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02/17/10(Wed)16:09 No.8139026 File1266440994.jpg-(152 KB, 1600x1200, High-Five.jpg)
 >>8138979 Spirit of the Century is a pulp action-adventure game. It's probably the best-designed game published to date. It's a ton of fun--group character creation alone is more fun than playing some other games.
>Also, before I even start looking for book torrents, how is the crunch of the system? Fantastic. Light, but not too light, and perfect for pulp stuff.
>Should I just steal the mood of pulp fiction and adapt GURPS or d20 modern to it, or is it worth it to actually find any books? Oh, god, the thought of running SotC with GURPS or d20 Modern fills me with rage. Don't you dare. The book is on /rs/, IIRC, and the free (and complete) SRD is at http://zork.net/~nick/loyhargil/fate3/fate3.html |