're camped out several miles from Rivertown. I can see it's nightlights from here. They're small but enough to be noticeable from here. We'll be back in Kog tomorrow some time. Thought I saw a Scalewolf today. I've only ever seen the one before. They're apparently rare or they actively avoid us. Maybe both. Caught the scout and ranger making out. Never thought they swung that way. It's none of my business. Anyways, my smartphone still has a charge and is blasting KidneyThieves while I build a character for an EclipsePhase game running tomorrow night.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)23:54 No.14652525
    Jeez... Well... um.. On the plus side, a lot of mothers might not make it through birthing so maybe she'll wind up helping raise some youngens anyway.

    God, what a depressing "upside".
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)00:10 No.14652707
    thats a REALLY depressing upside
    >> 008 04/20/11(Wed)00:57 No.14653160
    Journal Log: Day 353
    Back in town a bit later then I planned, but still in time for the game. It's still raining so the usual spot is out, and we're all meeting in the local tavern. I'm sure there's something terribly ironic about this. Anyways, the patrol was completed, updated HQ, updated by HQ and flirted with the Central Supply girl while my phone charged. Seems the Rivertown branch of Scouts and Rangers have found some kind of in town cult, though they seem harmless enough. Worshipers of change. Another god damn Warhammer cult. At least they aren't violent. In local news, it sounds like Leadership is trying to get a PA system built out of that old home stereo system to call out to the wilds once the third wavers start showing up. The problem is power. It takes a lot to get those big speakers going. I don't think it'll be worth it though it would be hilarious to have persistent village music.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)01:05 No.14653221
    oh christ I bet they're dressed in all blue
    >> 008 04/20/11(Wed)01:05 No.14653222
    Journal Log: Day 354
    The rain stopped finally. Baron Vladimir Von Zeppelin can finally leave the comfort of my home with his associate Paws. Even if I have to toss them out. They're shedding everywhere. Pretty slow day, dicked around HQ, assisted the Rivertown novices with some training which yes, included swinging around the wooden sword. Fuck yeah! They always freak out when you flip the blade on them during a lock and whack them with your hilt. In other news, rumors that the Science guild is working on a steam engine of some sort. Not sure what it'll do. Maybe a better power generator? Either way, they're sucking up iron and coal for whatever it is. I don't think we're mining enough coal for a persistent engine though. We'd need to improve our mining methods and for that, we need dynamite. I can't wait until we invent dynamite.
    >> 008 04/20/11(Wed)01:22 No.14653357
    Journal Log: Day 355
    Well, the Rivertown Novices are on their way to Rivertown, their training considered more or less complete. Now they'll spend the next few months working under active scouts and rangers before gaining a rank. They're good kids, they'll do fine. So I proposed the idea to HQ that we rebuild a few of the Builder outposts and man them with switch shifts. We could use them a launch points for longer range expeditions. They're considering. It seems they've also got plans to refortify that fort in the mountains along with it's access bridge and any number of blocked tunnel projects, so there are lots to do for the construction groups. The problem is finding which is most important. Currently the construction team is off working on the Rivertown wall, which I hear is half done. Good for them. A bit of drama in town, the Entertainment guild is threatening to go on strike due to all the work they do with no gain. Leadership is giving them some small concessions in response as moral is important in a situation like this and they're the ones that keep it up. They are expanding into clothing production and woodworking for props. I don't see how giving them more work will make them happy but it did. They were positively delighted with the prospect. Maybe there was some under the table dealing involved.
    >> 008 04/20/11(Wed)01:36 No.14653496
    Journal Log: Day 356
    So one of the Science team runs into town square yelling that he's figured out how to translate the Builder language and then spouts off some insipid jrpg prophecy about light and darkness, 1000 year seals and so on. I'd be more concerned except this exact thing happened already and it's just a jitterbug hallucination he caught from his breadmold. Sure enough the guy spent the rest of the day chatting with Chevy Chase as the Invisible Man. Whoever is running the breadmold bakery is a god damn incompetent. Coal shipment arrived and was immediately sucked up by the Science Guild. I hope they're not building some kind of steampunk doomsday device. Spent most of the day in HQ in a meeting planning out the coming events. I'm to take a large outrider group and grab as many newbies as I can, making multiple trips and going farther out each time. We still don't know if they're going to show up all at once or in groups over the course of a few days. We don't know the number of them. There could be a few hundred or a thousand. We can't support a thousand fresh faces yet, at least not very well. Hell, they may not even show up at all. Too many unknowns, but that's what life here is all about.
    >> 008 04/20/11(Wed)02:02 No.14653747
    Journal Log: Day 358
    Well what do you know. The town Wifi network was down for most of the day. Some kind of software bug they finally worked out. So in 2 days, I'm taking a team of 5 rangers, 6 scouts and 3 medics into the field to collect newbies. Heavy loadout. It's occurred to me. Second wave thought us first wavers looked near feral after 6 months. What are the 3rd wavers going to think of us after a year? I took a good look in the mirror and some remaining piece of me is a bit scared at what I've become. The rest of me is pretty satisfied though. This is what it takes to survive here. If I suddenly appeared back on Earth tomorrow, I'd have a hell of a time fitting back in. I think all of us would. Anyways, Entertainment guild is running the Wizard of Oz, but instead of Oz, it's Warhammer Fantasy. This can't end well for Dorthy and her little dog. I want to know who keeps coming up with these weird mashups.
    >> 008 04/20/11(Wed)02:20 No.14653908
    Journal Log: Day 359
    God damn it, they started arriving a day earlier then expected. Our first clue was when a group of 5 Teens and their dog arrived in town. The apparently thought we were all peasants from a medieval world and were going to rule over us with their amazing knowledge of science and a pistol one of them probably got out of their father's closet. They were all smiles and laughs until we explained the situation and then stripped them at gunpoint of anything useful and sent them off to the newbie area. Little bastards. So I'm rushing my team out early. We immediately found 3 more who were hopelessly lost, one of which had apparently been in the shower when the transition occurred. On the up side, he brought a bottle of shampoo and a bar of soap. Rare items out here. By the end of the day, my group alone grabbed 20 newbies. Some brought useful stuff, others, not so much. Typical. Only a few got any injuries, mostly from falls, but one guy engaged a yowler with a katana and nearly lost his arm. He's damn lucky we arrived. Our medics did their best to keep it attached and he's now in the hands of the doc. It seems quite a few of the newbies this time are teens, and quite a few dogs as well but no cats. Weird. The other teams brought in around the same except one group which came in with 50 people. Dedication or luck, I don't know. We've got a grand total of about 70 people. 70 people in one day. They're all fenced in the newbie area getting personal attention, getting explained the situation, being fed and explaining the wonders of Blackeye and xenoadaption. Several of the survivalist types were pissed that their gear was stripped, but we made it clear that they can get their guns back if they join scouts or rangers. In the meantime, I'm leaving in a few minutes to look for more. Campfires and flashlights should be easy signs to pick out.
    >> 008 04/20/11(Wed)02:30 No.14654007
    Journal Log: Day 360
    Happy Circle Day!
    Today has been hell. Picked up and escorted a few groups last night. They were pretty terrified. Got shot at by one person but thankfully no one was hurt. Had to chase down a few people who thought we were slavers or murderapists. I had to put down one guy that may of escaped a psych ward or a prison. Very harrowing. Again, we seem to be getting a lot of teens this wave, where as the last two were mostly 20 and up. Some brought gear that was over thought out and that they couldn't possibly carry, others brought stupid shit, but that's common for all waves. Quite a few hambeasts with personality disorders who packed nothing but game books, anime or porn. Many laptops, few brought chargers. Central Supply is going to love this loadout. Hey, maybe Rivertown can get their own wifi network now. Anyways, we're stopped in town for dinner and then we're heading right back out with no sleep. All in a days work.
    >> 008 04/20/11(Wed)03:00 No.14654239
    Journal Log: Day 361
    Finally got some sleep last night. We set up a camp with a massive fire and let people come to us. Two did. Later in the afternoon we had a hell of a situation. We ran into a "cybercrimes" police detective in his 50's who apparently was doing some kind of research. He saw us approach armed to the teeth and flipped the fuck out, figuring we were some kind of zany hit squad. It took two hours to talk him down and explain everything to him. He demanded to follow us the rest of the day to rescue more lost, but he wasn't in the best of shape and a few hours after that we escorted him to town with others we picked up. I'm sure Central Supply will have fun trying to disarm him. We restocked and are doing a wide patrol now, checking the unoccupied ruins for more popup cities like Rivertown was and hopefully bring it into the fold before we have another situation.
    >> 008 04/20/11(Wed)03:14 No.14654323
    Journal Log: Day 362
    So we barely made it to our first stop before night and we were hauling ass for a group this size. These ruins have few standing structures and luckily no one was here. This would be a terrible place to colonize. We left a sign with directions to Koganusan should anyone arrive here after we're gone. Spent the night chatting it up about the newbies. So fresh and clean, so whiny and with no idea what's to come. But hey, we got dogs now. If we can train them, they'll be great to have in the organization.
    >> 008 04/20/11(Wed)03:22 No.14654384
    Journal Log: Day 363
    We're 3/4 the way to the next stop before we set up camp. It's quiet out and the sky is clear. Found a fresh corpse today. Yowler attack. Had an interesting run in with an adventurer. He was dressed in the weirdest collection of gear I could imagine. What looked like WW2 era military uniform, home made metal plates made to look like plate armor, a shotgun that looks like it hasn't been used in 50 years, an absurd looking sword and the nightvision goggles from CoDMW2. His first reaction to us was to draw his sword and demand a duel. He thought it was all fun and games until I mordhau'ed him. It wasn't too hard, but enough to knock some of the stupid out of him. Sent a scout to escort him back to town.
    >> 008 04/20/11(Wed)03:37 No.14654478
    Journal Log: Day 364
    Ran into the next ruins. Sure enough, there's around 80 people here, and more showing up all the time. I had considered these good ruins to start a colony due to the condition of all the buildings and the fact that it has a river less then a mile away, and not the same river that feeds into Rivertown. We walked into town and caught quite a lot of attention. Called everyone over and started explaining what's what. They were surprised that we've been here a year already. We explained the plants that are edible, which have uses, which animals are safe and which aren't and which ones you can eat. A few survival types paid close attention. I'm going to put them to use to get things running here. I dispatched a scout and ranger back to town to alert Leadership and get some reps out here to take control. Until then, I'm in command of this town. I'm temporarily naming it Cadia based on someones suggestion and because it's easy to remember. I'm having most of my rangers and scouts split up and take the trustworthy looking survival guys out to hunt down some tortolo and any fruit available. The medics are treating injuries and I'm personally overseeing construction of three clay pot water filters. We need to get this place's ass in motion before people start starving. A few people started to complain about being forced to work, but after a group of racing deer ran through town, they're all willing to do anything for protection of the big scary wilds. It's about two days from Kog, and two days from Rivertown. Once the build team is done with the Rivertown wall, they should be laying road. Unfortunately, no one brought any solar panels for power generation. Hopefully the science team can build some kind of waterwheel or wind farm for power generation here.
    >> 008 04/20/11(Wed)03:48 No.14654533
    Journal Log: Day 365
    People are being fed, we have shelter, we have water and we have fire. Short of a sudden Blackeye outbreak, the people of Cadia should be fine. Spent most of the day overseeing operations and regaling them on tales of my adventures. There were a few fights over supplies, but they got straightened out. I'm having them pool everything in anticipation of Central Supply and to make distribution easier. I believe this town has a future. Sadly, this is the last page in my journal and I won't be able to get another one. I'm leaving this journal to Scout and Ranger HQ as documentation of humanity's first year on this world; our struggle for survival and overcoming the odds to flourish here. The battles and victories over nature and ourselves and of course the Phantom Mazda. We've come a long way and have a longer way yet to go. This is Ranger Captain Christopher Aris of Koganusan signing off.
    >> 008 04/20/11(Wed)03:50 No.14654545
    And that is the last of the journal logs. 1 year on Lenore. Enjoy. And no, that isn't my real name. Or is it?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)04:07 No.14654655
    Great story time, sad to see it end
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)05:46 No.14655361
    I think it should be official canon for Koganasu to have a Mazda. I would love the implications that this guy found all parts for the car.
    >> Spoonman 04/20/11(Wed)05:50 No.14655393
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    Very well done sir, I tip my hat to you. Any thoughts on doing more? Taking a break? What's next for you?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)05:52 No.14655411

    After ten years and combing all of Kog's territory, the people from Central Supply finally finish putting the mazda back together. Except there's no gas, and even if there was most of the body work was rusted and the transmission filled with sand.

    So it's become Kog's battle standard, moved to the top of the central tower by the dwarves, where the great metal God Mazda can beep Its horn and startle away any rapedactyls that dare to come close.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)05:54 No.14655427

    Fuck if this is actually the end then I am so very sad.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)05:55 No.14655432
    Ahura Mazda?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)08:28 No.14656108
    Thanks for taking the time to write these.
    Really enjoyed them.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)10:20 No.14656756
    i very much enjoyed the journal storytiem, even the Rambush got a little bit of attention.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)11:31 No.14657141
    Truly a fun thread, and much appreciated given the work the guys have been putting inti lenore
    >> sphagettiman 04/20/11(Wed)12:16 No.14657498

    got fractal terrains working like a dream
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/20/11(Wed)14:17 No.14658420
    Is the end end, or will you just be taking a break?
    >> 008 04/20/11(Wed)14:19 No.14658433
    Yeah, I'm done with the big project, someone else can write up wave 3 or year 2. It was fun while it lasted though.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/20/11(Wed)14:19 No.14658439

    Let me fix that sentence. Is that the end of you writing the journals, or are you just taking a break? Please let it be the latter, the journal was awesome.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/20/11(Wed)14:20 No.14658442

    Damn. Well, it was awesome while it lasted.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:56 No.14659259
    I'll probably help a little but really now its time for another writefag to take up the mantle I guess
    >> 008 04/20/11(Wed)16:46 No.14659714
    Okay, one more. From the Future!
    >> 008 04/20/11(Wed)16:47 No.14659724
    Journal Log: October 12 1057
    Well, the news from our investigation team has concluded that the ruins of Futaba are still dangerously radioactive from the nuclear strike 30 years ago. Council has increased the travel ban in the area for another 20 years. Supposedly another cache of fist gen gear was found. Those who don't believe in the old histories say that it's just another scam, another attempt at hiding the truth, that we're from this world and not descendents of people kidnapped from a gloriously advanced world, Earth. I haven't taken sides, I'm not big into religion, but I do have to wonder. Even the builder histories say our people just arrived one day. Anyways, one of the artifacts looked like a commphone but smaller, fancier and supposedly with some kind of digital screen, and then there is that rusted wheeled vehicle they dug up, the so called Mazda of Koganusan. I'll leave such mysteries to the historians and religious zealots.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)18:23 No.14660680
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    toying around seeing if I can't get a better map
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)20:29 No.14661769
    It has been found! AS the prophecies foretold!
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)21:33 No.14662428
    so does anyone have a completed archive of the past week or so of writing?
    >> 008 04/20/11(Wed)21:51 No.14662624
    Here you go, put together by Spoonman.
    >> Spoonman 04/20/11(Wed)21:53 No.14662648
    Here you go. I tried to get peoples names were I could but a lot is just from anons. I also didn't do any editing for the most part, just some formatting.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)21:58 No.14662711

    Anarchistbro from last thread here: are you telling me that we're a functioning syndicalist commune? My subversive literature will have fertile ground to seed.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)21:59 No.14662722
    down with central supply?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)22:00 No.14662736
    Yes I do believe that is whats been implied. It works doesn't it?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)22:05 No.14662788

    An elegant, plausible promise - and one that would probably cause the utter collapse of any transplantee civilization larger than can fit around a campfire.

    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)22:08 No.14662835

    NOTED: if I had actually read any of my anarchist pamphlets, which I collect like a neurotic rodent, and weren't just playing up a character, I would not be seeking to destroy society, but instead voluntarize and liberate it.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)22:11 No.14662867
    true, but, Central supply are alright guys. I mean they make sure we're fed and clothed and make sure each man get his fair share. how's that a bad thing?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)06:39 No.14666702
    So, our current nation as of one terran year is Cadia, Kog, and River town? I'd say we are doing pretty well really
    >> 008 04/21/11(Thu)12:26 No.14668529
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)16:52 No.14671095
    indeed and from these three cities will rise a glorious and powerful nation
    >> sphagettiman 04/21/11(Thu)17:55 No.14671667
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    playing with fractal terrains whooo!
    >> sphagettiman 04/21/11(Thu)18:07 No.14671750
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