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  • File : 1264400969.jpg-(1002 KB, 1415x1000, awesomturtle.jpg)
    1002 KB Fuck it /tg/ lets make a high fantasy setting Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:29 No.7765656  
    Dwarfs now live in the AIR in cities built like giant whirligigs with intricate mechanics. To them flying is AWESOME.

    Elves now are all SEAFARING who love MOTHER OCEAN. They almost entirely live on tropic islands.

    Halflings are hicks from the SWAMPS AND MARSHES that are quick to kill outsiders. They ride alligators.

    Gnomes are from secret societies that all live behind WATERFALLS and make crazy BUBBLE based systems.

    Orcs are obsessed with building and crafting BIG TOWERS. They want to build a tower to the moon. They all live in towers and castles and obsessed with building taller structures. They have a fierce dwarf rivalry to see who can get taller faster.

    Humans live in the barren plains and deserts, favoring travel and hating stable life. There's very few humans and most are adventurers.

    Fey are now from space. Specifically the moon.
    >> tc 01/25/10(Mon)01:33 No.7765693
    demons and devils come from the ruins f old cities, living in the ruins once said to be built in a time when dwarves, orcs, and gnomes cooperated

    celestials live in the sun, which is way smaller and cooler but much closer to the planet
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:33 No.7765702
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    >Fey are now from space. Specifically the moon.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:34 No.7765722
    I like it.

    Also, human civilization is basically Bedouin nomads.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:35 No.7765727
    I love it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:35 No.7765732
    >Fey are now from space. Specifically the moon.

    I, for one, welcome our new space-fae overlords.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:36 No.7765747

    Dwarves are short and stocky due to the thin air up in their floating islands.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:37 No.7765756
    Dorfs, gnomes and halflings?

    That seems like way too much short people.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:37 No.7765759
    Awesome, great start.

    I say the dwarf cities periodically land on mountaintops to take large chunks out of the craggy, mineral rich peaks. I mean, why dig if the earth itself shoves the seams skywards?

    Kind of like sucking the teat of Gaia.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:38 No.7765771
    >orcs want to build a tower to the moon
    >fey live on moon
    >orcs all live in towers and castles
    Orcs and fey do not get along (orcs want to invade with thier tower)
    Orcs religion is ruled by an architect-priest order.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:38 No.7765777
    Why do they need to dig at all? Why do they need minerals?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:39 No.7765788
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:40 No.7765802

    Maybe so they can make their giant whiligigs with intricate mechanics.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:41 No.7765817
    Where are the Kobolds?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:42 No.7765832

    I said periodically, like, once every couple years, or maybe every decade.

    Consequently, most mountains look more like trapezoids than triangles now.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:43 No.7765857

    They dwell in ancient mountain caves, forming massive series of intricate traps in case their former dragon masters return. They get pissed when adventurers trigger their Rube Goldberg traps that took years to set up.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:45 No.7765871
    Kobolds live just about anywhere, preferring forests, caves, or the decaying cities of the ancient human civilization.

    These are, of course, filled to the brim with traps. (Kobolds have good memories as a matter of necessity.)

    Kobolds worship dragons. Highpriests have clerical abilities and can polymorph-self once a day into a medium dragon.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:46 No.7765884
    I like it. I like >>7765871 'Inhabit abandoned cities of ancient human civ' though.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:46 No.7765890
    They should have all surnames that translate to things like Bricklayer or Castleheart
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:46 No.7765893
    I read the title as 'Fuck it /tg/ let's get high and make a fantasy setting.'

    I assumed we were gonna do the classics.
    >> Franky 01/25/10(Mon)01:48 No.7765910
    Goblins live in underwater hive cities. Water oriented shamans evolving to create amphibious enchantments to avoid the above wave persecution. Naturally they war with elves regularly.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:49 No.7765936

    So not "magical Gungan bubble?" I like it already.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:49 No.7765939
    Kuo-toas have been driven from the oceans by the elves, and build massive aboveground cities with elaborate aqueduct systems, wearing magical diving helmets filled with water. They are the most populous race on this planet.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:50 No.7765954
    Switch these two up.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:51 No.7765962

    careful. we don't want this to turn into a "lol, backwards world" where everything is reversed for the sake of being different.
    >> Franky 01/25/10(Mon)01:51 No.7765963

    Haha awesome. However, perhaps more realistic if they become the carp of this new world, populating all the freshwater systems instead of on land.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:52 No.7765974

    I agree. >>7765939 seems a little forced.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:52 No.7765985
    they use ice for that, since it is so cold up there anyway. they are exotherms btw, and can stand the temperatures
    >> Franky 01/25/10(Mon)01:54 No.7766009

    Perhaps. However we should keep it in mind because I crazy, euclidean aqueduct system would be sweet. Perhaps the aboleths, using slaves to build the giant cities, and using the aqueducts to travel about.
    >> Franky 01/25/10(Mon)01:55 No.7766018

    because I think the system would be neat*
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:55 No.7766022
    I, for one, hope that this thread goes far, and as a result gets archived.
    >> Franky 01/25/10(Mon)01:57 No.7766046

    Indeed. Already I like this. Ah, perhaps have lizard folk serve as a pirates of the seven sea's race. Part viking, part swashbuckler, living their lives entirely at sea either on smaller raiding ships or huge hive ships that float where the ocean takes them.

    As well, have the avriel, or winged elves war with with the dwarves for invading their air space if and when it occurs.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:57 No.7766047
    Kuo-toa (however) cities are built in deep river mouths, harbors, and deltas. Parts of always stick out, and are maintained by large aqueducts, (kind llike a fountain, flows down to the water.) Richer ones 'back up' the aqueducts with dwarf-made pumps (from captive slaves or puchased, or possibly purchased with an exchange of slaves).

    Kuo-toa despise elves, and vice versa. Elves generally want to go up-river or into harbors to restock on plants/meats, and this regularly brings them into conflict with these creatures.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:57 No.7766051
    I'd like to see a mostly sky-island world. There's four strata of islands, each getting closer to a blanket of poisonous gas that separates the islands and the lands below. Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, and Gnomes occupy these islands, and Orcs build their towers to try and pierce the poison gas in order to see the sky and conquer whatever is up there.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:58 No.7766052
    This provides an excuse to have both stoic, traditionalistic, xenophobic dwarves and crazy, adventurous, axe-wielding, blood-for-the-blood-god dwarves. The different temperatures engender either a 'cool' or 'hot' personality.
    >> Franky 01/25/10(Mon)01:58 No.7766057

    I like it. Makes sense too.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:59 No.7766081
    Giants live in the ocean and are tall so that they can keep there head above the water and walk around. They are mostly loners because of large diet necessities. Instead of being huge in husky they are kind of lanky and scrawny.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:00 No.7766096
    I thought elves had the living-at-sea schtick cornered. I'd see lizardmen as being tropical pirates, living on those jungle and volcano island chains, and looting anything that gets close.

    Avariel/winged elf can live on mountain peaks, and routinely fight wars whenever a Dorf city decides to land on their moutaintop and turn it into swiss cheese.
    >> Franky 01/25/10(Mon)02:00 No.7766104

    ehhh, thats a bit of a stretch. Oceans are really deep. The large diet shtick makes sense and I like the scrawny strength idea. Perhaps have giants scattered around? I mean theres dozens of different kinds of giants. From your common hill giant to the noble cloud giants and the evil shadow giant.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:01 No.7766109
    They hold dwarves in contempt for 'imitating us', and not being able to fly on their own.
    >> Franky 01/25/10(Mon)02:01 No.7766115

    I thought elves lived on island chains? Ah well, either way. Have them pressed on all sides.
    >> Franky 01/25/10(Mon)02:02 No.7766126

    I like it! I hope someone is compiling this.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:03 No.7766139
    Make the Orcs suck. Goddamn I hate Orcs. Make the elves better in every way!
    >> Franky 01/25/10(Mon)02:03 No.7766142
    Anyhow Im out, I'll set up an archive and post a link. I got to work at 7 in the morning. Peace anon.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:08 No.7766206
    The giants should be effectively immortal, with the oldest ones having huge coral reefs on their backs other parts of their body
    >> Franky 01/25/10(Mon)02:08 No.7766220
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    its called **lets make a high fantasy setting** and the thread id is 7765656
    >> Franky 01/25/10(Mon)02:09 No.7766226

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    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:09 No.7766233
    Humans are like orkz with speed. The breed the fastest horses, religion revolves around a sun-god who runs from one end of the sky to the other, carrying the sun, and their religious celebrations tend to include races.
    >> monotreeme 01/25/10(Mon)02:10 No.7766249
    I like that
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:11 No.7766253
    Dump fucking gnomes and halflings. Gnomes serve no fucking purpose and removing them was the only thing 4e got right. Halfings are just pot-smoking short humans.

    Humans now inhabit diverse areas, split into wandering clans following an unknown cataclysm that they are reluctant to speak of. Only elders know what happened. No-one else cares. Mostly swampland and deserts, a little jungle inbetween. They loathe settling down and they loathe true civilization. Many barbarians and rangers, no priests/clerics, mages/sorcerers or druids.

    Also, fuck the fey. The Sun and Moon is roughly the same size, and they are inhabited by Demons/Devils and Celestials respectively (Celestials in the sun, Demons on the moon). Each side is ruled by a genderless dragon god and use dragonborns as shock troops.

    Kobolds were once earthly slaves to these god(s) and now shun them.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:14 No.7766289

    Gnomes are back, but are low tier for races.
    >> Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician 01/25/10(Mon)02:15 No.7766292
    > Fuck everything already established. Let's do this instead.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:18 No.7766332
    >gnomes removed
    Still around, but they're a bit rare. Not common. Or removed. to taste.

    I like the kobolds awaiting the return of their dragon masters stuff, so nah...

    Halfling migrating villags (I don't remember where, but I saw a design and floorplan for a massive cart that serves as a wagon, home and boat for halflings. Make passable wizards.

    Humans despise halflings, and tend to raid and enslave halfling caravans moving through their deserts.

    Massive and many deserts. Unknown, but may have been caused by the cataclysm that ended the city-building human civ.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:19 No.7766340
    Elves don't live on islands. They live on artificial, rag-tag floating cities. They value freedom and get sick when they walk on land. They revere Mother Ocean but can drown just as everyone else (they are not Aquatic Elves). They have many druids, all of them water-centric, and revere only one god (Mother Ocean), but each coven and tribe have their own interpretation - this is considered natural and is not a source of contention.

    They smoke seaweed.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:21 No.7766364
    The orcs have hated and waged war against the dwarves ever since their air city collided with, and destroyed, their highest tower (or maybe twin towers) - revealing the shoddy workmanship.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:22 No.7766376
    Ooo! Lizardmen are the kobolds heretics that were cast out after a schism long ago. Exposure to mutating magic (from magical jungles or volcanos or something. Maybe volcanoes and jungles are 'hot-spots' of magic, or somelthing.) has made lizardmen larger and less dragon-looking (which kobolds hold as proof of their fall-from-light..)

    They still are reluctant to kill each other, however, and try to avoid the other if at all possible.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:24 No.7766395
    Alright then. Let the Kobolds revere both Dragon-gods, frequently fighting between themselves, eagerly awaiting the return of their dragon gods - Gods that have completely forgotten that they even have real, actual servants on the Earth, far to preoccupied by the Sol-Luna War.

    "Aasimar" and "Tieflings" exist on "Earth", but only amongst the Kobolds. Why? No one knows, they are born rarely and randomly.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:25 No.7766414
    Also, orcs want to build a tower to the moon because they worship the MOON DEMONS and want to release them to the world. They believe the MOON DEMONS are actually the truest creations of the Great Architect that once built the world, brick by brick.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:26 No.7766428
    Halflings and gnomes are supposed to be the two 'social' races.

    Halflings are suave hobbits. They're socially deft, good at blending in and going unnoticed, strong sense of community ("halfling mafia"), etc.

    Gnomes are the crazy eccentrics; chemists, mages, bards, etc. Fey connections, fierce individualism and impulsiveness, fit into society about as well as a torque wrench in an asshole. But they're vibrant where halflings are dull, standing out where halflings blend in. Gnomes are inventors, artists, and social trailblazers.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:26 No.7766437
    Kobolds grow and deal coffee.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:27 No.7766446
    Y'know, evolution doesn't have to be based on "A wizard did it" even if it is a fantasy world. If just saying that they adapted to their new, harsh environment makes more sense than "Volcanoes are Magic, lol", Say the first one.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:28 No.7766452
    We can't just make EVERY civilization moving, can we?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:28 No.7766454
    They also like cheese.

    Dwarves believe that the earth is filthy, and their flying cities are reminiscent of Mayan and Aztec cultures. They are fanatically devoted to an unnamed Sun-god, and they see the Celestials inhabiting it and the Demons that attack it irreverent - like a swarm of locusts attacking their god.

    This puts them at odds with everyone.

    They regularly carry out sacrifices of lesser races on great altars, in reverance to their Sun-god
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:29 No.7766478
    >shoddy craftsmanship
    WHO'S shoddy craftsmanship depends on who you ask.

    Elves do need to get some things from land, particulairly timber. While simple things, like furniture, can just be purchased from other races (halflings, kuo-toa, kobolds, occasionally humans or dwarves), anything IMPORTANT, like ships, or ocean-related things, must be personally chosen and harvested by elven shipwrights/druids/grand high poobas/ whatevers.

    This leads them into conflict when they impinge upon Kuo-toa territory. (or anything else.)

    Elves are not a dying race.

    Elemental affinity;
    Humans, lizardmen; fire
    dwarves, avariels; air
    elves, kuo-toa; water
    gnomes, halflings, kobolds; earth
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:30 No.7766491
    ...And why these differences aren't just two aspects of the same race, we'll never know.

    Filler Content Writers: I've Got it Guys, Halflings are not-hobbits and Gnomes are ugly potato nerds! Other than that, they're both just short people. Now we can market one race as two!
    WotC: Brilliant!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:31 No.7766496
    Dwarves are the only race to have real Clerics. And they are brutal about it.

    They also consider "pure" magic (Wizards) to be a breach against divine will, thus unnatural. Wizards are shunned and dwarven wizards are killed.

    Divine magic in this world is a function of belief, not actual existance of actual gods. Arcane Magic and Divine Magic are essentially the same thing in different forms, but no-one actually knows this.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:32 No.7766508
    >Dwarves believe that the earth is filthy
    Consequently, whenever a dwarf has been down to the surface, they need to go through purification ceremonies (involves flame) to be allowed back on their air cities. Ground-pounder races are naturally not allowed to defile their cities unless brought in as sacrifices to the Sun.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:32 No.7766510
    was supposed to redirect to

    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:35 No.7766537

    This purification ritual must include blood, not just fire. Dwarves wash themselves in the blood of a sacrifice (not necessarily a humanoid or sentient, could be a goat or duck or anything) and sear their flesh with fire.

    The amount of searing shows devotion. Truly reverent dwarves go through this ritual daily and show their scars, often facial scars, with pride.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:36 No.7766549
    >They're both short, so they're the same race, even though they're different in every other conceivable way

    I guess treebeard was right the first time. Hobbits ARE goblins.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:37 No.7766561
    Ah, and when a dwarf dies, they are not buried, but instead burned on a funeral pyre. It is viewed as a joyous occasion, sending a fellow dwarf to join the great Sun in the sky.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:39 No.7766593
    Maybe air-pressure/giant fans instead? Humans are already fire, though they could as easily be wind. And dwarves always need more metals and stuff to expand their cities/build more Devices...

    Stable civilizations: Kobolds, Kuo-toa, Orks, some Halflings, Lizardmen (have their pirate-cities.) Elves and dwarves (have airships/massive ocean-arks/flotillas that function as cities, move slowly)

    Nomads: Dwarves and elves (move slowly) Humans, ...

    I'm seeing elf-flotillas as individual ships that are designed to be able to combine into single horizontal mass. (bolt them together temporairly, or whatever.) they like to move cities very slowly, so that those traveling can find them relatively easily.

    Dwarf cities move VERY slowly. (unless the wind is going with them.)
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:40 No.7766601
    This race is cool, but I'm not sure why you're calling them dwarves. Surely you aren't going to make them short and beefy or model their culture after Scottish coal miners when they don't live underground?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:40 No.7766610
    Dwarfs hunt/ride Sky Sharks
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:42 No.7766625
    Because the orc towers are so tall, rudimentary PARACHUTES are a common piece of equipment amongst the tower-dwellers. Also, distances between levels being so great, they use HOT AIR BALLOONS to go up and down between levels. They are attached to rails built on outside walls (or central shaft) so they won't wander away.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:42 No.7766628
    'course we are!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:43 No.7766648
    More thoughts on Orcs. Regardless of original intent-- religious or otherwise-- the mere practice of settling down to create their immense towers caused orcish settlements to become permanent, and thus eventually centers of trade in the otherwise-mobile world. Orcish aggression, formerly with warfare as an outlet, turned to competition with other orcish cities as to who could create the most grand, impressive architecture. To support the towering heights of their structures, orcish engineers became by necessity extremely competent.

    The end result of this is that the orcs have settled from being barbaric tribes and have become one of the most prosperous and impressive civilizations on the planet. That is not to say that they are not fierce warriors, either-- wars between the orcish city-states are common as they strive to show their superiority in means other than architectural.

    The orcish people tend to be among the most well-educated individuals on the planet, with relatively comfortable lives. Orcish competitiveness makes their universities places of great achievement, paralleling their continual attempts to advance in height, though their constant striving for dominance puts them at odds with both each other and other races, which they have come to view as uncultured savages.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:44 No.7766657
    Central shafts are generally occupied by a massive top-to-bottom pole, which provides structural support, as well as an easy means of descent.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:45 No.7766671
    Dorf rule #1: dorfs must always be AWESOME.
    >> tc !W48S2eY4nU 01/25/10(Mon)02:45 No.7766680
    TC here and I'm proud of you all except the assfucks that hate halflings and gnomes

    as for kobolds I say they live in inticate trap piles and rickity tin homes akin to garbage dumps, made of gathered junk

    junk city people essentially

    also tripcoding up to protect authenticity
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:46 No.7766690

    Wait, Orcs turned into engineering Greece-like city states?

    And they compete for commerce and fame like cities in the middle ages did with cathedrals, building them higher and higher until they collapsed?

    I love it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:47 No.7766693
    Basically, things have inverted-- in the past, humans were the big city civilization and orcs were the savage barbarians, now it's orcs with the big cities and humans as the nomads / barbarians.
    >> tc !W48S2eY4nU 01/25/10(Mon)02:47 No.7766699
    i like this idea best for fishmen
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:48 No.7766709
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:48 No.7766717
    Of course we're going to call them dwarves.

    Because in addition to completely bonkers all-out religious nuttery with blood and searing flesh, aswell as living in sky-cities modelled after Aztec and Mayan cultures, they tend to be drunk of their arses, high on oxygen, short, and stocky.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:52 No.7766765
    There is also some fierce competition INSIDE each orc tower-city. Each has multiple MASONIC FAMILIES or CLANS that compete in building-skill, trying to OUT-DO each other with their grand projects. Some say these masons actually control the cities. Builder orcs without an attachment to a particular tower are called FREE MASONS.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:53 No.7766780
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    I dislike your bottom paragraph. I prefer them to have an almost adeptus-mechanicus-like architect-priest order.

    Also, rakshasas. Almost exclusively wizards, they tend to construct massive cities, erecting the central structures with pure magic. Such places are stable, multi-racial, and prosperous. However, living in a city is effectively siding with that rakshasa against all others.

    Rakshasa cities tend to be expanded out from the basics by orkish, dwarfish, kobold, or halfling engineers, (the first two being desirable), often all four. The most powerful and favored retainers are given central locations and dwellings constructed by their lord's magic alone.

    Kenku are practically pests, living in all cities or equivalents there of, particularly lizardmen ones. They often are thieves, assassins, and bandits, and seem extremely well adapted for life among rooftops or masts.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:55 No.7766798
    I like this.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:55 No.7766804

    >>dwarfish engineers
    >>Hasn't read the thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:55 No.7766813
    What happens when the dwarves run over the orcish towers?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:55 No.7766814
    Orc are violent fascists with rigid social structures. While they have come far, they are still decidingly "Orcish".

    They are ruled by a high command of warrior-priests, one in each tower.

    Their cities aren't referred to as cities, but as towers, due to their architecture. The ruling seat is constantly moved as the tower becomes higher. The orcish tower that is highest at any one time is considered the superior one and all others either fear or respect them enough to defer to their judgement.

    It is unheard of for anyone not with the highest tower to lead an alliance of orcish tower-states.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:56 No.7766817
    They build their flying cities, don't they?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:57 No.7766830
    For some obscure reasons tehy call those events "nine-elevens"
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:58 No.7766846
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    Actually, I take that back. I do.

    Imagine a clan-city of dwarfs being contracted to build a structure. What do they do?

    The build it, fly over the destination, and slowly drop the completed structure whole-sale at the appointed place.

    Imagine the attached picture, but steampunk, and a building strapped to the bottom of it, awaiting installation.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:58 No.7766851
    Whoever's construction proved less-durable swears vengeance. Twenty years later, war ensues.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:59 No.7766858
    Yes, but they wouldn't work on the ground.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:00 No.7766864
    I... I like it. And I'm the guy you challenged.

    Can dwarf cities be hired by orcs to use their cities as scaffolding for tower construction?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:01 No.7766873
    Every dwarven city have nine cantons. Every orcish tower has eleven main pillars.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:02 No.7766885
    I doubt orcish pride would allow that. Unless an orcish free mason or group of masons was contracted out by someone else-- which would probably involve lots of money and assertions of orcish superiority-- they likely wouldn't work on anyone's projects but their own, and certainly not accept help from their hated aerial enemies.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:02 No.7766894
    Extremely unlikely. The orcs revere the moon demons. The dwarves hate the moon demons. Out of religious reasons (as well as Orcs being "those mud-dwelling Greggers") they are almost constantly at war, or at least Cold War.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:03 No.7766907

    Well, each city has its own rules, obviously, but for most that is considered cheating
    (although many would accuse competitors of using Dwarf services for the foundations).
    No, Dwarfs are contracted out for things too complicated or time consuming otherwise. Like a cental water pump, maybe a temple to the Sun or something.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:05 No.7766936
    I really don't see the dwarves doing favours or being architectural jews to the "lesser peoples".
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:07 No.7766955
    Oh, its not common, surely. But everything has its price.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:08 No.7766972
    Nor would the orcs want the help of the dwarves. They are prideful and arrogant, as well as utterly devoted to the building of the towers. Having the stocky air-headz do it for them would be HERESY.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:11 No.7766998

    I can see dwarven holy wars involving massive amounts of sky-sharks due to this.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:13 No.7767026
    Dwarven architecture and culture is Mayan and Aztec, but their apparel and priests are not feathered, but has more of a all-covered egyptian look.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:14 No.7767034
    Good luck finding my clan-ship, its only riding the trade winds halfway across the world by now.

    These Clan-ships would be even more loosely associated than the Orc city-states.

    Some would surely be xenophobic and terraphobic, but some...well, landing rights to a nearby mountain can grease even the tightest palm.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:15 No.7767049
    There is a LEGEND amongst the orcs; once there live a mason who wanted to be the first to built a tower all the way to the moon. Seeing the other orcs were more concerned with competing with each other, he started building a tower of his own. His means were not great however, and his tower was small. Ultimately he ran out of money to buy more stones for the tower. He despaired until he came upon an idea: he deconstructed the bottom floor and re-used them to build the top. This he continued until his tower slowly disappeared into th sky. He is still working they say, slowly crawling towards the moon. If a rock falls from the sky, it is probably one of his tiles.
    >> The Humble Gentleman 01/25/10(Mon)03:17 No.7767064
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    The race known as Giants aren't despite their name all gigantic in stature it actually refers to the sheer power they have within.

    Giants were created Ages ago back in the Age of Man as the Ultimate super-weapons in their ever escalating wars between themselves that eventually led to the fall of Humanity as the masters of this world.

    Giants are one of the only remnants of the old human civilizations along with the mechanical creatures known as Soul Guardians.

    To be continued...
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:17 No.7767066
    Thats fantastic.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:19 No.7767088
         File1264407547.jpg-(14 KB, 450x300, LastExileV108.jpg)
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    A small sky-winch.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:20 No.7767108
    I'm pretty sure I'm recycling an existing fable there, it feels too familiar.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:20 No.7767115
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    did the old world burn in the Seven Days of Fire?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:21 No.7767117
    I've got my eye on you...
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:21 No.7767129
    Not sure if I'm feeling it. I like the earlier interpretation of giants being extraordinarily rare, immortal, and typically half-starved, stunted, or otherwise in poor shape due to lack of food enough to support their huge size. Some giants, however, might travel with and otherwise assist other races in return for food-- so you might see giants working as living cranes or similar on orc construction sites, or hauling entire nets of the day's catch for elf fisher flotillas.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:21 No.7767131
    And because he believes in it, it's possible.

    >>7767064 see >>7766081 >>7766104 >>7766206

    Then why are we even having this discussion? Let's just say "Every individual is unique and no-one can say otherwise". Some orcs may build towers, others may not, one dwarf city is flying, another one is perched on a mountain.

    Blargh. You suck cock.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:23 No.7767152
    All good fables have bits of other, older fables. This seems very in keeping with the setting, good stuff.

    Man, /tg/ is awesome tonight. Can someone get this thread archived?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:23 No.7767162

    There are meteor showers at regular intervals. The Orcs explain it by saying that, despite his prowess, this legendary mason was a bit clumsy. He always drops some stones when he's dismantling the lowest floor of his tower.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:25 No.7767180
    Every year he loses some rocks, but the tower is so massive that it doesn't matter.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:25 No.7767182
    What is the source of these images?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:26 No.7767191
    Evangelion, and Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
    >> The Humble Gentleman 01/25/10(Mon)03:29 No.7767211
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    part two

    Giants are Biological war machines that come in all shapes and sizes from human sized to some that are taller than Orc towers, from humanoid to bestial.

    One of the things to note about the picture used in the previous post is that the giant pictured is naked and by that I mean that all giants wear some form of armor over their resilient yet extremely sensitive skin whether it be made out of Metal, Bone, or pure concentrated Magic or Psionic energy, and all giants are capable of great acts of destruction and power

    that's actually a picture I would have used to show Giant anatomy

    also wait till I show what they were created to fight
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:30 No.7767221
    Still not feeling it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:30 No.7767229
    Quickly people! We're descending into fail! Save this thread!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:32 No.7767245

    Yeah, this feels very...whats the word...stupid.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:32 No.7767247
    But he does get more rocks. Some orcs towers, during religious holdiays, send hot air balloons laden with bricks to the sky. Others celebrate by shooting bricks up with a catapult.
    >> The Humble Gentleman 01/25/10(Mon)03:33 No.7767256
    I hope you aren't implying that my posts are fail :P
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:33 No.7767257
    Yeah let's try to keep Evangelion out of this

    Grecian city-state architect orcs, flying Aztec dwarves, sea-nomad elves, Bedouin humans are all great. Let's not shit it up.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:33 No.7767259
    All this weeaboo bullshit is gay.

    Giants are coral-reef beefcakes with too little to eat, helping others for services as they see fit. Exceedingly rare. Immortal.

    Go make some faggot gundam setting for your MS "giants who are giants within, lol".
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:34 No.7767273
    I'm almost enjoying the talk of orc mythology more than the original point of the thread. Maybe have to make a new one devoted entirely to the orc mythos if we can all agree on the general way each race operates.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:34 No.7767274
    Excellent save, I love it!

    Ok, to switch tracks. What about the Elves? What makes them different than the pirate gerudo from LoZ, Majora's Mask?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:35 No.7767276

    >Myths of ancient heroes tying into natural phenomena, with associated festivities and rituals.
    Holy shit this is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:35 No.7767282
    Others tie a brick to the leg of a big moon-bird. They are birds that fly high, high up in the sky, and according to orc scriptures actually descend from the moon to lay eggs on mountaintops.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:37 No.7767296
    Only children take that myth seriously.

    Still doesn't stop them from tying rocks to bird and then throwing them on the appointed holiday.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:38 No.7767302
    May have been thought up, but when dwarfs sentence one of their own to die, if the crime is serious enough, they disgrace the perpetrator's body by tossing them off the edge of their city. Having ones body reside on the ground after death is considered a great dishonor.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:39 No.7767313
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    Umm, I don't know if you ever saw Nausicaa, but this dude wasn't in it. Not even for one second.
    >> The Humble Gentleman 01/25/10(Mon)03:40 No.7767330
    well sir you are a gigantic douchebag and can promptly insert yourself into a fire and the whole weaboo thing is pointless dividing of stuff and also I was just trying to think of something different is all
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:42 No.7767349
    The chick in Nausicaa was so totally Krieg Chan. Hawt.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:42 No.7767351
    Sea Elves, living in their nomadic sea-cities (cue Waterworld), are constantly raided by the underwater-city Goblins. Goblins also raid shoreline cities regularly.

    Goblin cities are connected by natural caves-lines underneath water. Notoriously unstable. The average goblin is non-religious, but are secretly ruled by a wide variety of dark cults, revering unknown elder evils. Insanity and madness is considered perfectly normal and in some societies, even a blessing. Even in isolated cities themselves, there are no central leadership, making the filthy goblin states exist in a "healthy" state of anarchy.

    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:43 No.7767357

    And you are taking the rejection gloriously, as expected of a name-fags.


    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:43 No.7767358
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    But id did have pegasus cavalry, robot soldiers, ohmu riders and light sabers!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:44 No.7767371
    Not just a dishonor. They are forever denied the afterlife, cursed to wander the earth. D:
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:45 No.7767379
    The issue is that you're injecting something that would be completely world-shattering, and we're still working on just racial politics.

    Anyway, on topic; The elves have a myth that when the world was formed, the humans had the land, the dwarfs were given the sky, and the elves were given the sea and the immense bounty it contained. However, humans were greedy creatures and warred with each other-- eventually, their civilization fell, and the young race of orcs took their place as the owners of land despite their yearning for the sky. The elves, insulated from the conflicts of orcs and dwarves, still consider themselves incomparably blessed and are very content with their positions as 'masters of the sea'. That is not to say they don't require some of the land's bounty-- wood and non-fish food in particular-- and so the fall of humanity was of some concern to them. They have moderately good relations with coastal orcish cities, however, as small supply ships break off from the flotilla-city to trade, and very poor relations with the island-dwelling lizardfolk of the south, who they raid for supplies.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:46 No.7767387
    Dwarven undead are actually attracted to flame, as they wish to burn themselves up and go up to the Sun.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:46 No.7767394
    "thinking of something different" doesn't mean going into "IM A PRECIOUS UNIQUE BUTTERFLY LOOK AT ME!"-territory.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:47 No.7767405

    Oooooh, right. Sorry, I got confused because the picture said Ultra-Man on it, and I was also thinking of that robot from Castle in the Sky for some reason. You are superior, Anon.

    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:48 No.7767411
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    >Dwarven Hell=Earth
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:48 No.7767414
    Fuck, I love that.

    However, most people don't know this. This results in undeads being attracted to settlements.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:48 No.7767420

    Mistakes were made and admitted. You are forgiven.

    May you burn in the sun, like your kin before you.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:50 No.7767433
    Now envisioning the greatest threat to human settlements being roving undead dwarves that are drawn to the light of their night-fires, thus forcing humans into a near-noctural state. Sleeping in the day, moving in the night.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:50 No.7767437
    I was actually avoiding reading this thread, and now that I have I can't think of a reason why I did. This is awesome. Kickawesome. yes yes yes.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:51 No.7767455
    If demons are from the moon now, what of the fey?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:51 No.7767456

    Thats a really good idea. Long undead Dwarves are actually perpetually on fire is a desperate attempt to go upwards.

    Someone needs to write a legend of an ill fated burning dwarf and a famous Orc Tower.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:51 No.7767457
    Linked to the wrong post there I think, unless daemonette whores are somehow relevant. :D
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:52 No.7767464
    Always, sir.

    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:52 No.7767470

    Always. It's just a matter of to what degree.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:53 No.7767475
    Oh you mean the tale of the burning dwarf and his attempt to ascend an orc tower to sun? That's one of the good tales.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:53 No.7767482
    All dwarves that die on the earth (i.e. are not burned) naturally turns into undead. The reasons for this is unknown. This fact is also unknown to almost all surface-dwellers. This may be the original reason the dwarves retreated into the sky. But that is unknown.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:55 No.7767506

    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:55 No.7767508
    Oops. Meant to link to >>7767371

    Fuck the fey. :O
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:55 No.7767510
    To whoever writes this, the tower needs a specific name.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:56 No.7767518
    Oh, for fucks sake. I originally meant >>7767387 but the more I write the more wrong it gets.
    >> The Humble Gentleman 01/25/10(Mon)03:57 No.7767519
    well actually something I forgot to mention was that most of the really huge ones are currently asleep underground and the largest ones that most people would see these days are between 5 and 20 meters and also this mostly was to help explain the previously established fact that humans used to have stable civilisations and now have reverted to nomadism
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:57 No.7767520
    The fey are from the moon, as in the op.

    Demon moon was a dumb idea.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:57 No.7767530

    Fuck off, this is garbage.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:58 No.7767537

    >> The Humble Gentleman 01/25/10(Mon)03:59 No.7767545
    though I guess I have to think of something different now

    p.s. just found out my spell checker has Grue in it :)
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:59 No.7767548
    The moon. The orcs want to go to the moon. Dwarves want to go to the Sun (to liberate and join their Star-God).

    Both for entirely different reasons. The Orcs revere the demons and the moon as perfection at the hands of the great architect. The Dwarves have their own, singular god, and consider the Sol-Luna War and the occupation by the Dragon-Gods, the Demons and Celestials, and their dragonborn shock-troops blasphemous.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:59 No.7767551
    The dwarves feel strongly about their brethren who have died on the surface. Thus, their priesthood has a special order that frequents the surface and performs the necessary last rites on the undead who were not sentenced to that fate.

    "You people... make frequent trips to down below?"
    "Someone has to. There are our brethren down there who needs to be saved."
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:00 No.7767553
    Humanity fell due to a combination of a long decline of their empire, civil war, and pressures from the outlying orc tribes that were gaining in strength and significance. There. No bullshit giant robot explanation needed.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:00 No.7767566
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    >Cajun halflings

    It's been done. That doesn't mean your ideas are not fuck-awesome in their entirety. Because they are.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:01 No.7767567
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    This is the sight that haunts the dreams of humans every day. Roving bands of undead, fiery dwarves.
    >> The Humble Gentleman 01/25/10(Mon)04:01 No.7767570
    I thought /tg/ was supposed to be one of the nice boards all I want to do is share my thoughts and I've already given up on my giant idea for now
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:01 No.7767572
    HAHA! I love it!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:01 No.7767575
    No! The elves don't need wood! They make their equipment and housing out of sea-weed and special sea-mud.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:03 No.7767590

    That whole bit there is stupid. Revert back to OP in that case. Heaven can still be the Sun, but lets leave the moon to the fey, it just fits better.

    Give the Demons a landmark, perhaps? Something like The Maw or some such.
    >> The Humble Gentleman 01/25/10(Mon)04:04 No.7767593
    don't forget the shells and bones of giant sea creatures :) :P
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:04 No.7767594
    This means that inadvertently dwarven undead hit squards sometimes end up saving nondwarven settlements from undead attacks.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:04 No.7767600
    >undead dwarves are drawn to fire
    >long-undead dwarves are always on fire
    >undead dwarves are drawn to fire
    >on fire/drawn to fire

    Lots of undead dwarf hugging going on?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:07 No.7767622
    The sun was never heaven.
    The whole point is to generally leave the sun/moon out of the equation(s). Fuck the fey. They have no reasons to exist. Alternatively, put fey on both sides. Replace the dragonborn shock troops with fey shock troops. Whatever. There. Fixed. You have your gay fey.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:08 No.7767627

    They would naturally resist the draw of eachothers fire, the same way zombies naturally resist the urge to eat eachother.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:08 No.7767628
    I don't really like the idea of having fey or demons on the moon at all. The Sun could be simply viewed as the 'realm of the gods' by the dwarves, and the Moon as "realm of the gods" by the orcs. Whether or not they're actually there doesn't matter. They're symbols for the people to (literally) look up to.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:08 No.7767631
    Volcanic pummice. It is a rock that floats. Useful if you live on the sea, perhaps.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:10 No.7767645

    Fair enough, I actually prefer it that way. I just thought Fey fit better than DEMONS.

    I like the mythical angle. Fuck, make different people beleive different things.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:11 No.7767647
    Volcanos, eh? Sounds a bit earth-like.. can we trust it?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:19 No.7767706
    The world can be one huge, pangea-like main continent. On the eastern side, huge montains rise up, so tall that no water can pass them from the ocean, not even the enormous hurricanes that brew in the cast oceans. Past these mountains is a massive desert that never ever sees rain, with oasises sprouting up in places. On the western side of the continent, there are no huge mountains, giving rise to a lush, swampy area where the halflings reside, making it dangerous for peoples to gain access to the sea. Islands from volcanos dot the ocean, singurally and in long chains. Between the desert and the swamps lie the vast plains, where many humans reside, who's legends state the reason that absolutely nothing can be seen as far as the eye can see is that the world is actually so flat that you are seeing all the way around it. When they see the Orc towers in the far distance, seeming small from the range, it is said you are actually looking around the world and seeing yourself from behind, standing there.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:20 No.7767718
    Everyone so far have very different religions.

    The moon is inhabited by demons. The sun is inhabited by celestials. Each side is ruled by a dragon-"god" in a perpetual war. It is generally inferred that they once ruled the earth. They use fey or dragonborn as shock-troops.

    The kobolds revere both these dragons, and await their return. Because of the duality in this belief, they are often at odds with eachother. There are "aasimar" and "tieflings" born amongst the kobolds, for reasons unknown.

    The orcs have priest-architects. Also, orcs want to build a tower to the moon because they worship the MOON DEMONS and want to release them to the world. They believe the MOON DEMONS are actually the truest creations of the Great Architect that once built the world, brick by brick.

    The dwarves, always at odds with the "mud-dwelling greggers" (Orcs) revere their own unnamed sun-god, represented by the actual Sun. They consider the war (supposedly) fought up there to be an affront to god. They oppose both celestials and demons due to this and their religion is naturally att odds with most others (especially since it's elitistic and generally fanatic). They have the only "true" clerics and hate (arcane) magic.

    The elves revere Mother Ocean and their priests consists solely out of water-centric druids. This has absolutely nothing to do with whatever the other races have going on.

    The Goblins revere fucking Cthulhu.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:23 No.7767738
    In the lowlands of the swamps, there air is so moist that people not accustomed to live there can actually end up drowning simply by breathing it in. In a rare lack of xenophobia, the goblins and halfings actually do trade with one another, with the air being wet enough to allow them to come on land with minimal discomfort. In these swamps, There are walking giant squids, built like elephants, with thick, massive tentacles, and others that swing like monkeys through the trees. There are fishlike birds, with winglike fins that do a strange hybrid of swimming and flying to get through the thick air.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:25 No.7767776
    Is it too late to call the world flat and stick it on a fucking turtle? Because that'd be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:26 No.7767778
    megasquid and squibbons.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:28 No.7767800
    Only if it can have tentacles.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:28 No.7767801
    Trolls are naturally built climbers and live in thick equatorial jungles, leaping down and snatching prey. Some go their entire lives without their feet ever touching ground.

    Some orc towercities have had problems with failed attempts to domesticate the trolls as beasts of burden, and now certain towers have small families of trolls that climb in and out and snatching whatever they can for sustenance.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:29 No.7767805
    The gnomes live on the westward, ocean facing side of the massive mountains. As the water cascades down the mountains, it forms huge waterfalls, where the gnomes build their cities. They use the lye from the rock to make a natural soap-like substance and create massive bubble cities, huge metropolises built from bubbles. Because of the location in context to the other races (on the other side of the mountains) they are extremely secretive, not just by choice, but simply by location as well.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:32 No.7767828

    The world is now flat. A disc situated on top of a cosmic Turtuid. A turtuid is a turtle with 10 tentacles. 3 for each "arm" and 4 as legs at the back. The edges of the disc all ends in giant waterfalls. Elves and other intelligent sea creatures rarely venture near these edges due to a "point of no return" where it is simply impossible to pull back.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:32 No.7767834

    Also put them on very sheer mountains, ekeing out a living. Like snow leopards, only Trolls.

    Also, what do these trolls look like?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:32 No.7767838
    Trolls still possess a natural healing ability, the reason being that as they move quickly through the jungle, they are cut and gashed by branched and the like, giving wounds that heal just as quickly as they are made. For this reason, troll civilization seems very raw by other standards, unpolished and rough, since the trolls have no reason to soften edges and remove dangers, since to them it is simply a part of life that their body has grown to account for.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:33 No.7767840
    where does all the water go then
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:33 No.7767844

    No. Stupid. Bad anon.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:34 No.7767847
    Long, rubbery limbs with grasping fingers and thick claws. Prehensile feet, too.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:34 No.7767856
    Trolls look like regular DnD/FR trolls, but generally smaller. They are like a mix between gorillas and chimps, but far more grotesque.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:35 No.7767863
    The void, of course. Where else?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:36 No.7767867
    Give them a prehensile tail as well, except it is really another arm, complete with hand.
    they can live in the lush jungles that grow on the western mountains. This also gives them someone to interact with, the gnomes.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:36 No.7767868

    Really? I would have put them at about eight feet tall, but lanky.


    Like this.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:36 No.7767873
    Nooo taiiiil. The rest is good.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:37 No.7767883
    The world is flat is what the goblins believe, with them worshipping the tenturtle as their provider. It is not really a turtle world however. They gain some of their belief on the turtle from their interactions with the megasquid in the swamps and marshs.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:38 No.7767892
    Why no tail? Nothing else here has a tail.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:39 No.7767909
    Give the goblins a finned tail.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:40 No.7767916
    In the polar seas, those few explorers brave enough to have traveled there tell hushed tales of a race of monsters living on, and beneath the cracked ice floes. Massive, and covered in a thick layer of blubber, these huge pallid creatures lurk in the white snow, lashing out and dragging any living morsel to their ice caves to devour with their maws lined with crooked tusks. Not even ships are safe, as these creatures can hold their breath for long periods of time, and can stand the frigid water as though it were a warm bath. Sailors tell ghost stories of men supposedly falling overboard, but really dragged off the ship into the freezing black water.

    These monsters are known as "Ogres".
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:42 No.7767938
    They can both have tails. The goblins tails actually are an extension of their gills, allowing for easier breathing as they swim around their watery homes. Water flows over their tail and gives them the air they need. Thus, when they are on land, in the marshes, they are often wagging their tail, like a dog.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:43 No.7767945
    Trolls get no tails, they're predatory grotesque megagibbons, not spidermonkeys.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:43 No.7767948
    The Gnolls are sea-faring folk, but more of a classic mariner style. they live in giant iron-clad ships in the great north, and cut through iceburgs with coal powered ships.

    They are very rugged and grizzled, and tend to have outrageous accents. many of them make a living whaling in the north, or pirating the few ships that come that far. They are shrewd traders
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:44 No.7767963
    Exactly why the tail is really more of another arm/leg. I only said tail so the placement would be understood. It is another limp, not a true tail. It is as long and lanky and grotesque as their other limbs.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:45 No.7767967
    Then its not a tail at all. Thats dumb. Have it be like a lions tail.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:45 No.7767968
    Gnolls would thus be natural enemies of the ogres?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:47 No.7767983
    naturally. perhaps, in a sickening twist, the gnoles actually hunt ogres for ogre fat, in a manner similar to whaling.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:48 No.7767986
    riding on horses is strange and taboo in some places. most peoples and races put their faith in Oxen. From the sleek Marnatheion Racer Ox, the massive fierce Kharto War Ox, to the shaggy Steppes Ox favored by the tundra dwelling Hobgoblin Grass Shamans.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:48 No.7767994
    They shrewdly trade this fat with the secretive gnomes, who use it as a special commodity to work their bubble arts with. Ogre fat soap makes the best bubbles, everyone knows that.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:50 No.7768010
    hilariously, as expected, gnolls always smell like wet dog.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:52 No.7768023
    I dig it. sounds solid!
    haha yeah i guess your right.

    i really like how this is coming together
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:53 No.7768033
    Of course, Ogre hunting takes a terrible toll of the gnolls that partake of it. Those that don't end up snatched into the maw by a wet, stinking hand or crushed and drowned under the massive bulk often go mad from the pressure and loneliness of the polar seas, only ever broken by the call to man the harpoons as an ogre is sighted surfacing, a seal half-crammed in it's gullet.

    There are tales of one such Gnoll named who still keeps the fight, running a skeleton crew of gnoll outcast who would not be let on any other ship, still chasing after the massive white ogre that took his leg years ago.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:53 No.7768038
    Hobgoblin Grass Shamans and their hobgoblin clansmen inhabit the frozen tundras of the south, where only the hardiest grass manages to take root.

    The Grass Shamans themselves are versed in the mystical proprietaries of herbs.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:54 No.7768045
    The human's have a single massive fortress in the middle of the desert. its purpose is to give there enemies a place to attack so that the human's don't have to chase them allover the desert.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:56 No.7768069
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    usually i hate gnolls but this new gnoll fluff makes me want to roll one in this new /tg/scape.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:57 No.7768076
    Gnomes are master artisans, using their skill to make bubbles that are more beautiful than any gemstone, often made into jewerly. On the same note, they build beautiful clothing that sparkles like a dream, actually made up of millions of tiny bubbles, masterfully woven together.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:59 No.7768089
    ... but secretly, the gnomes use many unorthodox components, such as aforementioned ogre fat. this might not sit well with certain circles
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:59 No.7768093
    I'm the guy who fluffed out the trolls ogres, and Gnoll Ahab. I'm tired, I'm going to bed. You guys better keep this thread going until I wake up tomorrow or so help me I'm going to punch you in the dick.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:00 No.7768104
    k. ill try
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:00 No.7768107

    this stems back to the wars between humans and orcs, when a powerful group of orc mages took over the minds of the humans horses and turned them into savage, unridable beasts.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:00 No.7768108
    We have a name.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:01 No.7768118
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:03 No.7768134
    This works because the other races just can't bring them selves too believe that no one actually lives there.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:04 No.7768153
    Gnomish Green, it is made of PEOPLE!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:05 No.7768161
    There are also ogres that live on the icy peaks of the western mountains. These are actually the same breeds as the polar and more aquatic ogres, but are their adolecent form. As they grow, they head down the rivers that form from the melting snow, down the massive waterfalls of the gnomes, and head to sea, heading north to the colder climates. Gnomes catch many of these ogres as they migrate, but their fat is inferior to the older, sea changed ones. It is thought that perhaps the saltwater is what makes the fat so good, but tests have come back inconclusive. As to how the ogres get to the mountains peaks in the first place, when it comes time for them to breed, they head further south, to the warm, tropical waters. Here they find the massive storms that brew in the vast sea, and are picked up into the sky. They are then deposited by these storms at the top of the mountains, prepared to give birth to their offspring.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:06 No.7768169
    It is said by the Dwarves and the Orks that Celestials reside on the Sun, and that Demons reside on the moon.

    This is patently false. No such thing as demons or celestials have set foot on either of those planets. No such creatures outside the noosphere of this world exist.

    It is true, the beliefs of the races shape the world - and thus beings of wishes and dark thoughts stumble into existence, but belief only stretches so far. If the belief of one planet could change the far side of the galaxy, the universe would be eternally mutable.

    No, nothing originally lived on the moon. The sun, of course, is still uninhabitable as a giant burning ball of gas. But the moon-

    There is a ancient folk-tale, about the orc who built his tower so high, he ran out of materials and started to use his own tower to build further layers.

    There is an old tale of the greatest dwarven city crashing into the highest tower, and both vanishing, both forever lost.

    Both are old, warped over time, and inseparable.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:07 No.7768175
    The link between these young ogres and the adult versions is not fully known, as as such, are commenly thought to be two different creatures altogether.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:07 No.7768179
    Sometimes things go astray and an ogre gets deposited onto a dwarf city.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:07 No.7768180
    k so after the ones from OP's post, we have thusly:

    Kobolds: apparently trash/junktown living creatures that have an affinity for....wait for it.... TRAPS!!!

    Giants: either Massive lanky majoras mask esque creatures, or large constructs

    HobGoblins: Tundra living, Grass Growing, herbalists that are shamanistic

    Gnolls: Ahab esque whallers who live in iron-clads in the north and hunt ogres for rare ogre fat\

    Ogres: they get hunted

    Goblins: undecided, but pretty much water related and may or may not have tails and fins.

    miss any?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:08 No.7768190
    Haha! I love it!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:11 No.7768206
    Make the gnomes and halflings the same race but living in different settings, and make that race a cousin of the dwarves.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:12 No.7768218
    so... wait what? every once in a while, the sky is filled with ogres?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:15 No.7768252
    this thread makes me love gnolls.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:17 No.7768267
    There is a story of a dwarf fortress. It was a Mecca, a true exemplar of dwarf ingenouity and greatness, that expanded further and further, flying higher and higher towards the sun. It is said it expanded too much however, with a population that outstripped it's ability to sustain itself. As the dwarfs were born and died, something had to be done with all the bodies. They simply did not have time to burn them all. Then one bright one dwarf, a true sunsetter, came upon an idea. The dead and weak dwarves were burned, but not just at funeral, but with purpose, for these fires fueled a grand rocketting upward motion. The dwarves continued this, with the fires burning hotter and faster as more and more dwarves were born and died. And the city flew high, higher than any city had ever before, high out of sight of all other cities, floating upwards towards the sun, lifted by the spirits of the dwarves that were making their own journey there. And this is where [INSERT DWARFY CITY NAME HERE] comes from, the star in the sky you see closest to the sun, on it's quest to join it.

    (I know it's not very good, but I wanted a dwarfy tale to go with the orc legend someone else wrote. Improve it if you want)
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:18 No.7768282
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:19 No.7768286
    Yes, and let's make orcs and goblins and trolls and ogres the same. And humans and elves too. Just because races are of similar height, doesn't mean they need to be combined.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:19 No.7768289

    thats awesome.
    I love the idea of a human looking through a telescope and seeing a bunch of confused looking ogres flying through the air.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:19 No.7768290
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:21 No.7768308
    No, but gnomes suck ass.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:22 No.7768317
    Why do you say that? I personally think elves suck ass, but I don't say there can't be elves in this world.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:22 No.7768319
    Millenia ago, two great city-states conferred. This was momentus - Orcs and Dwarves were at war eternal, were they not? But the eminent men and women of the Tower and the City were beyond that.

    The Orcs had devised tools to look at the moon, for the sun was too bright, and they despaired - nothing on the surface could be seen to live. Surely their demons would not hide underground or on the far side? And they must have been hiding on the far side, or in the ground, for the alternative was they did not exist.

    The Dwarves had managed to create heat which matched the temperature of the sun. Not even their best materials would survive in that heat. How could celestials?

    They both had one goal - to reach the stars, to see if their beliefs were true or not.

    They worked together. The Tower was strengthened. The City was prepared.

    The City was forcefully connected with the Tower, and it lifted both into the sky - the Tower itself used rocks as reaction mass, firing its own structure joyfully towards the earth. The City was the guidance.

    And they reached the skies. But when they reached the moon, there was no demons to be seen. Nothing but lifeless rock and airless expanse. And with the tower damaged in landing, they could not even try to reach the sun, as suicidal as that would be.

    But they survived. And thrived, on this new world, eventually intermingling. They became the Fae.

    (inb4 no orks you are the demons)
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:24 No.7768332
    dear god. words could not describe the terror i would feel.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:25 No.7768344
    *slow clap*
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:26 No.7768350
    Nor do I say that there can be no gnomes. I originally suggested fucking the gnomes, but people didn't agree so meh. :P
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:28 No.7768366
    Read the whole thread or gtfo.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:28 No.7768367
    How about this. Leave the gnomes in. Gives someone for you to be racist against if you ever play a game using this world. Everyone wins!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:29 No.7768379
    Could just be a legend you know, a folk tale, like the dwarf star city, and the Orc tower that built its way into the sky.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:32 No.7768410
    What other races are left?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:33 No.7768414
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    what about these guys? maybe this new place gives them a chance to redeem themselves in our eyes
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:33 No.7768421
    Of course. The gnomes are in. They are few and scarce, hiding behind waterfalls and travel in bubbles in waterways unknown to anyone else.

    They are secretive. They cannot be trusted. They have big noses, manipulate, and love gold. They are the jews of Teegeetia.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:33 No.7768423
    It was an attempt at reconciling DEMON MOON and Fae, with an addition to folk law as based on events that may or may not have happened. Don't take it as set in stone.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:34 No.7768431
    They arent welcome here
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:34 No.7768433
    personally, i would love to be a teegeetian
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:35 No.7768443
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    k lol just checking
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:36 No.7768456
    Ugh... them...

    Those things live on the eastern side of the western mountain, where it is rocky and barren. Life is harsh here, leading to a very harsh, sharp-featured creature, ecking out it's living against other, monsterous animals. The plants that grow here susist only on nutrients from the rock and sunlight. Without water to wash away the nutrients, this makes the rock very very high in minerals. No animal is truly herbivorious on the stormshadow mountainside, nothing can be that picky and survive.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:37 No.7768457
    I said that beause you all seem to feel restricted to DnD races. I was proposing a way to erase halflings and gnomes without actually removing them. So fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:39 No.7768473
    Not all Dnd races, I've been avoiding illithids, since they are lol copyrighted.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:41 No.7768485
    Oh god, I just realised, I got my directions wrong. I built the entire world backwards, lol. Oh well, it doesn't really matter, since the whole thing is reversed, not just part. Oh well.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:42 No.7768502
    if one follows the tunnels, corridors and crevasses of the underdark to their lowest limits, one might find a door. a vast door, bound in iron adimantium, chased with mithril.

    If one was to open that door, they would find themselves in a whole new world.

    Its rumored that there is a civilization of dwarves that refused to reach for the sun in the massive cities of their brethren, for they fear the sun and its inhabitants. These dwarves believe that the celestials, while vigilant in the battle against demons, will also seek the bathe the world in cleansing fie.

    These dwarves are safe now, and have built a thriving society, technologically and socially advanced.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:48 No.7768531
    Did we agree on the world being flat, with the one big pangea-like continent?

    Or what?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:48 No.7768536
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    Have the halflings be ruled large families. Godfather style.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:48 No.7768537
    Gnomes are actually capable of flight, with flying bubble ships. These are propelled by a special kind of bubble, which pops and reforms a million times, creating a burst of air, that when combined with other such bubbles, propells the craft along through the air.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:49 No.7768542
    Pangea, I believe. Although not all the races believe it of course, such as the goblins.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:52 No.7768559
    Yesss... in their swamp, they watch out for and are watched out for by the family. Halfings are so devoted to this family that they actually intermarry within their familys, to keep their lines and loyalites pure. On their appearance with other halfing tribes, they seem to be civil, but a constant cold war of intrigue bubbles beneath the surface. They may appear to be hicks to outsides, but they are craftier than they look.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:53 No.7768562
    Only if I could be a dwarf.
    Preferably one that is high in society, without being a priest.

    Those people are MAD.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:53 No.7768566
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    This used to be a mountain. But then the dorfs landed.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:54 No.7768574
    Oh, I didn't think of it as flat, but round, with a pangea like super continent, and a vast ocean, stretching around it. Some believe it to be flat, others do not. The goblins actually believe it is on the back of an enormous tentacle turtle creature.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:54 No.7768577
    New thread, this one is in autosage.

    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:55 No.7768584

    The world is a broken up, but essentially pangean. The Goblins believe that it's flat. There are numerous small and large islands here and there, aswell as huge swampland jungles in the middle of the oceans.

    So sayeth I.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:56 No.7768595
    Dorfs do not land.
    Let alone land and construct something out of.. *snort* DIRT.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:58 No.7768607

    New thread people, let's roll out!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:58 No.7768608
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)05:59 No.7768622
    do to the lack of metals in the desert the humans have turned to using mage hardened glass for there crafting needs.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)06:09 No.7768679

    Already been done.
    See >>7766220
    And >>7766226
    And http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/7765656/
    >> Captain Sabatini 01/25/10(Mon)06:18 No.7768727
    So, I didn't see anything about human religion, so I'll throw my hat into the ring.

    Humans believe they were created by the "Great Giver" also known as "Ookluke" (with various pronunciations and differences amongst the tribes). Ookluke was a god of prosperity and peace, he gave the humans everything they needed and more. Eventually humans became complacent with Ookluke's giving to notice the destabilization of their society.

    One day, Ookluke gave his last and perished, his death brought the end of the human civilization. Now humans wander the deserts remembering what they had and seeing now what they have not. There are sects of humans that believe if they prove themselves to be completely self sufficient Ookluke will one day rise again to look over his people.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)07:15 No.7769154
    Humans seems like they suck in this setting, usually the only thing they got going for them is their numerical superiority and prevalence withing the game world. Take that from us and we're nothing -__-

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