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10/23/10(Sat)02:30 No.12541736 File1287815447.jpg-(36 KB, 500x325, wall-building-robot-1.jpg)
 >>12541249 Waallll.. building robot.
>2009 Over a period of three weeks (October 5th to October 27th), a robot by the name of R-O-B had established a wall, but not a typical wall. The “Pike Loop” gets it’s name from the special design, a forever going “loop”, formed by complex mathematical equations. Materially, the design is composed of bricks and glue, but digitally, it is a design made up of physical laws. They had programmed this robot to take the architectural design and create a close to exact form of the design in the field. R-O-B has been able to do what most robots can’t and surely what no human can do alone either. Like building a castle out of playing cards, R-O-B had staked up the bricks just right, so that the bricks are barely even touching. “Digital characteristics can enrich a material and thus influence its architectural expression and functionality,” says Fabio Gramazio and Matthias Kohler, the researchers behind this particular work of art.
Though brick walls are very common in New York City, this design is particularly different. As seen in the picture, the forming of the bricks, gives a defendant 3-D look to it, and at sometimes, a wavy look. In my opinion, the formation looks like little skyscrapers waiting to be built on more and more.
>fourth linegran and some people felt that the development of robots with sentience passing the Fourth Linegran Computational Complexity Quotient, or simply, the fourth linegran, was too risky. The matter would be settled in just under 5 years. |