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01/30/10(Sat)07:04 No.7838474 File1264853057.jpg-(87 KB, 600x750, Jesusburster.jpg)
 >>7836701 "DAMNIT, FRANK!" Jonathan's voice boomed through the reciever. HOW THE HELL COULD YOU BE SO GODDAMNED CARELESS!?"
His anger was reasonable. Years of speculation, millions of dollars in grants, no small amount of favors called in, and ultimately, a string of blind luck that had led to the rediscovery of one of the world's most ancient artifacts...... and after signing it out for the long weekend, Frank went and lost the damn thing.
"Get a hold of yourself, man, have some composure. It isn't the end of the world. I'll go back over myself, clean this place out top to bottom, retrace my steps, I'll find it. Don't worry. By the end of the day, I'll know where it went." You somehow actually believed the words that came out of your mouth. How hard could it be, you were only back two days. It had to be here amongst the reports, maps and ciphers... just keep a cool head, and it will sort itself out."
"Ok, ok" came the much muted reply. "I'll finish up my analysis, and wait for your call. Oh, and I almost forgot. Grats on your engagement, man. I'm amazed you have time for love with all the globe trekking we've been doing..."
You were only half-listening, slowly going over the various papers strewn about your desk for clues, or even better, the ancient toaster-sized case containing the treasure. "She hasn't said yes, yet. I sent over my proposal as soon as we landed." he said distractedly as he picked up a clipboard and scanned the affixed manifest.
"Oh, that's what you were rambling about? You were so tired I could barely make out what you were saying. Good man, good ma-"
"Jon..... JON! I know where the crystal is...."