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  • File : 1265966791.jpg-(927 KB, 1200x1200, Aya Crazy Eye.jpg)
    927 KB 4e Character Builds, Bonus Thread: The Peerless Wind God (Level 28) Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)04:26 No.8045039  
    I had crafted this theoretical character as a derivative work of a certain build that was showcased on the CharOp board several days ago. At level 28, assuming all three of her attacks hit (with a 90-95% hit chance against even the highest-level monsters available, the Dark One's Own Luck level 6 utility power, and several sets of Dice of Auspicious Fortune, this can be nigh-guaranteed), she can inflict a total of 4d10+44d6+3520 (average 3696) and ongoing 10 damage (save ends) in a single turn. This build is not intended for use in an actual game; rather, it is a theoretical build meant to demonstrate a variety of "weak points," game balance anomalies, in the system that is D&D 4e. These include:

    • Bonuses to secondary damage rolls. The official FAQ for the Player's Handbook 2 (http://wizards.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/wizards.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=1695) simple-mindedly covers this with a blanket statement of "Yes, each time you for roll damage with an implement power you add your enhancement bonus," which presumably applies to weapon powers as well. This opens up a metaphorical Pandora's Box of unclear rules and demands more comprehensive clarification from a rulebook.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)04:27 No.8045048
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    • Blood Pulse was overpowered when the Player's Handbook was released, and it remains exceedingly effective to this very day, what with its Will-targeting, enemies-only area burst 3 of pure control and generation of singularities of automatic damage via forced movement. Making matters worse is the fact that the above ruling regarding bonuses to secondary damage rolls leads to the power being interpretable in one of two ways: (A) a target leaving X squares receives Xd6 + bonuses damage, or (B) a target leaving X squares receives X(1d6 + bonuses) damage. Due to the fact that the damage presumably occurs whenever a square is left, the RAW supports interpretation B more than interpretation A, and this is not right at all. Replacing "burst 3" with "burst 2" and "1d6 damage for every square it leaves" with "1d6 damage (with no bonuses) for every square it willingly moves or shifts into" should tone down the power to an appropriate level.

    • Although the lattermost of these is not demonstrated in this build, the damage type feats of Echoes of Thunder, the Mark of Storm,Lasting Frost, and Wintertouched, can easily become exceedingly powerful in the hands of the right build. I am not certain as to how these feats can be repaired into a balanced state, but needless to say, they are overpowered.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)04:28 No.8045054
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    • Although the lattermost of these is not demonstrated in this build, the damage type feats of Echoes of Thunder, the Mark of Storm,Lasting Frost, and Wintertouched, can easily become exceedingly powerful in the hands of the right build. I am not certain as to how these feats can be repaired into a balanced state, but needless to say, they are overpowered.

    • The revenant's Past Life racial feature is unbalanced. It establishes the revenant race as the *only* true meta-race in the entirety of the system. It can cherry-pick the best of the racial feats available, such as Dwarven Weapon Training, Eladrin Soldier, Githzerai Blade Master, Hellfire Blood, Dwarven Durability, and Draconic Arrogance. It is not proper when an article such as, say, Winning Races: Eladrin can be advertised as having "New options for eladrin (and revenant eladrin) characters," especially when the revenant race already owes a staggering forty-six racial feats to Dragon Magazine #376. It spawns unintended usages of racial feats here and there, such as Epic Recovery and Stoneheart Warrior (see below).

    • The Stoneheart Warrior epic feat must include "Dwarven Resilience racial feature" in its prerequisites, preventing revenants and Reincarnate Champions from effortlessly reaping its benefits.

    • The Armor of Enduring Health should have its Property line devised to "You can use your second wind twice per encounter. This benefit is not cumulative with other effects that allow you to use your second wind more than once per encounter or that allow you to regain your second wind." Being able to use your second wind three or more times each encounter makes it far too abusable when used in conjunction with second wind-related feats.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)04:29 No.8045060
         File1265966942.jpg-(198 KB, 800x800, Aya Clouds Grin Orange.jpg)
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    Moving along, the damage calculations below assume that no critical hits are scored against the Official CharOp Inanimate Block of Tofu™ (a satirical term used to refer to how the target in these experiments always appears to be an unmoving, unresponding cube of matter that lacks damage resistances and never retaliates unless it must wobble in the character's general direction to trigger, say, White Lotus Master Riposte or Hellish Rebuke), and that the battle begins with the character and the target exactly 10 squares apart. My usual build format has been modified for ease of reference.

    The Peerless Wind God, Level 28 (www.youtube.com/watch?v=xP0Ub5oRRCQ&fmt=18)
    Level: 28
    Race: Revenant (Dwarf), Dragon Magazine #376, pages 35-37
    Class: Hybrid Warlock|Warlord, Dragon Magazine #383, pages 22-23
    Eldritch Pact: Infernal Pact, Player's Handbook, pages 130-131
    Paragon Path: Blood Mage, Player's Handbook, pages 169-170
    Epic Destiny: Planeshaper, Dragon Magazine #372, pags

    Ability Scores:
    Level 1: Strength 8, Constitution 16+2, Dexterity 12+2, Intelligence 16, Wisdom 12, Charisma 10
    Level 4: Strength 8, Constitution 17+2, Dexterity 12+2, Intelligence 17, Wisdom 12, Charisma 10
    Level 8: Strength 8, Constitution 18+2, Dexterity 12+2, Intelligence 18, Wisdom 12, Charisma 10
    Level 11: Strength 9, Constitution 19+2, Dexterity 13+2, Intelligence 19, Wisdom 13, Charisma 11
    Level 14: Strength 9, Constitution 20+2, Dexterity 13+2, Intelligence 20, Wisdom 13, Charisma 11
    Level 18: Strength 9, Constitution 21+2, Dexterity 13+2, Intelligence 21, Wisdom 13, Charisma 11
    Level 21: Strength 10, Constitution 22+2, Dexterity 14+2, Intelligence 22+2, Wisdom 14, Charisma 12
    Level 24: Strength 10, Constitution 23+2, Dexterity 14+2, Intelligence 23+2, Wisdom 14, Charisma 12
    Level 28: Strength 10, Constitution 24+2, Dexterity 14+2, Intelligence 24+2, Wisdom 14, Charisma 12
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)04:29 No.8045070
         File1265966986.jpg-(219 KB, 1060x1500, Aya Trees Sunset.jpg)
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    Heroic Feat: Arcane Implement Proficiency (Staffs), Arcane Power, page 124
    Heroic Feat: Devil's Favor, Dragon Magazine #382, page 51
    Heroic Feat: Dual Implement Spellcaster, Arcane Power, page 125
    Heroic Feat: Echoes of Thunder, Player's Handbook 2, page 184
    Heroic Feat: Focused Expertise (Quarterstaff), Dragon Magazine #374, page 24
    Heroic Feat: Hybrid Talent (Warlord Armor Proficiency), Dragon Magazine #383, page 23
    Heroic Feat: Mark of Storm, Eberron Player's Guide, page 91
    Heroic Feat: Rune-Scribed Soul, Arcane Power, page 129
    Heroic Feat: Staff Fighting, Dragon Magazine #368, page 58
    Heroic Feat: Weapon Focus (Staffs), Player's Handbook, page 201
    Paragon Feat: Arcane Admixture (Blood Pulse [Cold]), Arcane Power, page 130
    Paragon Feat: Arcane Admixture (Harrowstorm [Cold]), Arcane Power, page 130
    Paragon Feat: Lasting Frost, Player's Handbook, page 203
    Epic Feat: Epic Recovery, Martial Power, page 147
    Epic Feat: Stoneheart Warrior, Martial Power, page 148
    Multiclass Feat: Arcane Initiate, Player's Handbook, page 208
    Multiclass Feat: Acolyte Power (Glowering Wrath), Player's Handbook, page 209

    Relevant Powers:
    Wizard Encounter Utility 6: Glowering Wrath, Dragon Magazine #381, page 66
    Warlock Daily Utility 6: Dark One's Own Luck, Player's Handbook, page 134
    Blood Mage Encounter Attack 11: Blood Pulse, Player's Handbook, page 170
    Warlock Encounter Utility 13: Harrowstorm, Player's Handbook, page 136
    Warlock Daily Utility 16: Vile Resonance, Dragon Magazine #382, page 51
    Warlord Daily Utility 22: Quickening Order, Martial Power, page 113
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)04:30 No.8045072
    So basically you, like everybody else, have found the blood mage. Boy, that was hard! Almost had to flip through half of the first PHB!

    Boy, you must be so proud.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)04:31 No.8045082
         File1265967075.jpg-(1.62 MB, 1600x1280, Aya Tree Leaves.jpg)
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    Main Hand: Staff of Ruin +6 (Level 28, Free), Adventurer's Vault, page 106
    Main Shard: Siberys Shard of the Mage +5 (Level 23, 425,000 gp), Eberron Player's Guide, page 112
    Armor: Stalkerhide of Enduring Health +5 (Level 23, 425,000 gp), Adventurer's Vault 2, page 6
    Neck: Timeless Locket +6 (Level 29, Free), Adventurer's Vault 2, page 69
    Feet: Boots of Eagerness (Level 9, 4,200 gp), Adventurer's Vault, page 126
    Hands: Epic-Tier Gloves of Ice (Level 21, 225,000 gp), Adventurer's Vault 2, page 59
    Head: Paragon-Tier Circlet of Indomitability (Level 18, 85,000 gp), Adventurer's Vault, page 139
    Ring: Shadow Band (Level 27, Free), Adventurer's Vault, page 162
    Waist: Paragon-Tier Belt of Vim (Level 18, 85,000 gp), Adventurer's Vault, page 164
    Wondrous: Backlash Tattoo (Level 9, 4,200 gp), Adventurer's Vault 2, page 84
    Wondrous: Dice of Auspicious Fortune (Level 11, 9,000 gp), Dragon Magazine #381, page 83
    Wondrous: Dice of Auspicious Fortune (Level 11, 9,000 gp), Dragon Magazine #381, page 83
    Wondrous: Dice of Auspicious Fortune (Level 11, 9,000 gp), Dragon Magazine #381, page 83
    Wondrous: Handy Haversack (Level 10, 5,000 gp), Player's Handbook, page 254
    Loose Change: 339,600 gp

    Initiative: +25 (14 half level + 3 Dexterity modifier + 2 Combat Leader + 6 Timeless Locket)
    Size: Medium
    Speed: 6 squares
    Vision: Low-light
    Passive Insight: 26 (10 base + 14 half level + 2 Wisdom modifier)
    Passive Perception: 26 (10 base + 14 half level + 2 Wisdom modifier)
    Trained Skills: Arcana, Endurance (+2 racial), History, Religion
    Languages: Common, choice of one other

    Hit Points:
    Hit Points: 173 (147 warlock|warlord + 26 Constitution score)
    Bloodied: 86
    Healing Surge Value: 43
    Healing Surges per Day: 14 (6 warlock|warlord + 8 Constitution modifier)
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)04:32 No.8045095
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    AC: 42 (10 base + 14 half level + 5 enhancement + 8 Intelligence modifier + 4 stalkerhide + 1 Staff Fighting)
    Fortitude: 41 (10 base + 14 half level + 6 enhancement + 8 Constitution modifier + 2 Belt of Vim + 1 stalkerhide)
    Reflex: 38 (10 base + 14 half level + 6 enhancement + 8 Intelligence modifier)
    Will: 36 (10 base + 14 half level + 6 enhancement + 2 Wisdom modifier + 2 Circlet of Indomitability + 2 class)

    Attack Bonus: +31 (14 half level + 6 enhancement + 8 Constitution/Intelligence modifier + 3 Focused Expertise)
    Damage Bonus: +38 (6 enhancement + 8 Constitution/Intelligence modifier + 3 Weapon Focus + 6 Dual Implement Spellcaster + 6 Staff of Ruin + 5 Siberys Shard of the Mage + 4 Gloves of Ice)
    Damage (Blood Pulse Secondary Damage): 1d6+30 (6 enhancement + 3 Weapon Focus + 6 Dual Implement Spellcaster + 6 Staff of Ruin + 5 Siberys Shard of the Mage + 4 Gloves of Ice)

    Nova Turn, Revenant Winds:

    No Action: Quickening Order. You gain a bonus to your initiative check equal to your Intelligence modifier (+8), and during your first turn, you gain a bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls equal to your Intelligence modifier (+8).

    Minor Action: Glowering Wrath. Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +5 power bonus to Intimidate checks and increase the distance of forced movement you cause by 2 squares.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)04:33 No.8045100
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    Move/Minor Action: Vile Resonance. Until the stance ends, you gain vulnerable 5 to all damage, but your Warlock's Curse deals 2d6 extra damage, and you also slide enemy you hit with an attack 1 square. You can end this stance as a minor action.

    Free Action: Second Wind. From Devil's Favor, you choose to regain no hit points to instead gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, and damage rolls until the end of your next turn. From Rune-Scribed Soul, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a bonus to damage equal to your Constitution modifier (+8) with arcane powers you use before the end of your next turn. From Burning Blood, 8 psychic damage is dealt to the Official CharOp Inanimate Block of Tofu™.

    Free Action: Second Wind via Epic Recovery. From Devil's Favor, you choose to regain no hit points to instead gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, and damage rolls until the end of your next turn. From Rune-Scribed Soul, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a bonus to damage equal to your Constitution modifier (+8) with arcane powers you use before the end of your next turn .From Burning Blood, 8 psychic damage is dealt to the Official CharOp Inanimate Block of Tofu™.

    Free Action: Second Wind via Stalkerhide of Enduring Health +5. From Devil's Favor, you choose to regain no hit points to instead gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, and damage rolls until the end of your next turn. From Rune-Scribed Soul, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a bonus to damage equal to your Constitution modifier (+8) with arcane powers you use before the end of your next turn. From Burning Blood, 8 psychic damage is dealt to the Official CharOp Inanimate Block of Tofu™.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)04:34 No.8045112
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    Free Action: Boots of Eagerness. You take an additional move action.

    Move/Minor Action: Timeless Locket. You take a standard action.

    Free Action: Bolstering Blood. You deal 2d10 damage to yourself, dealing an additional 2d10 psychic damage with Blood Pulse.

    Standard Action Action: Blood Pulse. +48 vs. Will without combat advantage. On a hit, you deal 2d6+76 cold damage and 2d10 psychic damage. Lasting Frost is triggered, imposing cold vulnerability 5 onto the Official CharOp Inanimate Block of Tofu™ until the end of your next turn. All damage bonuses henceforth are inclusive of this vulnerability.

    Standard Action: Harrowstorm. +48 vs. Fortitude without combat advantage. On a hit, you deal 2d10+81 cold and thunder damage, and Echoes of Thunder is triggered, gaining you a +3 bonus to all damage rolls until the end of your next turn. The Official CharOp Inanimate Block of Tofu™ is slid a total of 21 squares in a circuitous path: 15 squares from Harrowstorm and Glowering Wrath, 3 squares from the Mark of Storm and Glowering Wrath, and 3 squares from Vile Resonance and Glowering Wrath. It receives a total of 21d6+1596 cold damage from the rider effect of Blood Pulse.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)04:35 No.8045120
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    Free Action: Action Point with Blood Action. You take an additional standard action. If an attack you make with this extra action hits, it deals ongoing 10 damage (save ends).

    Standard Action: Harrowstorm via Ultimate Adaptation. +48 vs. Fortitude without combat advantage. On a hit, you deal 2d10+84 cold and thunder damage, and Echoes of Thunder is triggered once more, bestowing upon you another +3 bonus to damage rolls until the end of your next turn. The Official CharOp Inanimate Block of Tofu™ experiences déjà vu as it is slid a total of 21 squares, once more in a roundabout path: 15 squares from Harrowstorm and Glowering Wrath, 3 squares from the Mark of Storm and Glowering Wrath, and 3 squares from Vile Resonance and Glowering Wrath. Another 21d6+1659 cold damage should be enough to cool it to absolute zero. It incidentally receives ongoing 10 damage (save ends) from Blood Action.

    Total Damage:
    24 psychic damage from the three second winds
    +2d6+76 cold damage from Blood Pulse
    +2d10+81 cold and thunder damage from Harrowstorm A
    +21d6+1596 cold damage from Harrowstorm A's slide
    +2d10+84 cold and thunder damage from Harrowstorm B
    +21d6+1659 cold damage from Harrowstorm B's slide

    End Result: 4d10+44d6+3520 (average 3696) and ongoing 10 damage (save ends) has been dealt to the Official CharOp Inanimate Block of Tofu™
    >> MR. Anon 02/12/10(Fri)04:36 No.8045126
    in during awesome
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)04:36 No.8045129
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    Aya would be proud. Do note that should you successfully enswathe two Official CharOp Inanimate Blocks of Tofu™ in your Blood Pulse, you can discharge the first Harrowstorm upon one cube and then the second Harrowstorm against the other edible polyhedron. If there exist any errors or miscalculations in this scheme, please inform me of them. If anybody would like to suggest an arms slot item that could improve the damage output of this build, please do so. Most of all, if this build is not dismantled come the updates of March 2, 2010, then Wizards of the Coast shall have disappointed me to a degree paramount.

    That is all.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)04:38 No.8045143
    in during yawn
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)04:56 No.8045297
    That's... a fuckload of damage.
    A super fuck load.
    Fucking fuckload of fuckloads.

    I'm...mostly in awe.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)04:58 No.8045319
    I'm pretty sure this much damage wasn't possible before Wizards went "YES YOU GET YOUR BONUS DAMAGE LOL".
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:00 No.8045336
    PROTIP: Moving a target makes them only leave 1 square, but move X spaces.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:03 No.8045363
    So you build up a massive hurricane that hurls your enemy around with the fury of a thousand suns?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:05 No.8045390
    PROTIP: DM can deny you your combo.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:06 No.8045397
    > spaces
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:07 No.8045403
    That'd be a fantastically bitch move, though.
    Unless its a common enough occurence that they HAVE to deny your combo, which means you yourself were being the bitchiest of movers.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:07 No.8045405
    This is all an In Theory thing. Just to show how ridiculous things could get entirely using what actually exists in the rulebooks, to my understanding - if partially based on an attempt to understand an unclear blanket ruling.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:08 No.8045411
    Protip: DM can "rocks fall" anything you do. Duh.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:08 No.8045412
    > PROTIP: DM can be a cunt
    yeah well
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:10 No.8045423
    Flaw in this plan: you can't substitute your Standard/Minor/Move gained by items into the 'lesser' actions. You can only do this with the actions you normally have and actions that allow you to 'choose' (Action Point).
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:11 No.8045429
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:14 No.8045445
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:17 No.8045461
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    That is an ill-grounded interpretation.


    One forged from gusts and gales plucked from the most frigid reaches of Cania, the Eighth Hell, yes.


    That the Dungeon Master must specifically set out to counter this build or veto it with Rule 0 is proof of the mechanics surrounding it being in drastic need of amendations.


    According to page 268 of the Player's Handbook, "On your turn, you can take a move action or a minor action instead of a standard action, and you can take a minor action instead of a move action." Would there be any basis for additional actions being exempt from this rule?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:20 No.8045486
         File1265970055.png-(31 KB, 330x337, exhibita.png)
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    First off, exhibit A seems to imply that you can only do this with the three actions you get each turn. There isn't anything that says you can swap additional actions; just that you're able to swap the actions that you get each turn.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:22 No.8045497
         File1265970128.png-(40 KB, 330x206, exhibitb.png)
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    Exhibit B: Extra Action. Why bother saying you can choose whether it's a standard, move, or minor action if you could swap any action? Why not just say you get a standard action?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:22 No.8045500

    Swapping action types isn't a special deal, you simply CAN USE a standard action to take a move or minor action, or a move to take a minor, whenever you get one.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:22 No.8045502
    Oh, just fuck you, you aspie piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:23 No.8045507
    One other thing, why would boots made for running let you draw a sword?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:24 No.8045512

    Because drawing a sword takes even less time.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:24 No.8045513
    I can see how a person would take the
    >on your turn
    portion to imply that action down shifting only applies to normal actions.

    Also, great gravy that is a ridiculous amount of damage.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:25 No.8045523
    its magic
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:26 No.8045531
    Makes sense, since I use my shoes for scabbards.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:29 No.8045546
    They're boots of eagerness. They're not necessarily made for fleet of foot, they just give you a burst of GOES FAST once every five minutes, whatever you use the speed for.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:29 No.8045548
    Why would boots made for running give you an extra action?
    Why not just up your movement rate or run modifier?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:31 No.8045559
    The answer is... the boots aren't made for running.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:32 No.8045564
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    I still think the God Kobold trick is better than blood magin.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:36 No.8045591
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    >Official CharOp Inanimate Block of Tofu™
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:37 No.8045602
    Die. Slowly and painfully.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:47 No.8045687
    About time you got here, sagefag.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)05:53 No.8045728
    >Revenant Winds

    Oh u.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)06:26 No.8045911
    How new is this bonuses to secondary damage rolls thing?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)06:27 No.8045921
    Isn't it cute, it still believes that sage is a tripcode.
    >> Aku 02/12/10(Fri)06:34 No.8045967
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    >4d10+44d6+3520 damage

    Excellent, I'm one step closer to making an accurate 4e character of myself.
    >> MR. Anon 02/12/10(Fri)06:36 No.8045983
         File1265974592.jpg-(81 KB, 522x675, Dragonborn_M_Warlock113168_.jpg)
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    same person

    Anyways, I'm new and creating a sorcerer. What are the strengths/weaknesses of staff vs. dagger vs. getting another impliment
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)06:40 No.8046016
    Sorcerer is all about the static bonuses because your powers are going to be dealing 1d4 or 1d6 for encounter powers against multiple targets.

    Staff of ruin, syberis shard of the mage... any items you can get that just give you another +1 to damage will be your friend because you multiply them out against multiple targets with bursts and blasts. That's the only way the sorcerer can really keep up with the other strikers, because his powers alone deal less damage dice than wizard powers of the same level.
    >> Vesu_ 02/12/10(Fri)06:43 No.8046039
    >On your turn, you can take a move action or a minor action instead of a standard action, and you can take a minor action instead of a move action.


    A period represents the end of a complete thought. Given only this sentence, there is no grounds to say that extra actions are somehow exempt. The only way the meaning of this sentence changes is if it's references are redefined posteriori.

    >Because you can substitute actions this way, the three actions you get on your turn (In addition to any free actions) can vary.

    It is possible that this sentence is an exception that defines a rule, much like "Free RPG day" defines a theoretical day in which RPGs are not free. However, this is a priori redefinition, so it does not change the meaning of the above sentence.

    This may be with or against the intent of WotC, but an ideal parsing of this excerpt does not support your argument.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)06:51 No.8046083
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    It had appeared in the FAQ just this month.


    The viability of the staff versus the dagger as a sorcerer implement depends on the starting level of the character, which you should declare along with the sorcerer build (Cosmic Magic, Dragon Magic, Storm Magic, Wild Magic) that you intend on pursuing. At the heroic tier, for example, it would be best to take up the traditional combination of Focused Expertise (Quarterstaff), Weapon Focus (Staffs), a Staff of Ruin, and a Siberys Shard of the Mage. At the paragon and epic tiers, the viability of daggers is expanded by options such as the Jagged Weapon and the Daggermaster paragon path, and your wealth should be enough to support wielding both a dagger and a Staff of Ruin through Dual Implement Spellcaster; at the same time, a singular Staff of Ruin used with Dual Implement Spellcaster and Staff Fighting becomes practical.

    I heavily encourage you to create a new thread for your request, however.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)07:57 No.8046429
    I don't recall you ever being a mix of Aya Shameimaru and Cirno.
    >> Aku 02/12/10(Fri)08:01 No.8046452
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    That's why I said a step; finally, the damage one character can deal is getting closer to how much I, as a 4e character, would be doing.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)08:39 No.8046670
    And what happens if you miss?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)08:53 No.8046750

    >with a 90-95% hit chance against even the highest-level monsters available, the Dark One's Own Luck level 6 utility power, and several sets of Dice of Auspicious Fortune
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)09:03 No.8046810
    Don't bonuses from the same source not stack?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)09:18 No.8046899

    This chart shows everything that is wrong with D&D nowadays.

    Well not everything, not even 1% really, but it does demonstrate how fucked up their thinking process is. They have several different named classes of actions and a chart on how to substitute them when all they really need is "you can do one thing per turn".
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)09:19 No.8046905
    Old rule from 3.x that isn't used any more.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)09:21 No.8046914
    It never ceases to piss me off how they call special abilities or talents "feats". Having talent at something is not a "feat", feat is something you DID with your talent, some specific thing like "killed the troll lord of Trollcountry" or "cast myself from the tallest mountain in Greece".
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)09:38 No.8047025
    >implying d&d was ever anything but extremely rules-heavy and verbose
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)09:41 No.8047046
    >implying that there is such a thing as a thinking process in a DnDturd's head
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)09:43 No.8047055
    Is there any way you could try to be a warlock|warden? You could get Crushing Earthstrength for more damage out of your Second Winds.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)09:47 No.8047076
    >"you can do one thing per turn".

    >I can't read the simple chart I'm complaining about.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)09:49 No.8047096
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    If you would like to cite a source on this, please do so. Page 275 of the Player's Handbook and the various FAQs do not touch upon this. Named bonuses (armor, enhancement, feat, item, power, proficiency, racial, shield) of the same type do not stack, but as far as I am aware, untyped bonuses stack even if they originate from the same option.


    Crushing Earthstrength would occupy another feat slot, the lack of Quickening Order would result in a drop in your initiative modifier and your attack bonus, and a warden|warlock would not be as well-off with her overall hybrid synergy as a warlock|warden.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)11:41 No.8048458
    The PHB1 paragon paths are very retarded and unbalanced. It's like they were first drafts that never really followed standard wordings.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)12:17 No.8048895
    >Although the lattermost of these is not demonstrated in this build, the damage type feats of Echoes of Thunder, the Mark of Storm,Lasting Frost, and Wintertouched, can easily become exceedingly powerful in the hands of the right build. I am not certain as to how these feats can be repaired into a balanced state, but needless to say, they are overpowered.

    I couldn't agree more. This is why I bitchslap powergamers with cold/lightning/thunder resistance.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)12:24 No.8048967
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    >a warden|warlock would not be as well-off with her overall hybrid synergy as a warlock|warden.

    My mistake; the second of these should be "warlock|warlord."
    >> G. D. !!Y8HG2fUusNY 02/12/10(Fri)12:36 No.8049102
    I... I think my jaw just hit the ground.
    This build... is the best build... ever.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)12:41 No.8049165
    If by best, you mean most overpowered, then I guess so.
    >> G. D. !!Y8HG2fUusNY 02/12/10(Fri)12:43 No.8049188
    That is, in fact, what I meant. Thanks for clarifying, Anon.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)12:55 No.8049333
    But seriously, why do you like it even if the creator himself says it's theoretical and a demonstration of broken shit?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)13:10 No.8049504
    Because broken builds can be fun, sometimes.

    You can go around and do stupid shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)14:39 No.8050624
    > Because broken builds can be fun
    yes, but for fun I prefer the Cosmonaut!
    "The Cosmonaut, a Level 25 gag build that achieves orbit, then teleports the BBEG into space"
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)16:08 No.8051947
    Why not dwarf?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)17:29 No.8053038
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    Although the dwarf race would increase your Will by 1, I prefer the additional 1 speed and the Dark Reaping racial encounter power offered by the revenant race at the epic tier, wherein Stonefire Warrior can be taken for free action second wind usage anyway. Additionally, "Revenant Winds" is too opportunistic to forgo.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)19:13 No.8054580
    >Revenant Winds
    >Revenant Wings

    It took me way too long to get that.

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