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  • File : 1269238580.jpg-(41 KB, 360x270, 13299_664382944363_27223449_38490614_794(...).jpg)
    41 KB Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)02:16 No.8716772  
    Does /tg/ have any cool hobbies other then painting mini's and D&D? State them here, evidence of them is cool too. Pic related. Me, on Friday night.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:17 No.8716798
    Holy shit, it's a wizard!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:18 No.8716818
         File1269238719.jpg-(26 KB, 268x360, 13299_664383672903_27223449_38(...).jpg)
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    I lawl'd hard. Thanks anon.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:19 No.8716827
    i play video game

    and sleep
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:19 No.8716834
         File1269238774.jpg-(35 KB, 360x268, 13299_664383677893_27223449_38(...).jpg)
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    That's fun... I guess.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:32 No.8717045
    >Does /tg/ have any cool hobbies other then painting mini's and D&D?
    Well, I....
    Wait, never mind.
    In order of coolness:
    I GM Dark Heresy, once in a blue moon.
    I try to make gaming systems.
    I read. Recently read Dresden Files, Dune.
    I sleep, and try to stimulate lucid dream states.
    I listen to music.
    I play touhou. Easy Modo.
    I fap. A lot.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:33 No.8717058
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:33 No.8717062
    i am disappoint
    >> Crix !!RpOLjtsjwNS 03/22/10(Mon)02:34 No.8717066
         File1269239659.jpg-(179 KB, 1280x960, EHHH EZ MODU.jpg)
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    >> Shas'o R'myr !!TZikiEEr0tg 03/22/10(Mon)02:35 No.8717071
    I go to the range, shoot at chaos spess mehreen targets.

    I also hit things with my hammer when bored.
    >> dreamruiner Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:37 No.8717097
    i ride bikes, i have a road bike and a fix gear track bike that i can do a few tricks on. i go out dancing on the weekends when i can. i have a bear diary i've been working on for a few weeks... that's my new one. oh, i make electronic music and now i'm trying to learn to make dubstep
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:38 No.8717113

    Actually, I play on Medium and Insane mode, mostly.
    One is for actually trying to get further, the other is for training my reflexes and training strategy.
    I mostly play Perfect Cherry Blossem, but only because it's one of the three I have that's in English, and will actually RUN on my computer, and the only one I know of that has the shift-attack thing.
    I usually play Marisa, but have been getting more into Reimu, because I don't have to aim with her.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:38 No.8717116
    I work in a soup kitchen to feed the homeless, teach people how to sky dive, and occasionally go scuba diving.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:39 No.8717129
    my bad, here's a pic. its me skidding my bike down the ramp in front of the miami arena
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:39 No.8717131
    You bez not be anywhere near or from Grinnell, Ia, op.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:39 No.8717133
    I shoot guns. I'd like to do trap shooting when I get back home.
    >> PF 03/22/10(Mon)02:40 No.8717137
    WWII Reenacting

    I ride around in jeeps and halftracks and shit, then shoot blanks from my Garand at people who pretend to be German.

    And get to be pretty much honored guests at community functions for it.

    Shit is so cash.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:40 No.8717140
    I write short horror stories, currently working on something that I plan to submit to publishers.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:41 No.8717162
    Go to the gym, study for my criminology paper, hang out with friends. Oh and drink heavily while alone
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:42 No.8717173
    more rednecky than cool, but I enjoy offroading. kayaking when I have the time. between work, school, and being a fa/tg/uy, there's not too much left over.
    >> Gnoll Shaman !!ErjrXBsVRdW 03/22/10(Mon)02:43 No.8717196
    I play paintball occasionally.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)02:44 No.8717204
         File1269240273.jpg-(74 KB, 600x750, dresdenfiles.jpg)
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    Jazzed for book 12 coming out? I'm getting a signed copy hopefully.

    I'm also an artist and a chef in training.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:45 No.8717212
         File1269240305.jpg-(45 KB, 604x339, 7020_102178489798554_100000192(...).jpg)
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    my bad a second time, gents
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:45 No.8717223
    I write music poorly, mostly. Can't bring myself to find a good ending for my third release though.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)02:46 No.8717229
    No idea where that is. I'm from Florida, moved to NC, then to TN. Soon to move to Cali.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:46 No.8717237
    Damn. How'd you get into it? And I'm guessing the locale is in Europe.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)02:47 No.8717249
    Probably USA. Civil War and WWII Re-enactments are big here. Just find a local regiment, using teh interwebs, and sign up. That easy.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:47 No.8717253
    Aside from my WH40k and DnD....

    Martial Arts Tricking.

    this sort of shit:
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:47 No.8717259
    I work. I have little off time to cultivate a new D&D group. D:
    >> Catguy !adtcifLOss 03/22/10(Mon)02:49 No.8717275
         File1269240548.jpg-(55 KB, 604x453, 1265550352326.jpg)
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    I am a cook, I cook food. Delicious, food.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:49 No.8717278
    I'm reading... 10 or 11 right now. I've kind of lost track, since I read all of them in the past 5 days, and done very little else.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)02:50 No.8717292
         File1269240651.jpg-(182 KB, 1157x915, TRIFORCE.jpg)
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    Ohai Catguy. Pic related; 6 pound stuffed deep dish.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)02:51 No.8717304
    Small Favor or Turn Coat. Or simply; Denarians, or the Nagaaloshi?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:52 No.8717311
    Im a musician. I play the Bass and the Mandolin in a Bluegrass cover-band.
    >> Kael 03/22/10(Mon)02:52 No.8717319
         File1269240749.png-(682 KB, 551x511, AVATAROFWAR.png)
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    I build life sized replica weapons and armor from my favorite sci-fi shit. I also drink a lot.
    >> scaredofshadows !!7tJvdfwxbH7 03/22/10(Mon)02:52 No.8717320
         File1269240751.jpg-(1.6 MB, 1600x1200, gary-fisher-hifi-29er.jpg)
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    have an old beater 29er, image not related
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:52 No.8717321
    Warhammer 40k
    Magic The Gathering
    Dungeons and Dragons
    Video Games
    Workout @ Gym
    performing tantric sex with my wife
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:52 No.8717323
         File1269240766.jpg-(44 KB, 1042x204, c lydian.jpg)
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    I write classical music in many different styles and for many different ensembles. Here's some of my latest work, the beginning of a piano sonata. inb4 it's stolen
    >> Catguy !adtcifLOss 03/22/10(Mon)02:53 No.8717332
         File1269240789.jpg-(28 KB, 320x320, 1268152867315.jpg)
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    dat triforce
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)02:53 No.8717335
    Pretty kick ass. How much would it cost for one of those?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:53 No.8717339
    Small Favor.

    I'm hoping that Marcone gets a coin and starts fucking shit up.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:53 No.8717344

    When did "Batman" become a hobby?
    And what is "tantric" sex?
    >> PF 03/22/10(Mon)02:54 No.8717351
         File1269240857.jpg-(43 KB, 480x360, 6a57.jpg)
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    No, I'm in the US. Most of the events I do are in PA, but I've lived in NJ, and NY state.

    Basically, to get into the hobby one needs to

    1. See if there are events in your area
    2. Find (google) a group that's in your area and does an impression you want to do (US, German, British/Canadian/other Commonwealth forces, and Soviet are popular enough to have a lot of events)
    3. Buy uniforms, gear and weapons. Shit's not cheap, I've put about $1200 into my US impression. But there are internet vendors that make the process of finding things easy and still keep it authentic.
    4. Find the time to get out to events.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:54 No.8717358

    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)02:55 No.8717366
    Lol, it's a good one. Turn Coat is fantastic too. I've been reading the teaser chapters and getting a massive nerd erection. I'm about to get a Harry Dresden tattoo.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:55 No.8717375
    I'm a lesbian, does that count?
    >> Kael 03/22/10(Mon)02:57 No.8717385
    Don't sell um - its more of a hobby then anything else. Probably cost me about $90 to make
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)02:57 No.8717392
    No, not really. Not many people care about your sexual orientation. Sorry.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)02:57 No.8717394
         File1269241052.jpg-(178 KB, 1232x1109, 1266816185201.jpg)
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    no because you look like this
    >> Catguy !adtcifLOss 03/22/10(Mon)02:58 No.8717403
         File1269241086.jpg-(4 KB, 88x88, 1263167251181.jpg)
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    What part of evidence did you not get when reading the OP's post? Pictures, we require them.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)02:58 No.8717406
    Hmmm, that's a shame, because I would totally commission a flamer or inferno pistol from you.
    >> S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 03/22/10(Mon)02:59 No.8717420
    I cook food. Usually the one that's posted on /tg/.
    And then I shoot things...and I read books.
    Then I sleep and dream.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)03:00 No.8717449
    Ohai Stalker.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:01 No.8717458
    I draw. Very poorly. I've been painting lately. Not very good at that either. Yet I continue to do it? I'm pretty much talentless.

    Other than that, I read. Right now I'm reading Romantic poetry, and it's making me somewhat lonelier. Christabel is really good though. It's about a vampire. Weee!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:02 No.8717465
    sweet papa Nurgle, tell me that photoshop had something to do with that picture.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:02 No.8717473
         File1269241367.jpg-(90 KB, 1024x768, stalker.jpg)
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    >> Catguy !adtcifLOss 03/22/10(Mon)03:03 No.8717483
         File1269241405.jpg-(42 KB, 600x450, 1268957430147.jpg)
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    You want to have a bake-off challenge or something my Ruski friend?
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)03:03 No.8717491
         File1269241430.jpg-(10 KB, 355x289, MORALCOMBAAAT..jpg)
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    Practice practice. I also paint. Picture related. Not a single bit of that is my real flesh.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:04 No.8717499
         File1269241456.png-(229 KB, 640x480, Le fleur.png)
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    3d art.

    Or at least, I'm beginning to learn it.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:04 No.8717504
    no , , , no it didn't
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:05 No.8717517
    I'm an engineering major.

    That's about it.

    I don't have any cool hobbies, just regular ones like:
    Football (soccer)
    Computers (hard/soft)
    Fucking around with audio equipment
    Electronics (mainly for audio applications)
    Fapping to pictures of the Zfk55 and SMLE No.4 T because I can't afford the several thousand dollars it'd take to acquire one.

    I hope to pick up the violin/viola one of these days. I was thinking viola, because it'd be manlier, but without the inconvenience of a double bass/cello.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:05 No.8717521
    I do circus performances with clowns. I'm a musician for one in her solo gigs.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:05 No.8717523
         File1269241536.jpg-(39 KB, 480x772, yum.jpg)
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    Cooking is fun. I made these like, two years ago. :D
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:05 No.8717527
    I read, play the vidya games.

    Also I sometimes take part in LARPing, but the community in The Netherlands is meh at best.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)03:06 No.8717537
         File1269241579.jpg-(26 KB, 499x374, catof9.jpg)
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    Picture also related. My leather work.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:06 No.8717545
    >> Catguy !adtcifLOss 03/22/10(Mon)03:07 No.8717552
         File1269241649.jpg-(68 KB, 610x432, 1258330438988.jpg)
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    Are you part of some secret Dark Eldar LARP club or something?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:07 No.8717555

    Just as a quick Q&A

    Making a Imperial Guard costume for someone at 1.93 meters of height and 100 Kilo's of weight, how much would that cost.

    Just your standard Cadian stuff and weapons included of course.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:07 No.8717556
    No, I've been drawing all my life. I don't see myself getting any better, haha.

    I do facepaint toooooo! But only for Halloween. :P
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:07 No.8717560
         File1269241674.jpg-(41 KB, 401x604, 5736_137184430512_722855512_24(...).jpg)
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    acting as a troll ...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:09 No.8717578

    Come find me someday, yeah?
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)03:09 No.8717588
         File1269241794.jpg-(98 KB, 800x600, kink.jpg)
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    Nope, just kinky. Picture related. About 1/10th of my toys. I'll let you think of their uses.
    That was for ChatRoulette recently XD.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:10 No.8717600
    I collect WW2 memorabilia. My pride and joy is a pristine Mauser k98 sniper rifle.
    >> Catguy !adtcifLOss 03/22/10(Mon)03:11 No.8717610
         File1269241893.jpg-(17 KB, 283x420, 1267955376982.jpg)
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    Get lost Scared.



    Haha sure, who are you going to kill?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:11 No.8717611
         File1269241895.gif-(258 KB, 204x211, 1246323247546.gif)
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    *jaw drops*
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:12 No.8717615

    I've got a Luger, no ammo for it though, at home. I still clean it and keep it working.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)03:12 No.8717616
    Nah, no need to kill. Why break your toys. Although, I have been wanting to try Necrophilia.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:13 No.8717629
         File1269241996.jpg-(207 KB, 640x2007, cats.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:13 No.8717630
         File1269242005.jpg-(62 KB, 1024x620, Zfk55.jpg)
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    Still waiting on a Zfk55... Look at that sweet motherfucker.
    >> Wasteland Warrior !W48S2eY4nU 03/22/10(Mon)03:14 No.8717639

    You can't be bothered to go and find super rare 9x19 ammunition? Curse you and your super obscure cartridge.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)03:14 No.8717644
    Oh god anon, I have no idea why I lawled so hard. You're my friend for life.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:15 No.8717651
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:16 No.8717666

    No fuck me and my countries laws for not being allowed to have firearms in the house. Aight we cool now?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:16 No.8717667

    Oh hayyy, you're bondage guy. We can definitely be friends, bondage guy.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:17 No.8717672
    Oh yeah. Motherfucker cost a fortune, and it was a bitch to track down.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)03:17 No.8717674
    XDDD, yes, I am a bondage guy.
    >> Wasteland Warrior !W48S2eY4nU 03/22/10(Mon)03:17 No.8717677
         File1269242271.jpg-(118 KB, 1280x1024, nataliaonbed.jpg)
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    Oh man, I'm sorry. If it's of any condolence I only have 120 rounds of 5.56 for my Ak 101.
    >> Catguy !adtcifLOss 03/22/10(Mon)03:18 No.8717678
         File1269242283.jpg-(132 KB, 640x480, derp 027.jpg)
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    Delicious sausages? Don't mind if I do!
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)03:18 No.8717682
    Nice stuff there. We've got a total of 10,000 rounds for the various guns in our possession.
    >> Catguy !adtcifLOss 03/22/10(Mon)03:19 No.8717685
         File1269242353.jpg-(135 KB, 640x480, derp 028.jpg)
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    Hey wait a minute..
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:19 No.8717686

    It's not, but that's still a sweet gun.

    Though if guns would become legal in my country, I'd probably buy a AK clone that or an AR15
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:19 No.8717688
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:19 No.8717690
    I write music for a band I'll never actually form, play piano, dumpster dive and shoplift for fun, go to a lot of events like a die-in recently, and drink way more than I should.
    Sometimes I just don't go to my house for a week or two and sleep wherever or squat some place.
    >> Wasteland Warrior !W48S2eY4nU 03/22/10(Mon)03:19 No.8717694

    Thats my problem with ammo, as soon as I get a respectable pile I want to go shooting. I need to get a .22 so 1000 rounds dont break the bank.

    Inb4 .223 is .22lr
    >> Catguy !adtcifLOss 03/22/10(Mon)03:19 No.8717696
         File1269242393.jpg-(122 KB, 640x480, derp 026.jpg)
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    I can't eat this..
    >> Wasteland Warrior !W48S2eY4nU 03/22/10(Mon)03:20 No.8717699

    What godless heathen nation do you live in? Australia?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:20 No.8717701

    There aren't enough of you!
    >> scaredofshadows !!7tJvdfwxbH7 03/22/10(Mon)03:20 No.8717704
    just sight or scent of rifles scares me

    need some one to take me shooting one day
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:21 No.8717720
         File1269242518.jpg-(64 KB, 400x300, nom nom.jpg)
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    Yes you god damn can.
    >> Catguy !adtcifLOss 03/22/10(Mon)03:22 No.8717722
         File1269242524.jpg-(139 KB, 640x480, derp 001.jpg)
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    I have a waffen SS infantry helment that has catears on it and a Mauser C96. No ammo, it's just for show.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:22 No.8717729

    The Netherlands.

    I could get 9x19 ammo, but like I said it's illegal and some douche canoe in the Netherlands has this program where he uncovers bad things in Holland. He showed you could easily order ammo from other countries in Europe and nobody would bat an eye.

    Only now those fuckers ARE checking for it, fuck you Alberto Stegeman Fuck you with a rusty blade up your ass.
    >> Wasteland Warrior !W48S2eY4nU 03/22/10(Mon)03:22 No.8717730

    Wait, a functional c96?

    I will swap you my AK for it.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)03:22 No.8717733
    Well, come hang out, I'll be in Cali soon. There's plenty of me XD.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:23 No.8717735
         File1269242580.jpg-(66 KB, 613x408, rollerbladescops.jpg)
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    I roller blade and draw.

    Not very good at either, but whatever.
    >> Catguy !adtcifLOss 03/22/10(Mon)03:23 No.8717737
         File1269242581.jpg-(116 KB, 640x480, derp 021.jpg)
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    You are right, I can do it!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:23 No.8717740
    I prefer the caption MAH BLONEY HAZ A FIRST NAME

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:23 No.8717741
    Um... do cripwalking and ukulele playing count?
    I can rave pretty damn good, too, but apparently I learned that too late to be cool among anyone but rollers, who will always think you're cool if you're sober and nice.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:23 No.8717746
    i eat pizza rolls. :)
    >> Hwee !xqDO5cYf5k 03/22/10(Mon)03:24 No.8717747
    Hwee... (Translated) play WH40K, draw, dance,sing, act and generally to artsy-fag things. I used to play an online version of D&D, but fell out of that due to the slowness of my computer. I love movies, general film buff here, but I also thoroughly enjoy plays, preferably when I'm in them.
    >> Heretek Dan 03/22/10(Mon)03:24 No.8717748
    Wow, I'm not the only spinner on the board?

    I Glowstring, mostly, but I enjoy doing some Poi from time to time.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:24 No.8717750
    Oh, I am a good kisser too, but I am not a good enough flirter for that to be a hobby.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:24 No.8717756
    If this is a semi-gun thread, any recommendations for a first gun? It'll be mostly for plinking and some hunting, but I'd enjoy owning a bit of history, too. Also, /k/ has somewhat infected me with their doomsaying.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:25 No.8717762
    I cook. I make furniture. I paint non-miniatures. I do drugs. I get drunk. I drive to new brunswick and go to parties less-nerd friends of mine have, and fuck the slutty girls from the freshman girls-only dorm that one of said friends lives across the street from.
    >> Captain Samiel 03/22/10(Mon)03:26 No.8717765
    Cool hobbies...
    Is shooting things with a vast collection of Dakka cool?
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)03:26 No.8717768
    Hello Other ravers. I'm normally a Rivethead, but I do rave quite a bit. I glowstring as well, always cool to talk to other spinners. I do Fire Breathing as well.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:26 No.8717771
    I like acting. Used to do it in high school.
    And when I'm bored and home alone, I'll go into the kitchen and start juggling cantaloupe while humming the Mario Bros. theme song..

    It is fantastic being a virgin.
    >> Wasteland Warrior !W48S2eY4nU 03/22/10(Mon)03:26 No.8717777

    If you can't have an AK because they ban it by name, you should look into getting a VZ 58. It looks and functions almost identically but is different enough to now be counted as an AK. Californians can even have them...maybe.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:27 No.8717780
    I race in SCCA Autocross. Fun times. Haven't been able to do it much since I've been at college. But I'm a semester away from graduating, so I think I'll be at the track more by the end of the year.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:28 No.8717787
    My hobbies aside from 40k and DH:

    Guitar playing
    Balisong flipping
    Zippo Lighter tricks
    >> Hwee !xqDO5cYf5k 03/22/10(Mon)03:28 No.8717793
         File1269242904.jpg-(28 KB, 267x400, 1267934905035.jpg)
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    (T) There's more of us out there than you may think.
    Insert link: Fetlife.com
    >> Wasteland Warrior !W48S2eY4nU 03/22/10(Mon)03:29 No.8717799

    Where do you live and what do you want to do with your gun.

    I am a huge fan of saigas, they are easy to learn and converting it into an AK is fun and easy. Plus, they are only about $350 and are the best AKs on the market right now. With a little work and effort you can have a genuine russian AK 100 series rifle for the same price as a shitty romanian gun.

    Or just take $100 and get a mosin nagant.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)03:29 No.8717801
    Ah, yes, btw, this is my girlfriend, who is also into kink.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:29 No.8717804
    lol been there. still there.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)03:30 No.8717811
    Orly? Wanna be frandz?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:30 No.8717814
    There is no fucking shortage of fetishfags on the internet, for it's a symptom of being assburgers or other social retard.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:30 No.8717815

    LOL, I couldn't tell.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:30 No.8717816
    I participate in Zombie walks and I design tattoos for my friends.
    >> Wasteland Warrior !W48S2eY4nU 03/22/10(Mon)03:30 No.8717818

    You can be bondage buddies.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:30 No.8717822
    lol I know that picture...freaking Ren. troll, creepy/hilarious.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)03:31 No.8717826
    Troofakx. Actually, it's a good way to make money as well. I can make a whip in under an hour, that only cost $12 in materials, and then sell it for $40...
    >> Hwee !xqDO5cYf5k 03/22/10(Mon)03:31 No.8717828
    Nah. Someone, namely you anon, just has their head up their ass.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:32 No.8717830

    Nah they just ban all guns, you can't even have a knife or a baseball bat in your house because that could be counted as a weapon.

    Fuck that shit, if someone breaks into my house I'm sinking my commando knife (got from the army base nearby) into his back and right into that fucker's heart.

    Oh and above that, if I kill the fucker invading my home and threatening my life I get locked up and sent off to prison. Damn I love my law-system, oh and if said douchebag robber shoots me he gets three years with maybe a year probation.
    >> scaredofshadows !!7tJvdfwxbH7 03/22/10(Mon)03:33 No.8717842
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    want one of these badly

    trash like me can't ever afford one though
    >> Wasteland Warrior !W48S2eY4nU 03/22/10(Mon)03:34 No.8717853

    Can't you just get a pack of gypsies, keep them in the basement and when someone breaks in you release the starving gypsies to strip the flesh from their bones.

    And since they are natural thieves, there wont be any evidence left because they've stolen all of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:35 No.8717860
    Saiga is definitely what I'm looking at. Which caliber is best? I'm afraid to go to /k/.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:35 No.8717869
    Zombie walks? What are those?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:36 No.8717874
    Anyone who would either willingly take the freedom of others for enjoyment, or willingly lose their own freedom, has forfeited their status as a human being.

    what's my alignment, anyway?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:36 No.8717882
    It's when a bunch of people dress up as zombies and shamble around pretending to bite people.
    >> Catguy !adtcifLOss 03/22/10(Mon)03:37 No.8717883
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    Post a picture of yourself Scared, I really want to see what you will look like on that bike.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:38 No.8717894

    It's all in good fun. Don't take shit so seriously, dude.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:39 No.8717910
    The fetishism of freedom would imply chaos. I don;t know further than that, so I'll say CN.

    Of course you;re probably a jaggoff.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:39 No.8717919
    Whaaa? That is so neat! Where do they do this? How many people get in on it?
    >> Wasteland Warrior !W48S2eY4nU 03/22/10(Mon)03:40 No.8717921

    I like 5.56, because its accurate and the hollowpoints are okay for home defense. The only problem is good magazines cost about $30 a pop. 7.62x39 is the most popular, and if you want to hunt with it and dont plan on shooting anything more then 100 yards away then its a good bet.

    5.45x39 is dirt cheap, but I don't trust it.

    All those calibers are easy to convert back to regular aks. .308 and 12 guage require you to cut your receiver, and the big capacity magazines cost $50+.

    All in all, I'd say 7.62x39 or 5.56x45 are the best bets, just dont go with the 20 guage or .410, unless you want a gun for skeet shooting and little else.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)03:40 No.8717922
    Lawful Faggot is what I would assume, but it could be Douchebag neutral.

    BDSM isn't about loosing freedom for most people, you seriousfags just don't know how to enjoy yourself.
    >> Catguy !adtcifLOss 03/22/10(Mon)03:40 No.8717935
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    Why not? It can't be that bad..

    Ok fine anything will do!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:41 No.8717941
    cook and drink.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)03:41 No.8717942
    Most Major metropolitan city's have them. Just google a search for them, or, you could just organize one of your own.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:41 No.8717945
    My hobby is envying people who have hobbies.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:42 No.8717947
    I heard about it from a friend, but you should check online to see if your area has a zombie-themed organization, because they're usually the ones to set them up.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:42 No.8717955
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:43 No.8717968
    Thank you very much. :)
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:44 No.8717976
    In order of coolness I play

    Violin (classy cool not cool cool)
    Piano (badly)

    Flute is my favorite but everyone looks down on it, I shall never understand why.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)03:45 No.8717989
    I miss my bass. I had a 4 string BC Rich Warlock, but had to sell.
    >> Wasteland Warrior !W48S2eY4nU 03/22/10(Mon)03:46 No.8717995


    If you do want to get a saiga, call here.


    They sold me my saiga for $350, and they should have some in stock.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:46 No.8717998
    Oh and I should probably take Harp off of there, I really can't play all that well and I only did it on my Grandma's old one before she sold it. It was kinda gay anyways. Beautiful though.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:46 No.8718000
    Anyone who can play so many instruments is cool in my book. I've tried countless times, I'm just not a musical person. I've always wanted to learn the viola.
    >> Wasteland Warrior !W48S2eY4nU 03/22/10(Mon)03:47 No.8718006
    Also, are there any vegas based fatguys out there who want to go shooting sometime? If you dont have a gun you can use mine. I'm itching to do some shooting out in the desert but going alone is getting depressing.
    >> Fistbeard !!b2cjKcK8kdJ 03/22/10(Mon)03:47 No.8718007
    I play guitar, bass and keyboard, and I'm a decent writer.
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)03:47 No.8718008
    Oh Wasteland, I'd mock your guns if I didn't have my own.
    I think all of those instruments are awesome, I only play the violin, but love classical music and other dramatic instrumentals.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:48 No.8718020
    People make me feel bad when they show that they actually know what different KINDS of an instrument are called... I have no clue what my Bass is called. I'll call my bro tomorrow (handmedown duh) and see if he remembers.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:49 No.8718023
    I spend a lot of time at casinos and gyms, compete in BJJ and MMA and I fucking love cooking and playing vidya games.
    >> Catguy !adtcifLOss 03/22/10(Mon)03:49 No.8718027
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    Still waiting for dem pix Scared.

    Anyone else a closet Nazi here?
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)03:49 No.8718028
    What happened to that one gun nut you were seeing? Did her buddies finally shoot you too many times?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:49 No.8718032

    If you post a pic, I can tell you.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:50 No.8718036
    I used to do SCA stuff. Don't any more while in school due to: Lazyness, Tiredness, Business, and not having my own rapier or equpment and feeling awkward about using lonerstuffness.
    Also I play comp video games.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:52 No.8718061
    I think. A lot. I mean, when I'm free, I waste hours laying on my bed, thinking. Probably not too good to do.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:52 No.8718069
    Even after you get them to listen to Jethro Tull?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:53 No.8718074

    If you enjoy it, don't knock it, and don't let anybody else.

    Time spent happy is time well spent.
    >> Wasteland Warrior !W48S2eY4nU 03/22/10(Mon)03:53 No.8718078

    Nah, she wasn't looking for anything serious, but we still go shooting and share our mutual hatred of everything.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:55 No.8718092
    Yeah, but even I think it's a waste. I just do it, anyway. I dunno.
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)03:55 No.8718098
    You could always go out and drunkenly sing that harmony song together, I can get a recording again and sell it for millions.
    >> Wasteland Warrior !W48S2eY4nU 03/22/10(Mon)03:56 No.8718110

    That recording was a sin against nature.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:57 No.8718113
    I'd actually never heard of this man, but after looking up on youtube now I must find a sheet for that awesome flute solo and practice until my fingers can actually pull that shit off!
    >> scaredofshadows !!7tJvdfwxbH7 03/22/10(Mon)03:57 No.8718123
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    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)03:59 No.8718137
    Yes.... and now it's mine....

    Also, it's hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)03:59 No.8718138
    A Detroit Red Wings fan, I see?

    >> Catguy !adtcifLOss 03/22/10(Mon)04:00 No.8718154
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    Heeeey~ not bad. Not bad at all, atleast you are not fat.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:01 No.8718168

    I know couple of girls with same hobby as yours.
    Men lack flexibility and grace, so they do not look nearly as cool.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:02 No.8718175
    Glad you liked, but you should know that Jethro Tull is the name of the band.
    >> DNZL !!1mYGYl/zgoU 03/22/10(Mon)04:03 No.8718179
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    Other than the usual /tg/ related stuff (40k, mtg), I play the tuba, though I haven't played in awhile. I'm also looking into learning the piano. I'm currently a music major and I'm hoping to be an alright composer one day. Nothing as groundbreaking as Beethoven or Schoenberg, but not some jackoff nobody either.

    Pic related, its my keyboard that I bought to learn to play the piano.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:03 No.8718191
    I am a moderate artist and writer.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)04:05 No.8718204
    I do a lot of Fire Swords as well, which allows you to be more graceful. Poi isnt' a graceful art. It's all about speed and power, and the complexity of the spins.

    With the swords, you get more control. Gravity doesn't have as much of an effect on you.
    Hey, don't make fun of us fat people. We have feelings too. I've lost 8 lbs in the past 2 weeks though, so I'm doing better lol.
    >> scaredofshadows !!7tJvdfwxbH7 03/22/10(Mon)04:06 No.8718208
    you thought this one was fat?
    >> Catguy !adtcifLOss 03/22/10(Mon)04:08 No.8718223
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    I eat around 6-8 times a day, usually meat with snacks in between. I have never been fat nor have I gotten even close. Constitution is a great thing.

    What's it like being fat anyway?

    Also, scared you got Steam or something? You got me really curious.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:08 No.8718225
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    I collect gunpla and toys. I then take photos of them. This is one of them.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:10 No.8718240
    Imagine carrying a bag of dog food strapped to your chest. That's about what it's like to be fat. I mean fat, not "omg I'm self conscious I weight 5 pounds over the recommended norm I'm FAAAAAT" I mean "I supersize and I love it" fat.
    >> scaredofshadows !!7tJvdfwxbH7 03/22/10(Mon)04:10 No.8718248
    I'm not so good with this stuff. have AIM, put my handle in email field

    what ever good things you see in this thing, it's just your imagination
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)04:11 No.8718251
    It's no different feeling then being skinny. I've been fat all my life. It's never really bothered me. I have a hot girlfriend who plays tabletops with me, I eat what I like, I workout to be healthy, but I really could care less how I look.

    It's all about how you see yourself.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:11 No.8718255
    Though if all fat people are like me (unlikely) then if they'd just lose the weight they'd be pretty built. I guess carrying around a bag of dog food's worth of weight makes your muscles strain to keep your fat ass moving.
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)04:11 No.8718258
    I always liked music, though my definition of music was fairly narrow. I much like instrumentals or orchestral pieces, I detest rap and most types of 'rock' or 'metal.'
    I was never really able to put on weight for anything, even now, I weigh like 125 pounds. That said, I still don't really find people repulsively fat until it becomes simply unsightly. The worst I've seen is a woman so huge, she waddled through a grocery store, she wore sweatpants, but was so fat they were literally splitting down the middle. She had them held together by a safety pin that looked as though it could break, fly off, and take out my eye.
    >> scaredofshadows !!7tJvdfwxbH7 03/22/10(Mon)04:13 No.8718274
    fat is just a surface thing, it can be changed

    harder to change what it is on the inside
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:14 No.8718291
    >The worst I've seen is a woman so huge, she waddled through a grocery store, she wore sweatpants, but was so fat they were literally splitting down the middle. She had them held together by a safety pin that looked as though it could break, fly off, and take out my eye.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:14 No.8718293
    I don't mind fat people.
    But I really can't stand it when my sister calls me a "skinny bitch" trying to insult me, and when I call her a fatass she gets all offended and tells me I have no right to do that.

    Double standards ftl.
    >> Catguy !adtcifLOss 03/22/10(Mon)04:15 No.8718297
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    AIM? Ugh people still use it? You sure you don't have anything else?


    Still fat!
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)04:16 No.8718305
    Lol, I know exactly how that is. Of course, I'm naturally a big guy. I could stand to loose 20 or 30 total, but that's fine by me. I'm 6'2" and about 256 now. I was at 270, but I've dropped that, and not really on purpose. I just changed my diet, and started exercising because I was bored.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:17 No.8718315
    >naturally a big guy
    >lost 30 pounds by just changing his diet
    >> Wasteland Warrior !W48S2eY4nU 03/22/10(Mon)04:18 No.8718330

    Save that disgust you feel for Gnollbard.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:18 No.8718331

    Just call her a stupid ho. Then it's not a double standard, just a hissy fit.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:19 No.8718338
         File1269245943.jpg-(7 KB, 150x150, Chainmail.jpg)
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    I collect hats and make chainmail. Evidence of both in pic.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:19 No.8718340
    I don't like insulting people unless it's relevant, though. She's not a ho. She's had the same girlfriend for like... four years.
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)04:20 No.8718353
    Dammit, Gnollbard. We should totally post his phone number on /tg/and ensure he wakes up a half million answering machine messages. 250 thousand being, "DAMMIT GNOLLBARD," and 250 thousand being insults for furries.
    >> scaredofshadows !!7tJvdfwxbH7 03/22/10(Mon)04:21 No.8718361
    why would any one want anything to do with this subhuman scum?

    should ask wasteland warrior about me
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)04:21 No.8718362
    Lol, yes, I get your implications. But, I had to change my diet for culinary school/going broke. Only being able to eat ramen and veggies for about 2 months will make you shed some pounds.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:21 No.8718363
    Prudish dyke?

    I think my new hobby other than D&D and WH is now Insult Suggester.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:21 No.8718364

    >> Catguy !adtcifLOss 03/22/10(Mon)04:23 No.8718378
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    Cool chainmail bro.
    >> DNZL !!1mYGYl/zgoU 03/22/10(Mon)04:24 No.8718392
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    >I detest rap and most types of 'rock' or 'metal.'
    When done right, it can be really entertaining and sometimes educational. Pic related.

    Oh yeah, I just remembered: I also am in the middle of writing up 40k fandexes for a couple of controversial (read: /v/ related) topics that I will be posting to /tg/ for help with balance. But that's a while away.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:25 No.8718395
    >Other cool hobbies:

    Boffer! Strictly combat. LARPing is fascinating, but an entirely different beast.

    Target Shooting! I don't think I'll ever stop being amazed at how easy it is to put holes in paper at 200 yards; absolutely loving how logical their operation is.

    Airsoft! I'm so happy I found a group of people who want to run around in surplus BDUs and shoot bastards in $1500 worth of dress-up gear with me.

    Also, like most of /tg/, the vidya and books.

    ...Debatable if _any_ of these qualify as 'cool.'
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:25 No.8718400
    haha, I wouldn't necessarily call her a prude.... She moved out once and lived with my aunt for while... and they used to go clubbing and bring home multiple men...

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:26 No.8718405
    Pretty gnarly.
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)04:27 No.8718412
    From what I've heard, it's insanely difficult to, "get it right." Part of my dislike is a belief that if I cannot discern the lyrics to a song, of if I can and they simply consist of nothing buy screaming, I will probably not like the song.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:28 No.8718422
    >> scaredofshadows !!7tJvdfwxbH7 03/22/10(Mon)04:29 No.8718430
    have listen to this one

    >> Catguy !adtcifLOss 03/22/10(Mon)04:30 No.8718440
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    Can't find you on this AIM thingie, are you trying to avoid me?
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)04:31 No.8718448
    I counter your link with actual taste: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lV3SHBFyDZM
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)04:32 No.8718453
    Try this

    Lol, I'm past those times now. Just sold my car yesterday actually. Goin' out to Cali, to the most expensive culinary school in the USA to become a Master Chocolateir, Master Artisan Pastry Chef, and Master Mixologist/Distiller.
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)04:33 No.8718464
    That's more tolerable to listen to. Not my favorite style, but I'd listen to it.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)04:33 No.8718465
    Actual taste, Meet Clint Mansell.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:34 No.8718469
    Why not interject some taste without the cliche?

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:35 No.8718476
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    The lyrics to a song are not the song. If you are listening to metal and looking for poetic writing, you are doing it wrong. You should be looking for DAT BASS DRUM and GUITAR SOLO DEEDLEELELELDLELEDELEEEEEEEEE, maybe with a dude yelling something or other as well. Pic related.
    >> scaredofshadows !!7tJvdfwxbH7 03/22/10(Mon)04:36 No.8718479
    going to put me to sleep, varity

    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)04:36 No.8718482
    I actually quite like that.
    Which is why I don't listen to it.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)04:37 No.8718486

    Actual taste meets heavy metal. I happen to fucking love Heaven Shall Burn.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:37 No.8718487

    "I'm sorry, I thought you was corn."
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)04:39 No.8718500
    Just because you're so desensitized by modern trash that you can't appreciate melody and actual music composition, doesn't mean that I cannot. The second post in that video embodies most of what I believe, "love the instruments, but I cannot stand the guy screaming."
    On the bright side, Shadows, at least it isn't rap.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:39 No.8718503
    My hobby is watching old episodes of the Rugrats. <3

    >> Guardsman Nailes 03/22/10(Mon)04:39 No.8718504
    I play the mandolin, make steampunk stuff, enjoy philosphical thinking and work at a Radio Shack that is also a gun store.

    Just bought a Mosin Nagant 91/30. Love the thing, but only had 50 7.62x54r rounds in stock. Also playing with the Droid is great, cant wait for the Nexus One so I can mess with that at work
    >> DNZL !!1mYGYl/zgoU 03/22/10(Mon)04:41 No.8718512
    Paradise Lost is always good.
    I also recommend Keldian (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpDe5oop5ho) and Blind Guardian as well.

    I agree, up to
    >maybe with a dude yelling something or other as well
    Harsh vocals may be needed, but I don't care to listen to pig squeals goddamnit.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:42 No.8718515
    You might like Lacuna Coil. Very melodic, clear female vocals. Borderline metal, though.
    >> scaredofshadows !!7tJvdfwxbH7 03/22/10(Mon)04:42 No.8718517
    you really see me some opera house, clad in suit?

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:43 No.8718523

    Awesome. They don't have Hey Arnold though... :/
    >> PF 03/22/10(Mon)04:43 No.8718524

    I do like me some DT and side projects, especially their earlier stuff from Six Degrees and before.
    >> Catguy !adtcifLOss 03/22/10(Mon)04:44 No.8718526
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    I mostly like modern with classical mixed in.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)04:44 No.8718527

    This as well, although she's got a weird accent. Can't ever place it...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:44 No.8718529
    I play video games, was thinking about taking up painting or shooting some bolt action rifles off at a firing range.

    I'm a huge fan of the WW2 Armories for pretty much all of the nations. Unfortunately it's illegal to own full automatics or some semi automatics without applying for a restricted license.
    >> Guardsman Nailes 03/22/10(Mon)04:45 No.8718533
    Haha wow. Didnt know you had a refined taste in music. I seriously want to learn to play the violin. I inherited a violin that if the certificate is correct and not a scam, its one of Stratavarious's students violins. When I was getting the sound peg replaced the guy at the shop informed me.

    Oh yeah, I'm also planning on joining the Air Force. How many fa/tg/uys here have military experience? I'm 19, so I think its a good choice to get out on my own
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)04:45 No.8718539
    No, hence, why our tastes differ. I do not like screaming, or most metal. It's just a preference.
    Vocals can make for an excellent song, example:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5q6skxRLnsI
    I admit it's rather goosebump inducing towards the climaxes.
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)04:47 No.8718555
    I've played the violin since fifth grade. Somewhat depressed now that I'm no longer in high school orchestra and lack a group to play with. I played >>8718448 with my high school group for a contest, once, in fact.
    >> Guardsman Nailes 03/22/10(Mon)04:48 No.8718559
    Oh yeah. You guys can chastise my taste in music.

    Also, Queen, Meatloaf, The Who, etc. You know, classic rock and whatnot. I'm still trying to learn Sweet Child of Mine on mandolin
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:49 No.8718568
    I like that very much.
    >> DNZL !!1mYGYl/zgoU 03/22/10(Mon)04:50 No.8718576
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    >Bard's Song

    I see no problem here.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:51 No.8718586
    >Not a ho
    >Multiple men
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)04:52 No.8718595
    I have an uncanny ability to pick up and play things by ear, rather than practice.
    I like choral/instrumental pieces that can give you chills. That's one of the better ones I've found.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)04:53 No.8718599

    An intelligent Rap, by a man named DZK. This is good hiphop
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:53 No.8718600
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    I like to make Doom2 mods/TCs... working on a new one now called 'Return to Wolfendoom'.

    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:53 No.8718603
    Violin and its ilk, the viola and cello, strike me as the red headed step children of the instrument world. They aren't "cool" like the guitar or electric bass, meaning not many kids are going to take them up on their own. The kids who do wind up taking them wind up in structured Suzuki programs or school programs facing budget cuts, playing music that most of the time, they don't relate to or are too young to appreciate. The only reason I didn't drop was because a young teacher of mine introduced me to actually playing bluegrass and jazz as well as all the stuff you can do on the electric violin.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:55 No.8718611
    I've been wondering. What is this picture from / about?
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)04:55 No.8718616
    I've never taken classes, nor was coaxed into picking it up. I simply liked the sound, and played because I liked to. Though, in retrospect, I think I've grown to like the cello's sound more, and wish I had gotten a chance to learn to play that.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:57 No.8718622
    Gregorian chants are good.
    And Arvo Part.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)04:57 No.8718623
    Learning to play Cello now, classically trained in the Baritone/Euphonium. Played it for the past 9 years. Then I took up bass, and I love Cello.

    Apocalyptica is fantastic as well.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)04:58 No.8718630

    Fucking AMAZING. I get chills each and every time. I love this song as well.
    >> Guardsman Nailes 03/22/10(Mon)04:58 No.8718634
    Same. Its just I'm not used to Chords. I've been teaching myself, though I want to take lessons to add skill to my talent, and have been doing pretty well. I can play misc video game themes, Ievans Polka, Irish Washwoman and was working on Scotland the Brave up until my mandolin strings broke. I need to restring the mandolin, otherwise I would be happy to play people some music over tinychat. Perhaps some other time when I get that thing fixed.
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)05:01 No.8718648
    There are also soundtracks from games and movies that work quite well.

    Also played: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjvTTfbpWjY and the rest of its accompanying movements as well. I think it's the single most difficult piece overall I've done. It's six pages of music that passes in just over two minutes. And, of course, I was the violin 1 part, as in, the one on the top.
    >> DNZL !!1mYGYl/zgoU 03/22/10(Mon)05:02 No.8718657
    I'll have to ask my brother. He's the /b/tard in the house.
    I haven't been up on "current events" in that shithole for a couple of years now, choosing other places for "lolsorandum" entertainment.

    Oh shit, its Gregorian. Badass. I wonder if they've released anything recently.
    In any case, they'll be re-inducted back into my list of foobar playlists.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)05:02 No.8718658
    Metallica goes well with Gregorian chanting btw

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:03 No.8718669
    To be fair, I typed that after a night of scotch drinking, which always makes me bitter.

    But out of my high school orchestra, I can think of only five people who still play. Out of those, three are professionally involved with music.
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)05:03 No.8718671
    I've taken a liking to Intermediate Music and Two Steps from Hell recently.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:03 No.8718672

    Anyone like Yoko Kanno's work?
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)05:06 No.8718678
    I know one guy and a couple other girls that seemed to be interested in moving on to a more musically focused future. Honestly, the guy was pretty excellent and by far the best person I'd ever known at a high school level, I'd even say he rivaled some professionals. I heard he got a multitude of scholarships when he finally graduated.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)05:06 No.8718679

    The Absolute, Must listen to, Best song I've posted this night...
    >> DNZL !!1mYGYl/zgoU 03/22/10(Mon)05:06 No.8718682
    It's how I found out about them, actually.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:06 No.8718684
    Check out Hybrid.
    >> scaredofshadows !!7tJvdfwxbH7 03/22/10(Mon)05:08 No.8718691
    putting me to sleeep

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:08 No.8718694
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:09 No.8718697
    I play guitar/piano/Hammond. Do gigs for fun every now and then
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)05:09 No.8718700
    Pardon me if I prefer music to noise.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:10 No.8718705
    I hate music where they scream. D:
    The music itself sounds lovely, but I can't get over the vocals.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)05:10 No.8718707
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    Easy, ain't they?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:11 No.8718710

    I'd buy so many Arch Enemy albums if they included a second disc sans vocals.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:11 No.8718711
    Im a gunsmith. I collect guns and build my own
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:11 No.8718713

    /thread can now 404 fulfilled.
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)05:11 No.8718716
    I agree so much in most instances.
    Your taste in music is made especially ironic, given that you're likely older than me.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:13 No.8718724

    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)05:13 No.8718727
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    >> Dr. Baron von Evilsatan 03/22/10(Mon)05:14 No.8718731
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    I want to learn to play the cello, but every time I'm about to do something about it I remember I can already sort-of-but-not-really play the piano, guitar, accordion, flute, and trumpet, and the only instrument I actually can play to a decent standard, the trombone, I've dropped my standard considerably because of not playing it enough.

    Aside from my insane amount of camapign material and game systems produced despite not currently being in a group and having no prospects of getting one, I also play funnyfucks with a small array of historical weaponry, and do enough fitness stuff that by time spent alone it's probably a hobby.

    I'm also a combat engineer in the army reserve, which is incredibly awesome because someone out there is actually willing to pay me tax-free dollars to do all the things I've always wanted to do but never wanted to get convicted of.

    I also do a stack of other stuff, but not with the level of focus you'd need to really call it a hobby.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:15 No.8718738

    :D :D :D
    >> scaredofshadows !!7tJvdfwxbH7 03/22/10(Mon)05:15 No.8718744
    try this, no vocals - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObTDvMUMgr4

    I know that I'm subhuman trash
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)05:17 No.8718754
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    Bitches don't even know...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:18 No.8718763
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:19 No.8718767

    Omg, I will marry you.
    >> Dr. Baron von Evilsatan 03/22/10(Mon)05:20 No.8718778
    If you want people to watch this stuff that bad you'd probably be better off if you posted some sort of description beyond a blind youtube link. Most people aren't that heedless.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)05:20 No.8718781
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    Oh, what's that Max? Your second movie sucked? Really?
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)05:22 No.8718784
    G'damn, I loved those hyenas so much as a kid. That song, too.
    >> scaredofshadows !!7tJvdfwxbH7 03/22/10(Mon)05:24 No.8718790
    25 if it's so curious

    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)05:24 No.8718792
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    Of equal merit as well. I happen to love this song.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:24 No.8718795

    Is it weird that I had a thing for Scar when I was younger? Because I'm pretty sure that's fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:25 No.8718799
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    I'm sorry, I can't see your post over the quality animation in Hunchback of Notre Dame 2. Seems like your act faded.

    Youtube link related:
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)05:26 No.8718803
    You are, indeed, older.
    If you did, you're not alone. I felt the same way.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)05:26 No.8718808
    Nah. He's one of the reasons I am who I am today. Clopin and Scar influenced my personality, which is pretty bad ass imo. It's amazing how big of a vocabulary you can develop while watching disney.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:27 No.8718810
    Not really. I had a thing for that kangaroo alien in Titan AE. And then I moved on to muscle girls.

    Actually, don't listen to me.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:27 No.8718811

    To be fair, I'm sure his fuckawesome voice could make any woman wet

    Or make any guy hard, I guess, but I really don't want the mental image of some preteen boy getting a stiffy over Scar
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)05:27 No.8718813
    There was a second one? Crazy. I'll have to find it.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:29 No.8718822
    Nope nothing cool, I just read, watch the telly and whatnot.

    Sometimes I help build thing or carry heavy things since I'm apparently the only one in my gaming community that isn't suffering from muscle deterioration, bad back, knees, too fat to reach in front of oneself ect.
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)05:30 No.8718827
    Disney had a lot of excellent voice actors, to be fair. But your statement is effectively true, Scar had a wonderful voice. It was full of character, malice, and wicked intelligence. Most of the traits that made his character so awesome. I was actually quite sad when he died.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:30 No.8718830
    Oh, Jeremy Irons. :3 ame with Willem Dafoe.

    Yeah, how many 6 years know what sordid means? bahahaha. Plus, Scar is oddly suave for a lion.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:30 No.8718833
    ...I'm glad I never saw that.

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:31 No.8718836
    No. Don't. I've already committed a sin by exposing you.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)05:31 No.8718838
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    I always had a crush on Alice, and I've got a thing for Jasmine. So, maybe Disney did fuck us up.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:33 No.8718848
    And Jafar....
    Jafar was hot. Hell, that entire scene where Jasmine feigns lust for him is hot. Damn, Disney.

    I remember liking someone else, but I can't remember who he was.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:33 No.8718853

    Oh god dude, who fucking didn't

    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)05:34 No.8718855
    Disney used to have good quality characters. That said, while I don't remember much of the movies I used to watch, I remember I quite liked Scar, in fact, I usually had a thing for the bad guys. Usually because they were actually very well done characters with motives and personality. Something so many are lacking these days.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:34 No.8718856
    OH YEAH! Beast! I loved Beast! He was so heartbroken all the time, I just wanted to hug him nonstop throughout that entire movie.
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)05:36 No.8718863
    It's the same mentality that I had about Garrus, I simply could not stand to see him so sad and down all the time.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:36 No.8718864
    Alice's eyes always got/gets me?


    Related with post delicious Alice and instrumental/choral remix.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)05:36 No.8718865
    I've always wanted to be a Disney bad guy. But with modern day Disney... It's just not worth it. The quality died. It's no longer those magical cartoons that you watched 9000 times in a row.

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:37 No.8718870
    ...Thanks for forcing me to realize I may be gay for Beast.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:37 No.8718871
    Movies only suck these days because the audience sucks. Kids are so fucking rotten it seems. And they all have ADD because their parents buy them a shitload of toy to keep them behaved. Because of this, they make movies like Alvin and the Chipmunks.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:37 No.8718872
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    My own advice is to rewatch some to see if you still like them and ensure this isn't just a case of pic related

    [spoilersdon'tworkon/tg/] I've rewatched Mulan, Aladdin, The Lion King, and The Hunchback of Notre Dame. They're all as excellent as I remember them ::3

    ..as long as you ignore all the scenes with the gargoyles from the Hunchback of Notre Dame, that is.. [/spoilersdon'tworkon/tg/]
    >> scaredofshadows !!7tJvdfwxbH7 03/22/10(Mon)05:37 No.8718879
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    going to put this one in retirement home, varity?

    or just take around back to be put down?

    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)05:38 No.8718882
    Oh God, yes. Hades was amazing. I'd forgotten about that, and he was definitely one of my favorite characters from Disney. And evil to boot.
    >> Gaston 03/22/10(Mon)05:38 No.8718883
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    Haha, you liked that furball? Please. You know you loved me.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:39 No.8718890
    Having not actually seen The Frog Princess, I can't comment, but the people I know who have seen it say Disney's getting their groove back.

    related, Friends on the Other side
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:40 No.8718897
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    Absolutely. And I might be a *little* gay for Pocahontas.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:40 No.8718899
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    Let's not forget the plethora of reaction images he has provided us
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)05:41 No.8718903
    The sooner you realize it, anonymous, the sooner you can deal with it. I'm doing you a favor. You're welcome.
    My sentiments almost exactly, I'm not even that old, and I look at most of the people my age around me and think, "what idiots."
    I do have a shotgun, at Wasteland's suggestion I even made rock salt rounds. Been needing something to test them on.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:41 No.8718908
    You know, my lesbo DA:O character being made straight by Allistair suddenly makes a lot of since.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:41 No.8718910

    OH MAN, HADES. "Whoa, is my hair out?"
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)05:42 No.8718913
    Apparently Jewtube is gay about Tarzan songs.
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)05:43 No.8718925
    That movie was full of so many blatant black or whatever style of horrid stereotypes that I simply could not stand to see it.
    Every time I see those pictures, I'm reminded of how much I just love Hades. Time to dust off 'ye olde VHS player', maybe.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:44 No.8718928
    Hades was the character that made me realize I'm bi.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:44 No.8718929
    Tarzan was okay. Not my favourite. Gorillas and monkeys gross me out.


    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)05:45 No.8718934

    HOLY FUCKING NOSTALGIA BATMAN! God, I miss this movie soooo much.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:45 No.8718938

    Add Wolfsbane and Silver to those and you've got yourself some serious anti-furfaggot rounds.

    You can buy silver coins at gun shows or hobby shops for maybe $5 each to melt down. After that, either stick them in a clamshell mold for slugs, or just let the molten metal drip into water for shot.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:45 No.8718941
    I act, do parkour, and make people cry.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:46 No.8718942

    And it's James Woods. He's a cool guy. Like a lesser version of Kevin Spacey.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:46 No.8718943
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    Yeah, I'm pretty [spoilersdon'tworkon/tg/] hot [/spoilersdon'tworkon/tg/], huh?
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)05:46 No.8718944
    Dammit, stop that. My VHS is buried under who knows how many layers of crap and I really don't want to fish it out.
    If I wanted to kill him I wouldn't be using rock salt, now would I?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:46 No.8718947
    I read this as "Let's get down to business, to defeat the nuns"

    I have no regrets.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:48 No.8718964
    My second dog was named Dodger after this movie.
    My first dog was named Spot after 101 Dalmations:


    Dammit, /tg/, I was supposed to be sleeping 5 hours ago, now I'm bawwing over my pets.
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)05:49 No.8718966
    I wish I could just sit and have a conversation with some Disney characters, especially the villains.
    Hey, I like my space nuns.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:49 No.8718968
    Can we *please* archive this thread? I love it so.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)05:50 No.8718971
    Don't watch this. The most B'awwwwwww song from Disney... god it's sad...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:50 No.8718976

    Am I the only one who thought Ariel from The Little Mermaid was a slutty 15 year old who had no idea how to do anything?

    And Ursala is the reason I'm scared of octopi.
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)05:51 No.8718983
    I was born almost the exact time my parents obtained a Spanish water dog. He died when he and I were both 16 years old. It was rather weird, having gone, literally, the first 16 years of my life with a pet, then suddenly have it gone.
    Ursala was just horrible.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:52 No.8718986

    I used to hide because I didn't want anyone seeing me cry during this part of the movie. :'(

    Actually, during a LOT of parts....
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)05:53 No.8718993
    It's so sad, but I love it so.

    I hated the little mermaid bullshit, but that's because I could read at the age of 3, slowly, by 5, I had my hands on the original Brothers Grimm... Kinda ruins it for you.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:54 No.8719001
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    >dat wiggling nose
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:55 No.8719004
    My first dog died about a year ago, and I'm still broken up about it. We still have one of her puppies (who's now going on 10). We got her from the pound the day she was going to be put to sleep, and a few weeks later we found out she was pregnant with six pups. All super cute. Gave birth ON MAH BED.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:56 No.8719020
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    /tg/=hobbies other than traditional games, music, disney music, hot disney villains, bawwing over pets

    never change, /tg/, never change
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:57 No.8719022
    One of my friends has the collected works of the Brothers Grimm; I've been meaning to borrow it.

    Also, "Why couldn't she be the kind of mermaid with the fish part on top, and the lady part on the bottom?"
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)05:57 No.8719027
    I don't think we could if we tried. Not a bad thread.
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)05:58 No.8719029
    Dammit Disney, making movies that make people cry and they thank you for it.
    Been contemplating getting another pet but, eh...
    /tg/ - Miscellanea
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)05:59 No.8719048
    I'm going to print and hand bind my entire book collection on paper that I've made, with leather I'm going to cure. Including all of the Harry Potters, all of the Dresden Files, and all of the Brothers Grimm. I am also in the process of making a massive (80 lbs.) grimoire for my recipes *is a chef*
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)06:00 No.8719053
    Ah, I usually don't use a name, but I left it on after another thread and for pestering Wasteland. Instead of the normal crying about it, it seems decent conversation and a civilized thread formed. Which is, I'll admit, rather surprising.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)06:01 No.8719061
    This thread went from hobbies to music to Disney villains to bawwing over pets.

    How do you guys and two girls feel about breast implants?
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)06:02 No.8719067
    Too busy talking about Disney's epic fucked up influences on our lives.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)06:03 No.8719077
    You sir, have just won the internet.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)06:03 No.8719085
    Fuck yeah, I needed one. I'm going to be using recycled ceder pulp for it.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)06:04 No.8719101
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    If you ever make those recipes digital, I'm sure /tg/ would appreciate it. At least, myself.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)06:05 No.8719103
    Remember that awful woman from The Rescuers? Yeah. She = my stepmother.

    And remember how there was that picture of the naked woman in some of the frames? And how the priest in The Little Mermaid had a huge boner?
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)06:05 No.8719107
    I feel they're kind of vain, but so are a lot of things in life. If someone wants them to feel better about themselves, then they can do whatever they want. When it comes to other people doing their own thing, I'm usually pretty passive and unopinionated..

    Also, I have no idea why, but, obviously, I'm in a talky mood, tonight.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)06:05 No.8719108
    Here's a question... I wonder how many people realized they were furry lovers after A Goofie Movie, and An Extremely Goofy Movie.

    I must admit, that Librarian that Goofy was boning... I was into...
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)06:06 No.8719118
    I currently have 115 cookbooks on this computer alone, what do you need?
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)06:07 No.8719123
    I've never seen those movies.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)06:07 No.8719127

    It would take longer, but you should totally write those books by hand in calligraphy, then bind them. It would look amazing. Then you could pass 'em off to your kids and tell them that you inherited these "ancient texts", and they're based on true stories.... yadda yadda yadda....
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)06:07 No.8719133
    Which is why I was wondering how you could claim Max's second movie was bad with, well, her in it.

    Roxanne and Sylvia: Furry Sirens.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)06:08 No.8719145
    The movie in and of it's self. Bobby and Sylvia were the best parts.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)06:10 No.8719165
    Breast implants are okay if you want to look hot, yeah. But when some guy starts staring, you no longer have the right to say, "MY EYES ARE UP HERE!".
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)06:11 No.8719172
    Yeah. Any movie made in that timespan with "Extremely" was bound to be lacking. I only remember Sylvia, Bobby, and beatnik Pete.
    Wow, um, I'll ask you another time when I'm not sleep deprived and have dry eyes.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)06:12 No.8719185
    Lol, Got an email, or a Vampirefreaks, or something along those lines?
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)06:13 No.8719196
    Most of the women who would get them are probably hoping for that to happen. That's why they did it.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)06:15 No.8719208
    Most of them are vapid and lacking anything of real substance as well.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)06:15 No.8719212
    tsk tsk tsk
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)06:16 No.8719215
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)06:17 No.8719222
    Who needs a brain when you can be paid just for having a body, right?
    What? What'd I do?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)06:17 No.8719225
    Breast Implants? I don't like them. Most women have a delicious ratio as they are.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)06:18 No.8719238
    Sadly, some of them think like that. I wouldn't mind a ditz if that's all it was. Even ditzes can have substance. It's rare, but some of them do develop their own personalities.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)06:20 No.8719248
    What happens to breast implants when you turn like, 75?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)06:20 No.8719253
    Scifi's inspiration for silicon based life, of course.
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)06:21 No.8719254
    I know another girl at my LGS that's about the same. Rather air headed. Has a pretty Chaos Daemons army, though.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)06:22 No.8719261
    ,,, I approve. Even airheads can be filled, with diligent work. It's not necessarily about knowing things either, it's about being able to rationalize your own thoughts and opinions.
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)06:24 No.8719272
    It's sometimes annoying to watch her play. Not because she's ditsy, or doesn't know how to play completely, but because people will take advantage of that and cheat all over the table to her.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)06:24 No.8719280
    Play against her a few times, and reveal to her about what's going down, teach her how to get past it. She'll learn eventually.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)06:26 No.8719293
    I'm sort of ditzy... Goofy, maybe. But I don't think I'm stupid. I mean, I don't mistake Illinois for Ohio.
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)06:27 No.8719296
    I have, she never really grasps it, but she has fun playing. It's just some assholes that take advantage of that to cheat for an easy victory or something.
    On the bright side, she has a horrid multicolored neon Slaanesh army. It's all well painted, just burns to look at. So much neon yellow and pink.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)06:28 No.8719318
    It's still a sensation, therefore, Slaanesh approves. I'm trying to work out a Traitor Inquisition army, I don't care if it's fluff whorey. I take it as "The Emperor is corrupt, and no longer purges the evil, only OUR version works"

    As long as you have fun, who cares.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)06:29 No.8719320
    There was this one kid I knew at this college smack dab in central US. One night they surprisingly served crab cakes, to which I commented on, "This makes me homesick for Georgia." To which he replies, earnestly, "Why? Isn't Georgia landlocked?" Turns out he thought it was somewhere between New York and Ohio.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)06:31 No.8719344
    Ouch. That's pathetic. And they say us Southern Boys are stupid. Can't wait to go to Cali. Boy, that's going to be interesting.
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)06:33 No.8719363
    I usually don't care about much of anything so long as fun is had either way. But every now and then, you get one of, "those guys." Mine is probably the that plays a Space Marine army with Lysander for no reason. He pulls out a Broadside battlesuit from reserve rolling in the middle of the game and I ask if it's a proxy for a Dreadnought or something. He says no, and his 'special marines' had an agreement with the Tau to share technology and Lysander had tea with them and whatever he wants his retarded fluff to be. Yea, I let him do it, it got hit by an Exorcist and died as soon as it came on the table.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)06:36 No.8719378
    There you go. That's the way to deal with it. I love Inquisition, but the way they do their shit, I can't get into the mindset. My mind is based in Chaos, but I still want the inquisition. Why wouldn't they think their brethren are self serving assholes who don't do what is necessary now.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)06:37 No.8719390
    Wow. Well, that Illinois is Ohio story is true about some chick I met. She pointed to a map without names of the states, and she's like, "hurr durr This is Ohio, don't be an idiot.". She wasn't joking. I almost fell over from laughter.
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)06:38 No.8719396
    Basically they do, but they know the survival of humanity is worth the few corrupted people in power. Unless you're trying to start a second Age of Apostasy, which is just rude.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)06:39 No.8719404
    My characters are widely considered assholes who do it for the hell of it. They'd totally be down for it. Think of Jareth mixed with Clopin, with a sprinkling of Deadpool on top...
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)06:42 No.8719427
    Well, it'd divide and basically destroy humanity. Which is why *loyal* Inquisitors wouldn't do it. But, it's no worse than that guy's special half Tau Chapter. The most amusing part is that he constantly rules lawyers, and he's constantly either wrong, or just being stupid. I remember a team game I played, and he threw a literal fit because my Canoness got in an Ally's Land Raider.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)06:44 No.8719445
    Lawled. It's just a different flavor of "Doing what's right" in their own minds eye, no one's the villain. All it would take is for someone extremely devout, to get a rude awakening. Hell, just like how Magnus is switching sides again.
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)06:46 No.8719463
    It's true, but what good is it if the entire Imperium literally dies in the process? Because the Imperium is messed up as it is, why tinker with that already only barely keeps the boat afloat?
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)06:47 No.8719470
    That's the exact reason they're doing it. What good is it, when the boat you're on is just as bad as the ones firing at you? Why not mutiny, convince the other side to defect, then take over.
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)06:49 No.8719484
    That basically just makes them Chaos, though.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)06:50 No.8719495
    That's why I'm doing it lol, They're traitors, they do it for themselves, but for a more deluded reason.
    >> Sister Varity 03/22/10(Mon)06:52 No.8719517
    Well, what I thought you were saying was that they were still *loyal* just thought their way to saving the Imperium was better. Instead of just simply being traitors, which is much simpler.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)06:53 No.8719527
    How many posts does this thread have now?
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)06:53 No.8719535
    Lol, sorry about that. Yeah, it's basically they're planning on enforcing their code of ethics on the universe, because the Emperor is corrupt, and the heresy is everywhere.
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 03/22/10(Mon)07:05 No.8719622
    Shit's gonna 404 soon, it's been good /tg/. Good night.

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