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04/25/10(Sun)14:16 No.9422914 File1272219376.jpg-(47 KB, 400x518, Rivet_cover.jpg)
Rivet is a game I made as a joke, after some friends teased me about making so many games and told me I had to make a dieselpunk game.
Fifty-eight pages later, it's kinda cool I guess.
The setting is an alternate-reality WW2, so I tried to make the mechanics fit the mood of the game (balls-out dirty globe-trotting adventure). Dice are used for most things, but a deck of playing cards is used to determine initiative and to add some "luck of the draw" fun during rolls when you really need an edge.
All characters are defined by six attributes: Brains, Brawn, Aim, Flair, Moxie and Luck. These are rated with die values: Lousy (d6), Normal (d8), Good (d12) and Great (d20). Player characters and important NPCs have two Lousy, two Normal, one Good and one Great attribute. Unimportant characters get two Lousy, two Normal and two Good attributes.
To make a check of any kind (doctoring, shooting, reading a tablet in ancient Egyptian), two attributes are combined and their dice rolled together. For example, a character with Lousy Aim and Great Luck rolls 1d6+1d20 to shoot someone.
All characters can attempt all skills (there is no such thing as "trained" or "untrained"), but characters also get a few Specialties, which give them +5 to certain skills (so having Shooting as your Specialty means you would roll 1d6+1d20+5 for all Shooting checks).
Now here's where the combat comes in. |