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!!GutpvEm2fJX 04/21/10(Wed)23:52 No.9347246 File1271908320.jpg-(112 KB, 623x900, Cannoness.jpg)
 While the Orks had taken the advantage initially, the sisters had begun to regroup, showing no fear or quarter as they drew blade and chainsword alike and dived into close quarters with the Boyz. Orkhimedse waded through the fray, grabbing any sister that dared approach him in a crushing grip with his power Klaw and slamming them into the dirt.
He had no real interest in the rank and file, the Orks were holding their own, he searched for their own boss, just as any Waaagh could collapse without a proper Warboss, the humans would fall into confusion without a leader directing the fight. At first he thought she had fled the field like a git, but then he saw her.
Holding an Ork by the neck in each hand, she smashed their heads together with a loud crunch, threw them to the dirt, and then saw Orkhimedes.
"Humph, humie"
The Cannoness charged the Orkquisitor, drawing a power sword from her hip sheath. "For the deaths of my sisters you will fall, monstrosity!" She swung hard, at shoulder level, either intending to take his head in one blow, or take his arm, but Orkhimedes got his Power Klaw up to block in time.
The Canoness swung again, at waist level, this time the Orkquisitor did not merely block the sword, but catch it in the Klaw. "Yous and yours was a good fight", said the Ork, wrenching the sword out of her hands and tossing it aside. "But in the end, you was just practice"
Orkhimedes lashed out with his Klaw, and grabbed the Cannoness' head, with a short cry of pain, and a meaty ripping sound, it was torn from the body. |