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01/28/10(Thu)03:48 No.7806244 File1264668509.jpg-(111 KB, 675x943, sabres.jpg)
 The Blade of Velasco-Cabrales
This magnificent blade bears within it the psychic resonance of an ancient hero, providing the wielder with some defense against psychic attack, but subtly altering his behavior.
Unique best-quality powersword 1d10+8 Energy damage, 8 penetration Power Field, Balanced +10 attack, +15 parry
-"It is I!"
The wielder is Fearless, but may automatically pass the willpower test to leave combat if rescuing a female or exiting in what the GM deems a dramatic manner (eg. crashing out the window of a hive spire into a passing hovercar.)
If the wielder spends his action making a stirring speech, he gains two additional reactions that round, and a +20 bonus on all dodges, parrys, and counterattacks (if he has the counterattack talent) made before his next turn.
-"Hush now, my dove. You have a man with you now, and I will do the thinking for both of us."
If the wielder of the blade is affected by a mental attack (such as a psychic effect, possession, or even a charm roll with the benefit of unnatural fellowship) from a female, the effect does not work as normal. If the female is unattractive, the effect simply fails. If the female is attractive (to the rather broad-minded spirit of the sword, which does not consider xenos origin, chaos tattoos and spikes, navigator warp-eyes, and less hideous mutations to be obstacles to romance) the effect does not take place as normal; instead, the bearer of the sword becomes enamored of the lady in question, and attempts to "take her away from all this." He gains immunity to her psychic powers, the benefits of unnatural toughness 3 against her attacks, +40 on opposed grapple checks against her, and +20 on all other opposed rolls against her. These effects continue for 48 hours or until the GM determines they should end. |