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02/03/10(Wed)17:41 No.7908528 File1265236918.jpg-(122 KB, 500x856, Shou Monochrome Red.jpg)
 >Warlord Class Feature: Skirmishing Presence (Commanding Presence): When an ally who can see you spends an action point to make an attack, that ally can use a free action to shift a number of squares equal to your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier before or after the attack.
Blue (4/5). While certainly a notch below, say, the Tactical Presence, I consider this class feature, which supports both Strength/Intelligence warlords and Strength/Wisdom warlords, to be considerably beneficial. The shifting that this versatile Commanding Presence bestows upon an ally is rather large, after all, and it can occur before or after the extra action. It can be used for both offensive and defensive purposes. On one hand, positioning is everything in 4th Edition, and an ally may already be exactly where she wishes to be when she spends an action point. On the other hand, positioning is everything in 4th Edition, and an ally may find her ideal spot just out of reach when she spends an action point. On one hand, shifting is null and void for an ally who is immobilized, prone, or restrained. On the other hand, a dazed or slowed ally can shift before performing a melee or close power, enabling her to attack with it in an exigency wherein she would have otherwise been isolated out of reach. Since an ally can utilize an action point when she desires, however, she can keep it in store for when it would prove most beneficial. This is where the Skirmishing Presence shines and where it leans towards the good side of warlord options. This class feature can trigger the properties of Boots of the Fencing Master, Davros Elden's Defensive Step, and Great Cat Armor too. |