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  • File : 1268790413.jpg-(10 KB, 200x195, 1259647038773.jpg)
    10 KB Reality is more ridiculous than your Campaign Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)21:46 No.8623325  
    In response to the "Axe Murder Incident," the UN Command determined that instead of trimming the branches that obscured visibility, they would cut down the tree with the aid of overwhelming force. The operation, named after mythical lumberjack Paul Bunyan, was conceived as a US/South Korean show of force, but was also carefully managed to prevent further escalation. It was planned over two days by General Richard G. Stilwell and his staff at the UNC headquarters in Seoul

    Operation Paul Bunyan was carried out on August 21 at 7 AM, just three days after the killings. A convoy of 23 American and South Korean vehicles (‘Task Force Vierra’, named for Lieutenant Colonel Victor S. Vierra, commander of the United States Army Support Group) drove into the JSA without any warning to the North Koreans, who only had one observation post manned at that early hour. In the vehicles were two eight-man teams of military engineers (from the 2nd Engineer Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division) equipped with chain-saws to cut down the tree. These teams were accompanied by two 30-man security platoons from the Joint Security Force, who were armed with pistols and axe handles. The 2nd Platoon would secure the northern entrance to the JSA via the “Bridge of No Return”, while the 3rd Platoon would secure the southern edge of the area.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)21:47 No.8623339
    Concurrently, a team from B Company, commanded by CPT Walter Seifried, had activated the detonation systems for the charges on Freedom Bridge and had the 165mm main gun of the CEV aimed mid-span to ensure that the bridge would fall should the order be given for its destruction. Also B Company, supporting E Company (Bridge), commanded by CPT Williams, were building M4T6 rafts on the Imjin River should the situation require emergency evacuation by that route.

    In addition, a 64-man ROK special forces company accompanied them, armed with clubs and trained in Tae Kwon Do, supposedly without firearms. However, once they parked their trucks near the Bridge of No Return, they started throwing out the sandbags that lined the truck bottoms, and handing out M-16 rifles and M-79 grenade launchers that had been concealed below. Several of the special forces men also had Claymore mines strapped to their chests with the firing mechanism in their hands, and were shouting at the North Koreans to cross the bridge
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)21:48 No.8623360
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    A U.S. infantry company in 20 utility helicopters and 7 Cobra attack helicopters circled behind them. Behind these helicopters, B-52 bombers escorted by U.S. F-4 fighters from Kunsan Air Base and ROK F-5 fighters were visible flying across the sky at high altitude. At Osan Air Base, F-111 fighters had been armed and fueled, ready to take off at short notice. The aircraft carrier Midway task force had also been moved to a station just offshore. In addition, near the edges of the DMZ, many more heavily armed U.S. and ROK infantry, artillery (which included the 2nd Bn/71st ADA (HAWK) in the 2ID/ICorps area), and armor were waiting to back up the special operations team. The bases near the DMZ were prepared for demolition in the case of a military response. The defense condition (DEFCON) was elevated on order of Gen. Stillwell, as recounted in Col. De LaTeur's research paper later. In addition, 12,000 additional troops were ordered to Korea, including 1,800 Marines from Okinawa.
    Altogether, Task Force Vierra consisted of 813 men: almost all of the men of the United States Army Support Group, of which the Joint Security Force was a part; a ROK reconnaissance company; a ROK Special Forces company which had infiltrated the river area by the bridge the night before; and members of a reinforced composite rifle company from the 9th Infantry Regiment. In addition to this force, every UNC force in the rest of South Korea was on full battle alert with all weapons loaded, ready to fire if needed.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)21:49 No.8623368
    in case y'all didnt know Korean officer axed an american one to death

    He was nicknamed "Lt. Bulldog"

    fuck year
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)21:50 No.8623378
    Your tax dollars at work.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)21:50 No.8623383
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    The engineers in the convoy — two teams from B Company and C Company, 2d Engineer Battalion, led by 1LT Patrick Ono, who had, two days before, conducted a recon of the tree disguised as a Korean Corporal — disembarked from their vehicles once the convoy arrived, and immediately started cutting down the tree while standing on the roof of their truck, while the 2nd Platoon truck was positioned to block the Bridge of No Return. The remainder of the task force dispersed to their assigned areas around the tree and assumed their roles of guarding the engineers.
    North Korea quickly responded with about 150–200 troops, armed with machine guns and assault rifles. he North Korean troops arrived mostly in buses, but did not leave them at first, watching the events unfold. Upon seeing their arrival, LTC Vierra relayed a radio communication, whereupon the helicopters and Air Force jets became visible over the horizon. The North Koreans quickly disembarked from their buses and began setting up two-man machine gun positions, where they watched in silence as the tree fell in 42 minutes (three minutes fewer than Stilwell's estimate)
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)21:50 No.8623386
    I couldn't be prouder
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)21:50 No.8623388
    you shouldn't be surprised at anything involving north korea
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)21:52 No.8623406
    >armed with pistols and axe handles

    What? Why not the entire axe? Budget cutbacks?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)21:52 No.8623413
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    Also removed were two road barriers installed by the North Koreans
    while the South Korean troops also vandalized two North Korean guard posts. The stump of the tree, almost 20 ft (6 m) tall, was deliberately left as a reminder.
    Five minutes into the operation, the UNC notified their North Korean counterparts at the JSA that a UN work party had entered the JSA "in order to peacefully finish the work left unfinished" on August 18
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)21:52 No.8623419
    So in response they cut down a tree.
    That sounds like something advicedog would be behind, I think im missing some context.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)21:54 No.8623457
    They mobilized for war, and said to North Korea "We are cutting down the tree and if you stop us we have a fleet of Airborne B-52s that will clear cut your capital city."

    It was a show of force, a massive "Fuck You" to Korean.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)21:54 No.8623459

    A few days before, a small US team was sent out to trim branches off the tree that were blocking their LOS over the no-mans-land, and North Korean soldiers jumped them and murdered several men with their own axes.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)21:55 No.8623473
    >special forces men also had Claymore mines strapped to their chests with the firing mechanism in their hands, and were shouting at the North Koreans

    Flashbacks to every campaign I have ever GM'd with my group...
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)21:56 No.8623479
    So, lemme get this straight.
    >Korean officer axes american officer.
    >America gets pissed.
    >Decides to chop down a tree to get revenge.
    There is nothing else there?
    God dammit what the fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)21:56 No.8623500
    Thank you, makes more sense.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)21:57 No.8623507
    until a couple of years ago didnt both sides have giant speakers on towers so people could hurl insults to each other over the DMZ?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)21:57 No.8623509
    Having been posted to the DMZ, I can tell you it is all about posturing.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)21:58 No.8623521
    Yes, they did. Like I said in the title, reality is more screwed up then any game you have ever played in or run.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)21:59 No.8623553
    >Several of the special forces men also had Claymore mines strapped to their chests with the firing mechanism in their hands, and were shouting at the North Koreans to cross the bridge
    jesus christ these guys are nuts
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:00 No.8623568
    Wouldn't setting that thing off break all of your ribs?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:00 No.8623575
    That's insane. And it's written like a comedy, with the forces mobilized becoming more ridiculous with every sentence.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:01 No.8623580
    If you rolled a 20 on your saving throw.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:01 No.8623591
    Axecop comes to mind, and I couldn't be any prouder.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:01 No.8623594
    1) Tree blocking visibility
    2) US/SK send guys in to trim it.
    3) NK attacks guys and kill two.
    4) US/SK send overwhelming motorized force to chop down tree backed by attack helicopters, supersonic fighters, and strategic bombers
    5) NK decides not to attack this one

    Not really getting back at them for the murders, but not totally pointless either.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:01 No.8623595
    It would probably kill you. Like I said, the DMZ is like the twilight zone.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:01 No.8623598
    >North Korea

    Will you two just fuck already!
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:02 No.8623613
    Probably. But would you want to fuck with the crazy guy yelling and cussing with a mine strapped to his chest?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:03 No.8623629
    It's suicide bombing, but most of the destructive force goes forward.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:03 No.8623630
    >B company

    I got to stop playing Bad Company 2, This whole situation FUCKING HILARIOUS with them in mind.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:04 No.8623652
    It's ridiculous as is. Strategic Bombers and a Carrier Battle group as backup for a tree trimming operation.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:04 No.8623656
    can we have more tales from the DMZ please?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:12 No.8623798
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    You cannot be a guard in South Korea at the DMZ unless you are taller than 6'0, trained in unarmed combat, etc. You are required at alltimes to maintain the 'dominance stance' which is strictly regulated to ensure you look intimidating. The feet must be spaced a certain distance, and your hands must always be balled into fists, held away from your body.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:15 No.8623869
    why are those two guys half behind the walls?
    cover from snipers?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:15 No.8623880

    ...are those mannequins in uniform?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:16 No.8623882
    Partly, yes.
    >> Starship Troopers RP Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:16 No.8623907
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    Who has played it?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:17 No.8623918
    They're in time-out.
    The third guy is there to make sure they don't talk to each other or anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:17 No.8623919
    I never knew about this, but a quick google says it is all true.

    That whole situation is ridiculously fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:17 No.8623924
    This was meant to be its own thread!
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:18 No.8623940
    >It's ridiculous as is. Strategic Bombers and a Carrier Battle group as backup for a dicksizing operation.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:18 No.8623943
    i want to go on this tour
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:19 No.8623956
    Then delete it and repost it.
    >> Disasterbation !!7D6z0JTG1+/ 03/16/10(Tue)22:20 No.8623967

    It gets better, onn the NK side the third guy in the middle faces TOWARDS North Korea to make sure nobody tries to do a runner into the South.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:22 No.8624006
    Jesus Christ, this thread is factual based on that tour.

    I love the stance name for the guards "ROCK READY"
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:24 No.8624045
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:24 No.8624050
    i dont know if this is true or not
    but i heard that before they had flags inside those blue buildings and it eventually turned into a pissing contest as each side would keep bringing in a slightly bigger flag until it got to the point where they flags couldent be properly displayed inside the buildings.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:24 No.8624052
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    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:25 No.8624062
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    It is true.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:27 No.8624103
    this shits amazing
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:28 No.8624122
    Ha ha oh wow.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:33 No.8624248
    is that picture from the OTHER side of the border?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:34 No.8624282
    It's two pictures from the North Side taken by westerners who hid the film.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:36 No.8624330
    i didnt even know the north let people into their country
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:37 No.8624338
    looks like they were spotted in the second one.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:39 No.8624391
    They won't let in americans, but anyone else can go on a tightly regulated package holiday.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:40 No.8624412
    I know they obviously weren't, but it looks like it. the guy's looking directly into the camera with a "what the fuck" look on his face.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:41 No.8624431
    I'm glad our military now operates on the level of the crotchety, slightly senile old man across the street who gets pissed because your kids were playing in his lawn and decides to totally fuck up your hedges in retaliation.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:43 No.8624463
    they let in less than 1000 outsiders a year in

    place is one fucked up country. its like time stood still in north korea from the 1950s. there are no dogs in the entire country except a few used in military and police units. all the rest got eaten a long time ago. most people dont own phones and most have no idea what a computer or the internet are. They accually believe that America invaded north korea in the war and that america is ready to kick in thier doors and invade again
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:44 No.8624487
    You have to book a flight from China and get subjected to some crazy searches to make sure you aren't smuggling in cameras.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:44 No.8624500
    >now operates

    the tree cutting incident happened in 1976
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:45 No.8624516
    I read somewhere their propaganda paints the rest of the world as a hellhole and NK is better off than everyone else. Yeah.

    Shit's depressing to read about.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:47 No.8624552
    the propaganda is insane over there...let me see if I can dig up the documentary I saw one that had some doctors that managed to make it into north korea on a humanitarian plea to do free surgeries....
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:49 No.8624579
    For hilarious NK propaganda, you could do worse than read the official Korean Central News Agency site:

    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:49 No.8624582

    Is that guy fidgeting like that because he's worried about snipers, or does he just need to pee?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:50 No.8624600
    Is it strange that I read every bit of the OP's posts in Hunter's voice?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:51 No.8624611

    That in itself is both hilarious and telling.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:52 No.8624621
    There's also the Vice Guide to North Korea where some guys take a tourist trip and bring cameras. Its interesting.
    >> scaredofshadows !!7tJvdfwxbH7 03/16/10(Tue)22:52 No.8624624
    Normally I'd make some off-hand remark highlighting the savage practices of mankind, but not tonight. With respect to the North Koreans, it's a bit depressing how badly some of you treat your own siblings and neighbours.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:52 No.8624631
    ahh yeah....was a national geographic piece

    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:52 No.8624634
    >I read somewhere their propaganda paints the rest of the world as a hellhole and NK is better off than everyone else. Yeah.
    It's true. It's kinda like the US regarding health care. It's a big shitty shitpile but IN CANADA HOSPITALS ARE ACTUALLY SOYLENT GREEN FACTORIES! BE HAPPY THAT WE HAVE HOSPITALS HERE! (300,000 dollars plz)
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:53 No.8624659
         File1268794418.jpg-(62 KB, 548x700, north korea at night.jpg)
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    I wonder if NK is ever going to join the rest of the world.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:54 No.8624674
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    >Normally I'd make some off-hand remark highlighting the savage practices of mankind, but not tonight.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:55 No.8624699

    I just read about this recently, this is one of the most fucked-up things I've ever heard about. I raged about Bad Korea for a few hours after.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:57 No.8624718


    Canadafag here. I'm not convinced they don't function as both.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:58 No.8624731
    i second this motion

    watching this right now
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:58 No.8624735
    Stop pretending you aren't human.

    You're not a person, but you're homo sapien alright.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)22:58 No.8624748
    I've never understood how the guy on the right side of that image is happy about getting pushed.
    >> scaredofshadows !!7tJvdfwxbH7 03/16/10(Tue)22:59 No.8624757
    Is it that much of a shock to you how I can behave with the rage temporarily sapped from me?

    A question if you would entertain such a notion, does anyone foresee North Korea adopting a less hostile national policy upon the death of their dictator?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:00 No.8624773
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:03 No.8624815

    The country is apeshit fucked up. There's a gigantic cult of personality around the original dictator and the place is essentially in a self-perpetuating vice grip of corruption and paranoia that will crush the life out of it within the century, ending in either bloody revolt or quiet dissolution.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 03/16/10(Tue)23:03 No.8624818
    rolled 1, 1, 3 = 5

    > DPRK Will Show No Mercy to Aggressors

    Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- The servicepersons and people of the DPRK, who value the dignity and sovereignty of the nation dearer than their own lives, will clearly teach what miserable end the U.S. and south Korean bellicose forces will meet if they dare provoke the second Korean war.

    Is it wrong of me to want to run a campaign based on North Korean propaganda?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:04 No.8624835
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:05 No.8624846

    Yeah, the U.S. *is* pretty fucked up, isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:05 No.8624850

    Kim's three sons and his son-in-law, along with O Kuk-ryol, an army general, have been noted as possible successors, but the North Korean government has been wholly silent on this matter.[76] South Korean media have suggested Kim is grooming his son Kim Jong-chul, while defectors and Western media have suggested the possibility of his youngest known son Kim Jong-un who is described to be "just like his father", has the exact same political views and his explosive tempers,[citation needed] but Kim Yong Hyun, a political expert at the Institute for North Korean Studies at Seoul's Dongguk University, has said, "Even the North Korean establishment would not advocate a continuation of the family dynasty at this point."[77] Kim's eldest son Kim Jong-nam was earlier believed to be the designated heir but he appears to have fallen out of favor after being arrested at Narita International Airport near Tokyo in 2001 while traveling on a forged passport.[78]

    On 2 June 2009, it was reported that Kim Jong Il's youngest son, Jong Un, was to be North Korea's next leader.[79] Like his father and grandfather, he has also been given an official sobriquet, The Brilliant Comrade.[80] It has been reported that Kim Jong Il is expected to officially designate the son as his successor in 2012.[81] However, there are reports that if leadership passes to one of the sons, Kim Jong Il's brother-in-law, Chang Sung-taek, could attempt to take power from him.[81]
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:06 No.8624866
    Perhaps the same could be said of ALL nations. But enough talk. Have at you!
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:12 No.8624987
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    >> scaredofshadows !!7tJvdfwxbH7 03/16/10(Tue)23:12 No.8624994
    Are we not conversing as homo sapiens? You appear to be the aggressor here.

    So relations with North Korea for the foreseeable future look difficult. What non-military solutions have strategists suggested for goading them into ceasing their self-genocide?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:15 No.8625046

    there is really nothing to be done
    it is hoped that because south korea is so much more successful that the people will begin to want to become democratic
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:15 No.8625047
    How does faggot wolf know what keyboard is?
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 03/16/10(Tue)23:18 No.8625092
    rolled 5, 5, 1 = 11

    It has been suggested that the U.S. begin withdrawing from the region, and encourage Japan and South Korea to deal with the problem, perhaps by developing their own nuclear weapons (though in the case of Japan, that would be highly improbable).
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:18 No.8625103

    This. There's a small handful of people at the very top of the chain of command getting VERY rich off of the black market for food they created. International aid shipments come in, they get 'diverted' and sold for absolutely exorbitant prices that go to the insanely corrupt military officers.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:19 No.8625113

    there is some social engineering projects being attempted but it is slow going

    I am reminded of a story I heard that in NK it is illegal to destroy something with the image of Dear Leader on it. but it is also illegal NOT to pick up trash. so, someone made anti-party leaflets with a picture of Dear Leader on them and scattered them on the ground.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:20 No.8625126
    who the fuck is this verbose faggot and why is he talking like he's an alien or some shit?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:20 No.8625127
    Actually Japan has nukes, but they do NOT talk about it. Last-ditch cold war shit, more or less. They aren't playing the bullshit 'do they or don't they' game as Israel though, because if they even went that far their population would freak out.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:21 No.8625147
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 03/16/10(Tue)23:21 No.8625148
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    >illegal NOT to pick up trash
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:24 No.8625194
    >part 3
    >at about 3:45
    that dude yelling at the north koreans over a megaphone because they wont pick up the phone
    how much do you think he loves his job?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:24 No.8625204
    Ironically, North Korea best hope for anything approaching civilisation is China. Maybe when Kim Jong Il dies, the possibility of a power struggle, one of the sides turns to china. It enters as a peacekeeping force and instututes market reform, if not political.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:26 No.8625251
    China doesn't want the risk of NK collapsing because that means tons of refugees pouring over the border.
    If they step in and tell Kim Jong "stop that shit" when he's being stupid, it might help though.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:31 No.8625362
    You know sometimes I woner with places like North Korea. Do the leaders know their country is a backwards shit pile. I mean the populace have no fucking clue. But do the leaders. Do you think growing up in that country, even with all the benefits corruption brings, allows them the intellectual ability to realise they are clearly doing things wrong. Do they understand how miserably their country is failing and cling to it harder as a source of power, or do they honestly believe they are somehow world leaders.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:35 No.8625431
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    you would have to ask a north korean that
    is funny see? anyone who believes in that philosophy would still be in north korean.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:38 No.8625486
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    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:38 No.8625488
    I remember reading somewhere that NK encourages it's citizens to catch vermin to eat.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:39 No.8625510
    Dude has secret agents in the west to buy him the latest furniture and dvds, don't think he really cares.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:45 No.8625598
    I'll tell you right now, if I had my way everyone on that border would be from Compton, and no dress code would be enforced.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:45 No.8625605
    We need to culturebomb the fuck out of them and turn them into happy and eager consumers, just like we did with the soviets.

    Take a few thousand weather balloons and fit them with sacks full of glossy, waterproof magazines, art supplies, textiles, crayons, candy, trinkets for kids, cheap shiny jewelry, prepaid cellphones from Chinese or SoKo carriers, and wind-up FM radios. The magazines should be about art, culture, fashion, architecture, home decor etc. Just pictures, no words or COMMUNISM BAD/CAPITALISM GOOD propaganda. Maybe some subtle propaganda about China's more progressive version of communism and strong economic growth. Rig the balloons to start dropping goodies at random intervals and float them over the border into North Korea during a storm or something so they won't (all) be shot down.

    North Korea's leadership depends on indoctrination and strict control of information to maintain control, scattering subversive material across the countryside undermines that control. Dear Leader then gets to choose between sending the army around to confiscate all this crap, which will piss off more than a few people who will resent having to part with their new toys, or taking no direct action and being forced to deal with all the uncomfortable questions like "if we're so awesome, why don't we have indoor plumbing like the people in these pictures?"

    Best case scenario, dear leader loses face, and the populace demands change. Worst case scenario, dear leader tries to distract the people by invading South Korea and nuking Japan, no big loss.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:46 No.8625632
    Replace all those weather balloon junk-baskets with Anthrax envelopes and I think we have a plan...
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:47 No.8625649
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    Play nothing but Lil' Jon and David Banner at ridiculous volumes all day, and do doughnuts in expensive cars where people on the other side can see them.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:49 No.8625674
    I'm not sure you're getting the whole rescuing the oppressed North Korean from their tyrannical government so they can enjoy the benefits of capitalism thing.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:49 No.8625689
    >I am reminded of a story I heard that in NK it is illegal to destroy something with the image of Dear Leader on it. but it is also illegal NOT to pick up trash. so, someone made anti-party leaflets with a picture of Dear Leader on them and scattered them on the ground.
    ...what happened?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:50 No.8625700
    I though we were trying to get them to come to us... Not scare them away.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:50 No.8625702
    What? Who wants to do that? I want a land war.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:54 No.8625766
    Solution: Put Dear Leaders face in the corner and make the images of clearly European and American settings
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:55 No.8625786
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    >when the people take off their eye bandages in the 5th part
    jesus fucking christ thats some intense indoctrination right there.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:59 No.8625841

    So you just want to kill random farmers?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:00 No.8625848
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    >woman has been blind for most of her life
    >"I will work harder at the salt mines and gather more salt to bring you happiness PRAISE THE DEAR LEADER!"
    I really wish I were making this shit up
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:00 No.8625855
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:04 No.8625904
    I know I love his job.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:04 No.8625919

    Move to North Korea and join the military.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:06 No.8625951
    Why do that, I can just join the US Army
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:06 No.8625953
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    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:08 No.8625981
    This is the most informative /tg/ article I've read today.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:12 No.8626055

    I don't think I've ever been so horrified in my life. Never have I valued my freedom so much. I'm angry and sickened at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:14 No.8626083
    NK didn't just arbitrarily happen... the people of NK ALLOWED it to happen
    >> scaredofshadows !!7tJvdfwxbH7 03/17/10(Wed)00:16 No.8626106
    Do you think perhaps the North Korean's willingness to accept their current situation is a defence mechanism with respect to some national level trauma?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:18 No.8626125
    People are vulnerable to soldiers with automatic weapons, and vulnerable to propaganda, whether it's propaganda about the Great Leader being incredible, or other countries being horrible, or propaganda about American exceptionalism.

    People like you make me sick. You think it couldn't happen here.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:19 No.8626156
    >You think it couldn't happen here.

    Don't think for even a SECOND I was trying to insinuate THAT
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:21 No.8626172

    To some extent, yes. Those who know there's a better world keep their mouths shut and keep on going, because if they speak up they, their families, anybody who heard them dissent, and THEIR families be tortured and killed.

    Not even exaggerating. It's quite possibly the ultimate representation of a hellish dystopia that exists.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:21 No.8626178

    I think that's the single most coherent and intelligent sentence that's come out of your mouth.

    But no, I think it may have more to do with sheer unrelenting brutality of a regime propped up by support by a very different China in it's early years. China changed due to massive economic and population potential. NK didn't have as much threat from it's populace. By the time china was forced to change, NK had established firm indoctrination on a completely cowed populace.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:22 No.8626182
    One Russian went on vacation to NK a few years ago, took photos and everything. His response to it all could be summarized as:
    "Holy shit, these guys are primitive, even compared to what I lived through at the end of the Communist Era."

    His hotel windows didn't even have proper glass. It was the shitty crystal that most nations stopped using after WW2.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:22 No.8626190
    Did you know that gun ownership is not only permitted in NK, but mandatory?

    Suck it, second amendment fags.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:23 No.8626195
    Senior Lt. Pak Chul, whom the UNC soldiers had previously nicknamed "Lt. Bulldog" due to a history of confrontations. Pak and his subordinates appeared to observe the trimming without concern for approximately 15 minutes, until he abruptly told the UNC to cease the activity stating the tree could not be trimmed "because Kim Il Sung personally planted it and nourished it and it’s growing under his supervision."Capt. Bonifas ordered the detail to continue, and turned his back on Lt. Pak Chul.
    After being ignored by Capt. Bonifas, Pak Chul sent a runner across the Bridge of No Return. Within minutes a North Korean guard truck crossed the bridge and approximately 20 more North Korean guards disembarked carrying crowbars and clubs. Pak Chul again demanded that the tree trimming stop, and when Capt. Bonifas again turned his back on him, Pak Chul removed his watch, carefully wrapped it in a handkerchief, placed it in his pocket, and then shouted "Kill them!" as he swung a karate chop to the back of Capt. Bonifas' neck.
    Using axes dropped by the tree-trimmers, the KPA forces attacked the two U.S. soldiers, Capt. Bonifas and Lt. Barrett, and wounded all but one of the UNC guards.[2][7]
    While Capt. Bonifas died instantly, Lt. Barrett jumped a low wall which led into a 15 ft. (4½ m) deep tree-filled depression. The depression was not visible from the road. The entire fight lasted for only about 20–30 seconds before the UNC Force managed to disperse the KPA guards and place Capt. Bonifas' body in their truck.


    Trees. Srs Business.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:24 No.8626207
    >took photos and everything

    You wouldn't happen to have any to share, would you?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:24 No.8626211
    he fucking killed him
    with a single karate chop
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:26 No.8626226
    >...he swung a karate chop to the back of Capt. Bonifas' neck...
    >...While Capt. Bonifas died instantly...
    He killed a guy with a karate chop!?

    No wonder they brought trucks full of martial arts experts the next time!
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:27 No.8626237
    I agree. I mean, for a good couple of decades North Korea could soundly kick South Korea's ass in terms of industry and economy (sure, they had help from the Soviet Union and China, but still), while SK had, in the Park Chung Hee administration, basically your average South American right wing dictatorship, but with more kimchee.

    Kim Il Sung and his cronies had the horrors of Japanese occupation and the Korean War to scare the populace with, but the country didn't have the kind of post-war trauma Germany or Japan had.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:27 No.8626238

    A single sharp blow between the shoulder blades at the right moment can stop the heart.

    A sharp blow to the neck could likely sever the spinal cord.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:27 No.8626240
    This needs to be in a movie.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:29 No.8626257
    it would bomb in the box office
    people will find it to unbelievable
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:30 No.8626278
    >it would bomb in the box office
    >no north koreans would die
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:31 No.8626296
    not true

    cite yer source cause it aint true
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:34 No.8626335
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    Why are they doing that? I used to think that North Korea was bad, but if we're throwing babies down wells, maybe they have a point.

    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:35 No.8626349
    That's why you don't fucking turn your back on your enemy.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:35 No.8626352
    Article 60 of the Socialist Constitution of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea states that the "Entire people" of the country are to be armed.

    It's part of their constitution that everyone gets a gun.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:38 No.8626391
    Of course, it's not like they actually have enough resources to arm everyone. Not that they would want to.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:40 No.8626423
    AK-47 knockoffs cost about a dollar, and last forever. Much easier to give everyone guns than to give everyone food.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:40 No.8626425
    you should read Pyongyang its a comic about some guy who lived in north korea for a year
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:41 No.8626438
    Throwing a NK kid down a well is a mercykilling, otherwise he has to grow up in NK.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:42 No.8626469
    >implying that countries actually fear an armed populace when they have tanks
    IEDs can hurt a military. Guns, not so much.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:44 No.8626491
    Especially when they're all indoctrinated and will only use those guns to shoot americans
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:44 No.8626500
    Article 60 also states in times of military emergency

    of course the Socialist Constitution of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea also guarantees civil and political rights, such as freedom of expression, the right to elect officials, the right to a fair trial, and freedom of religion; none of these rights are respected in practice, however
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:45 No.8626516
    I read all this in Hunter's Voice. Damn it was funny.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:45 No.8626518
    that, too
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:46 No.8626532
    >North Korea
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:47 No.8626546
    You can fool someone into thinking he's free, but you can't fool him into thinking he's armed.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:48 No.8626551
    Make no mistake. North Korea has thousands of tanks and tens of thousands of artillery pieces.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:51 No.8626603
    Yes you can. I know several dumbfucks who think their shotgun will protect them from the government. Shotguns mean shit against any kind of armor.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:52 No.8626625
    Thinking guns will DO anything against a military is another matter.

    That's the point that was originally being made a bunch of posts ago. How the 2nd amendment won't do shit against government oppression.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:53 No.8626634
    And about a single clip of ammo each.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:54 No.8626656
    Simo Hayha would like to argue with you on your opinion on how much one man with rifle can do.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:57 No.8626691

    Simo Hayha, while fucking awesome, was dealing with late 40s body armor (i.e. a helmet) and didn't have to deal with tanks.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:57 No.8626697
    Yeah, because every dumbfuck with a shotgun is totally comparable in skill with the best marksman the world has ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)01:06 No.8626805
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    Simo was going against shitty Russian tanks that failed frequently and enemy troops wearing olive drab in a winter enviroment. Defending troops were able to put them out of commission with crowbars.. Also according to Wikipedia, "The Soviet troops lacked skill in skiing, so soldiers were restricted to movement by road and were forced to move in long columns. Furthermore, the Red Army lacked proper winter tents, and men had to sleep in improvised shelters.Some Soviet units had frostbite casualties as high as 10% even before crossing the Finnish border." Sino was laying waste to an unorganized, wounded, ill prepared force.
    Is he a badass? Yes.
    Did he have remarkable advantages? Yes.
    Would you have those same advantages? No.
    Are you Simo? No.
    Your rifle won't do shit against your army if they decide they don't like you.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)01:07 No.8626812
    Is that the umbrella incorporation?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)01:08 No.8626830

    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)01:10 No.8626848

    Some of their guns probably use clips.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)01:12 No.8626876
    This entire thread just made me want to be deployed to the DMZ. Just the sheer amount of dickery sounds great
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)01:12 No.8626880
    Yeah. Assault rifles and such for the army. Militias would be lucky to see even WW2 surplus Arisakas.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)01:27 No.8627093
    >You know sometimes I wonder with places like North Korea. Do the leaders know their country is a backwards shit pile.

    Oh, Kim Jong Il knows his country is bass ackwards. He has an ipod, satellite tv, videogames, gourmet food, a luxurious mansion, the works. Meanwhile, his top party officials live cramped apartments that look straight out of Compton. He knows, he just doesn't give a fuck.

    >Do they understand how miserably their country is failing and cling to it harder as a source of power, or do they honestly believe they are somehow world leaders.

    Kim and anyone who is EXTREMELY close to him knows, they just don't care because they have it fucking good. Everyone else has long since been totally and utterly brainwashed, mostly from birth, and are totally ignorant about the rest of the world.

    Those who do know about the rest of the world (translators, spies, information handlers, etc) have been groomed from birth to believe all that is outside the reach of the dear leader is evil and horrendous. Even if they do have a clue, their families are held hostage by party zealots.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)01:40 No.8627267
    >>8627093Those who do know about the rest of the world (translators, spies, information handlers, etc) have been groomed from birth to believe all that is outside the reach of the dear leader is evil and horrendous. Even if they do have a clue, their families are held hostage by party zealots.

    >> StrainLeader !fxQAUPZaVw 03/17/10(Wed)01:40 No.8627268

    Goddamn the documentaries in 20 years when N. Korea colapses and opens up is going to be fucking hilarious.
    >> StrainLeader !fxQAUPZaVw 03/17/10(Wed)01:41 No.8627291

    fuck. Should not have laughed that much.

    Wait... South Koreans are clearly Zerg, We're apparently Terran and North Koreans are Protoss?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)01:45 No.8627337
    >>8627291Wait... South Koreans are clearly Zerg, We're apparently Terran and North Koreans are Protoss?

    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)01:52 No.8627420
    Yeah, we won't have had a laugh that good since Rwanda. Darfur tried, but they just can't compete.

    Oh look, and here's the Internet equivalent of North Korea. How oddly appropriate.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)01:55 No.8627449

    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)01:59 No.8627501

    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:06 No.8627581
    Hey, fuck you and your fancy rifles and military training.

    Gavrilo Princip would like to argue with you on your opinion on how much one kid with one pistol can do.
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!TZikiEEr0tg 03/17/10(Wed)02:07 No.8627592

    Darfur is officially over because they succeeded in killing everyone.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:09 No.8627613

    Gavrilo Princip got lucky. I mean, c'mon, the guy was in an open-roofed car, which broke down around the block from the cafe where he was mourning how much of a failure he was. What the fuck are the odds of that happening?

    And none of you snarky shits tell me "pretty good, considering the guy got shot."
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:18 No.8627714
    We're talking about the Korean DMZ, and no one has posted this? Ya'll are bustas, /tg/. Straight bustas.

    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:23 No.8627765
    north koreans are suubhuman animals

    same with africans
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:39 No.8627950
    Well, no, not really.

    I mean, sure they could just rape the corpses, and they probably do as practice, but I think that the Arabs there can probably only get off if the woman is actively screaming and and making futile attempts to fight back or get away.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:43 No.8628005
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    God Bless America
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:44 No.8628015
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:53 No.8628118
    This is wonderful.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:54 No.8628147
    This is how the Japanese view Americans.

    Which is actually them being generous. Note that the woman is neither fat, ugly, or carrying a Bible.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:57 No.8628176
    Actually, the Japanese are one of the few countries that don't stereotype us as fat. We're all cowboys in America.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:59 No.8628203
    The truthfulness of the sentiment varies. I don't actually see a lot of fatties around here, that's mostly in the cities.
    Fuck cities.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:59 No.8628214
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    Shit just got real.

    Also, Axe Cop bears a striking resemblance to Hunter Gathers. Intentional, OP?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:00 No.8628226
    See, the problem here is that you believe that if a population like the US rose up in rebellion, that part of the army wouldn't as well.

    Beyond that, The chucklefucks ready for this sort of thing have more than just shotguns and hunting rifles.

    WW2 shit may be outdated, but it's still quite dangerous. And IEDs work surprisingly well.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:03 No.8628253
    Depends on the city as well. Really, out in California, near and in LA, I don't see a whole lot of fat people.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:04 No.8628267
    Gonna second this, really. The thing to remember about uprisings is that it isn't about fighting the military. It's about fighting what amounts to riot cops and guys in suits. If shit ever hits the point where the military would have to be deployed to control the populace, the military won't exist as a coherent entity anymore, because the actual fighting components of the military are predominantly made up of the kind of people who would be rebelling, and Inter-branch communication is too low for "the military" to fight its own people without shit going down.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:11 No.8628361
    This is closer to true than you know. There's a lot of talk amongst military scientists about the mindset of the modern soldier. Particularly in America, we're getting further and further away from soldiers, and closer to mercenaries with long-term contracts.
    Did you know that the psych evaluations are telling us right now that if we got into another Vietnam with today's Army (not the Marines, but they've got their own problems), officer fraggings would be up 400% of what they were then? The only reason we can get away with occupations now is the dehumanizing effect. The U.S. Army couldn't oppress a bag of frozen peas if it spoke english.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:24 No.8628569
    And a civil war situation would be even worse.

    Honestly, if there was something strong enough to result in a real uprising, I'm sure plenty of the soldiers in the military would be taking part.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:27 No.8628627
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    on top of this, shit would have to have gotten exceptionally real for the government to call in tanks, let alone the air force or navy. how would YOU spin the PR if you called in tanks and carpet bombers in California? the gub'ment would have to subjugate most of the continent to pull something like that off
    i live in DC and i'm telling you, if the government declared martial law most anywhere, the people would flip their shit. police officers and civilians would invade the capitol and congressmen would be off to Cold War bunkers. it would not be pretty. just the response to the military going into LA after Katrina was touchy
    the fact that the US gov still hasn't addressed "domestic terrorists" like gangs and drug cartels invading from Mexico is telling about their ability and willingness to take on rebels.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:39 No.8628787
    How come I can't find any articles about this on like cnn.com?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:40 No.8628806

    Because the "Axe Murder Incident" happened August 18, 1976
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:44 No.8628869
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    Well now I feel like a right asshole.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)10:44 No.8632719
    It's ok, I had no clue this ever happened and I teach history. This is part of my lesson plan for today.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)10:45 No.8632727
    This reads like a monty python skit.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)10:46 No.8632737
    The DMZ sounds like Kindergarden with Nukes.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)10:52 No.8632794
    It scares me that the same people who control nuclear weapons think it's a good idea to threaten a country with total immolation just to cut down a tree. Admittedly, the other country was being a dick, but still.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)10:57 No.8632844
    IF this hasn't been said already the North Koreans attacked and killed the Americans since that particular tree just happened to be planted by Kim Il Sung (Or something) Really the operation was a show of force a a large fuck you
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)10:58 No.8632855
    Well, they claimed that, but it's all dick waving.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)10:59 No.8632872
    Is it bad that I want North Korea to start a war with the South just so they can get fucked over?

    I don't see how else the country is going to stop being the worst place in the world. The only problem is that it would cost millions of lives.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)11:02 No.8632888
    One tactical or strategic airstrike on great leader.

    Then, just paradrop crank radios tuned to the US/ROK propaganda channel, and say "We have opened the borders, and everyone has a ticket to the next Hannah Montana concert in Seoul."
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)11:02 No.8632890
    Frankly, I just want to see a war so that Seoul gets 50,000 SCUDs rammed up their ass.

    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)11:08 No.8632944
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    You're going to special ops heaven, and it's goddamned great! The G-Man Valhalla! There's trim and guns Everywhere! And we eat steak flavoured clouds and poop secrets!
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)11:08 No.8632949
    90% of North Korea is dick waving the other10% is starvation.
    Cuz that worked so well with Israel
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)11:16 No.8633010
    I'm turned on.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)11:19 No.8633037
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    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)11:38 No.8633209
    ...Do you think the US military would let me play Always over the loudspeakers, so the NK can hear it?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)11:47 No.8633299
    No don't.
    Because there would be peace, and then there wouldn't be anymore awesome DMZ stories like OP's. :(
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)11:50 No.8633329
    This thread is now about music to blast at North Korea in the joint security area.

    "Everybody Dance Now!"
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)12:13 No.8633496
    Fun facts:

    Common 30-06 or .308 hunting rifle with FMJ rounds will easily pierce 80% of buletproof vests used by modern military.

    Simo Hayha was a simple hunter before the war. Not a supercommandoelitetrained ubersoldier. He never had any formal military special forces or sniper trainig. And finland has a lot more people like him - even if few were as succesful, there were hundreds of finnish hunters, that were easily able to score 20-50 kills.

    Now, add those two facts. While hurr durr murikkan militia would be kicked out of towns rather easily, getting them rednecks out of thier filthy woods would be a fucking nightmare, even for US army. Seriously, forrests in us redneckland are almost as bad as fucking vietnam (fortunately they have less fucking flesheating bugs).

    And whatever one might say about them rednecks, they have lots of experience in moving, camping, hunting and tracking shit around their goddamn woods.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)12:20 No.8633632
    There's a point just below the base of the skull where the brain stem, control for basic life sustaining functions, is exposed. That's probably what that Korean hit. If not fatal, strikes there typically paralyze from the neck down for life. You can push on the spot with one finger and kill someone.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)12:34 No.8633785

    Might be interesting to you guys

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