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03/18/10(Thu)22:09 No.8654619>>8654585
but then it got complicated. he had to do things he didn't enjoy to prove his "loyalty." he had to make himself like it. and eventually, he did.
only after years in-game did we cross paths again, in the enemy leader's chambers, I standing to kill him, my ex-comrade being his right-hand. so we fought, and I actually felt bad, because I had loved that NPC, he was awesome, and I really felt bad for him. I disabled him, but he fucked our party up, then the BBEG came forward into the fight.
so, after a sound thrashing, the wizard is getting ready to enact his Snafu plan (i.e. teleport the fuck out of there), the rogue is dead, the cleric is out cold, and I'm in negative hit points (fuck yeah Diehard). I get one action before I get Coup de Graced. I use Blood of the Martyr, heal the Blackguard for 1 hit point (putting myself at -7) and implore him to return to his senses.
so, he picks up my sword, gut-fucks the BBEG in the kidneys with it, and then moves to save me, but too late. he confesses to me the horrible things he'd done over the past years, and about his family. as I'm ticking from -9 to -10, I tell him "it's OK. you'll see them, Like me, on the other side..." and I died.
so, a while later, cleric wakes up, wizard comes back, they get me and the rogue's dead asses. they find my sword in the BBEG's back, so they think I killed him. Blackguard had since fled again. they res the rogue. I elect to stay dead, leaving the mystery as is.
in a future game, I play a 1st level Paladin, and I meet the Grandmaster of the Riders of Hieroneous, champion of the Great War of years past. it's the blackguard, redeemed, but still with all his blackguard abilities, using my old paladin's name. he used "lolamnesia" and my paladin's very nondescript face (along with his copious scars) to assume my old Identity. it was a mind-fuck. |