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  • File : 1291807824.jpg-(93 KB, 756x468, fallout-new-vegas-logo.jpg)
    93 KB Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)06:30 No.13074850  
    so how you guys like new vegas? i think its really neat
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)06:31 No.13074858
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    Well that's just like your opinion man.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)06:32 No.13074863
    Patrolling the Mojave makes me wish for a nuclear winter.
    >> Fireman, Man Of Fire, The Man On Fire 12/08/10(Wed)06:34 No.13074870
    We won't go quietly. The Legion can count on that.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)06:35 No.13074875
    Primm wimped out and accepted NCR rule. Some people will do anything to feel safe.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)06:36 No.13074879
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)06:38 No.13074887
    Ave. True to Caesar.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)06:44 No.13074915
    Playing a scavenger this time, and I'm supprised on how much money you can make by picking up trash. I was at 1.5k when i got to mojave outpost without trying too hard.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)06:46 No.13074926
    Now I want to base a character off of the cowboy from this movie, but I already did a lawful good cowboy playthrough (a bit more Poland/man with no name though)
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)06:48 No.13074931
    cannot unsee
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)07:14 No.13075045
    I wish I had a first recon guy looking after me.


    It turns out that shit had no fucking replayability. Once the novelty died in the first run through, I just didn't give a fuck any more. The legion really sucked as a concept. First run through was still good. I missed the random encounters of FO3. Am looking forward to the DLC, which I will pirate.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)07:18 No.13075072

    Was great the first time through but now I have no desire to touch it at all. I've been meaning to check if Marts Mutant Mod or something similar has been released, anything to mix up the enemy spawns a little.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)07:20 No.13075078
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    I said in the other thread, but I'm stuck at this point, before entering Caesar's camp, and am horrified to learn that I either get to kill Benny or decide how he is killed, but one way or another he's set to die.

    Which is horrible, Benny's my bro, I can't let him die! So the only option open to me is to assault Caesar's camp and free Benny myself, killing everyone else in the process. The only problem is that it means Caesar has to die as well, which I don't want this early in the game, he seems like kind of an important character.

    So I'm stuck in deciding whether to declare war or the legion to rescue my bro. There's that other option of sneaking Benny a stealth boy, but he's died every time I try that.

    Hardest decision I've had to make the entire game.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)07:31 No.13075125
    Guess what, if you find Benny in the Strip he'll say he wants to talk to you in private.

    He sends 20 gang members to go kill you.

    He's not your bro.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)07:34 No.13075138
    I just can't seem to play a melee or unarmed guy all the way through. I could go through the whole game plinking with a BB gun or a .22 and never get tired but every melee weapon has an entertainment limit that I pass before finding the next one, and punching guys to death has it's limit regardless of what is strapped to your knuckles. I don't know, I guess I'm just not cut out for close quarter combat.
    >> Alpharius 12/08/10(Wed)07:35 No.13075142

    Also, he shoots you in the head. I'm pretty sure bros don't do that.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)07:37 No.13075151
    I like that he's able to convince people to "STAY HERE, I'M LEAVING THE ROOM AND TOTALLY NOT SENDING IN ASSASSINS TO KILL YOU" and still is able to convince them, AGAIN, to give him a gun and stealthboy in the legion camp.

    He must have 100 speech and 10 CHA/LCK.
    >> Fireman, Man Of Fire, The Man On Fire 12/08/10(Wed)07:37 No.13075153
    I'm a terrible cowboy with nerve issues. Who is also a woman. Was a guy on my first playthrough.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)07:38 No.13075159
    >>13075078 The only problem is that it means Caesar has to die as well, which I don't want this early in the game, he seems like kind of an important character.

    If you don't want to side with the Legion, killing him makes literally no difference to the plot of the game. People mention it, but it doesn't affect anything.
    >> Fireman, Man Of Fire, The Man On Fire 12/08/10(Wed)07:40 No.13075167
    Benny is not your bro. Pop Benny and become the new Tops owner. Swank is the true bro. I got him to give me my weapons back so I could kill Benny.

    Also I wish a Feng Shui mod for NV was released already, I've lugged so much shit around and have it stashed in a safe just so I can decorate my house with mementos from my adventures.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)07:40 No.13075170
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    That just made us closer. Benny and me have something of a special bond. Not in the gay way.

    Benny's my bro, deal with it.

    You're just jelly you don't have someone willing to decimate an entire legion of angry Roman wannabe tribals to save you, even after you shoot them and betray them multiple times.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)07:40 No.13075171

    It wouldn't be a problem if the option to give him a bobby pin and stealthboy wasn't retarded and broken.

    I gave them to him expecting that he would use them offscreen to sneak off when someone's back was turned, but no. As soon as those things leave my hand he's cloaked and running away. In full sight of the guards. Who punch him in the face with their shotgun gauntlets, killing him instantly. Then they kill me.

    What the FUCK Benny? I thought you were meant to be smart!
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)07:42 No.13075182
    >Not in the gay way.

    You sure?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)07:43 No.13075190
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    I wonder if any SoB armour mods have been ported over yet?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)07:46 No.13075208
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    Dude, Benny's the coolest cat in the game, a real ring-a-ding guy.

    I'll be honest though, I kind of wish I made a girl character so I could be his girlfriend. Not necessarily for the girlfriend part, but so we could run the strip together, and to my knowledge the only way to do that, with Benny, is being a girl.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)07:47 No.13075213
    I murdered Caesar, Antony, and the entire fucking camp the second I found out that enslaved a little girl, tossed her in a brahmin pen, and stole her teddy bear.

    That shit don't fly.
    >> Fireman, Man Of Fire, The Man On Fire 12/08/10(Wed)07:48 No.13075217
    Kill Benny, run Tops with Swank.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)07:50 No.13075231
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    Eh Swank's a boring tool.
    >> Alpharius 12/08/10(Wed)07:50 No.13075236
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    Obsidian kinda went out of its way to make the Legion cartoonishly evil. I kept expecting Lanius to say something like, "Nyeh-heh-heh! With the Dam our control, we can finally win the Wacky Races! Come, Muttley!"
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)08:02 No.13075295
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    Lawbringer brograpple
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)08:05 No.13075308
    As the Judge Dread of Vegas, I don't mind.

    All criminal scum must die, there are no iso-cubes in the west after all.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)08:05 No.13075310

    I still haven't beaten it, but from what I've heard, the more missions you do for Caesar, the more down-toe-earth and reasonable he seems (his troops are still King Asshole), and the more missions you do for the NCR, they get less Democratic and more murder-y.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)08:06 No.13075315
    Oh please. There's still people who defend the Legion as being "not that bad".
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)08:11 No.13075338
    >>13075310 the more missions you do for the NCR, they get less Democratic and more murder-y.

    Sort of. One of the generals is a total bitch who wants you to hunt down and kill pretty much every other faction. She's the only non-honorable NCR member you really ever deal with.

    And the Legion is always dickish, you just learn that Caesar is really, REALLY deluded and actually thinks that he's bringing people order. Apparently by killing the shit out of 90% of the wasteland and enslaving most of the rest.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)08:16 No.13075361
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    Col Moore is a burn the village then salt the earth style commander. She's done 4 tours against the Brotherhood back in the NCR core territories and killed over 100 of them personally. She keeps requisitioning nerve gas and nuclear bombs from the NCR to "deal" with the "Legion problem". I'm reasonably sure that if she was in charge instead of "General Wait-and-see Oliver", there would no longer be a Legion problem. Or an Arizona.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)08:16 No.13075365

    Hey, that IS order, not very nice admittedly but dead people dont riot, and properly brutalized slaves dont riot either.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)08:42 No.13075499
    >>13075338 you just learn that Caesar is really, REALLY deluded and actually thinks that he's bringing people order

    According to Cass, legion territory is more ordered than NCR territory.

    Of course, she also says that's mainly because there's much fewer people 'cause most of them have been executed.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)08:53 No.13075545
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    Fuck Legion for fucking with me and my bro Boone.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)08:55 No.13075549
    She also says she would never live there because women are second class citizens.
    >> Your Friendly Neighborhood DM 12/08/10(Wed)08:58 No.13075559
    So far replayability is being an issue. Looking forward to the DLC that lets you play after the main quest is over (because you know that's coming with a pretty price tag).

    Beyond that, though, I really really loved the game. Ran with Boone, because he's my main man, which steered my course to NCR support instead of my planned personal takeover. I tell you what, that Veteran Ranger Combat Armor is snazzy, especially with the 1st Recon Beret.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)09:08 No.13075609

    You can talk to several people and just about everyone agree that there is next to no crime in Legion Territory, The Legion apparently kills criminals out of hand and is apparently internally cohesive and dedicated to enforcing its laws.

    Unless of course Caesar have properly set up his inheritors everything may end up badly when he croaks.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)09:13 No.13075630

    I have played my standard fallout character, science, speech, energy weapons, and i have tested an explosives, repair, lockpick character since this game made explosives more viable.

    I guess i will have to make a sneak, melee, whatever character with cannibalism and sandman perks just for shit and giggles.

    And perhaps a cowboy since there are a lot of cowboy related perks and weapons in the game.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)09:13 No.13075632
    >>13075609 Unless of course Caesar have properly set up his inheritors everything may end up badly when he croaks.

    Right after talking about how peaceful Legion territory is, Cass actually says that it'll fall apart into warring factions after Caesar dies because everyone's loyal to him, not his ideals.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)09:15 No.13075642

    True, but i think i found some conversation that stated otherwise too.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)09:21 No.13075667
    rolled 57 = 57

    He basically set himself up as a god. He's wiping out all knowledge of Rome as well-anyone you meet who refers to Rome, the original Caesar or anything like that will be killed under Legion rule. If Caesar wins, he'll erase all record that he copied from existing history.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)09:21 No.13075669
    You guys are critical of caesar too much. He has an inheritance. Killing him with boone reveals that.

    He also makes a lovely speech of how he will make a synthesis with the NCR after butt raping them and become a nation, instead of raping and pillaging assholes. So that means legionnaires become police instead of army and so on.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)09:26 No.13075701
    rolled 88, 27, 85 = 200

    Specifically, his plan is that the Legion will be forced to convert from a conquering army to an occupying force when he absorbs the mass of the NCR.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)09:27 No.13075708

    The thing you have completely failed to notice about Caesar is; he's totally, utterly and completely delusional. He thinks what he's doing is the only way to bring peace to the region, and that after he's pacified it everyone will be grateful to him, and start singing and dancing and riding unicorns to the gumdrop kingdom, and all the evil murdering rapists that his legion is made up of will turn into big fluffy peace-loving puppies when he orders them to.

    Seriously, EVERY OTHER LEGION MEMBER you meet other than him is like a cross between Hannibal Lecter and Skeletor. And these are apparently the people he thinks will rule fairly and honorably and not become corrupt like those mean ol' NCR types after he dies.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)09:29 No.13075717
    What you see is Legion soldiers. You do not see ANY legion towns or citizens. Except for maybe that shopkeeper who speaks highly of the legion. You are judging a civilisation only on its style of warfare, theirs is psychological and brutal.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)09:30 No.13075721
    >not shit
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)09:30 No.13075726
    rolled 53, 65, 14 = 132

    He's not delusional, he's a megalomaniac with a God complex who thinks he can set up his own personal empire. He doesn't give a shit about anyone and is just doing it for his own power. What does he care if the Legion is just corrupt as long as he's treated like a god by them? That's just his propaganda for the masses.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)09:35 No.13075756
    rolled 33, 10, 29 = 72

    Their civilization is a bunch of tribes (52 I think) conquered and enslaved. Their entire civilization is the mass of soldiers on the frontlines, a bunch of enslaved women, and a few towns that pump out fresh slaves/soldiers. That's it.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)09:36 No.13075761
    86, not 52.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)09:36 No.13075762
    >>13075717 You are judging a civilisation only on its style of warfare

    Seems like the fairest way to judge a civilization, IMHO.

    Of course, we could also go by what else we know about them; most people in their lands are slaves (including unborn children of slaves), women are bought and sold (and raping women you own isn't a crime), crime is punishable by being tortured to death, failing in your duties is punishable by being tortured to death, being in the wrong place at the wrong time (Nipton) ...is punishable by being tortured to death.

    Wow, sounds like a lovely place.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)09:38 No.13075774
    All slaves are bought and sold, not just women. Women also form the female-only priest caste.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)09:40 No.13075785
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)09:41 No.13075790
    rolled 84, 24, 27 = 135

    Now Nipton is an interesting case. For the average LEgion soldier, it was just a case of murdering a bunch of WHORESWHORESWHORES. On a strategic level, however-what was achieved?

    1-A town in NCR territory, supposedly safe, was wiped out brutally, showing the NCR isn't capable of defending the Mojave and reducing NCR morale, making them think twice about going on leave and stressing them out.
    2-People consorting with the NCR were punished for doing so, sending a message that you should stay neutral or join the Legion.
    3-A squad of NCR troops was killed affecting NCR morale.

    All for a single squad of rookie troops, in case the NCR managed to stop them-which they didn't. Hell of an effective strike from a military standpoint.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)09:48 No.13075826

    OK, but it's still terrorism - effective and logical, but nothing more than murdering civilians to inspire fear.

    Honestly, the sort of people who could do that, the sort of leaders that would order that and not feel a twinge of guilt... do you really think they'd make the wasteland better? Or do you think they'd be a thousand times more corrupt than the NCR?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)09:53 No.13075853
    That is just it, Kaisaaar wishes to take the sin upon himself, and and corruption is dealt with harshly, it's no more efficient than the NCR's methods in preventing corruption, but it does ensure that noone makes the same mistake twice
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)11:44 No.13076680
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    Legion soldiers ARE the citizens. After that there's slaves. Then there's human cattle.

    It's also important to note that there may be no crime in Legion held territory, but the definition of a crime is decided by the Legion. Legionnaire killing, raping, and eating non-Legionaries at random? Completely legal.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)11:55 No.13076800
    I'm pondering about using a female character to join NCR against the Legion.

    However i wonder if it's worth it just for the fun of an "inferior" being slaughtering the Legion by herself, considering in the end the following games will make the main character a dude in the canon aswell.

    One more reason i wonder why they even bother with female options if canon will always pick the default male?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)11:58 No.13076834
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    If you're legion, you don't get to participate in the Legion arena fights. Which is probably the only worthwhile thing to do at The Fort.

    Oh and prepare to be reminded every 10 seconds that you'll be raped at the first opportunity.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)11:59 No.13076845
    Who cares, kick ass with her anyway. Bonus points for having Cass, Veronica or Lily with you... albeit the last one does not count as much as the former two.
    >> Deathleaper's Fangirl !!YD/t8+iuFvd 12/08/10(Wed)12:00 No.13076865
    For people who don't give a toss about the canon, probably.

    I had great fun having my female character shoot out Ceasar's legs, then let Veronica punch his head off.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)12:01 No.13076876
    Actualy that's exactly why i ponder about using a female character to burn their little empire to the ground. Or at least their part in Arizona. Either as NCR or Wild Card.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)12:03 No.13076889
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    Terrifying Presence perk. He screams, runs into a corner and cries.

    I reverse pickpocketed an Incendiary Grenade and watched him explode.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)12:08 No.13076946
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    Best dialog evar
    >> Deathleaper's Fangirl !!YD/t8+iuFvd 12/08/10(Wed)12:09 No.13076965
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    >Terrifying Presence perk

    Welp, I know what I'm doing for my next playthrough.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)12:35 No.13077226
    I meant Nevada. Arizona would take a bit longer.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)13:27 No.13077728
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)14:21 No.13078199
    Crackpot theory on TV tropes contains one saying that the courier could be the burning man.

    Another, more intresting one by the way says the Courier could be the last survivor of Vault 11, hence why it's in the opening. Also fit's to Mister House comment about what Democrazy has done.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)14:26 No.13078242

    Nah, the Burned Man is like an actual person.

    Despite the Courier having some semblance of a background, you still mostly customize him/her and the kind of person they are.

    Plus the Courier could be female, so that excludes the Burned Man possibility. That, and Caesar, and probably others would be able to tell if the Courier was Joshua Graham.

    It's true though that both the Courier and Graham share unreal levels of survivability.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)14:29 No.13078269

    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)14:31 No.13078296
    >>Also fit's to Mister House comment about what Democrazy has done.

    Somehow I'm not fully believing the words of a 250 year odd authoritarian ghoul.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)14:32 No.13078299

    Well I like it when Doc. Mitchell asks you to customize your character, and when you're done he says he got it mostly right.

    Funny thin being how you can change gender, race, age, etc...
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)14:39 No.13078357
    I don't know but i bet he or she would look japanese.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:01 No.13078565
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:02 No.13078575
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:02 No.13078583
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:04 No.13078609
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:05 No.13078618
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:07 No.13078634
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:08 No.13078650
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:09 No.13078655
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:10 No.13078664
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:11 No.13078675
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:11 No.13078685
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:12 No.13078691
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:13 No.13078699
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:14 No.13078719
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    The Pimp Boy that you can obtain from Mick & Ralph's.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:14 No.13078728
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:15 No.13078729

    That granny sure got an overhaul.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:15 No.13078736
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    >> COMMISSAR FORON !!NbubB9jqLRJ 12/08/10(Wed)15:16 No.13078743
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:16 No.13078746
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:17 No.13078762
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:18 No.13078772
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:19 No.13078786
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:23 No.13078820
    'Hey Cass, can I talk to you something real quick?'
    'Yeah boss, what's up?'
    'It's your tits, doll. This is post apocalyptica, maybe you wanna toss something over those so I can concentrate on shooting giant mutated creatures?'
    >> COMMISSAR FORON !!NbubB9jqLRJ 12/08/10(Wed)15:27 No.13078885
         File1291840024.jpg-(500 KB, 800x4500, 1289681167735.jpg)
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    Best robot ever?
    >> Espangoll 12/08/10(Wed)15:34 No.13079000
         File1291840486.jpg-(36 KB, 320x239, yourgay.jpg)
    36 KB
    >Best Robot.
    >> COMMISSAR FORON !!NbubB9jqLRJ 12/08/10(Wed)15:38 No.13079039
         File1291840691.jpg-(78 KB, 609x1515, 1291626672976.jpg)
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    You can't ingore Fisto's fists!
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:43 No.13079101
         File1291840984.jpg-(753 KB, 1036x1174, awesome man.jpg)
    753 KB
    No, Yes Man is way more awesome.
    >> COMMISSAR FORON !!NbubB9jqLRJ 12/08/10(Wed)15:47 No.13079156
         File1291841253.png-(91 KB, 650x1133, 1243015240441.png)
    91 KB
    No wait, i take it back.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:48 No.13079168
    ED-E is good for more than carrying things you know.
    >> COMMISSAR FORON !!NbubB9jqLRJ 12/08/10(Wed)15:51 No.13079192
         File1291841480.png-(136 KB, 681x1865, 1239649726663.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:53 No.13079215

    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:54 No.13079228
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    >> COMMISSAR FORON !!NbubB9jqLRJ 12/08/10(Wed)15:55 No.13079232
         File1291841722.png-(124 KB, 681x1865, 1243016187901.png)
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    Alternative ending.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:56 No.13079246
    was it me or did they use the voice actor of Optimus Prime for Liberty Prime?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)15:59 No.13079286
         File1291841985.png-(215 KB, 500x700, rape.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)16:01 No.13079308
    and that is you should have a high speech skill
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)16:04 No.13079338
    Nipton was far too sadistic, if it had been something good and clean I would accept it as a fact of open war, the least of their crimes.

    Kinda like the massive bombings in WWII.
    >> PSN: Tabacki 12/08/10(Wed)16:04 No.13079341
         File1291842281.jpg-(128 KB, 1280x720, falloutNV 2010-11-29 10-53-58-(...).jpg)
    128 KB
    Fuck yeah new vegas thread

    Might as well post some images from the Type 3 Armor mod

    also anyone have any good mod recommendations? im looking to get some more, also where can i get that SoB armor?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)16:07 No.13079374
    why would he wake her up?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)16:07 No.13079384
    To make comments.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)16:08 No.13079389
    Dear god that's horrifying.

    Do normal armors even FIT of that body mod?

    Type3 is the standard body, that looks nothing like it.

    (This is all on the off chance you are more than a troll.)
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)16:08 No.13079390
    >do I troll, or not troll...

    Yeah, it's the same voice actor, check IMDB.

    >Damn I'm lame... shoulda trolled..
    >> 73N 12/08/10(Wed)16:09 No.13079407
    What the hell is up with the Fallout mod scene?
    There were two pervert mods on New Vegas Nexus before the game was even released.
    >> PSN: Tabacki 12/08/10(Wed)16:10 No.13079415
         File1291842615.jpg-(136 KB, 1280x720, falloutNV 2010-12-03 09-05-32-(...).jpg)
    136 KB
    Nope, this is the type 3 BBN armor replacer mod
    >> COMMISSAR FORON !!NbubB9jqLRJ 12/08/10(Wed)16:10 No.13079421
         File1291842622.png-(97 KB, 619x1577, 1242683755172.png)
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    Fo3 music > NV music.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)16:14 No.13079470

    With the exception of Johnny Guiar, you mean.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)16:16 No.13079503
    Three DAWG > Mister Vegas
    NV Music > Fallout Music > CONELRAD Radio > Black Mountain Radio
    >> Boomer !!bcdVCSUmpgT 12/08/10(Wed)16:17 No.13079506
    They were ports of FO3 perv mods, and badly done, too.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)16:18 No.13079537
         File1291843136.jpg-(5 KB, 227x222, herpdurp.jpg)
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    I loved Boone I really did. However his voice just kept nagging at me, I knew it from somewhere a cartoon.. then it hit me.. Lion King Two... Kovu. Everywhere I went, he'd speak and I'd just see a derpy lion face. It got so bad I had to shamefully abandon him. I curse myself each time I play. I curse that I had to keep digging, I had to know what other jobs the voice actor had worked.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)16:19 No.13079543
         File1291843158.jpg-(84 KB, 442x370, assumingcontroll.jpg)
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    Right, pic related.
    Yeah that's a rather swollen model, is that part of the clothing mod, or some other terrible thing and if separate how bad does it clip with normal armor? I can't imagine it fitting and the image of the clipping seems hilarious.
    >> PSN: Tabacki 12/08/10(Wed)16:19 No.13079550
         File1291843173.jpg-(157 KB, 1280x720, falloutNV 2010-12-02 09-50-26-(...).jpg)
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    fuck yeah conelrad radio, dat katrina man
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)16:19 No.13079553
    I just wonder... why?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)16:20 No.13079573
    My Boone somehow decided he wasn't gonna wear his beret or shades, now he looks like a moron.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)16:22 No.13079598
    There are more mods out there like that than you want to know.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)16:26 No.13079661
    No, I know. I know about the rape mods too etc. I just wonder why anyone would want to use them.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)16:35 No.13079790
    hmmm...good question.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)16:37 No.13079812
    Go ask the Japs.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)16:37 No.13079813
    >play Fallout 3
    >great music shitty environment
    >play New Vegas
    >terrible music better environment

    I have no idea why they did not just port the non-radio music over.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)16:41 No.13079867

    It is a sort of western interpretation of the H-Games aren't they?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)16:44 No.13079904
    Buggier than Fallout 3, Lack of perks, lack of proper unique items. Xbox exlusive DLC..
    >> PSN: Tabacki 12/08/10(Wed)16:48 No.13079949
         File1291844889.jpg-(188 KB, 1280x720, falloutNV 2010-12-09 08-47-04-(...).jpg)
    188 KB

    here have a few pics

    this is LIGHT Power Armor from the TG Armor mod
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)16:48 No.13079957
    They didn't say for certain if it was going to be exclusive they just announced it for X-box first.
    >> PSN: Tabacki 12/08/10(Wed)16:49 No.13079962
         File1291844954.jpg-(107 KB, 1280x720, falloutNV 2010-12-09 08-47-33-(...).jpg)
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    And now the Type 3 BBN Armor and Clothing Replacer mod on a ghoul
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)16:51 No.13079980
    I was surprised when I found out Fallout 3 had great a great non-radio sound track.
    >Turn on GNR from the start.
    >After Megaton, wander to Arefu.
    >Radio cuts out, get tired of Enclave.
    >Continue north-west.
    It's like I'm really wandering the post apocalyptic wastes, struggling to survive.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)16:52 No.13080005

    Also is the body mod part of the armor mod?
    And if so does it work with regular armor?
    >> PSN: Tabacki 12/08/10(Wed)17:03 No.13080116
    Yeah, to use type 3 armor you need the body replacer, while the light power armor is part of the TG armor mod, completely seperate
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)17:05 No.13080140
    Talking about Fallout 3 and NV power armor, is it just me or did they didn't translated well to the new graphics?

    I meansomehow both the T-51b and Enclave Power armor just don't look as intimidating as they looked in Fallout 1 and 2.
    Especialy the remants one looks smaller.

    It says a lot when the t-45b looks more impressive. But then again maybe i'm just a bit too critical.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)17:06 No.13080149
    t45 just plain looks better than most armor.
    >> PSN: Tabacki 12/08/10(Wed)17:07 No.13080172

    i think that the good ol T51-B armor is the most intimidating, but the F2 Enclave armor is a close second
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)17:09 No.13080203
         File1291846183.jpg-(258 KB, 900x654, WHERE IS YOUR POWER ARMOUR!.jpg)
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    >Talking about Fallout 3 and NV power armor, is it just me or did they didn't translated well to the new graphics?
    Clipping is the reason, really. We're used to Enclave and T-51 being absolutely impossibly shaped and quite cartoony, so the cut-down and more realistic versions that actually fit on someone with human proportions just seem underwhelming. Even then, they clip pretty badly.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)17:12 No.13080241
    i prefer the Enclave Hellfire Power Armor
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)17:37 No.13080536

    you are a troll or a retard...the anons will choose!
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)17:42 No.13080598
         File1291848130.jpg-(812 KB, 1280x1024, T-51b.jpg)
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    Thought so. However the NV version of the Enclave armor still looks somwhat better than the F3 version (which just doesn't radiates that evil and fearsome feeling of the original).

    Also the T-51b now that i think about it still doesn't looks half bad in 3 and NV. Also adding to what you said, one could argue that the engine is partial responcible since it's more made for plate armors in fantasy settings, while the original power armors would require a users body to be somewhat elevated.

    According to what some told me it's because the t-45b was created for the engine and general graphic style, those being more developed for it.

    Ah, who cares they all still look impressive.

    Such a shame you always need that stupid Power Armor training to use them, why was that not an issue in F1 and 2? Wouldn't it have reduced the infamous sequence breaking in 2?

    Or better why do non of your companions need it?

    It's just a DM by the developers, because you can aquire them easier in the new games.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)17:56 No.13080740

    Dem eyes...

    Phew, I'm glad I fed Veronica to the White Gloves instead of Cass.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)17:57 No.13080759

    No. Fallout 2 enclave armour looked stupid. Big shoulders look stupid.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)18:06 No.13080861

    Yeah, but beaks!
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)18:07 No.13080874
    It's the same with the combat armor. The reinforced version in New Vegas which is supposed to be the Fallout 1 and 2 version somehow seem unfitting and silly.

    The helmet looks too broad and the build in shades just don't fit (too round and big). The body armor itself is also too broad not to forget bulky and i don't mean defensivly bulky but movement problems unfitting bulky. Especialy when constantly seeing those small arms at the side.

    In FO1&2 they seemed far more rounded and shades smaller. With the sides around the helmet fitting directly to the users head, creating no lower opening.

    Hate to say it but the Fallout 3 combat armor allready looked closer to the orginal version than the new ones. Infact the winterized version looked almost perfect (right shae size too) and the NV developers should have rather applied the armor design of the original combat armor on that model.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)18:12 No.13080921
    Yeah the T-51b still looked better. I played through 2 with it despite knowing that i'm more likely to do this way. Though smg and minigun rounds still bounced of me.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)18:17 No.13080993
    For some reason i actualy got the feeling the riot gear part of the Ranger Veteran Armor is supposed to be the combat armor.
    The helmet sand armor seem far more simliar to the original. The helmet even has the sensor bit at the side.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)18:32 No.13081145
    i have only 1 problem with the T-51b armor in 3, you can't repair it to full health
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)18:49 No.13081342
    Put the Combat Reinforced on Cass, she looks so silly.
    The shoulders are too long and flat too.

    I really wish that the Winterized Chinese Ushanka was available in at least one of the two.

    Dammit I want my Ushanka and facemask!
    >> 73N 12/08/10(Wed)18:56 No.13081401

    Where can I find more of these comics?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)18:56 No.13081405
    Is New Vegas worth buying if you're a pansy and didn't ever beat Fallout 3 and it's DLC?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)18:58 No.13081413
    just wear the winterized T-51b it has 9,992,000 hp
    >> 73N 12/08/10(Wed)18:59 No.13081428
    Unrelated really.
    Fallout 3 and Fallout Nev Vegas have nothing to do with each other story wise.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)19:02 No.13081457
    Put the HELMET on Cass.*
    I liked Ranger Patrol as Combat Armor.
    The shoulders and helmet are the weak-points on Combat reinforced.

    And Ranger Combat is far too heavy.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)21:11 No.13082819
    So... Why'd Doc Mitchell give you a god damn pip boy at the start?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)21:17 No.13082881
    OMFG do want. Any glorious Astartes armor and bolters?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)21:21 No.13082938
    Because he fucked you in your sleep and felt bad about it.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)21:40 No.13083161
    Easy way to use the old interface and excuse the VATS aimed shots mechanic.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)21:42 No.13083188
    He was also the doctor in Vault 21 before it opened. Sarah and Michael Angelo remember him.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)21:58 No.13083412
    Bump for answers.

    Does the body mod work without the clothing?
    What are the actual names on the Nexus for each mod?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)00:56 No.13085435
         File1291874183.jpg-(810 KB, 1680x1050, 7-10.15_man.in.power.armor_Bro(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)01:08 No.13085555
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)01:11 No.13085579
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)01:13 No.13085596
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)01:17 No.13085637
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)01:18 No.13085656
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)02:27 No.13086330
    But, have you seen my bear tibbers?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)04:44 No.13087309
    So he made a gamble about what ever you will manage to track down Benny or not?

    Makes sense.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)09:47 No.13089039
    Why's it a gamble?

    He gave you an old possession since it's more useful to a waste-wandering youth with a record of being shot in the head.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)10:01 No.13089140
    I have actually played through all four possible version of the ending (NCR, House, Legion and Yes Man), and I have to say the ending with the Legion was by far the best and actually most sympathetic one.

    [spoiler]New Vegas still remains somewhat free and free from crime, the disgusting Fiends are wiped out by Legion, Khans merge with Legion, Goodsprings remains free etc[/spoiler]

    And Caesar was actually a really sympathetic character if you ask me. Wise and cunning.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)10:21 No.13089321

    I know the manual version of this works for New Vegas but I can't seem to run it even after following the instructions to install.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)10:25 No.13089358
    A record of being shot in the head, surviving it long enough to be half assed buried and dragged to a doctor and recovering from it completly.

    Yeah that's the advantage of the armor being designed to be in 3D hence looking more fitting and stylish.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)10:30 No.13089395
         File1291908628.png-(252 KB, 800x546, Mr._Gutsy.png)
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    Anyone else disappointed they changed Mr Gutsy's voice?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)10:38 No.13089452
    yes, I liked the fallout 3 voices better. Mr.Handy with a 44.magnum http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=712

    "And who do you think gets to clean up all this blood?! Me! That's who!" after headshoting a raider.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)15:16 No.13091355
    I wish they would have made it possible to collect a normal version of this riot gear the Ranger Veterans wear.
    I mean the full police outfit with the leg protectors visible, instead of jeans and cowboy boots. Also without the duster, so that the armor could be factioneless.

    Well maybe in a DLC.

    Talking about it, why are there so many rare guns, but barely rare armors.

    All i can think of is the Space Suit. Everything else can be found multiple times with the Enclave Armor being semi-rare.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)16:03 No.13091688
    Can anyone tell me how in Fallout 2, a group of former Vault 13 settlers could turn into triblings in just two generations?

    The Elder you meet is not only your mother (though it's unknown how many children she had in total) but also the daughter of the original Vault Dweller.

    So considering he led the village for many years, how could everyone turn out to be a savage?

    And what's up with that stoned shaman? How can he actualy contact you telepathicaly? What's up with that?

    Though it's kind of funny how you as player character could have an intelligence of 6-10, with a lot of understanding about complicated scientific things.

    Where would that knowledge have come from?

    Though it's kind of funny when you still can say stuff like your favorit rat recipe and in the next moment discuss the internal details of a fusion reactor.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)16:08 No.13091714
    I like the new Mr. Handy voice, don't like the new protectron voice, and haven't heard enough of the others robots to notice.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)16:19 No.13091790
    Yeah they really screwed that up. It could happen but I'd prefer a village sort of like Shady Sands as opposed to some tribal village.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)16:25 No.13091824
    Snorting a lot of healing powder will do that to people. But it is kind of weird seeing as the original people of the tribe were people who chose to leave the vault after they killed the Overseer. It's possible that the first generation taught their children what they knew about science and junk but thought it best not to tell the younger generations about the vault or where it was located and that the damned place just be forgotten. Also without the technology from the vault and relying solely on the Vault Dwellers knowledge of the outside world to survive they may have just regressed to that state.

    Also Hakunin is a goddamn whacked out shaman who can do whatever the fuck he wants. If you are losing sleep and need an answer just go with either reference to crazy Injun magic or budding psychic abilities strengthened by healing powder trips.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)16:39 No.13091919
    It's possible that the Vault Dweller, after seeing what it had done to the world, took a sort of anti-technology stance and modelled a society that wasn't dependent on it. After many years the society could have degenerated into some shamanistic culture dependent on the land.

    Still doesn't explain the Temple of Trials.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)16:39 No.13091920
    He was supposedly psy-sensitive
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)17:01 No.13092078
    Actualy there is a sensible explanation. Psy powers exist in the Fallout universe. They are not commonly used in the story but where there from day 1. Since the fucking master was a god damn psychic.

    Yep i noticed some people who complain about super natural things in Fallout (not directed toward you anon) like Hakuin's telepathy forget that little detail of needing a special device to even reach the master since otherwise he manipulates your mind into running away.

    So telepathy, the Ghost in Den, The Dunich Building in Fallout 3 and the creepy kid in new Vegas. They are all the result of psychic powers (number 2 and 3 in case someone doesn't like magic in Fallout).

    Also about the state of Aroyo. From what i remember it was founded by around a dozen Vault people including the hero and nearly a hundred Tribals the Vault Dweller encountered.
    Likewise the woman he got together was a tribal and this could mean she insisted on raising their daughter.

    Infact some of the people in Aroyo actualy can talk normaly and know a bit about technology. Only because we only see a handfull of people doesn't mean it's the entire population, so it's just as likely that there actualy are some which have knowledge of high tech and such but simply don't know how to use it. With the Chosen One being the only one capable of understanding it.

    Personaly i like the idea of a tribal being capable of turning into a high tech understanding badass.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)17:49 No.13092512
    what happened at The Dunich Building was because of that Obelisk
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)17:52 No.13092551
    Which is most likely an alien artifact (yeah i know that it's a homage towards the Lovecraft horror stories, but it's a more fitting explanation than magic).
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)18:08 No.13092736
    >creepy kid in new Vegas
    I'm not sure I know what you're talking about here. Can you tell me more?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)18:13 No.13092789
    Psyker kid down under the overpass at the 188.
    I kinda prefer to minimize psykery and treat magic/aliens as Easter Eggs myself, so I would go with some form of psychoactive material.
    >> PSN: Tabacki 12/09/10(Thu)18:14 No.13092808
    woah this thread is still alive


    The TG armor pack, lots of armor and clothing, a big download


    Type 3 Body and Armor Replacer, expect tits, ass and vag on ALL females with this mod
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)18:19 No.13092858
    >expect tits, ass and vag on ALL females with this mod
    welp time to reinstall fallout!
    >> PSN: Tabacki 12/09/10(Thu)18:23 No.13092902
    Yep, also hers Veronicas suit with the type 3 armor, very tame compared to a lot of other armors in the game, especially the female NCR armor
    >> PSN: Tabacki 12/09/10(Thu)18:24 No.13092906
         File1291937051.jpg-(172 KB, 322x755, 34825-1-1290378310.jpg)
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    derp captcha
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)18:24 No.13092910
    What the fuck is wrong with you?
    >> PSN: Tabacki 12/09/10(Thu)18:43 No.13093138
    also it might be too late but if you wanna see some shots of the mod in action look up the thread, i got a few snaps of em up near the start
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)18:51 No.13093206
    I did and I am pleased.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)18:53 No.13093233
    For some reason, people are more interested in poorly rendered naked women than they are in actual naked women. Personally, I think they're fucking crazy.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)18:56 No.13093269
         File1291939010.jpg-(93 KB, 1280x800, 10556-1-1262635423.jpg)
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    >poorly rendered
    Only if you're using crappy mods.

    PS I don't see why we can't have both. My shut-in girlfriend will frequently comment on how sexy a certain male game character is.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)18:58 No.13093288
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)18:58 No.13093289
    I think you're fucking crazy if you don't want to see a scantily dressed chick with big tits shoot guns at super mutants.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)18:59 No.13093300
    the bombs destroyed their clothes!
    >> DatFrigginGoomba !ikPvLvYZGU 12/09/10(Thu)19:01 No.13093319
    Which one?
    Sometimes, people need to go to the boards with a strong female presence and start a husbando thread.
    The waifu threads have NOTHING in terms of sheer creep factor on them.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)19:06 No.13093370
         File1291939580.jpg-(376 KB, 1024x768, 54451-1268693194.jpg)
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    You sound mad, buddy.
    >> PSN: Tabacki 12/09/10(Thu)19:27 No.13093566

    anyone got more screens of new characters to post?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)23:06 No.13096131
    The special Archive invalidation archive program won't actually add or remove things from the contents list.

    I followed the instructions for manual installation perfectly.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)01:06 No.13097299
         File1291961177.jpg-(21 KB, 320x236, UncannyValleyChart.jpg)
    21 KB
    Allow me to demonstrate the problem with some of these renders...
    >> PSN: Tabacki 12/10/10(Fri)08:13 No.13099790
         File1291986829.jpg-(341 KB, 1920x1080, 37646-1-1290168438.jpg)
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    amazingly this thread continues to live on

    have a new Veronica mod that changes her into.. a prettier girl i guess
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)09:49 No.13100322
    I wonder since Morrowind why people put so much effort into creating fetish 3D models for these games (including futa ones)?

    It makes no fucking sense considering what the game is about.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)09:52 No.13100339
    Because in the grim dark post-apocalyptic earth there is only war? Sex not allowed?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)09:53 No.13100347
    Just got to Vault 22. All the sudden greenery is creeping me ou-OH GOD ZOMBIE PLANT MEN THAT THE PIPBOY CAN'T DETECT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

    Thank god Boone and ED-E has my back. I actually hate dungeon crawling. Honestly, I think a wastelander who's used to the drab wasteland would be quite traumatized by the sudden greenery.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)09:55 No.13100360
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    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)09:57 No.13100367
    Yeah, walking up to the ski lodge into the Rocky Mountains was spooky. "FORESTS, WHAT IS THIS SHIT?"
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)10:07 No.13100413
    Oh i can understand sex, i played Fallout 2.

    What i can't understand is people modding a post apocalyptic RPG to include sex game style woman and clothing and weird fetishes.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)10:10 No.13100427
    Isn't this another reason why many people who were in Oasis and drunk that sab turned mad?

    Also bonus creepiness, think of where the small ones came from.

    Man i wonder what kind of other fucked up vaults could be out there, which haven't been mentiod in Fallout 2,3 and Vegas?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)10:14 No.13100436
    Talking about creepy. Do i see it right that the only humans left alive in the entire world are those in america?

    I mean even the Enclave didn't seem to have any contact with anyone outside the US and they still had satelite uplinks.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)10:16 No.13100449
    The world was absolutely skullfucked after the bombs fell. the only people still around are either vault descended humans or pre-war ghouls.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)10:18 No.13100464
    another thing about vaults that bugged me; how on earth did various ethnicities survive small populations interbreeding and in all likelyhood, inbreeding for 50-200 years?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)10:38 No.13100615
    Society never got past the 50s in the Fallout-verse, you think a white man is going to deign to let his sister fuck some nigger?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)10:52 No.13100725
    What really bothers me are the weapons.The tesla cannon is so much trouble to make and now it like a common weapon.BOS using chinese gauss rifle instead of german ones.Damn convict in Primm having incinerator which was only 4 years ago used by hellfire troops in east coast. Almost useless laser weapons especially gattling laser.
    Went to vault 22 with the E-DE movie buff active.Quite fun when it detects the spore and starts playing the jaws theme or "say hello to my little friend".But it sucks when you are trying to sneak past deathclaws and it went "today is the day they die" speech from 300.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)11:12 No.13100880
    I don't think so. There are TONS of various kinds of survivors and the developers of both the fallout bible and the various fallout games deliberately gave no information to stimulate the players imagination.

    HOWEVER there are a few exceptions: Tenpenny is said to have come from europe/britain. This implies boats, teleporters, airplanes, but all of it was most likely pre-war technology.

    Also the mothership zeta DLC allowed you to view earth from orbit. I never played it myself but IIRC china was a big black hole and japan had tons of city lights visible.

    Furthermore, I like to imagine that germany has turned into a bunch of feudal groups who all server a "Bauernbund", a Famers collective, and are organized in feudal ways. There are very few guns around after 200 years and everything reverted to a mix of pre-war technology and medieval times.

    Cue a group of knights in white tunics with black crossed and mail armor duking it out with various nasty creatures using repeatercrossbows with explosive bolts, swords, maces and other nice melee weapons. The forges never stand still in germany, where there are only five months of above 0 tempereture and the knights must protect the farmers and their farmsteads or everyone starves.

    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)11:20 No.13100940
    I correct my sentence:
    Deliberatly gave no information about the fate of other countries than the US after the nuclear war.

    Also there are lots of remote places with survivors. Lighthouses, subway stations (germany, russia, britain) remote castles, hidden bunkers, secret and/or military bases, places built by rich and excentric people, small villages at the ASS of the world, and the like. Consider that point lookout was a rural are near DC (which got nuked HARD) and survived near unscathed.

    Also not all of the bombs actually exploded or downright malfunctioned (Megaton, The One,)

    And don't forget mountainsides and small, hidden valleys. it' would be easy to say that small villages in italy (or any other country with mountains) that lie between two mountains wouldn't be hit because the blast was redirected by the mountains OR because they weren't targeted at all.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)11:29 No.13101021
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    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)11:31 No.13101031
    >Also the mothership zeta DLC allowed you to view earth from orbit. I never played it myself but IIRC china was a big black hole and japan had tons of city lights visible.

    That's bullshit and you know it.
    The only visible part from Mothership Zeta was the brown piece of shit called America.
    Stop making shit up.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)11:38 No.13101064
    The feudal lords must all have gauss rifles since they are the ones who made it in the first place.Or a railcannon
    Russia might look like metro 2033. They got villages secured from mutants by tank platoons (maybe after 200years just the turret is left) and navy remnants.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)12:10 No.13101177
    Like i said "never played it myself" and "If i recall it correctly".

    No need to accuse me of making something up.

    Furthermore, can you back up your claim of "The only visible part from Mothership Zeta was the brown piece of shit called America." with evidence?

    Otherwise I can simply accuse you of making something up as well.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)12:18 No.13101235
    Or they are the lords of the Forge. The 4.7mm Vindicator minigun of fallout 2 and the HK G11 which uses the same ammo, as well as the gatling laser and the M72 gauss rifle come from Germany. Rhein-Metall and heckler and Koch specifically.

    The P90 is listed as made by H&K as well but that claim is rather dubious SO I will leave it out.

    So maybe the kaiser gives pieces of land (with valuable farmland for food, steelworks, mines and forges for the weapons) as fiefs. The more valuable, and few, fiefs (for example a fief that contains a pre-war Forge that allows production of Gauss rifles) would only be given to very loyal and successfull vassals.

    Smaller fiefs (e.g. fiefs that have only enough farmland to support a small group of people, forges that can be rebuild with post-war manual labor and materieals and therefore produce only low-tier weapons and tools) Would be more widespread.

    All power (political and otherwise) Stems from a Vassals ability to a) Produce food by protecting the BauernBund's farmers, b) produce weaponry and provide personal to fight the various creatures of the cold-as-fuck country and
    c) the amount of servitude, loyalty and general usefulness towards the Kaiser and the BauernBund.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)13:14 No.13101578
    This shit here is part of why I love /tg/ we make other Fallout nations and they are all really good.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)13:16 No.13101599
    Even Bethesda has backed out of Mothership Zeta as being canon.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)13:18 No.13101614
    I always figured they never meant it to be canon, but where is the official announcement?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)13:30 No.13101693
    If you didn't kill your way through Cottonwood all the way to Caesars throne room then you are casual.

    Pic related, it's the 2nd Recon Operators.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)14:56 No.13102298
    I am not finished yet.

    The entire setting is chockfull of medieval influence. Many things, items and actions from back then are perfect for a postnuclear time.

    Feral ghouls attacking your settlement? Sword and chainmail are good weapons against them. Guns are a rarity and are expensive to produce, and even their factories are rare? Makes melee weapons and unarmed more important. It also promotes various kinds of bows and crossbows plus throwing weapons as alternatives.

    The core of the setting is actually that the people are rebuilding their country but the harsh winter leaves them only a few months each year to build. The rest of the time is living off of the supplies you managed to produce during "warmtime", Warme Zeit.

    In the warm time many creatures seek to feed on fruits, grass and flesh, both human and animal. Recources are scarce and settlements are small islands of civilization within a sea of deadly cold, chaos and hostile wildlife.

    Since the Kaiser came to Power he managed to lead the people of the middle country (middle germany) to retake and resettle many places.

    >kingru discussing
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)15:03 No.13102382
    Ore mines in the south (bavaria) bring raw materials that are used in the huge industrial area near the river Ruhr (Ruhr is also the name for an illness). Most of the farmlands that yield food are in the north since the north was not targeted by the nukes as much as the middle and south.

    The huge rural area of the Rurhgebiet houses many steelworks, forges, workshops and barracks. It is the military and industrial center. No one knows for sure why the obviously important area was left relatively unscathed by the bombs but many guess that it is one reason alone:

    The towers.

    Before the war with middle east for last remaining oil reserves began it was obvious that nukes would start flying. A series of concrete bunkers was erected both above and beneath the ground. The most obvious ones are the huge concrete monsters called the Flaktürme.

    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)15:09 No.13102443
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    These towers protected the area around the industrial center. This area was, ironically, protected by just the sort of weapons that it massproduced and sold to the entirety of Europe, the middle east and America.

    Weapons of all kinds, caseless artillery anti air guns, laser cannons, plasma accelerators and other, unspeakable kinds of weapons protected the skies above europes arms manufacturer number one.

    Germany had kept itself out of an active role in the war and was happy enough to supply anyone, their european breathren and others, with weapons. While almost all other countries waged war on each other in pursuit of oil germany kept itself out of it.

    The war was fought, just like the 30 years war of medieval times, mostly on germans soil, purely because it was right smack in the middle of europe. But most of these battles were fought in designated zones where every european country could fight while germany remained neutral. And while its lands suffered much the Ruhr area remained mostly undisturbed because it supplied everyone and anyone with weapons of destruction.

    Ironically no one wanted to destroy this place of dubious grey morality because no one wanted to lose the edge these weapons gave them over their foes.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)15:17 No.13102481
    A few population centers were declared off-limits to anyone, inculding several big cities and the Ruhr area. Instead of participating in the war the country remained neutral and simply left all other pieces of land to everyone else to fight over while offering weapons to cheap prices to everyone.

    More than 80% of the countries land was burnt, scorched, bombed, fought over, marred, filled with biological weapons and later rendered uninhabitable by the nuclear firetorm.

    The people retreated into their citydomes and turned towards the underground. Vast caverns were established beneath the earth once building space became scarce. The politicans smiled and bowed to all foreign powers and gave presents, sweet words and weaponry to everyone who threatened them.

    The mines and life in general were moved towards the underground and into the mountains. Mines were digged into the mountains, new ones brought raw materials for the neverending war effort of other people's armies while mines that offered no more resources became homes to their own people.

    Such was the price of neutrality.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)15:26 No.13102575
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    But one man wanted more. He didn't want to bow to others because of necessity. He didn't want to take it up the ass from others and hear their sneers.

    He wanted freedom. And so he build the tower. He build it right smack in the middle of the Ruhr area, camouflaged as yet another weapon factory. And there were many like those.

    The country produced more weapons to give them to everyone so they would not be turned against them. What a bitter irony.

    And so this man built his tower. No one remembers the details of the great war from 200 years ago. His name is forever swallowed by history and his heritage is forgotten. The only thing that remains is the tower.

    A solid obsidian tower, with several Steelwork buildings around it as camouflage, stands even today. And this tower is the reason why the weather is shit and the land is hostile.

    It was the day the sirens sounded and the bombs were launched. The man said: "If we cannot have our own soil, no one shall have it!" And so he activated the tower.

    No one knows what exactly the tower does, and no one knows if it was the Flaktürme, the heavy winter or a combination of the two that kept the bombs mostly away, but it does not matter.

    The lands around the few safezones were already devoid of life and destroyed by war even before the bombs fell.

    But thanks to the tower, possibly a machine that controls the weather, a white blanket covered the blasted and irradiated lands. Irradiated snow covered corpses, craters and cities alike.

    (This is my explanation for the harsh weather, which is the big point of the setting, but is NOT caused by nuclear winter. Nuclear winter theory did not exist in the 50's and since Fallout is "The future from the point of view of the 50's" There is no nuclear winter.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)15:37 No.13102676
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    The winter persisted on and on, for several years. The details of 200 years ago are long forgotten and only few scriptures exist. One thing is fact: The people became restless, eager to leave their subterran confines and their snowcovered citydomes. They wanted to rebuilt and regain their future, start anew after the nuclear cleansing that was, anew, done upon them by others. But it also took away the influence of foreign powers and gave them back their land, blasted and useless as it may be.

    But the underground mines and citydomes were temporary solutions at best. Only few prepared for a nuclear war and the winter was a surprise that made everyting worse. The cold damaged everything and everyone and the snow held biological weapons, irradiation and rust.

    Machines broke down, air filters stopped working, food became scarce and water became impure. The people had to leave their homes and rebuild in the harsh snowy wastes.

    No one had thought of making a library of technology or a safechache of agricultural devices and knowledge. The people started their struggle against "Mother" nature for food and against many beasts for survival.

    The winter was harsh, unforgiving and always there. There were only short amounts of time where the tempereture was remotely bearable, nevermind hospitable for plant life.

    Lots and lots of... THINGS... came from nowhere and everywhere. Mutated beasts, horribly effective in battle and deviously cunning, threatened the people.

    And so they turned to the only thing they still had, the only tool they could still devise and the only knowledge they could still reproduce:

    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)15:46 No.13102748
    They fought against these creatures and against nature. The only way they could grow food was by using knowledge that was written down nowhere and tools that were weapons and thusly of questionable use.

    More and more equipment broke down, computers, databases, machines, and with them knowledge died as well. In 2077 there were nearly no books left at all and thusly near all the information was lost.

    The people had to relearn how to grow crops and hold cattle, how to make clothes and how to gain the wool to actually make them, all that while struggling against the terrible cold and against the monsters.

    And struggle they did. They kept going to give their children a better future, generations for generations, always a few months per year. Two political groups arose from this.

    The Bauernbund, a commune of farmers and knowledgekeepers who grow, produce and refine food. They are the most important one because usable land is always scarce and there are always many hungry mouths to feed.

    One bad harvest can cost a township or community many lives if it is left unchecked.

    The other group was the Lords and at the top the Kaiser. When the people had to abandon their homes and communication equipment broke down small groups of people had to become self-sufficient. Democracy was a waste of time and did not feed hungry children. People started sticking to successfull leaders. Whoever could provide food and safety was fit to rule.

    At the time of New Vegas the second Kaiser was elected by the seven Kurfürste, the Lords of Choice, who have the right to choose and crown their Kaiser.

    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)15:59 No.13102805
    The Kaiser is the "Boss" of these seven Lords of Choice, but he is bound to them at the same time. They elect and evict him at their choosing but also receive the right to do so from the Kaiser. Both powers are keeping each other in check.

    The Lords of Choice have many vassals again, just as much as they are vassals of the Kaiser. They rule over various territories and are in charge of providing enough food, safety and fighting men plus weaponry. To do so they elect many vassals of varying levels of power. One vassal is merely the boss of a small ore mine while another is in charge of several towns and their defense.

    At the lowest end of this chain are the Knights and workfolk. Knights are warriors of various ranks and the workfold are there to do the labor. These are no strict castes but there is one solid rule: Everyone must work to feed and protect the community.

    And this is where the bauernbund comes into the picture. They are in charge of working the lands during Warmtime, sowing the seeds and reaping them, and they delegate the storage and distribution of food.

    Nothing is for sure and these groups are no castes. No one is "born" as a warrior or king. Only the most useful people get to the highest ecelons of power and everyone is regularly measured by their contribution to feeding the people.

    Everyone can become the Kaiser and everyone can be demoted to a simple man. It all depends on how much they help society. No one is safe only by name or talent, only by contribution.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)16:26 No.13103030
    At the time of New Vegas many technologies are available only in very small numbers or not at all. Many technologies and machines broke down and many more proved to be too difficult to be reverse engineered or understood. Some others are understood but cannot be produced without the usage of other machines that are no longer available. Some working technologies and items are merely repurposed weapons or were designed by studying and applying weapons technology.

    The technological level is a strange mixture of medieval technologies that were rediscovered or taken from a series of books that a state libraries deliveryman took with himself when he entered the bunkers at 2077, pre-war tech and re-invented technology. However, there are only few high-tech discoveries because there were very few laboratories 2077 and almost one at the time of New Vegas. This means that the farmers go out at the start of Warmtime with electrical shovels that ram into the ground by pressing a button, flails and sickles that are re-purposed plasma cutters or simply the sharpened edge of an old truck’s tire-cover.

    The Bauernwacht, the soldiers that protect these farmers and push the animals and creatures away from the snowcovered fields use shields, both normal and riot kind, swords, maces, electrowhips, crossbows both “simple” and the fully automatic version and chainmail armor. Some use poweraxes with vibrating blades, some have twisterguns that are basically a gun with 40 preloaded barrels that takes forever to reload, and some even have (gasp!) semiautomatic pistols from before the war.

    Of course everyone wears clothing that protects against the miserable cold, the biting wind and the oftentimes acidic or poisoned snow.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)16:27 No.13103036
    And the higher you go the more advanced, and sometimes rare, equipment you get. This leads to the Kaiser sitting on a throne made of simple re-used wood in a suit of fenrir-scale armor, with a Gauss rifle and a masterwork broadsword in his hands, a crown on his head that generates a force field that can deflect bullets and, of course, the Bulle.

    The Bulle is a round item with a cross on top of it. There are tree ends of the cross and they all have a different color. The golden end on the left symbolizes the Kaisers might. The red end on the right side symbolizes the necessity of war and the might of the Knights. The green top symbolizes the most important part of society, the farmers who work hard to grow the food everyone needs and their knowledge which is near sacred.

    The few months of warmtime allow to grow food and explore the world, to build houses and other things and generally live the nicer time of the year during which the sun actually shines. During the bigger part of the year no food can be grown and only few dare venture out into the world.

    For the winter is cold, harsh and unforgiving. The lands themselves are hostile and the same counts for the many various animals that try to extinguish mankind like the tiny candleflame that it is. The sun does not rize during this time. Few madmen proclaim that it actually does but that their light does not pierce the cloudy heavens.

    But who would believe these madmen when the evidence points out otherwise?

    It is not uncommon that buildings and walls are built over several seasons of warmtimes.

    The cloudy heavens also obscure the view on the obsidian tower.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)16:48 No.13103138
    Patrolling The Mojave Almost Makes You Wish For A Nuclear Winter
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)16:51 No.13103163
    And that is the setting of Fallout Germany. A technologically schizophrenic society of people who work hard to feed their children and leave a better future behind. Every 7 months the Warmtime begins when the Kaisers vassals begin with wiping the snow away and growing food. Workfolk build houses and repair the damage dealt by the harsh winter.

    Armored knights fan out to protect the farmers, explore the lands and hunt the various monsters that threaten humanity. The few remaining pre-war factories run hot to spew out swords, electroflails, plows, miniguns and steel. Couriers bring out the Kaisers orders and see if the various small villages still exist.

    Explorers disappear in old prewar ruins, animals grow up and get slaughtered and people work in small villages. Wars between humans are rare and scarce because everyone needs to work hard to bring up enough food, safety and shelter.

    All this happens in a hostile land full of frost and cold, with seven months of eternal night and vast underground complexes. Fishermen harpoon above frozen lakes, woodsmen cut trees and sometimes beasts and workers build houses and palisades.

    And the obsidian tower looms over everything, poisoning and hurting the people as a remainder of a long forgotten legacy. This is the lands of knights with gauss rifles, Moleriders with polearms and crossbowmen with fully automatic explosive bolts,

    A world of cold snow, hot death and schizophrenic technology.

    German Steel.

    >Please critisize and comment on the setting idea
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)16:55 No.13103199
    Neat ideas but a Fallout taking place outside of continental USA is ludicrous.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)17:36 No.13103564
    Fallout: UK

    The United Kingdom, America's staunchest ally and closest friend, was, unlike other nations, very involved in the war.

    The British Government had, for years, worked to prevent a stand-off between the US and China. They poured billions of pounds into the espionage and national security services. They created a nation under constant watch from every angle.

    In secret, their spies crawled all over the bloated, increasingly paranoid US. From Maryland to California, these spies peered at the American's technologies, the ones that they refused to share willingly. The most intriguing, however, were the grusome experiments of one 'Professor Calvert'.

    Calvert was a genius, an American genius, but a genius none-the-less. Through their networks, the British had heard whispers of huge advances in Robobrain technology.

    These advances, to the British, were astounding; it was well known that the British were interested in Psykers. Extremely interested. So interested were they, that out of the blue, British citizens experiencing 'metal pains' tended to disappear. Some returned, disorientated and confused, but many never returned. These advances meant that they could not only preserve the brain of a Psyker in liquid, but connect it to a Central Computer of sorts. With this system, they would have unlimited control; they would be able to control minds.

    Despite the renowned skill of the British spies, Calvert was not a fool. He watched the spy sent by the British closely as he watched his experiments, scrutinizing his every move. The most important men in British intelligence agreed; for Britain's relations with the Americans to survive intact, the spy had to go.

    The spy suceeded in passing the data to his masters, but the consequences, for him, were unimaginable. Of course, he stopped thinking about 'consequences' after he recieved his burn notice.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)17:52 No.13103679

    Not even the British could prevent the inevitable end, and, despite all the intelligence and psykers at their disposal, they couldn't stop the Americans launching their missles.

    What they could do, however, was try and prevent the bombs falling on them. In the years before the Apocalypse, the British, seeing their efforts fail, build rockets that would 'save' Britain. When the bombs finally fell, the rockets weren't enough. Too many fell on London for it to truly survive (some Ghouls insist that they saw missles coming from across the Atlantic), but the rockets prevented a disaster of epic proportions; an island of Britain's size would never survive that sort of attack. The population was in tatters. The army was all but gone. Much of England and parts of her less high-profile cousin was destroyed.

    The worst was yet to come.

    Of all the branches of the British Government, the most well entrenched, the most powerful, and the most dangerous was it's intelligence services. However, much of what they had was lost as well. Many of their best agents were lost overseas.

    They decided to stay back. To let this one play out, to act from the shadows, preventing any true challenges to their power rising. They supported certain tribes with guns and knowledge until they became too strong, wiping out their leaders and watching their petty empires crumble.

    However, many people report that the strange, floating robots that patrol the ruins of the flooded city of London and many other cities have been appearing in greater numbers, and others claim to have spoken with 'spooks', remnants of a long dead behemoth.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)18:00 No.13103757
    Not too sure about that idea myself.

    I was thinking on a Fallout: Australia. Came up with a hub idea.

    Shortly pre-war a US fleet with significantly higher than usual support vessel count was dispatched to Australia. Naturally the fleet was targeted however to preserve surprise for the strike on the US mainland the Chinese did not attack the taskforce till after the first bombs dropped giving the fleet enough time to scramble defenses and move the support craft away from the danger zone, much of the fighting fleet was sunk, however one carrier, a battleship (I am willing to bet the Fallout universe never discontinued them), and a few escorts managed to limp back to the support group that had escaped harm.

    The "support" group was the key point of the mission, it contained many geneticists associated with the enclave as well as tankers full of mutagens like FEV. The mission? To weaponize the Australian Biosphere.

    Several engineering units also went along to build structures and docks as well as robots and other items of tech.

    The scientists and Officers of the fleet maintained Enclave anti-contamination standards for the majority of the crew, though many were used for tasks where exposure was unavoidable creating an under-caste with varying degrees of mutation, this class is above the "Native" tier.

    The fleet group is mostly non-seaworthy by the time of the game, forming the "Settlement" of Lil'merrica, known for harsh laws especially concerning non-citizens, you are safe from the outside in Lil'merrica but anyone caught breaking the rules disappears quite totally after conviction.

    I have yet to decide the relations with what is left of the states or their power level overall.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)18:04 No.13103809
    As this is Australia and Mad Maxing it up is an absolute must, there will be some discovery that lets them run vehicles.

    Possibly a straight rip of the well from 2, possibly biofuels like in 3, or maybe someone stole the fusion/fission engines from the Americans.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)18:06 No.13103826

    Really? I wanted it to come across as a mixture of James Bond and The Prisoner (I imagine a companion called F). Basically, while the Yanks were mucking about with nuclear fusion tech and robots, the British were messing about with psychic powers and superspies.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)18:08 No.13103845
    Getting so many psykers so early just seems a bit counter-canon.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)18:21 No.13103955
    Most of the devs agreed they wanted to minimise the psyker stuff as much as they could as well.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)18:30 No.13104019

    Naw, the point is that they aren't Fallout 1 grade. Also, nobody ever sees them. They work through manipulation, and besides, the UK gov. have been doing research on this for decades, so it's only right that they'd know a little bit more about them than most. The number of Psykers in the antagonist faction doesn't reach above 50. The rest are human agents or soldiers. I was only putting emphasis on the Psykers because that's how they keep power.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)18:40 No.13104132


    Again, you're not getting it. Maybe I'm not explaining it well enough. These people are kept drugged to all holy hell. They are brainwashed, then they are sent out to do the Gov's bidding. The only reason there are that many is because of the chemicals in the food. Besides, I'd rather focus on the spies and mindgames side.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)18:45 No.13104190
    I didn't mean for those two posts to be separate.

    I do like the idea now though.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)20:37 No.13105110
    Can we archive this thread?

    The idea of fallout: Germany is awesome and maybe we it might get more stuff later on like most of /tg/ homebrews
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)21:18 No.13105436
    Personaly i would set a Fallout: Europe in the time of Fallout 1 and set it in the border between germany and france, now ironical called "No Mans Land".

    Both france and germany have become simliar unconnected as the USA resulting in local governments, city states or lawless areas.

    The most stable states in those two countries is the No Mans Land.
    In the Ruhr area the german government had build many bunkers inspired by the american Vaults (minus the nasty experiments), the communication and (after opening) trade between them has resulted in the Ruhr Union being one of germany's most technological advanced states.

    In France, the Maginot Line had been turned into a full survival bunker network. This resulted in the three major cities of the No Mans Land being inside the network and interconnected via countless tunnels. The topside automatic defenses and military bunkers further stablise the citys. Likewise several smaller settlements exist inside the line.
    However only the major traveling tunnels are safe, everything else contains outlaws, monsters and ghouls.

    The Maginot Citizen however feel so safe underground that their inhabitants mostly stay there only having a few minor settlements topside as trading post.

    Meanwhile however people both from the Ruhr Union and Maginot Cities, who had left for various reasons have build themself cities and organisations in the remains of old citys or instalations and are generaly called Topsiders by the bunker people, also being either devoted to their original ethnicity or actualy mixed.
    >> PSN: Tabacki 12/10/10(Fri)22:38 No.13106106
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    okay gents, this thread has gone onn for quite a while, lets archive it while its still up
    >> Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)22:48 No.13106223
    Ok everyone the thread request is made. Please go to the archive page and vote for the thread.

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