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!P4yus5IzL2 04/09/11(Sat)03:46 No.14530212 File1302335168.gif-(1.89 MB, 161x121, Washing Machine Brick.gif)
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Alright, here's how we're going to do things.
You're going to get 30500kg of rating 15 explosive.
You're going to steal/buy/hack a shipping container. They can hold up to 30500kg of stuff.
You're going to find a company across the road from SK's place. You're going to create a need for this building to get renovated.
At the same time, infiltrate the company and figure out who they're going to hire to do the building.
At this point, the plan begins.
Infiltrate the building company, figure out who their crane drivers are, and create nano-masks of their faces. Steal their hair, their blood, etc. We want to be able to impersonate them perfectly.
You kill the original and replace his ass. At which point you go into work for this construction project. You climb into the crane.
At this point, the other runners tear down the street with a semi. The shipping container full of explosives is on the back.
At this point, the back of the SECOND TRUCK will open, and someone will fire an anti-tank missile into the boardroom on the 42nd floor of the place, shattering the windows. At this point, you use a specially designed miniture of your van, with a rocket attacked, to fire the miniture into the board room. It lands on the desk.
Now the craneman PICKS UP THE SHIPPING CONTAINER with the crane, and wrecking ball style, throws it into the side of the SK build.
At which point you detonate the explosives.
About 180 physical damage (by 4th ed standards) is done to the building.
Thank you SK, fuck you Lofwyr. |