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  • File : 1289643207.jpg-(139 KB, 350x527, yuoi7t.jpg)
    139 KB A short dissertation on Viera and Mithra relations. XS !!6xEfm/rXmY7 11/13/10(Sat)05:13 No.12781103  
    Probably needs a rewrite.
    Pallowy smiled as he walked up the study gangplank, toting a large traveler's case filled with books, papers, vials, and an assortment of odds and ends, surprisingly little of which fell out to be blown into the deep gorge next to the city. Though he stayed near the middle of the heavy wooden walkway, there were chained posts to serve as railings, not just at hand height for humes, mithra, and other tall races, but also a second line of chains where the diminutive tarutaru could also use them, linked along the middle of the posts.

    A taciturn sailor stood near the gangplank, and glowered at Pallowy as he dragged his luggage along. “Permission to come aboard?” he asked cheerfully, which seemed to mollify the hume sailor somewhat.

    “Boarding pass?” It took Pallowy a moment to dig the folded parchment out of his heavy traveler's coat; the pockets were filled with as many papers, trinkets, and oddments as his luggage was. When he handed it the hume sailor, the boredom and annoyance quickly fled.

    “Sorry, sir. It's been a long day. You know your way around?” At the smiling nod the airship sailor looked relieved. “It's an honor to meet one of the professors. The captain's abroad, but he'll be back tonight. Dinner will be served at Seventh hour.” The the sailor shook Pallowy's hand and the smiling tarutaru walked onto the ship, looking around at the Zephyr.
    >> XS !!6xEfm/rXmY7 11/13/10(Sat)05:15 No.12781113
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    The airship was huge, the engines at idle, but there was a lot of bustle about the upper deck despite that. Professor Pallowy took a deep breath, enjoying the feel of being out of the stifling halls of the university. Walking over to the forecastle, he paused and looked over the deck, trying without much success to gauge the skill of the crew. An older hume reclined along the railing, his back against the polished wood, a long stemmed pipe in hand. He glanced down at the youthful seeming tarutaru and relit his pipe.

    While most of the crew was human, there were a few mithras as well; Pallowy grinned as he noticed one lithe specimen in brightly dyed leathers who was talking with several humes and gesturing at the map she was holding for them to see. “Well, this voyage may go a bit more pleasantly than expected, he murmured to himself, watching the catlike person's tail sway becomingly. “Maybe we'll get a chance to talk business, and then do some business....”

    “I wouldn't.” the older, white haired sailor spoke up, looking down at the tarutaru, who glanced up in confusion. “Ama mightn't mind talkin' business, and she mightn't mind doin' business, but THAT 'un might mind you doin' business with Ama.” He pointed with the end of his pipe towards someone on the deck, and Pallowy turned to see whom the sailor was speaking of.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)05:16 No.12781116

    That is an amazing hat.
    >> XS !!6xEfm/rXmY7 11/13/10(Sat)05:16 No.12781117
    One of the sailors stood up, and what the professor had though was an odd headdress was revealed to be a pair of long, white ears sprouting from a thick fall of lavender tipped white hair. What he had thought were leather breeches and jerkin extending from a black jacket were in fact long, chocolate colored limbs extending from a simple black and silver combat harness. The already tall creature was made even taller by a pair of long, silver chased stiletto heeled boots, and one ear twitched, turning in their directions as the obviously female viera inspected the ropes she had finished coiling.

    “Njla is the jealous type,” the sailor commented, and the viera turned to face them, looking at the sailor, then at the tiny tarutaru, who blanched at how huge the strange lapine-woman was. While her expression was placid, the narrow eyes were appraising and it was a tense moment before she turned away to enter the stairwell the navigators and the mithra warrior had gone down.

    “I can see what you mean,” the professor said shakily, mopping his brow with a handkerchief dug out of one of many pockets. “I'll just find someone else to ah...do business with.” The sailor nodded sagely, and puffed on his pipe as the magician went below decks – taking a different entrance than that the viera had gone down. As he descended into the depths of the ship, Pallowy mused idly; “Odd....I didn't think there were any viera in this game.”
    >> XS !!6xEfm/rXmY7 11/13/10(Sat)05:19 No.12781132
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    “If we stop at these three towns, it will take us longer to reach Wyndhaven, but we'll be able to pick up better cargoes as well as deliver some needed goods to those towns.” Ama Ryhhn pointed out the cities she'd indicated, all three hugging the line of the Grand Cleft that the airship traveled regularly. “It is a little out of the usual way, but I think you could turn at least....oh, an extra third more than you expect the other way.”

    The two hume sailors – the first mate and the bosun, actually – and the nu mou navigator Ama was speaking to studied the map, and discussed amongst themselves the merits of her proposition. Ama was certain they'd see it her way; it really was more profitable for them and their captain. It would also let her smuggle the crystals and tome that she'd acquired to the people who wanted them without getting noticed for leaving the ship.

    Long, powerful arms slowly encircled her from behind and she glanced up at the solemn face above her own with a smile, her tail circling the viera's waist slowly. “Sorry, time's up. My chaperone is here.” Njla 's ears twitched and she frowned slightly. Ama grinned up at her then turned her attentions back to the nu mou – he was the one who would be making the real decision. “Why don't you take it up with the captain and see what he thinks, guys? It's a good deal, after all. There isn't any rush, right?” her nonchalant attitude belied the anxiety she felt at the thought of not being able to unload the precious cargo hidden inside her and Njla's room in secrecy.
    >> XS !!6xEfm/rXmY7 11/13/10(Sat)05:22 No.12781145
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    The bosun smirked at the comment. “Actually, it's Ama's own fault – she was the one who got herself assigned to that cabin. Curiosity caught the mithra, maybe?” The first mate chuckled and the navigator lowered his nose so he could look disapprovingly at the bosun over his thick spectacles.

    Ama stretched slowly, her firm breasts rising and her tail going straight and bristling as she recovered from the rigorous lovemaking the lovely viera had put her through. As she relaxed she curled over onto her side, tail sliding back and forth across the covers lazily. “I really don't see why you make such a big deal out of it, Njla. It's fun, but it's not as important as all that.” She was mostly teasing; she really didn't see why Njla was so jealous, but it was fun, sometimes, to tease her about it. It usually led to more 'roughhousing' as the other sailors put it.

    Njla was sitting up, her ears perked as she listened to the sounds of the ship and the crew moving about. She was not concerned about privacy – there were six mithras on board, so privacy was a silly thing to be worried about. The crew did not much care who slept with who, as long as the work got done and there were no fights about it. The more buxom, larger woman glanced sidelong at her lover, and reached out, sliding her fingers along the soft stripes and thin fur along Ama's side. Ama arched and giggled, curling in on herself more.
    >> XS !!6xEfm/rXmY7 11/13/10(Sat)05:26 No.12781162
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    “Is my love such an easy thing to forget that you could so easily seek it in another's arms?” Her slow, stately speech and slightly deeper voice hid the amount of concern within the question. The mithra pushed herself up on her arms, looking at her lover with bemusement. “I know you wish to purchase the rights to one of your malekind, Ama Ryhhn, and that some day soon, you will be leaving me, but I am not so....” She took a long moment to consider her words, and Ama's tail twitched impatiently, though she did not let it show on her face quite as much. “It is not the word fickle, because you are not that. I am not sure what the word would be.”

    Ama turned herself over and laid her head on the viera's thigh, and Njla automatically started to stroke the short hair with long fingers. “I think the word you're looking for is 'promiscuous'.” Njla frowned down at the feline creature who grinned up at her good-naturedly. “Well, we are. It's fun, it's a good way to socialize, and we really don't have to worry about pregnancy, after all. We've got to collect enough money not just to purchase a male's rights for a while, but to make sure we can stay in the village for long enough to raise a child to adulthood and make sure she's got enough to stand on her own before we have to leave again. Sex is a distraction, but it's not everything good.”
    >> XS !!6xEfm/rXmY7 11/13/10(Sat)05:28 No.12781167
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    Reaching up Ama tangled her hand in the thick, almost wiry lavender tipped hair of the viera. “I love that you watch out for me. I mean, I'm no helpless tarutaru, or senseless hume, but knowing you have my back is comforting. Being able to trust you, that's even more important.” It was impossible to hide the crystals from the mist-sensitive viera, and it had been a surprise to the mithra to discover Njla had known about her smuggling the entire time they'd bunked together, even before they'd become lovers. “I mean....well, you know what I mean.” She pulled the viera's head down and kissed her, thoroughly, for quite some time.

    Njla sat up slowly, looking down at the beautiful feline with that placid non-expression her kind seemed to possess naturally. Ama wasn't fooled in the slightest. Viera were usually calm and stoic, but there was nothing emotionless or entirely placid about them. They might have looked like rabbits to most people, but the mithra could smell the difference between herbivores and ominvores; all omnivores were dangerous. Especially the ones that did not look like omnivores. “When will you be leaving, Ama Rhynn?” she asked softly, her eyes soft and a little sad. Ama blinked, knowing better than to pretend the viera meant for the next smuggling delivery or pickup. She sat up a little, propping herself up on her elbows and craning her neck to look at the serious warrior.
    >> XS !!6xEfm/rXmY7 11/13/10(Sat)05:31 No.12781172
    “Actually....” Ama glanced over at the small chest affixed to the floor across from their bed. “I've actually had enough to go home for about a year now.” The viera stiffened, her hand going rigid in her lover's hair. Ama turned to look back at Njla. “I have close to twice what I've needed. When you started helping me, the money came in a lot faster.” The viera looked down at Ama, her ears laid back in a state of shock, her dark eyes wide. “What? I told you sex wasn't everything. You really should pay better attention.”

    Njla grabbed Ama and hugged her tight, her chest heaving as she suppressed the urge to cry. “Hey, hey now...none of that....it's okay, really!” Ama stroked her back gently, ignoring the bone crushing hug as best she could. The next kiss was intense, and lead very quickly to much more than kissing.
    Night had fallen by the time Njla had finished demonstrating her appreciation for the clever smuggler's presence in her life. Incongruously, it was the taller lapine-woman's head that rested on the soft belly of her feline lover. “Ama?” she murmured softly.

    “Hrrrrrrrrrrmmmm?” The purr was not entirely intentional.
    >> XS !!6xEfm/rXmY7 11/13/10(Sat)05:32 No.12781174
    “Are your children going to be called mittens?” She was perfectly fine with the idea of her lover purchasing rights to a male, now that she was no longer just a momentary distraction in the beautiful mithra warrior's life.

    “What?! No! Why would you...” Ama looked down at the semi-conscious viera with wide, bemused eyes. “I know you're not mist-addled....”

    “Well, cats have kittens, so....”

    “....go to sleep, you dumb bunny.” The viera was sleeping soundly moments later. Mittens? What the hell....Ama sighed and let herself drift off to sleep, secure in the knowledge she would never be alone in her life.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)05:32 No.12781176
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    Damn your duckpond, how do the Lamias fit into this?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)05:33 No.12781182
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    Is there any kind of Ivalice p&p rpg?

    This would be grand.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)05:35 No.12781189
    Some dudes were making an online sourcebook for the Returners system Final Fantasy RPG, but I don't think it ever finished sadly.
    >> XS !!6xEfm/rXmY7 11/13/10(Sat)05:35 No.12781198
    ....they don't? Maybe another time. It would be hard to top lilliend and dryad lovemaking. I don't think i've written lamiaporn yet.

    Gnollport, yes, but not lamiaporn.

    Back to anon with me.
    >> MR. RAGE !D9l9S8Lio6 11/13/10(Sat)05:37 No.12781203
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    >“Well, cats have kittens, so....”
    >so mithra kittens are called mittens

    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)05:38 No.12781211
    I had nightmares while I was in the hospital centered on that stupid joke.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)05:39 No.12781215
    lesbian bunny and cat girls?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)05:42 No.12781225
    The premise was brought up about sexual relations between the stoic, warrior viera and the merchant-mercenary mithra. The mithra had the whole casual sex thing going because, well, all their males are stuck safely away in a hidden village and they need to prove themselves worthy and capable of earning the right to bear children, while viera also live seperately from ther males, but any non-forest dwellers are outcasts and they seem to be somewhat prudish....hence this little tale.

    It could really be expanded upon, I suppose. I'll work on it eventually.
    >> DatFrigginGoomba !ikPvLvYZGU 11/13/10(Sat)05:42 No.12781228
    Thanks, Rage, reading this made me :3
    Now I can go to sleep happy, as opposed to pissed off about the last weeks trials. Appreciate it.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)05:47 No.12781254
    Hey, when are you going to get back to poor Mercurial?

    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)05:47 No.12781259
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    What a pity...
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)05:48 No.12781265
    I have two stories half finished.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)05:49 No.12781268
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    Well, the sociologist in me is pleased by this little glimpse into inter-species relations.

    And the rest of me is squeeing like a little bitch. OH GOD THE ADORABLE

    Would anyone be willing to drawfag this shit?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)05:52 No.12781285
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    May I ask what it is Ama smuggles?

    Actually, what the heck kind of black market does that world even have?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)05:54 No.12781295
    Delicious catgirl orgies, running through my mind.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)05:58 No.12781306
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    The traditional "wine, food and fucking everywhere" kind of orgy.

    I imagine Mithra social gatherings are....entertaining.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)05:59 No.12781313
    will some archive / save on 1d4chan or something this?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:05 No.12781336
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    Hey now, we ain't finished yet. We still have DISCUSSan to do.

    Ivalice's black market shenanigans, more interracial sociology to look at, and those are just the tip of the iceberg.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:05 No.12781338
    Magical tomes, magicite crystals, various trinkets, possibly illicit materials. there's always someone forbidding something to someone else, and there's always a profit in getting that to them.
    Basically, yes. Our workup of their social structure was that sex as more or less friendly and without real social ties, and generally vanilla except maybe as part of establishing a pecking order amongst themselves when you had too many female mithra in any given place. Obviously not true of the viera. Even Fran stated that "he wooed me with something other than flowers and poems."
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:07 No.12781341

    suptg would work, but I don't feel like doing that right now, sick and such.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:08 No.12781343
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    Mithra dump
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:11 No.12781358
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    I have shamed /tg/ it is all I have
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:11 No.12781360
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:12 No.12781361
    And it's fine too.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:12 No.12781362
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    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:13 No.12781366
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    I believe the vague consensus was that since Viera are rather traditional in their lifestyles and since they're a very matriarchal society, they'd be pretty damned monogamous about sex in general.

    And also very rough in bed.

    I'd love to see just how the hell Njla went and dominated herself a Mithra. That's gotta be one of the most socially awkward moments ever.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:13 No.12781368
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    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:15 No.12781377
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    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:15 No.12781378
    >Even Fran stated that "he wooed me with something other than flowers and poems."

    He shot big, burly animals and offered her gifts of raw meat?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:16 No.12781381
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    I can't even begin to imagine how awkward meeting the parents is going to be.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:17 No.12781386
    Actually, it's implied that Ama was curious about viera and got herself into the poor bunny's bed, and then found herself unwilling to just break the poor girl's heart when she realized she had it....and they grew together from there.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:18 No.12781390
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    Probably. I can't imagine Viera wouldn't want the manliest, most testosterone-poisoned fucktoys they could find to sire all their children. Wouldn't want any Viera growing up to be a little sissy-girl would you?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:18 No.12781391
    This reminds me, does anyone else miss VieraQuest? It was well-written, didn't dive headlong into porn, and was getting interesting.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:19 No.12781394
    This is just disgusting. There isn't enough insulin in the world for this.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:19 No.12781395
    Not sure. Apparently others had tried to woo her, but I think he offered to show her the entire world and all the cool stuff in it that they could steal.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:20 No.12781401
    Kind of terrifying coming from XS the way it does, huh?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:20 No.12781403
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:23 No.12781412

    "I offered her THE WORLD at the speed of my Airship. Reluctantly she accepted."
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:23 No.12781413
    You know this just makes me want to see more of these characters. Like, maybe their respective backstories, how they met, stuff like that.

    Hell, I'd like to see more of Professor Hitsoneverything.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:25 No.12781424
    >Hell, I'd like to see more of Professor Hitsoneverything.

    He does it for SCIENCE and he does not afraid of anything.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:26 No.12781426
    If I knew more about FF in general I might be tempted. As it is I had to do research online for even the little bits I presented here. I don't play computer RPGs at all.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:27 No.12781432
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    It amazes me that /tg/ didn't think of this pairing earlier. It's like a perfect combination of opposites.

    You've got the stoic, honorable hunter amazon woman who thinks that sex is for making babbies and plays by the book. And then you've got a fucking catgirl who bangs everything in sight and regularly flaunts the law.

    It's like The Odd Couple. Except...with lesbianism. And catgirls. And bunny ears.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:29 No.12781439
    Try reading Level Up, maybe?
    >page not found
    Oh, fuck that.

    There's probably a wiki about it somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:32 No.12781458
    Bear in mind the flaunting the law was to a purpose....she just kind of lost interest in said purpose when she fell in love. Well, maybe not entirely, but she was willing to put it off for a year or two.

    We determined that mithra social status is determined by the capacity for gaining wealth - not merely strength of arms, because anyone can be good at that, but cleverness and skill at marshalling their resurces and collecting real wealth. the ones who can keep the males in style get more opportunities to have kittens, and they can stay close to home for longer than others can. I suspect prices would be fairly inflated by the level of wealth; the mithras would have something like an oligarchy, with males being less 'property' than 'valuable resource'.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:37 No.12781471
    I have read Level Up - I like Perry's stuff. But more to the point is that they actually don't belong in the same worlds. I don't think there is a game that had mithra and viera in it at the same time other than one of the lesser known tactical combat games.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:45 No.12781490
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    Yeah, Mithra are present in FF11 (and some others? not sure) and Viera appeared only in FFXII.

    Well, that just means we have to somehow kitbash Ivalice and...wherever the fuck...into one coherent world.

    Hey, maybe ALL the Final Fantasy games are set in the same universe? Different planets, perhaps? Different continents? Who knows?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:46 No.12781493

    hey hey, if /tg/ can ink-eyesXfreya, then actually being in an official universe is not required.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:47 No.12781494

    or maybe a cosmic crisis caused all the FF worlds to fuse together.

    Fucking Lizzards. and such
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:49 No.12781499
    Or maybe there's some kind of interdimensional shenanigans going on.

    Any remotely sensible suggestions, anyway?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:52 No.12781511
    So, we have some Ama+Njla curious folks, willing to overlook my terrible unfamiliarity with the games.

    The current request is for some deep background on each, then some background on how their affair started, and some work on the professor as well....is this what is wanted?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:55 No.12781520
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    That'd be nice, but we really need to work on fleshing out this whole mishmash world. Can we get some FF geniuseses in here maybe?

    I even used the Viera signal.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)06:57 No.12781526
    When you say "some" it's only really me. There's nobody else in this thread.

    I think they're all asleep. Slackers.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)07:01 No.12781545
    I think viera were pretty much isomated to the one where there is Mist and Magicite alike; mithra show up in a lot more of them, but they fill the same niche - all female race of nekomimi/usagimimi.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)07:03 No.12781552

    That is a legendary ass.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)07:04 No.12781554
    derp. Isolated
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)07:05 No.12781559
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    I assume you mean "isolated" right?
    >all-female kemonomimi
    True, they're both shameless fanservice, but in very different ways.

    Viera are amazonian bunnygirls who will fucking kill you a lot. And they really ARE a One Gender Race.

    Mithra are just slutty catgirls who do anything for money.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)07:08 No.12781573
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    Even Japanese girls can look good in this.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)07:10 No.12781579
    From my research i discovered that there are male viera - they live in a village in the forest some distance away from the females who live in the forest. However, any viera not in the forest is a loner, an outcast from their society. The males are never outcasts and never leave their village - the females have to go to them r they may meet together in the forest outside their respective villages - that is never made clear. Unlike the mithra, there is no 'male shortage', just utter isolationism.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)07:12 No.12781591
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    That is clearly propaganda. Otherwise why would there be so many outcast Viera after our male types?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)07:13 No.12781596
    >Asian with DAT ASS
    I never thought this day would cum
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)07:14 No.12781597
    Is it so bad to want to see male muscle bunnies and/or bishi bunnies?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)07:14 No.12781604
    Because a truly parthenogenic species wouldn't seek out sex from any other species. They wouldn't need to.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)07:15 No.12781608
         File1289650549.jpg-(57 KB, 500x500, 1252603976732.jpg)
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    It's probably like an entire village full of Cho Aniki.

    Not that anyone would know. Outsiders don't visit the Viera's forests to see guys.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)07:16 No.12781611
    Is there another term for parthenogenesis if it's males of other species that induce it?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)07:18 No.12781617

    .... not sure if want.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)07:19 No.12781624
    Not that I know of. Mating induced parthogenic reproduction? Of course, that means Ana could give Njla a baby bunnygirl.....
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)07:21 No.12781634
         File1289650905.jpg-(78 KB, 400x589, 8b08f406db40c030ec924cc608c1a5(...).jpg)
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    I think it has to be a male.

    So, wait, maybe Viera are just REALLY genetically cross-compatible? They just have very dominant genes.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)07:26 No.12781651
    /u/ would be disappointed in the lack of mithra-viera sciencebabies. On the other hand, that's an idea with some merit....
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)07:27 No.12781658
         File1289651278.jpg-(138 KB, 933x369, mating.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)07:31 No.12781672
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)07:34 No.12781684
    ... more please
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)07:38 No.12781698


    How do I link across boards anyway?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)07:47 No.12781734
         File1289652440.jpg-(170 KB, 800x800, e59f49423a1dd00ab2481e769e3ed5(...).jpg)
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    Well, Mithra ARE known to spontaneously grow dicks for no adequately explored reason...

    In other news, is anyone awake yet? I can't mash two different game worlds into each other all by myself, knowing fuck all about either.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)07:57 No.12781778
    >suddenly the thread dies down due to fapping fa/tg/uys
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)07:58 No.12781781
         File1289653120.jpg-(179 KB, 421x648, 126322270317.jpg)
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    >implying this thread was alive in the first place.

    Nobody else wants to discuss fluff collisions with me. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)08:00 No.12781789
    Sorry bra I know nothing about FF, try later.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)08:04 No.12781801
         File1289653458.jpg-(54 KB, 295x467, 14878.jpg)
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    >Or maybe there's some kind of interdimensional shenanigans going on.

    More like Vanadiel was never seen in its entirety in FFXI so for all we know another continent out there has Viera on it.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)08:06 No.12781808
         File1289653589.jpg-(291 KB, 523x749, 126322237023.jpg)
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    So the "same planet, different continents" theory from before?

    Which races are in both games and are there any severe differences in terms of social structure, technology or whathaveyou?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)08:09 No.12781818
         File1289653761.jpg-(96 KB, 450x350, 1263864000673.jpg)
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    Realistically mithra probably wouldn't have a sex-drive year round. Unlike humans they don't get to mate often so it serves no purpose. It is more likely that they'd go into "heat" periodically... or maybe only when they catch scent of a male mithra's pheromones.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)08:10 No.12781824
         File1289653847.jpg-(49 KB, 500x500, chocolatetits.jpg)
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    >Which races are in both games and are there any severe differences in terms of social structure, technology or whathaveyou?

    Well I've never played 12 but hume are in both games and to my knowledge their tech-levels are about the same. However as I said I never played 12...
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)08:12 No.12781830
         File1289653927.jpg-(151 KB, 814x900, 126322461322.jpg)
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    You're not really getting it, are you?

    Mithra don't use sex solely for reproduction. It's a social lubricant for them. It's something they use to get what they want. It's something they do to say "I am better than you because I totally fucked you up". The reproductive aspect is a totally different part.

    In fact, I can imagine that sex with a male Mithra would mostly be an awful lot of animalistic humping. Very functional and very straight-to-the-point.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)08:17 No.12781841
         File1289654228.jpg-(39 KB, 295x428, gentleman.jpg)
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    Mithra would be a bunch of heart breakers then, and probably spread shitloads of venereal diseases. I'd petition the City Council to pass an ordinance forbidding mithra from residing anywhere within city limits!

    They're a heal hazard, and they're all career criminals to boot!
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)08:17 No.12781844
    That's what makes them so lovable!

    Flawless fap fodder is boring, after all.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)08:18 No.12781845
         File1289654293.jpg-(155 KB, 600x600, cigs.jpg)
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    Do mithra have toe nails or do they have claws?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)08:22 No.12781859
    Maybe it's a combination of both? Maybe their fingernails are just sharper than ours?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)08:26 No.12781875
         File1289654797.gif-(84 KB, 300x318, dashing.gif)
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    Hear hear, Alfred Willhelm the IV built this town on venereal diseases when we banished the Indian natives with them.

    The Mithra are greatly improving our fair cities economy, more stolen goods and slaves have been traced through our ports, than anywhere across the coastline, why? Cause goddammit we need that money and i'm not sitting by idly while we turn this island into a tourist resort.
    >> MonkeyToho 11/13/10(Sat)08:26 No.12781876
         File1289654801.jpg-(355 KB, 1200x1790, Kuroshiki 08 pg4.jpg)
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    rolled 90 = 90

    >I imagine Mithra social gatherings are....entertaining.


    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)08:28 No.12781879
         File1289654926.jpg-(972 KB, 1104x1557, Giftart_Mithra___Noir01_by_yun(...).jpg)
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    Hmm. It's a possibility.

    Okay, are mithra covered in fur or not? Personally I always imagined they had a very light coat of peach-fuzz like hair. Really soft, but only visible if the light hit just right.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)08:31 No.12781891
         File1289655080.png-(19 KB, 600x600, mithnoob.png)
    19 KB
    I once tried to stat mithra for Arcanum.

    I figured they'd have a penalty to beauty and negative reaction modifiers (more than would come from lower beauty) because most proper gentiles consider them beastly, unclean, and prone to deviant behavior.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)08:35 No.12781909
    It would be a nice gap between higher and lower caste, to where they find acceptance.

    Trashy bar? Yes please more catwoman.
    Noble's banquet? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)08:38 No.12781925
         File1289655533.jpg-(129 KB, 594x873, mithrdmpose.jpg)
    129 KB
    >Trashy bar? Yes please more catwoman.
    >Noble's banquet? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

    Exactly. Mithra are only fit to be with behind closed doors, within the privacy of classy brothels.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)08:39 No.12781929
    >Seeing bunny ears
    >enter thread, saving pictures
    >scrolling down, ignoring text, saving pics left and right.
    >reach bottom, press F5
    >No new pics
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)08:41 No.12781946
    Or more likely just lower class citizens, like bakers carpenters at highest maybe the estranged scholar.
    And ofcoarse pirates and thugs.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)08:44 No.12781966
         File1289655875.png-(255 KB, 500x700, mithstockings.png)
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    >Or more likely just lower class citizens, like bakers carpenters at highest maybe the estranged scholar.
    >And ofcoarse pirates and thugs.

    No, they'd never be allowed "legitimate" jobs. Just being friends with a mithra lowers your social status. Remember, there is no middle class in this age. If you own a business you're upper class.

    Can you imagine it? A mithra running a grocer? She'd probably raid her own stores and sell the loot on the black market!


    It's preposterous!
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)08:47 No.12781981
         File1289656041.jpg-(134 KB, 577x747, mithrdmpose2.jpg)
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    Oh goodness that picture...
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)08:49 No.12781994
         File1289656153.jpg-(49 KB, 457x586, civilizedmithra.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)08:49 No.12781996
         File1289656186.jpg-(64 KB, 401x289, 1205619217071.jpg)
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    The mithra social system is a lot different compare to humans. Hell, they even had the lowest charisma of all races on FFXI. I'd see them mostly as thieves, pirates, mercenaries and such.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)08:50 No.12782000
         File1289656223.png-(108 KB, 323x188, Reaction 254.png)
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    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)08:56 No.12782029
    Well, Mithra have a high wis (they get all the best bargains), a high dex (that tail!), and a penalty to charisma because everyone sees them as money-grubbing sex-fanatics with weird social structures. (this right out of the FF wikis).

    Viera encountered outside the forest are strong, intelligent, and sadly, a little out of touch with their mystical roots (+str, +int, -wis). Most people see them as great warriors and tactical geniuses (CREEEEEEED) but not as friendly people.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)08:57 No.12782039
         File1289656675.jpg-(22 KB, 447x366, datass.jpg)
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    >you'll be accompanying this platoon as husbands(whores)
    Damn straight I will.

    captcha: nearly dozings
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)09:04 No.12782072
    in FFTA you meet a male viera he is one of the clan members you can get

    he explains that the females roam the world and the men stay in their villages in the forests and raise kids etc

    you are so fucking wrong it isn't even funny
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)09:12 No.12782131
    That's nice. The wiki doesn't give any information at all, and that means we're pretty much going on what little they do give us. Either be helpfull or ignore the thread please.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)09:20 No.12782179
         File1289658044.jpg-(90 KB, 624x900, FFXI___Mmm___by_pika.jpg)
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    >The mithra social system is a lot different compare to humans. Hell, they even had the lowest charisma of all races on FFXI. I'd see them mostly as thieves, pirates, mercenaries and such.

    The Bastokan navy whooped their pirate asses!
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)09:43 No.12782291
    links to the wiki please?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)10:47 No.12782740

    This is the one I used.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)10:55 No.12782816
    Can't believe this thread's still around.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)10:56 No.12782820
    It was an accident. Also, helps bump the /b/tardation from the top.
    >> !/Mithra3HQ 11/13/10(Sat)10:58 No.12782836
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)11:08 No.12782894
    For a second, I almost thought someone else cared about the whole meshworld fanwanking bullshit. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)17:04 No.12785970
    Le bump.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)18:07 No.12786601
         File1289689622.jpg-(30 KB, 599x564, reaction 105.jpg)
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    >mfw someone saved one of my pics
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)18:38 No.12786891

    I care.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)23:20 No.12789819
    Now this story just needs them raising a babby together. And possibly lesbian smut.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)23:21 No.12789829

    fucking furries
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)23:27 No.12789890
    Boy I sure am sleepy. I really need to get some fucking sleep.

    Gotta check /tg/ first.

    >finds new XS writefaggotry


    Might as well make that coffee then.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)05:21 No.12792889
    But what kind of baby? A kitten or a pup?

    Yes, baby rabbits are called pups. I do not know why. but it makes the pairing all the more amusing.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)05:59 No.12793181

    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)06:01 No.12793196
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)06:04 No.12793216
    I thought you died. Too bad you didn't.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)06:05 No.12793227

    You should probably eat more barbed dick and die faster, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)06:09 No.12793249
    I'm glad that Lord Janitor deems this thread worthy.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)06:17 No.12793296
         File1289733420.png-(40 KB, 509x572, 1289729017144.png)
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    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)06:29 No.12793389
    Your hate only makes me stronger.

    What doesn't kill me makes me more bitter and resentful.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/10(Sun)09:11 No.12794192
         File1289743892.jpg-(57 KB, 411x334, reaction 70.jpg)
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    >mithra & viera

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